Aria watched quietly as Aali read the two sentences written on the card that came with the roses over and over again. It had been in his hand for a while now and Aria is pretty sure he had memorized everything that's on it from the words, to the designs on the card.

He had been staring that long.

"Are you sure you don't have anyone in mind? Anyone that would do this to you?" Fahad asked again for the umpteenth time. Aria is sure he has memorized her answer too because they had been on it, that long.

She's starting to wonder if the two men have a problem seeing or hearing stuff well.

She released a breath, forcing herself to not snap because she knows they are both only looking out for her. But it's really annoying to be asked the same thing over and over again. Would that be of any help to any of them? Shouldn't they be drawing a plan instead of going over the same thing? "No I don't. Sure there are people that dislike...hate me" She paused a bit to change the word, "But I doubt any of them would want to spend a penny on me and go through the struggle to send that"

Fahad nodded, just like he had been doing the last time before he sighed, massaging his face with his hand. "Maybe we're overthinking this"

For the very first time since the couple returned to his office and settled down, Aali looked up from the card to stare at the man he calls his best friend with a blank expression masking his features. "What?" He asked, his voice weirdly calm.

He didn't want to say anything but he was tempted to ask if this happened to Emmarah, would he think they are overreacting or would he really overreact?

It is a simple fact, Aali trusts Fahad with his life. However, with the sudden disappearance of Amadu and with Aali's trust in him slowly diminishing he find himself wondering if he should really trust Fahad. Sure the man has been his best friend and has known him since childhood but it's the same with Muneer and Amadu.

And where are they now?

If you can't trust your blood and your friend then who should you trust?

It's times like this that makes Aali detest the royal life. It's hard to find someone that you can truly trust.

One glance at Aali, and Fahad knew what is going on in his head. Truth be told, he doesn't blame him, even he would feel the same way if he was in the same shoes as Aali. He had been with Aali through the bad and the good moments. He had watched the man grow along with him and he knew the trust they both have in each other kept them going.

But to think that trust is slowly going away. The thought had him sighing.

"I have no reason to betray you, Aali" Fahad voiced out, answering Aali's unvoiced question. The question is written all over Aali's face since he didn't bother to hide it.

He is also being honest with his words. Loyalty means a lot to him, especially when it concerns Aali. Sure, he loves to annoy the man to no ends but he will never betray Aali for any reason at all. He can never.

Aali looked away, dropping the card on the table as his silent way of trusting Fahad...partially. Truth be told, aside from his father, Shehu and Aria, he trusts no one else in the palace.

His father and wife are out of the equation, obviously. And Shehu has always been a father figure to him even on days he didn't have one to look up to, he was always there.

Aria watched the two quietly. She and Aali didn't talk about it, but she knew after the Amadu incident he is having a hard time with the 'trust' issue even if nothing about the guard has been finalized yet.

But absence too is a loud answer.

As if feeling her gaze on him, Aali turned around to face her. He didn't say a word, and his expression was blank but his eyes didn't lie. There was this look in them that from a glance Aria knew he was silently asking for her input on whether to trust Fahad or not.

She didn't know if he asked her as a lawyer or as his wife but nonetheless, there was this strange sense of happiness that crashed on her knowing he still cared to ask.

Without throwing Fahad another glance she offered her husband a nod. She trusted Fahad, and she hopes that he won't lose his trust in the man too. Sure enough, the man does weird stuff but she has no ounce of doubt in her that Fahad can be trusted.

Aali released a breath, offering her a small smile as a way of letting her know he trusts her decision before turning to Fahad. The man's face didn't seem like he is offended by what Aali insinuated because he tries to understand where his best friend is coming from.

"We can try to look for the person but we don't have much to work with" Fahad offered instead of his thought from before. "We have roses and a letter. I don't think it's only me that thinks the 'stay safe' part seems weird, right?"

Aali nodded, "I've been thinking of that" he let out a low breath. He stood up from his chair and strolled over to the couch where Aria sat. He took the space beside her, turning around to look at her. He extended his hand to hold hers, his thumb caressing the back of her hand softly. "Askim, I'm sorry for what I'm about to do" His eyes bore into hers.

Aria rose a brow, "What will you do?" She asked cautiously, eying him warily. She barely trusts the man when he is mischievous however, him being like that is indirectly telling her that she shouldn't trust him to like what he will utter.

It won't be in her favor.

"I'll have guards stay with you all the time"

She gave him the bored look, "Weren't you already doing that?" Her arched brow rose, making him chuckle slightly as he shook his head and looked down. She turned around to look at Fahad who pretended to be oblivious to the whole thing. "You too, don't pretend like you don't know anything about this"

Fahad chuckled, scratching the back of his head as he looked away. Aria was being playful; they both knew that. Nonetheless, they would rather stay away from the scold that will come even then.

Shaking her head, Aria turned to look at her husband. "At least tell them to try and not be seen by me anymore. It's annoying to know I'm constantly being watched" She would've argued about the whole guards thing, but she knew this is a serious situation.

Her life is being threatened, even though so far it's not a dire advance but still. She knew it would be better to be safe than sorry.

She needs to be alive so she can get justice for her brother and Aminatu's husband. Speaking of which, she made a mental note to look for information about Umar Shettima on her own because clearly, she won't get anything from Fahad with the current situation.

He will undoubtedly tell Aali right away and then the whole 'dangerous' thing will start.

Aali offered her a small grin, "Okay I will"

"Good" The sound of her phone ringing had her shifting her gaze from her husband to the small table in front of them where she had kept her phone earlier. She reached her hand out to pick it up, brows drawing in close when she realized that it's an unknown number.

Her face fell, as she swiveled her head to look at Aali. It wasn't a private number as she could see the numbers clearly but she doesn't have the number. Both Aali and Fahad notice the distress that took over her expression.

"Answer it" Aali said, sitting up straight as he moved close to the phone. "But put it on speaker"

She nodded, and after muttering a Bismillah she slid the answer button and tapped on the speaker one. She didn't say anything, and instead waited for the voice that came not even a second later.

"Mrs. Bello?"

"Yes. Who is speaking please" Aria found herself stunned by how calm she sounded, as if internally she wasn't shaking like a leaf.

Aria has confidence, a little bit too much sometimes but at that moment, nothing felt right to her. First, it was her unable to get to her family, then the roses issue, then the whole Umar Shettima thing and now, a phone call?

She already enough going on and that wasn't how she planned for her first day at work to go. To be honest, aside from the nasty people that weren't there at work; the stress she got there and at the palace are about the same.

Can't she just get a day of rest? Just a day off all the drama and whatnot. This was not what she signed up for? Nope. Not at all.

"This is Officer David from the NPF Hadewa branch. We would like you to come over today for questioning"

If possible, her brows drew in deeper. "Questioning? For what? What kind of questioning"

"Questioning about the murder of Hameed TayyuSafwan"

Aria fought to held back the scoff that threatened to leave her slightly parted lips. Murder of Hameed? What? So now it's back to her. How could they think she killed her own brother? Weren't they satisfied ruining Maya's name?

Instead of the scoff, she swiveled her head to look at Aali who placed his hand on hers, giving it an assuring squeeze. Unlike she expected, he didn't seem the least bit worried about the issue at all.

Wasn't he supposed to be concerned that his wife is considered a murder suspect? He seemed oddly calm and so un-Aali like.

"Officer, I am Maya's lawyer. I can't be a suspect; I've never been one"

"We will decide that first Ma'am. And if we see that you are indeed innocent, then you can continue to be her lawyer. But in the mean-time, be well aware that you cannot travel abroad under any circumstance till your name is cleared else you will be making things bad for you" Normally, they would go over to the suspect and invite him personally, eye to eye, for questioning.

However, they are aware that she is with Aali now and they wouldn't want to get on the Prince's bad side just like that. At least now that they've called her, if she didn't know up by the end of the day then they can head over to get her with no worries. But for the moment they will trust that the Princess will do what is right.

"Okay, I will be there" She replied without a hesitation. She didn't see the need to worry just like Aali. Clearly, the man knows that she is innocent hence why he didn't seem the least bothered.

Besides, she wasn't even in the country. She has witnesses that will testify for her, one being Delilah who also happens to be in the country. She has been since Eric came along with the others. Apparently, they have some sort of mission in the country and since they are a team, they all came together. Though the mission wasn't in any way related to what Eric happens to be doing at the moment.

The officer ended the call, and once that happened, she dropped the phone and used her fingers to massage her temples. The day seemed to be her lucky one because another problem just got added.

"I'm coming with you" Aali declared, giving her left hand which he still held a small squeeze of assurance.

"I don't think you can" Fahad's voice came, and for a minute Aria had forgotten that he is actually there.

Aali looked up, his gaze moving from his wife to his best friend, "And why not?"

"You have a meeting with some of the members from other Emirates that are coming today. They have already arrived, and you cannot keep them waiting"

Fahad's words had Aali's brows deeply drawn in and lips tugged into a deep frown. He had forgotten all about that but now that it has been mentioned, he knew that he cannot miss it because it is a very important meeting. And since the Calipha isn't there, he has to be there as the next one in line. He can't ditch them or keep them waiting.

"Go" Aria's words had him snapping out of his trance. He blinked, moving his gaze down to her, "I'll be fine on my own. I'm a damn Attorney for God's sake" She didn't know if she was trying to assure him or herself but whichever it is, it seems to be working because he smiled and she felt a little bit better.

Sure, life is throwing lemons at her. But her solution will be to make vodka. If there's a Halaal one because heaven is the goal.

"Fahad, then you should go with her. You are a lawyer so I'll be calm knowing you're there"

"I can't" He gave them an apologetic look, "I have a case hearing right now. I can't ditch it either"

Aali sighed deeply.

"It's okay Aali. I can handle myself"

Aali offered her a smile that was filled with uncertainty. He was really weighing his options to see if he could shift the meeting so he could be there for her.

As if knowing what's going on in that head of his, she spoke up. "Don't" She warned, giving him a stern look. "You have to do this, and I have to do this. I have nothing to be worried about"

Aali's smile widened. He threw an arm around her, pressing his lips to her temple before he pulled her in for a side hug. "You're right. You did nothing wrong so walk in there with your head held up high because you will leave the place like that. They can't pin anything on you"

"And if they do?" She couldn't help but wonder. She knows she's innocent but she was never a suspect. Why now? What sort of mischief was planned against her like this?

"Then they'll have a furious husband to deal with"

She chuckled, thinking he is joking. When his chuckle never came, she pulled away and stare at him. "You're joking, right?"

"I'm not. They will really have a furious husband to deal with. Nobody messes with my wife and get away with it. Always remember that Askim"


A complete and utter waste of time. That's what it was.

That was the thought that filled Aria's head as she speeds drive over to Maya's house hoping she won't encounter any police or get pulled up. She has too much anger in her at the moment to even bother to follow the rules or pretend to be nice.

After she was interrogated, which by the way was a complete waste of time since they have no credible evidence against her, her name still wasn't cleared so she is still a 'suspect' just like Maya. Her sister was there too, but she is detained so she can't leave.

Unlike her, they apparently have evidence against Maya which she couldn't get out of since no one was there to vouch for her. The conversation the two had still filled her head, and it infuriated her more the more she thinks of it.

"Weren't you with anyone at the moment?" Aria asked, sitting across Maya in the small room they were allowed to stay in for the conversation. Maya had apparently been held since the day before and though it has only been a day, Aria could see it's taking a toll on her sister.

Maya sighed, looking down as she fiddled with her fingers.

"Someone was there, right?" Aria could tell that Maya is hiding something from her. She could always tell, even that day at her house she just chose to ignore it.

Maya buried her face between her palms.

"Tell me, Maya"

"Why does it matter Aria?" Maya asked, looking up. Her eyes held fury but her tone came out filled with exhaustion. She was tired of saying the same thing when it doesn't matter at all.

"How can you ask me that, Maya?" Aria asked, disbelief coating her tone. "Of course it matters because then we can get the person to vouch for you and prove your innocence"

Maya chuckled bitterly, her eyes welling up. "Well he already denied it so..." She gave it a small shrug.

Aria frowned. "What do you mean 'he' denied it?"

Maya let out a sigh, as if that will lessen the pain in her heart. "Muneer" She stated, "He was there with me that day"


"He denied everything" She chuckled bitterly, swallowing thickly as her eyes burned with unshed tears. She hated that she is weak and cries because of him but how could she not? The man she has been in love with for three years, her very own husband just changed in what? Three weeks? "Said he didn't even know me then"

"That piece of..."

So that's where Aria was, on her way to Maya's house to ask Muneer what is going on in that stupid head of his and why he is treating her sister like that.

When she reached the house, she was quick to step out of her car and all but storm into the house. Thankfully, the guard let her in having recognize her even though she had never been there but he knows the Princess. Everyone does.

"MUNEER!" Aria screamed, the minute she had stepped foot in the house. She saw his cars in the parking lot, and none seemed to be missing so he has to be there. At least, they seemed arranged in order with none out of space. "Muneer! Come out now and face me!"

If it comes to a hand to hand fight, she is done for. But it won't come to that, she's certain. Why will she fight with a grown up man? That's just messed up.

However, that doesn't mean she will stand and let him get away with everything he just did.

After the second scream, the said culprit came downstairs with a look of annoyance masking his features, something as she had never seen before. To be honest she was hoping he would look the same as before so she can talk to him like 'responsible adults' but seeing the look on his face, that thought got thrown out the window.

Muneer's lips were set into a deep frown, "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked, standing a couple of feet away from her. His tone was harsh, and everything else in between.

Aria scoffed, "I could ask you the same thing" She hissed, eyes narrowed at him in slits. "What the hell are you doing here when your wife is there, at the brink of being arrested while you are here?!"

His expression morphed into that of boredom. "And why is that any of my concern?"

Aria held back the gasp that threatened to escape her parted lips. "Excuse me?"

"You are excused. You know the way out, thank you. And please, do not return"

Aria took in deep breaths repeatedly to calm herself so she wouldn't do something she will regret later. The man really is getting on her nerves yet the one question that ran through her head the most is, 'who is this Muneer?'

Where did the man she knew go? Has he always been like this and is finally showing his true colors?

"Your wife, that you claim to love, was arrested and you didn't think of helping her out?" Surprisingly, her tone came out calm as she stared at him with squinted eyes.

"I do not care about that worthless person" He stated, his unwavering gaze fixated on her. He then scoffed, "I regret ever making the mistake of marrying someone as otiose and doltish as her. A complete worthless human is what she is. She, you and those good for nothing greedy bastards you call you parents can all rot in--"

Before he could finish Aria had raised her arm high and landed a loud, resonating smack right across his face to the point that she is sure her finger print will be left on his face.

His head swiveled to the side due to the impact while her palm stung from the intensity of the slap.

She pointed a finger at him, her shoulders rising and falling with the pent up anger. Her voice came out low, slow, and chilling when she spoke her next words. "You have no right--"

Just like him, she was cut off midway. Except this time around it wasn't with a slap, but rather his hand wrapped around her neck tightly to the point that she was gasping for air, scratching his hand so he would let her go. Her eyes starting to roll back and the air leaving her lungs accompanied with the pain of being strangled.

Even then, he didn't let go. Instead, he tightened it.

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