"I want the truth, Aali"
Aali sighed. She didn't have to specify it like that. He already planned on telling her the truth which was why he wanted to fix the state of their marriage first. It will be better if they discuss it when the situation between them has been fixed. "I will tell you the truth, just calm down"
Aria threw him a look. How does he expect her to calm down in that situation?
Aali's gaze moved to the picture, a smile overtaking his features before he looked back at his wife. "Hameed was a close friend of mine" He started.
Aria blinked. She had figured that out from the picture because the two were both smiling widely in it. She could also tell that Aali and her brother were close. The thought had her fingers unconsciously moving to the bracelet that he gave her, which was also the reason she met Aali at the airport. She always has it on and now talking about him, she felt like caressing it in a way showed that he is still there with her.
Aali's gaze flickered to the bracelet. He was there when Hameed bought it and told him that he will be giving it to Aria, right before she saw him for the last time. "He wanted you to know that he will always protect, and be there for you come what may" Aali said lowly, his gaze never moving from the bracelet.
Aria followed his line of sight, before moving back to stare at him. "You knew about the bracelet?"
He nodded, looking back at her. "Yes" There was this small smile on his face when he spoke, "I was with him when he bought it for you"
"Then..." Aria blinked, trying to pick out her words. She was still finding it difficult to accept the fact that Aali knew Hameed all this while, "The first time we met. That day at the airport..."
"That wasn't the first time we met" He cut her midway.
Her eye brows squished together, shaking her head slightly. "What are you talking about? That was the first time we met. I'm pretty sure I would've remembered you if we met before. I have a good memory"
"I remember everything as if it was yesterday. I'm not so sure about that good memory of yours though..." Aali hummed, his expression turning into that of amusement. "I can jog your memory. But I'm not sure if you handle it. You forgot it for a reason"
She scoffed, knowing that there's no way she can't handle it. How bad could it be? "Please do remind me of the 'first time we met'" It can't be that bad. She can handle whatever he throws at her. "I'm certain I can handle it"
Aali shrugged, leaning back slightly. "Alright, picture this. It was six years back..."
Aria rubbed her sore eyes, as she all but dragged her feet over to the kitchen. Her gaze was blurry and her whole body ached. She was sure she would pass out any minute if she didn't hurry up, get what she wants and hit the bed. She could barely see anything, considering she had stayed up all night reading for law school. She was about to become a final year student and she couldn't wait.
Law school is literally torture. She has friends studying Medicine, and every now and then she found them complaining of Medical School. She was always tempted to ask them to try Law school and see if it's easy either.
Thankfully, it's Sunday. So, she could hit the bed now, wake up later and continue studying then.
Firmly wrapping her hand around the handle of the refrigerator, she pulled it open and took out a bottle of water. The brightness from the fridge had her clenching her eyes which started to gloss shut. She blinked after a while, pushing it close with her leg.
Making her way over to one of the stools, she sat on it and opened the water bottle before chugging it down. Judging from how quiet the house is, Abu and Maa had probably stepped out doing whatever it is parents do on Sunday mornings. Maya, Aria is sure the woman is still asleep. And Hameed, Aria wasn't so sure about his whereabouts.
Nonetheless, she didn't care that she was only dressed in her pajamas and her hair looks a little less messy than a bird's nest from running her fingers through it in frustration. She didn't even bother to cover it up, it's not like there's anyone in the house.
She heard the front door open, just as she brought down the water bottle. She heard footsteps approaching. She was pretty sure she knew who it was. Nonetheless, she still wanted to check so she stood up and walked out of the kitchen.
She released a sigh of relief, a grin taking her features when she saw the figure approaching the living room. "Hameed..." She whined slightly, making her way over to him. Once within arm's length, she wrapped her hands around him. "Take me upstairs please. I'm exhausted"
He placed his hands on hers, trying to push her away from him but the eighteen-year-old was having none of it. Instead, she tightened her hold.
"Come on" She mumbled, tucking her face in the nape of his neck. "By Allah I'm exhausted, I don't think I can make it upstairs" Her words came out muffled. "Just help a sister out. I'm not that heavy, I haven't gained weight I promise"
Her breath on his neck tickled, it had him releasing a small chuckle. Yet again, he tried to push her away, using a little bit of more force this time around but he underestimated the girl's strength.
She tightened her hold around him again. She sniffed his cologne, before releasing a small satisfied smile. "I love your cologne, I'll come and take it later" She then sighed, "Should I just quit law school? This thing is hard, I barely get enough sleep" As if on cue, she yawned. "I'm better off without it. Just set me up with one of your friends let me just get married. That friend of yours you've been hanging out with that I'm yet to meet. If he's good looking, set us up. I'm quitting school to get married"
His lips curled into an amused grin; he was barely able to hold back his laughter. He parted his lips to say something when another set of footsteps approached them. The person stopped, taking in the scene between the duo. "What is going on here?" Hameed asked, a brow raised as he crossed his arms.
The man Aria is hugging shrugged, "You ask her"
The little bit on sense Aria had in her registered that the very voice she just heard isn't her brothers. It was definitely different and new to her. As if his touch burnt her, she quickly scrambled out of his arms before turning to look at her brother. Her gaze was still a bit blurry, and her head was pounding from the lack of sleep but she was able to make out her brother's blurry figure by the stairs. She parted her lips, gaping like a fish. " were..."
Hameed shook his head, tsking slightly. "Aria, can you please explain to me why you were hugging my friend?"
Aria blinked, stuck in that position. "I thought..." She was barely able to form any words.
A chuckle from behind had her snapping her gaze to the man whom she mistook as her brother. Her gaze fell on the man that has turned away from her, covering his mouth to hold back his laughter. He hasn't spared her another glance since Hameed arrived. Besides, it wasn't like he even saw her coming earlier to begin with, he barely saw her before she crashed into him.
His chuckle must've snapped something in her that reminded her of how she looked like a zombie because her eyes widened, the sleep she was feeling disappeared at that instant and before any of them could comprehend, she was running up the stairs as if she is being chased. She tripped at the last stair, but she pushed herself up just as Hameed made a move to help her.
The sound of her door being slammed shut rang through the house, waking up Maya who is in the next room. Aria locked the door, quickly getting a chair to add in front of it before she quickly got under her duvet and screamed the embarrassment out.
Hameed then moved his gaze to the chuckling Aali who shrugged again signifying that he didn't initiate anything.
By the end of Aali's story, he was laughing while Aria looked like she saw a ghost. It was only when he started the story did she remember it. She remembered everything clearly except his face which she never saw correctly.
That was literally the most embarrassing day of her life that she had locked away in the back of her mind.
It didn't work at first considering Hameed used every chance he got to tease her. He didn't tell her who Aali is, or his name to begin with because she never asked. Besides, even if she did ask, he wouldn't have told her because it wasn't something she needed to know then.
Eventually, Hameed stopped teasing her about it so she forced herself to forget it, or at least to stop remembering it on daily basis. The fact that Hameed never brought another friend home after then helped. But that was also around the time that he started his random trips to Nigeria.
Now, watching Aali laugh at her brought back the very embarrassment she felt that day. She buried her face between palms as if that would stop the embarrassment. It didn't. Not one bit.
Aali's laughter died down. "You've always been quite the hugger" He noted, "Later if I tell you that you're the one that hugs me when I'm asleep, you'll argue and claim otherwise"
"Shut up" She mumbled, shaking her head. She still had her face buried in between her palms. She had always wondered how she would react if she meets that man again. Who would ever think that she would end up marrying him and slowly catching feelings for him.
Yes, despite the fact that she would deny it any day, Aria knew she was slowly catching feelings towards Aali and that scared her. She wasn't supposed to fall for anyone. Yet, the very moment she agreed to give their marriage a chance, she knew that she is also giving a chance for her feelings to grow.
How could she not? Aali is slowly growing on her.
Aali then leaned close to her, "What happened to you can handle whatever I throw at you?"
Aria looked up, eyes playfully narrowed at him as she pouted slightly. "Will you ever let this go?" She was hoping he would, so he can save her the embarrassment.
Aali shook his head, "No way, I've waited too long for this moment" He meant it. Ever since he met her again in the airport, he was dying for the moment he would bring it up. The girl never ceases to amuse him, that was the same thing she did when they bumped into each other at the airport. "And I feel like letting you know I'm well aware of what you do when I am asleep"
"What is that?"
"You admiring me and caressing my hair. I know it all"
"Great" She mumbled sarcastically, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. Well, there went her get away with this hope. Blood rushed to her cheeks, but she tried to let the embarrassment seen across her features.
"But..." Aali's word had her looking up, eying him warily, "I can drop it for now since we have matters at hand to discuss" The amusement masking his features disappeared when he said that.
She nodded, realizing what he meant. "How did you meet Hameed then?" That was one question that she had been meaning to ask since.
Aali let out a small sigh, thinking of ways to carefully pick out his words. "Through your parents"
Her brows squished together. "My parents?" Did her parents know Aali beforehand?
He nodded, "Yes" He then let out a small breath, "Hameed and I worked together, which was why he came here often, and in the course of it, he found the woman that he loved"
Hameed loved someone? That is something Aria did not know. Truth be told, she has always thought that she is the closest to her brother but now talking to Aali, she's realizing that she doesn't know Hameed that well.
Did she know him that much to begin with then? Sure, they spent a lot of time together and he taught her some of the things that knew, including archery. It was a weird hobby of his that he rubbed off on her.
But for her to not know something as meaningful as he loved someone is making her doubt if she knew him to begin with.
Her lips tugged into a frown, a crease forming between her brows as she thought of Aali's words. Her gaze snapped to his when a realization dawned on her. She felt like she knew who the person is. "Don't tell me..."
Aali nodded. He doesn't doubt for one bit that Aria has guessed the person right.
She let out a shaky breath. "Hudayya?" The woman is the only person she could think of, and that's by putting the dots together.
Aali nodded again, "Yes. Hameed and Hudayya were in love with each other" A soft smile made its way on his lips, "I've never seen the two happier. He was a better person because of her and vice versa" His smile then turned into a sad one as he released a small breath, "And when she lost him, she changed completely. Honestly Aria, even if I didn't witness the love the two shared, I wouldn't have doubt for one second the love they have for each other. Their relationship is one of the best I've seen in my twenty-nine years of life"
Aria offered him a small smile, "They were that much in love, huh?"
"More than you could ever imagine"
Aria said nothing. She simply looked down, her shoulders slumped.
Aali noticed the action, and as such lifted her chin so she could look at him. Worry etched his expression when he noticed her sullen one. "What is it, Askim?"
Aria shrugged, "I don't know. I just feel like I don't know him as much as I thought I did" It might not seem like much, but she was really close to him to the point that she told him everything. Or more like they told each other everything. Apparently, not everything. "If she meant that much to him, why didn't he ever tell me? Didn't I matter enough for him to tell me?" She hated how the very thought had her eyes glossing over.
But it wasn't just that. It was also the fact that talking about him reminded her that he is gone for good.
Aali shook his head, placing his palms on either side of her face. "Listen to me Aria, you mattered to him more than you could ever think of. He loved, and will always love you. Whatever decision he made, whatever he hid from you was only for your own good. He wouldn't have forgiven himself if something happened to you. Why do you think he gave you the bracelet? It might not seem like much but that is his own way of letting you know that he will always love and be there for you. So don't for one second ever doubt if you mattered to him because you do"
Hameed wasn't just a friend to Aali. He is also the fifth member of the Pentagon and a brother to Aali, or at least, he considered him one.
Aria couldn't voice anything regarding that, so she nodded. "But Aali, how are my parents involved in this. How did you two know each other?" She changed the topic, knowing that if they dwell on it, she'll be bawling her eyes out soon.
Aali took in a sharp breath, pulling away from her. "We work with someone in common" He knew it was about time he told her the truth, or at least, some part of it.
"The owner of the East Wing"
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