"That is unacceptable! Your so called wife disgraced this family with the charade she put on earlier. Where does she think this place is? Her father's house that she can do whatever she wants?"

Aali lowered his head, not being able to look at her while she yells. Had it been it was someone else, he really wouldn't care but not her. She's one of the few people he would never go against in the family except in certain occasions with valid reasons.

She's none other than Hajiya Hudayya, or Umma; Aali's paternal grandmother--mother to the Calipha.

"And what were you doing again? Watching the show along with her" She glared at him, her voice rising. "At least, if she decided to act stupidly; you should've stopped her as her husband" She hissed.

Aria who is sitting next to Aali on the carpet shifted uncomfortably. This woman had been screaming at the top of her lungs for about thirty minutes. Aria was starting to doubt whether she's really old or not despite her appearance clearly showing so. How does she still have the energy to yell in her for that long?

Despite everything, there's no doubt that the old woman is scary when she's angry, especially while she's yelling at them like that.

So, she didn't dare say anything or make any wrong move because she did not want to receive the end of the scold. It's better if Aali takes it all. That is a sacrifice she is willing to make as the loving wife she is.

"Say something!"

Aali gulped, before he looked up; fiddling with his fingers when she sent him a glare. "Umma...the girls, they disrespected her"

"Oh" She nodded, dragging the word. "And that gave you and your wife the right to have dogs chase them ko? Gamugidanmahaukata" Her words make Aali snap his head down again. "This is a palace Aali! We do not behave like this no matter what. You ought to remember that as the future Calipha"

"Toh Umma so what if they disrespected her? She deserves it" Said Aali's aunt, the mother of one of the three girls. In short, mother to the most disrespectful one. She turned around to glare at Aria, only to be met with the girl's slightly narrowed eyes.

Aria knew she couldn't disrespect either of them, especially not Umma. And she would take any insult Umma would throw her way but not that woman. Sure enough, she won't reply in any way that would be considered disrespect, but there's a limit as to how much she would handle.

Umma moved her gaze to her step-daughter. After the death of her co-wives, she took care of all the children they left behind as her own to the extent that you can barely tell that they aren't the kids she gave birth to herself. However, there's something about Umma that will never change—it's that she will call you out if you do anything no matter who you are. "Deserves it?" Umma rose a brow at her, her question coming out slowly.

The woman nodded, though something in her screamed at her to keep shut. "Haba Umma, everyone knows that Aali could've, and should've married someone better than her. At least, some better as a first wife, not her!"

Umma hummed, making her way over to her chair. Amidst the scolding, she had gotten up and haven't returned until then. "Tell me then Raliya, who deserves to be his wife?"

Raliya threw a glare at Aria who had looked down before she returned her gaze to her mother. "Anyone else Umma. On that note, he should even take a second wife as soon as possible. He should marry someone from our culture who can relate to people not someone who can't even understand our native language"

"Then who would you suggest then?" Umma asked, "Let me guess, yourwell-mannered daughter?" Her words came out oddly calm.

Raliya was quick to nod, missing her step-mother's sarcasm.

Umma nodded, her lips stretched into a grin. Her grin quickly morphed into a scowl as she glared at her daughter. "Stop talking nonsense! Kin girmabaki san kin girma ba" She hissed again, "Unless kinasoranki ya baci, never mention this ever again! Tell me, wasn't it you that threw a fit when your husband remarried?"

Raliya swallowed hard, before she looked down.

Pointing a finger at her daughter, Umma spoke. "I meant what I said, never mention this to me again, kinji?"

Raliya nodded, "Eh Umma" She muttered.

Nodding in satisfaction, Umma turned to the couple, "Kukumawallahi I never want to hear anything like this! Especially you Aali, you aren't supposed to be like this. The next time I hear of something like this, in rankayayidubu sai ya baci. Kana jina?"

Aali nodded, "Eh Umma"

She then moved her gaze to Aria; her gaze softening. She didn't know why, but she felt attached to the girl. "Aria" She called out, "Look at me"

Aria hesitated, but she eventually looked up.

"What you did was wrong. What if those dogs had actually hurt the girls? What would you then?" Umma inquired, slightly in a scolding tone but not as high as when she was scolding them earlier.

Aria kept shut. She was hoping it wouldn't get that far. But she also knew it's not enough excuse.

Umma sighed. "You are a Queen in line, and a future mother too. I'm sure you can understand where Raliya and I are coming from, right?"

Aria nodded. She did understand where they were coming from even if being a mother is never something she considered since she married Aali.

Umma nodded, "I'm not stopping you from doing something if they disrespect you, or anyone else for that matter" She heard of what had been happening to the girl, but she didn't step in knowing the girl can handle herself. She would grow stronger on her own, they all do. "But do it the right way. I'm sure you know what I mean, right?" Her eyes met Aria's, and she offered her a smile.

Aria nodded, offering her a small smile of hers in return.

The right way, she said. Aria knew just what to do.

"I trust you know what to do"


Making up her mind on how to go about how to go about her problems like Umma had said, Aria took time to dress up. She needed to make a good impression this time, since it would help in deciding her fate in the palace. She had Salaha help her dress up properly in the native attire.

And she had to admit, she looked nice in it.

Aali had left yet again, but this time after promising her that he'll return soon. Honestly, she was starting to be inquisitive about what his whole ordeal is, especially since she hadn't gotten anything regarding her case and it was starting to eat her up.

Sighing, she shook her head to get rid of those thoughts.

"You look so beautiful Anty Aya" Salaha commented, staring at Aria in awe. She had been having a hard time calling Aria's name because according to her, 'sunan yen birnine'. Of course, she had to tell Aria what that meant, and it made the girl laugh. So, she resorted to calling her Aya.

Aria glanced at Salaha through the mirror, then offered her a smile. "Thank you" Fixing her veil one last time, she stood up and headed out with Salaha beside her. "I don't know when I'll return so if Aali returns before me, let him know that I just stepped out for a while and will be back soon" She knows that Amadu would tell him where she went to, but there's no harm in letting Salaha inform him too.

Salaha nodded.

With a smile flashed at her, Aria took in a deep breath before she headed out, meeting Amadu outside. "Let's go"

He nodded, before leading the way. As she expected, it wasn't that far so they didn't trek for long. And soon enough, she was making her way inside the chamber while Amadu stayed out along with the other guards.

"Assalamu alaika" She said, taking off her shoes.

He looked up, a wide grin taking over his features, "My daughter, come in" The Calipha waved her over and his demeanor made her tensed shoulders relax a bit.

She offered him a smile of hers, before making her way into the living room where she took a spot on the carpet, facing him. "Ina yini Mai Martaba" Salaha had been teaching her basic stuff in Hausa, and she was starting to get a hang of the basics like the greetings and such.

He chuckled slightly for he had never heard her speak in the native language before. "Alhamdullilah, and please, just call me Baba"

She looked down, nodding as a permanent smile remain etched on her face.

"I have to admit, I was quite surprised when I heard that you wanted to meet me" He said, folding close the newspaper he was reading. Yet again the articles are about the mysterious killings in the Caliphate and how he hadn't done anything to stop it.

It is getting out of hand and making it hard for him.

"I wanted to come and greet you; considering I haven't done that before. I'm sorry it's coming late"

He chuckled, "Don't mention it, we've all been busy so it's understandable" He waved it off. "I've heard of the things that have been happening to you, and I want you to know that if there's anything you want, just let me know"

She nodded, then fiddled with her fingers.

"What is it?" He could tell that there's something on her mind.

She sighed, "Well, Baba...I need a favor from you if you don't mind"

"Of course, let me know. What is it you want, and it's yours"

She released a small sigh as she carefully picked out the words. "It's the council the Queen heads...I want to help but I didn't know how to address it to her"

He hummed, "The council is actually something that has been going for generations by the Queens, but not all of them had one; only if you want to. What exactly do you want my dear?"

"I want to help the people of this Caliphate. Everyone has been saying that I haven't done anything, and I think this my chance to prove myself"

The Calipha smiled, shaking his head. "You don't have to prove yourself Aria, you're the Queen no matter what. Nothing can change that. The position is rightfully yours"

"And that means I have to help people" She looked up, "That's what I want to do with the council Baba, if you'll let me that is"

He nodded slowly, his fingers lightly caressing his knuckles. "I know what to do. I'll let the others know, from now on, you shall be the head of it. Anything you say goes"


"Yes" He nodded, "Anything you say goes, no one can change it; not even your husband"

Aria held back the smile by looking down. Oh how she was dying to see the faces of those women when the announcement is made. "Nagode Baba. Thank you. I promise you, I won't let you down"

"I know you won't. And if you ever need anything at all, just let me know. I'll always be here to help"

Aria nodded. She just handled one of her problems the right way.


Aali had informed Aria that his friend, Fahad was coming over because he claimed that he had never met Aria under normal circumstances considering their first meetup wasn't the best. And apparently, he's bringing his wife over.

Yes, wife.

Aria didn't know what to expect but she certainly wasn't expecting Fahad to be married. She is good at detecting a person's character even from meeting the person one time and Fahad seemed to be the laid back type and certainly not the 'I'm married' type.

So, Aria decided to make dinner for them herself; dismissing Salaha for the rest of the day.

Aria had never cooked since she stepped foot in the palace so she knew it would be a good idea to do so herself. It took a while before she figured out what to cook, and when she did, she set out to work.

Cooking made her remember her sister who she hasn't seen since that day she was introduced to the family. She and Muneer do not live in the palace and so, the two aren't able to meet. But, she does talk to her on the call every day and she can tell she's alright and happy.

That's all Aria ever wanted. It made her happy.

At least one of them is getting the married life they wanted.

Amidst cooking, she didn't hear the footsteps that approached her. She was too engrossed in what she was doing. It has always been like that when she's focused on doing something.

"That looks good"

She jumped slightly, taken aback by the sudden voice. She whipped her head around, sending a glare to her husband who was leaning on the counter, staring at her calmly. "You ever heard of the salam? You scared me" She took in a deep breath, then exhaled.

He shrugged, "I did, but you didn't hear me" He pointed out.

She sighed, then shook her head. "Figures" She muttered. Why didn't she think of that? She won't even bother to argue because it has happened so many times before.

"So, how did your visit to Baba go? I forgot to ask earlier"

She smiled, turning around to continue what she was doing before he came. "It was good" Her smile turned into a grin at the thought of how she would make things change since she has the power now.

Aali hummed. "I'd say you got what you wanted" he could tell from her facial expression when he came in. But he had zero ounce of doubt that she would get whatever she wants from the Calipha. The girl has so much power in her hands that she didn't even realize.

She also seemed to be in a good mood, which is something new. Aali would give the credit to the father who has to be behind it.

"Yup" She glanced at him, "Things are about to change for the better in shaa Allah"

He nodded, "I hope so" He stood up, and made his way over to her, "Let me help"

She didn't reject the offer and instead, told him what to do. And soon enough, they were done. Surprisingly, he knew his way around the kitchen better than she thought he does. Afterwards, they both took a shower and changed into something good to receive their guests.

It was a bit after Isha when Fahad and his wife arrived. Aali went to welcome them in though the guards had let them in already, and Fahad had been there before but still. Aria fixated her veil one last time in front of the mirror in the hallway. When she was done, she approached the trio whom she had heard their voices from where she was standing.

She offered Fahad a smile, while he teased her calling her 'Amarya'. That made her chuckle. She had heard the word over and over again that she had asked Salaha what it meant, and that was how she figured out it means bride.

Her gaze then moved to his wife, and the very minute Aria set her eyes on her, her smile widened.

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