The next person that stood up and left was Hasnain, followed by a fuming Hafsa.
On her way out, she tried to bump Aria's shoulder, but the girl moved away just in time. Hafsa nearly stumbled from the action but she caught herself before she disgraces herself further.
That only infuriated the woman more, but she opted to keep her mouth shut and quietly storm out after her husband—no doubt wanting to give him a piece of her mind about not standing up for her.
Aslam glanced at the couple one last time before he stood up, hands tucked in his hoodie which he wears all the time—and head clad in his signature raven beanie--, he side stepped them and headed out with no word or reaction gotten out of him.
No one could really tell if he's happy for them or not. The guy wasn't this cold before but his twin's death has changed him. And such change is one that no one in the family could comprehend.
He keeps to himself. As always.
Habib shook his head, then leaned back and brought out his phone, having zero intentions of talking to his brother or his new sister in law. This whole thing is a waste of time to him. He could've done something important but of course, they all have to come scrambling with the Oh so great Crown Prince needs them.
Farhan on the other hand offered them a grin. He stood up, made his way over to Aali, and offered him a bro hug. When he pulled back, he grinned at Aria, "Welcome to the family sis!"
She grinned back, "Thank you"
Amir didn't move from his position. But, when his eyes met Aali, he gently tipped his flute and offered him a grin. Aali grinned back—though it was very much a fake one. The man had been feigning grins since he stepped into the room yet no one, not even Aria could tell that it was fake.
Muneer, who didn't know about the marriage eventually snapped out of his trance. His eyes were still slightly dilated since he was taken aback. Of all the things he had expected Aali to do, he definitely did not expect that.
"How is this even possible?" He voiced out the question on everyone's mind, though no one asked—until him. "You guys have only known each other for...I don't know...two weeks?" He added.
Aali and Aria exchanged looks. The grin on their faces never fading. The glance was the only thing needed to confirm that they are on the same page. And judging from the glint in Aria's eyes, Aali knew she's on the same page as him.
To everyone else the look they shared was one out of love. Funny how it was a silent agreement on the plan they are about to improvise.
The story behind that two weeks is one the people sitting presently in the front room will never understand. And albeit Aali doesn't know Aria's side, just as well as she doesn't know his, they both knew better than to let any slip happen.
"Well...two weeks is long enough" Aali responded, moving his gaze from his wife to Muneer. He moved closer to his wife, placing his hand on the small of her back.
Aria nodded, leaning close to him although ever fiber in her being was screaming otherwise. She forced herself to wrap an arm around him too, "Yeah...a lot could happen in two weeks" Her grin widened; and quite fortunately, none of them recognized the double meaning behind it.
One of Aali's aunts, the youngest in the Calipha's household snorted. "I doubt it" The woman glanced between the two. She's amongst the women that weren't exactly fond of Aria while the others were busy swarming over her. "You two don't look like you're in love. Two weeks?" She hissed lowly, scoffing at the mere thought. "What is this, a Korean drama?"
Aali parted his lips to say something, but Aria beat him to it. The woman shook her head slowly, eyes zeroed on Aali's aunt. "Being in love is one thing, getting married is another. Then, being in love after marriage is another issue. You of all people should know how hard that is" Her lips turned into a smile.
She didn't outright attack her, but her words discretely did.
She kept her gaze on the woman, watching how her smug look morphed into that of anger.
Aria has hit the spot yet again.
The Royals really do underestimate Aria. The girl didn't join the family without doing a background check on each and every one of them. It wasn't easy. But, with a few bribes here and there, she was able to do get everything she wants.
They should understand how that works better than anyone. Each one of them uses the same tactic. So, it's only natural she does too, right?
However, unlike the outburst Aria expected from the woman, she was met with nothing other than a glare and a look away.
Aria wanted drama, but, not everything goes as planned. So, as if to express her disappointment at the reaction, she shrugged slightly and shook her head, tutting under her breath.
Aali on the other hand was screaming in joy internally. If he wasn't already into her, her actions would intrigue him to do so.
Forget what the law and tradition says, Aria is the right person to be his Queen. Only she can fill that spot beside him better than anyone and judging from her actions, she'll be damn good at it.
Queen Safeena decided to step in before the exchange could advance any further. "Enough of that. You two should come and sit, I want to talk to my daughter" She grinned, gesturing for Aria to come close to her.
Aria smiled, glancing at Aali who gave her a small nod of encouragement. He knows not to underestimate his family members, but even he knows Queen Safeena is the only person Aria can be safe around.
She made her way over to the Queen, who patted the space beside her on the couch but she refused, choosing to sit on the carpet just like the others. The spot she chooses was beside Amir, and the boy did not waste a second before he leaned close to his sister in law and whispered, "Don't worry about these grumpy women. They are just jealous because they look like ogres compared to you. You know...their wrinkles and attitude screams village witches" He made sure to keep his voice low, letting only Aria hear.
She chuckled, raising her hand to cover her mouth to stifle it. That to say did not gain the attention of everyone who was keeping their eagle like eyes on her. She didn't pay heed to them though.
Amir chuckled too, leaning back and when they exchanged looks, he flashed her a grin.
The little exchange had Aali smiling genuinely. However, that smile was cut short when Hudayya stood up, and without a glance at any of them, she walked out.
Aali followed after Hudayya, seeing as no one paid attention to the Princess that stepped out. Not even Aria, who is an acquaintance of hers, noticed the girl slip out mostly because she was too caught up to pay heed to the woman that hid by the corner, watching them quietly.
Safe to say, she didn't even realize Hudayya was in the room even after knowing she's a Royal due to the check she did.
He followed her out, almost losing her because of how fast she was walking. Eventually though, he caught up with her just in time she headed to her car, taking her car keys out.
"Hudayya!" He called out, making her release an audible sigh.
She knew he was following her, but she somehow hoped he wouldn't try to actually talk to her. Who is she kidding though? This is Aali we're talking about. The man is adamant when he wants to do something. Shaking her head slightly, she turned around to stare at him, eyes narrowed slightly and filled with emotions he instantly recognized.
"You know" Are the first words that escaped his parted lips as he stared at her, brows drawn in and lips tilted into a deep frown.How could she know? He obviously isn't mistaken. That look she's sporting, it's exactly the same one he had when he found out.
How could she have found out though?
Hudayya let out a small humorless laugh that came out as more of a scoff. "I guess I'm not really as stupid as you all think"
Aali narrowed his eyes at her, "You're not stupid" He was doing it again. That same tone he used back then whenever she felt down and was contemplating herself. He used her tone that somehow convinces her that she is not at fault.
It has always worked.
But would it work now? Not at all.
So, she shrugged and looked away.
"How long?" He asked again, "How long have you known?" He didn't need to elaborate; they both know what he's talking about.
She turned around to face him, "Long enough" Was her only response.
She waited for him to say something, anything that would justify his actions but he didn't. Instead, he simply kept quiet. It was so unlike him. Where's the brother she has that always have something to say? Because she can't see that brother anywhere.
"That's it?" She nearly scoffed again, shaking her head. "You won't say or explain anything?" She rose her voice slightly, just not enough for the guards or anyone near to hear.
Aali sighed. He hated dealing with this Hudayya. He doesn't blame her for feeling this way but he needs to thread carefully when answering her else she would blow up. "'s not what you think"
"Don't 'Huds' me" She cut him off. Clearly he doesn't believe she would calm down simply because he uses that name on her, right? If yes, then he has another thing coming. "How can you bring her into this family?" She gritted her teeth.
Aali briefly closed his eyes, blowing a low breath. "I am protecting her"
"Protecting her?" Hudayya couldn't hold it in, her voice rose enough that a couple of heads snapped towards them but she didn't care. She gritted her teeth, her jaw locked as she narrowed her eyes at him. "That's not protection Ya Aali" Her voice came out surprisingly as nothing but a whisper, "It's a death sentence"
She knew first-hand what they are talking about. She has seen it with her two eyes and she wouldn't wish that on anyone. Especially not Aria.
Aali shook his head, not willing to budge and to make his point across to her. "No it's not. If I didn't do this, it would only be a matter of time before they reach out to her. Do you think that's better?"
"Anything is better than being within these walls...or being a part of this God forsaken family!" Hudayya shook her head, a look of disbelief masking her features. "You should know better than to bring her here"
"I know what I'm doing"
"So did he" That was it. She just touched the part Aali couldn't argue with her over. It's sore topic for her as much as it is for him, maybe even more. She blinked back the tears that formed in her eyes, swallowing the lump forming in her throat. "But where is he now?" She whispered, her voice cracking at the end.
Aali's shoulders slumped. There are only a few times when he is left dumbfounded, and this is one of the situations. "Hudayya..." Was he trying to comfort her? Yes. But he didn't know how.
She shook her head, stepping away from him. "Don't call my name like that"
He took in a deep breath, then released it slowly. "None of that will happen again. I promise you, I'll protect her with my life"
"Is that supposed to make it any better?" It was a genuine question from her. Did he think losing either of them would be a good option? It never was and never will be.
"I know what I'm doing"
"I hope so" Her shoulders slumped, as her voice came out as a mere whisper. Her eyes were bloodshot, clear evidence of the tears she had been trying to hold in. She swallowed the new lump that formed, "You shouldn't lose her here, because living with the regret would kill you slowly...bit by bit" She didn't mean it in a bad way. She was simply letting him know of the consequence of his actions.
Without another look spared at him, she turned around, unlocked her car and stepped in. He remained rooted in that position as she revved her car to life, and speed drive out of the palace wanting to get as far away from him, and them as possible.
Aali sighed again. He doesn't know how to explain his situation to her. He did not know to explain to her that he and Aria are not the same. Aria might be completely unaware of what she got herself into, but he will be there with her throughout the way doing whatever it takes for him to protect her.
He won't make the same mistake twice.
He made a promise, and he would keep it.
"What was that?!"
He flinched, taking a step away from her. He doesn't fear anyone in the palace but her. He has seen first-hand what sort of temper she has and how she reacts when she's upset.
And he did not want to be the scapegoat of her outburst.
"Answer me kafin in bata ma rai!"She yelled again.
This time around, he didn't flinch. He maintained a stoic expression because she has turned to face him, seething. She had her fist clenched by her side and eyes narrowed at him in slits.
He released a low, barely audible breath. "I didn't see it coming"
"Of course you didn't!" She spat, eyes still in slits, "Because he's always better than in you in everything. Simple task, a task as simple as this..." She folded her lips to hold in the yells.
This time around she didn't bother asking him to meet her in the East Wing because it would waste her time. She wanted to vent her anger out on him while she was still feeling it coursing through her veins. So, she requested for him to go over to her chambers after the meeting Aali called earlier was over.
Though she had asked her maids to make sure that no one will be allowed into her chambers, she still needed to be careful so that they won't hear what she's saying. Despite the fact that they have proved to be loyal to her for decades, she has no doubt that they will betray her the first chance they get.
Loyalty does not exist within the walls of Hadewa Caliphate's Palace.
She knows better than anyone. She betrayed two people she had hold dearly to her heart within those walls.
The first person being the Calipha, whom she loved ever so dearly to the point that she was willing to go against so much for him.
The second, being the owner of the East Wing.
So, she closed her eyes to inhale in deeply, then exhaled lowly to calm herself.
"I'm sorry" He is well aware that his apology doesn't mean anything to her, but he still felt the need to utter it despite the hatred he harbors towards her due to what she said. How could she compare him to Aali, who he hates more than anyone? "It will never happen again; I promise"
"Save it" She flickered her eyes open, eyes narrowed at him, "You've proved to be incompetent enough" She turned around and made her way over to one of the couches in the room. "You better make sure that boy doesn't ruin our plans, else..."
The threat in her voice was ever so evident.
He nodded. "And what about the Princess"
That was the mistake he made, because the minute he said that, there was a vase flying at him. He was barely able to dodge it, but not completely though. It hit the side of his forehead, drawing out a nasty shade of blood from the wound as he staggered. He felt a headache forming due to the pain, but he held it in and looked up.
The look on her face was pure fury, and hatred. He had only seen her that way a handful of times, and it was never good then. Neither was it at the moment.
She looks nothing like the calm and composed Queen everyone knows and loves. No, this Queen looks a little less than a psychopath blinded by rage.
"Never call her that again" Her voice was menacingly low, yet that was scarier than when she raises it. "She is not, and will never be a part of this family!"
He was quick to nod, eyes widened slightly.
That didn't calm her rage, but it did control her outburst. She turned away from him, eyes clenched shut as she forced herself to take in long deep breaths. When she deemed herself calm enough, she parted her lips to speak. "I'll take of her. I'll make her leave this household like I had done before to everyone who stood in my way" Queen Zara vowed, eyes holding nothing but nefariousness.
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