What does waking up as a royal in Hadewa Caliphate feel like?
Others would think it comes with some feeling and whatnot. Lies. It feels like waking up as usual. The only difference is that, there's a man in her life now—in the name of her husband.
Aria was never to wake up late for subh prayer. So, Aali didn't have to wake her up. What surprised her though when she woke up was the fact that the man was already awake, and seated cross legged on the prayer mat with a Quran in hand. She couldn't hear exactly everything he was reciting because he kept his voice low, but she sure caught the dulcet voice. That she couldn't miss, especially since she strained her ears to listen in on him.
She doesn't recall when he came back the night before, because she was fast asleep by then.
All she could tell was that she slept before him yet he somehow managed to wake up before she did. Didn't he sleep the night before or something?
Her eyes gave the room a quick glance, trying to spot a spare blanket and pillow elsewhere to signify where he slept, but she couldn't exactly find anything.
"Looking for something?" His soft, subtle voice snapped her from her trance. His voice was just like when he was reciting the Quran—which by the way she has zero idea he stopped—it was low; almost too low.
Barely above a mumble.
She nodded, knowing he could see her since he had turned on the dim light. It didn't disturb her when she was sleeping, so she didn't have much problem with it. "Yeah...where did you sleep?"
Without raising his head up from the page he was reading, he pointed at the spot beside her.
She followed his line of sight, then shook her head. "I don't remember—"
"What?" He finally looked up, a small smile dancing on his lips. "You worried or something?"
She quickly wiped away the look that was on her face, then shook her head again. "Of course not" That was a complete, utter lie. But would she admit the truth? Of course not.
He nodded slowly, in a way that shows he doesn't believe her but he'll let her have the satisfaction of getting away with it. "Don't be. I am a gentleman. Unlike a particular someone, I don't cuddle in my sleep. At least, not like someone does"
It took her a second to realize who is implicating to, "I do not!"
"I never said it's you" He flashed her what is supposed to be an innocent look. "I said someone. I never mentioned names"
"Then who were you talking about?"
"Are you jealous or something?"
She glared at him, but kept her lips shut. She would go on about arguing with him, but she really isn't the happiest when she wakes up. She's usually grumpy when she wakes up from her naps. The moment isn't any different. "Did you pray?" She opted for switching the topic.
Aali shook his head. "No. The adhan was called just before you wake up"
She nodded.
"Wash up first, I'll wait for you"
This time around, just like earlier, she nodded and got out of the bed. It didn't take her long to wash up and head back out. She then picked up the hijab she used earlier while he placed the Quran aside. Just like the night before, they prayed together again.
After praying, he asked her to recite the Quran with him. Aria wanted to decline, because if they start doing that, they would eventually grow close and that is the last thing she wants. She didn't marry him so they can live happily ever after. No, she married him to find out the truth behind her case. And, she can only do that being a royal.
So, she couldn't risk giving the hope of them growing on each other to be a married couple, to live happily ever after and whatnot. That was a fairytale that only existed in books, and their lives is anything but a fairytale. He seems to forget they are basically strangers that had only met twice.
He earnestly seems all too comfortable with the setup that she fears he already has engraved the happy married couple idea in his head.
Nevertheless, she couldn't turn down an offer to recite the Quran—no matter what the situation is. So, she ignored him when he tapped the space beside him and opted to sit opposite him. Aali didn't say a word. She has already done enough by simply agreeing.
He would recite a page, and she would do the next. At the moment, Aali wanted to freeze that particular moment so time won't pass ever again. He really did forget at the moment her view on the whole marriage issue. He felt as though they got married out of love for each other.
He had already made a promise to himself when he married her. He would make sure they have a happy life, come what may—be it the obstacles that no one speaks of regarding marriage, or the downsides that comes with it; or even the bad days that aren't all cotton candies and rainbows.
He would make them work. She does not love him at the moment but she would. She would love him to the extent that she won't want to leave him.
She might never love him as much as he loves her, because the feelings he had for her honestly are more than one could expect. Unlike her—or how she remembers it anyway—the airport meetup wasn't the first time they met.
No, there were other times before. But that's a story for another day.
After reciting a couple of surahs, they called it a day. Aria went back to sleep while he stepped out to meet the Calipha for their morning walks like he usually does. He would come back for her later, since it's the day he will introduce her to his family. He hasn't told her about it yet, not wanting to deal with her crankiness that early morning. He doesn't plan on being the scapegoat of her tantrums.
He doesn't fear many people but women...especially those angry women; are one group of people he does not mess with, ever.
Nothing is scarier than a woman scorned.
As expected, the Calipha asked about what happened the night before at the event center. The Queen had told him about it, but he needed more information which he could only get from the Prince.
"Aria showed up on time and handled it well" Aali remarked, pride dripping from his tone. He couldn't wait to showcase that pride when he introduces her to his family as his wife.
The Calipha glanced at Aali with a smile on his face, "I wonder who she got her confidence from"
Aali chuckled, as his father expression mirrored his. "She acts like a true royal" He remarked making the Calipha nod.
Calipha Bello stopped in his tracks, glancing at the walls that surround the palace, "These walls are supposed to protect you all from everything but rather, they are the most dangerous place to be confined in" He released a sigh. Sometimes, he wishes he could give his kids a more...simple and less problematic life.
"It's not your fault" Aali answered the question on the Calipha's mind.
This made the Calipha glance at him and offer him a small smile. "Spoken just like your mother" He remarked, "She knows the stuff I don't utter out loud"
Aali chuckled, "What can I say, I am my mother's son"
"That you are" Calipha Bello glanced at his wrist watch, "You should head back to your wife. It'll be a long day since you'll introduce her today. I suppose she didn't take the news well?"
Aali grimaced. He wouldn't know the answer to that question since he hasn't asked her.
Calipha Bello could tell from the grimace. That was his answer. He chuckled, patting Aali's back. "Best of luck young man, you'll need it"
Aali couldn't hold back the smile, despite the growing ball of worry building in the pit of his stomach. A part of him told him not to worry though. How bad can her reaction be? It certainly won't be a lot.
He was wrong, big time. That he could tell from the glares he kept receiving from Aria as she dressed up. He made the mistake of stealing a glance at her through the mirror while she put on her earrings. He met with another glare that had him looking away immediately.
Aria scoffed lowly. At least the man knows to keep shut at the moment. If he had kept talking, then so God help her. He should be thankful she hasn't done anything to him at all.
How can the man tell her she's meeting his family the minute she wakes up from sleep? Then tell her to not worry and that there's no pressure. Couldn't he have told her that the night before or maybe, after subh prayer?
Then there was the issue of wearing an alkyabba which she blatantly refused. She won't wear that thing, not with the hot weather—he didn't argue when she said this. She opted for wearing a big veil which she wrapped to cover from her head to the whole upper part of her body over the oxblood lace gown she had picked up from her closet. It was amongst the things she has no idea how it ended up amongst her clothes but she likes the lace and the design—it's beautiful.
Her head gear was done as she had always done back at home when she wears a turban—making sure to cover her bun tied hair with it. On her wrist she had on her wrist watch, and on the other, she had on a bracelet and a ring.
Her face held minimal makeup, that is, aside from the matte oxblood lipstick which boosted her confidence level.
She doesn't fancy the whole dressing up concept but she has heard stories about these royals from so many people. How they will treat her depend on the first impression she leaves on them, and that includes how she dresses up.
They can assume whatever they want regarding her. They should simply not cross the line; she wouldn't back down. It's not like she loves Aali or care about the marriage, so she has nothing to worry about.
That to say means, in laws or not, she will not hesitate to give them the same kind of treatment they give her. She finds it absurd how some women allow themselves to be treated by their husband's families. Sure enough, there are men who have wonderful families—those are the kind of in-laws everyone wants. Yet, there are some whose family treats the women like trash.
Aria won't ever say she agrees with that kind of treatment, but she admires the women for their patience because Allah knows, she doesn't have that in her. Especially not regarding the family of a man she does not care an ounce about.
Slipping into her shoes, she picked up her phone and turned around to look at her husband who is all dressed up too. "We going now?" She asked; boredom and annoyance dripping from her tone.
She did it to let him know loud and clear that she still isn't over him not telling her about the meetup.
He nodded, offering her a smile which quickly disappeared seeing the glare she sent him.
Women can be scary.
"There's just one more thing" He added, ignoring the ever present glare she's sporting.
"What now? Are there rules set for when I meet them?" He better says no, because she will break every single ridiculous one.
Aali shook his head, "Not really. Just do you"
She nodded; her lips curled into a smirk. He shouldn't have said that. Aria is a ticking bomb that would explode at the slightest pressure. He saying that is basically him giving her the go ahead to do whatever she wants.
Normal Aria does absurd, out of the way stuff in response to repulsive attitudes. Given they treat her right; they won't face that side of her.
Aali headed back into the closet, only coming back a couple of minutes later. By the time he returned, she was already tapping her foot on the rug, releasing a long, exaggerated sigh when she spotted him.
Her bored expression morphed into a suspicious one when he kept walking towards her, not seeming to change direction.
"What are you doing?" Her voice came out strong as ever, as she threw him a warning glare.
Aali ignored her, only resorting to shaking his head at her. Once he was within arm's length, he placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her around to face the mirror, standing behind her.
Her eyes remained narrowed when their gazes met through the mirror. She didn't move away though, even though every fiber in her was yelling at her to do so. She stayed, wanting to see what he will do.
Reaching his hand up, he dropped the veil from the spot it covered her head down to her shoulder, unwrapping it in the process. She caught his hand before he could do something further, her grip tighter than he expected. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked, the edge in her voice evident.
Aali smirked. "What does it look like I'm doing?"
"Don't play smart with me and don't try anything funny"
He chuckled. "Or what?"
"I'll break your wrist" She tightened her hold around it to prove her point.
Aali chuckled again. He has to give her credit though. She has more strength in her than she looks like because her hold was tight.
"I'm serious" Her eyes squinted slightly, as if that would prove her point.
"Do you trust me?" He asked, instead of taking her threat seriously.
She scoffed lowly. "Of course not"
"You will eventually" He didn't give her time to think about what he said before he got his hand out of her grip. She hated it because he made it look easy.
Maya has been training for as long as she has, and the girl has never been able to get out of her grip. Yet he did, easily.
Stupid men strength.
He then opened the box she didn't notice he had with him earlier—probably because she was too caught up glaring at him. Pulling it open, he picked up what was inside. A necklace. A stunning one for that matter. He kept the now empty box on the vanity table, then placed the necklace on her neck.
"If you dare choke me to death with it, I'll come back and hunt you"
"Chill woman" Aali laughed lowly. Her threats and thoughts really do humor him. He clipped the necklace around her neck, then stepped away. "There, all good"
Aria wanted to say something about the necklace, but she didn't because the necklace is beautiful. She didn't know when he got it, or why he gave it to her knowing it would be some sappy nonsense.
Unfortunately—based on her view that is—, as much as she hated his company, she was starting to want it better than the one she is about to join. Because it only took a couple of minutes for them to reach the Queen's chambers, where she would meet the relatives.
And it only took a couple of seconds for him to intertwine his hands with hers as they stood infront of the door.
The guard made the announcement everyone has been waiting for. "The Crowned Prince and the Princess have arrived!"
Then, the double doors were opened.
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