Meeting a person once is chance. Twice is a coincidence. Thrice is fate.

Whosoever said that has no idea what life is clearly. You can meet a person a thousand times and it still won't mean a thing—based on the type of relationship you share that is.

Relationships; the one thing Aria had been avoiding for as long as she could remember.

Of course, you'd think there's no need to have such thoughts at the moment, right? However, there are certain situations that a person would be in, and you'd start to imagine the worst case scenario. Yes, this is that worst case scenario for Aria.

It's like meeting your crush. After exchanging the first few words, your brain would already be planning your wedding and life together.

This time around, Aali isn't a crush to Aria but a person that might turn out to be something similar. At least, that's what she thinks. It wasn't her fault for having such thoughts though, there are so many things that could go wrong.

Right from their first encounter, the relationship they have now, the one they might have at the moment and from then henceforth.

Could she afford that? Not to forget he's a Prince—the root of the royals that she had been trying to avoid.

"No, I'm just overthinking this" Aria mumbled, blowing out a breath that carried the words away.

"What was that?"

Aria whipped her head to the side, gaze falling on the man that she had forgotten is beside her. Her eyes didn't miss the small smile plastered right across his face.

They had all decided to give the engaged some space to themselves. Abu and Maa went upstairs while Aria and Aali headed out—based on Aali's request. Aria would've directed him to the other, slightly smaller living room but he wanted to go outside and wait.

Aali had his reasons. Once glance at Aria when she came down and he could tell there is something troubling her. She had hidden it well; he couldn't have detected it if not that she's so much alike Hudayya. And whenever Hudayya is doing that, he takes her out for some breathing and alone time.

And just as expected, Aria appreciated it though she didn't know his real reason for asking her outside. It has been over five minutes since they stepped out yet Aria hasn't said a word to him—too occupied by her thoughts to even remember that she has company.

It wasn't until he heard her mumble something did he decide that she was ready to speak. And it was until then did she remember his presence.

"Oh...I'm sorry about that" She knew she shouldn't zone out on him since he's a guest but she couldn't help it. She's usually composed but at the moment, she just has so many thoughts on her mind.

He shook his head, his small smile still there. "It's okay. You seemed a bit lost there"

Lost? Aria thought in her head. Lost won't even cut it. Instead of answering, she shrugged slightly. She had no words to reply to what he just said. It isn't like she could explain to him how far her thoughts went or what she had just found out.

Aali watched as she stared at nothing in particular. Only the sound of her breathing in and out as she tried to calm herself was heard. If it was Hudayya in that situation, he would've known what to do.

However, the woman standing beside him isn't his sister. So, he has to think of other ways to get her mind off that.

When the first thought crossed his mind, he didn't think twice before saying it—wanting to see her reaction. "Do you want to elope together?"

As expected, her expression was priceless.

She swiveled her head so fast that Aali feared she might get dizzy from how abrupt the action was. But, that was nothing compared to her wide eyes and mouth hung ajar, a fly could literally fly in there from how wide she had opened it. "What?!" She half yelled, gaining the attention of Amadu who stood a good distance away from them.

But even he heard her. She wasn't exactly discreet about it, and it was purely out of impulse.

She blinked, trying to let his words sink in. Her eyes roamed over his face that remained stoic, he looks like he's actually serious. "What did you just say?" She asked, her voice reducing from the tone she had used earlier.

"I said, do you want to elope? With me of course" He repeated, lips set into a tight line to show how serious he is. Given, he was only pretending to see her reaction but his acting was good enough to make anyone think he is serious.

Then again, he is the Prince that is an expert when it comes to feigning his actions. It's no surprise he pulled it off.

Amadu folded his lips to hold back his lips. Though he most times fall for the façade the Prince puts on, he still knows a couple of times when the Prince is faking it. This situation is an example. It is only someone who doesn't know the Prince that would fall for this trick of 'eloping'. The guy is clearly pulling her legs to see her reaction—and he is getting one.

If possible, Aria's mouth hung wider than before. After a couple of seconds, she shook her head, "No...why not just get married along with Maya and Muneer? I mean. It would save everyone the headache, right?" She was clearly being sarcastic, and they all knew that but Aali wasn't willing on backing down that easily.

So, he nodded. "I can call my elders to arrange a meeting" He pulled out his phone, "Or would you prefer I tell my father about it when I return home?"

Instead of backing down as he expected, Aria simply smirked. "It would be better if you tell the Calipha yourself. The elders can come tomorrow" If he really thought that playing this game would make her back down then he has other things coming at him.

He doesn't know who he is playing with.

She's Aria TayyuSafwan, and she's one heck of a stubborn lawyer that stands her ground no matter what.

Aali stared at her, amusement twinkling in his eyes. "Okay" He said, nodding his head as if making a mental note to do so. "They'll be here tomorrow" His lips curled into a smile.

Aria took the moment to notice his features. His smile is just as she remembered from the last time. Though she didn't spare Muneer much of a look, she could tell that his skin is lighter than that of Aali. But Aali wouldn't be labelled as dark skinned either. No, he is far from that. Comparing he and Aria, she would only be fairer than he is—given her background. His stubble is a bit more than the last time she saw him, and if she was being honest, he looks better at the moment. The corner of his eyes that crinkle when he smiled, making them seem a bit hooded did nothing to reduce his features.

Perhaps, it's just in her eyes, but she would say that Aali is much more good looking than Muneer—and most of the guys she knows back in Turkey. He's almost perfect.

"Great" Aria grinned, momentarily forgetting her worries. Chuckling, she shook her head and looked away. She's sure of one thing, Aali now realizes that he can't try to make her back down by using marriage issue to trick her. Nice try. She thought.

He should've used a topic that she knows isn't impossible. Marriage is the impossible line between them. He can't ever be serious about that so that was all she needed to know he's playing around.

No words were exchanged for the next couple of minutes that passed. Aria's thoughts eventually trailed back to her initial ones. She couldn't help it. That very thought is engraved in her head. It's a constant reminder of what awaits her in the future.

Should she tell her family about it? No, she can't. It's Maya's wedding—they all need some good news after everything that has happened with their family so far.

Unconsciously, Aria's hand moved to her bracelet which she trailed with her index finger—eyes settled on nothing in particular.

Aali glanced at Aria, noticing her change of mood. He could tell by the look on her face—it was easy to detect. His grin turned into a small smile, "You will all be alright one day"

"Huh?" She looked up, his words jerking her away from her train of thoughts. "What are you talking about?"

"What's bothering you" His smile disappeared, along with all trace of lark. "I can tell from one look at your face. Something is bothering you, a bit more than you would want it to"

Every fiber in Aria screamed at her to look away and ignore his words. Yet instead, she chuckled though it didn't meet her eyes, "What are you now? A psychic? That would be a bit too unfair, right? You are a Prince after all. It will add to the list of good things you have"

Aali wasn't fazed by her attempted joke. And he made sure it reflected on his face, "Do you always make jokes to get out of serious situations?" He asked instead, ignoring her remark.

Aria's lips curled into a small grin, "Stop looking at me like that, it makes you look like one big bad Prince" She doesn't want to answer his question. Why? Because he's right. Yes, she acts all tough and whatnot. But, she hates talking about serious situations—she avoids it at all cost.

But would she tell him that? Of course not.

"Aria" He called out, not appreciating her jokes one bit. Yes, he doesn't know her but he could tell that whatever is on her mind is bothering her a lot. Perhaps he should mind his own business, right? After all, when has he ever cared about someone other than his sister?

But that is exactly why he doesn't want to drop it. He has seen what happened to his sister and what she had to went through for keeping things in. He wouldn't want that for anyone.

"I'm being serious right now" He added, eyes not once moving away from hers.

Aria's soft smile remained on her face, "So am I" Her voice came out lower than she hoped. But he has touched the sore topic for her, and she is only a couple of moves away from breaking down. Yet, aside from the low voice, she refuses to let it show, "Stop looking at me like that" She repeated.

"Like what?" At the moment he couldn't tell whether she's playing around with him or not. Because what she just said, and his reply sounded like something he once heard from the numerous sappy soaps Hudayya watches back when she lived in the palace.

But, instead of a reply like the ones he had heard before, Aria's came out different. "Like you can see right through me" Her smile disappeared, and all the feelings she had been holding in shown in her eyes.

Aali was stunned for a moment—and that is something he had never been before. He always knows what to say, no matter which situation he is in but not at the moment. He had to think carefully and chose his next words. "Why? Does it affect you to know that someone can see pass the walls you've put up?"

Aria simply stared at him, unable to say a word. No, that wasn't it. She just didn't want to say a word.

Aali sighed lowly, "Aria look, whatever is on your mind, trust me, it'll be better if you tell your family about it. A problem shared is a problem half solved" He had never believed that statement, but he doesn't know if Aria would.

It wouldn't hurt to try, right?

She scoffed lightly. "What if I don't want to share my problems?" Her voice held no offensiveness as she wasn't trying to be. She just wanted to hear his response.

"You don't have to share it with your family then. But pray and seek ease from Allah. He knows your problems, and He is the only person that can help you out of it—even if it seems impossible to you"

What he just said, it's something that she couldn't argue with. Being a lawyer, it's only natural she pushes the argument till she wins it but she can't when he says stuff like that. That was all he needed to say for her to know he is right. And judging from the look on his face, he knows that too.

Instead of replying, she simply smiled and looked away and returned her gaze to staring at space. She didn't reply to him verbally, but she agreed with what he said.

Aali stared at her for a while before he looked away too. Aria intrigues him, with her secrets and all. And he wants nothing at the moment than to prove to this woman that it's okay be weak and admit it when you're down. She doesn't have to smile and pretend like everything is okay when it's not.

After all, even the strongest people break every once in a while.

And that is what he will do.


Aria went back in soon enough, having nothing to say to Aali anymore. That wasn't the only reason she left though, Muneer came about just about time, then bid Aria farewell. Once she was in, Muneer turned to his best friend, Aali—a sly grin plastered right across his face.

Aali noticed the look, and knowing what it meant, he shook his head. "Don't even start, brother" He didn't wait for Muneer as he made his way over to the car they came in.

Amadu was already by the door, and once Aali was near, he opened the door for him allowing the Prince to easily get in. The door was closed firmly shut behind him while Muneer got in through the other door which was opened for him by the driver.

Muneer turned around to look at Aali who had looked away from him, not wanting his cousin to start his string of annoying teasing. "Ah ah! Wasn't it you that said, and I quote, 'I don't care if your fiancée has a sister. I am not interested' Huh?"

Aali shook his head. He knew Muneer better than anyone, and the guy will not let him off the hook regarding this. "It's not what you think Muneer"

Muneer stared at Aali, not believing the man's words one bit. He didn't miss the smile that has been on Aali's face since, "Tell me, what are you thinking of" He can tell that Aali has something on mind.

He's not the man's best friend for nothing.

Aali chuckled, glancing at Muneer, "You'll see"

Muneer simply smiled.

After that, throughout the drive, no words were exchanged. Eventually, Aali dropped Muneer off at his home which was two houses away from the palace. When he returned to the palace, he had the driver drop him off at his father's chamber.

He has something he needed to do there, urgently.


The next day, Aria woke up to shuffling and chatters in the house. Despite staying in a room upstairs, she still heard it. Groaning, she buried her face between her pillows.

With Maya's wedding set to take place in only two weeks, it's no surprise that their house would be crowded already. Despite the fact that they don't have much relatives in Nigeria, the ones abroad have started flying over to help with the wedding setup and planning since they can't do it alone.

The noise they're making is annoying Aria to bits. She didn't sleep early last night, she still had work that came up urgently. Though she's not back home, and that she is still on her annual break, there is this case that sprouted which she couldn't ignore.

Truth be told, she had booked her flight back to Turkey that same day. It's just that her flight leaves at night so she's taking the morning to get rid of all the tiredness knowing she won't get any when she returns home.

She hasn't informed her family that she is leaving either, but she's planning to do so when she wakes up. They would understand—hopefully. Besides, it's not like she'll miss Maya's wedding, she'll be back a day before the wedding starts. That is, assuming things don't get out of hand.

She really doesn't want to miss the wedding, but she cannot ignore this case. No. Not when the case has something to do with what broke their family all those years ago. Albeit she has no intention of telling them about it, she would handle it on her own.

The minute she was the email that came in hours ago right when she was about to sleep, she knew she couldn't stay.

The chatters didn't stop; and that annoyed Aria more. Eventually, she gave up on trying to sleep. Getting out of bed, she headed over to the bathroom to wash her face and brush. Once she was done, she threw on a random hijab over her pajamas and headed out.

As expected, the house is slowly filling up with people. She flashed everyone she met on the way a smile before she made her way downstairs to get herself some breakfast. Thankfully, there weren't people in the kitchen, so she got the food she wants and settled on the counter stool.

Halfway through her food, Maya, Sofia and a couple of her other cousins came in—grins plastered right across their face.

"Hey" Aria offered them a small wave.

"Well well well, if it isn't the bride of the year!" Sofia exclaimed, wiggling her brows at Aria.

Aria who had just swallowed the fries in her mouth frowned, "What nonsense are you spouting now?" She reached her hand out and picked up the cup of water, before bringing it to her lips.

Maya shook her head, "She meant how Aali's elders came earlier to ask for your hand in marriage!" She squealed slightly.

Aria chocked.

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