Aria used the GPS to get to work, and that was when she figured out that the place is a bit far from the palace considering the palace is a bit secluded from the crowded areas. Nonetheless, in about twenty minutes she arrived at the law firm. Finding a spot to park, after giving the guards at the gate her name and ID—which Aali gave her the day before, she was allowed in. Parking the car in the area reserved for workers, she stepped out of the car, taking a second to take a glance at her new place of work.
She would be lying if she said she didn't underestimate the place. She thought it would be small compared to the one back in Istanbul, with a whole less sophisticated look but she was wrong. If anything, it is just as big as the one she used to work in.
And its beauty? The word will be an understatement too.
Taking in a deep breath, she pushed her legs forward and made her way into the building that other workers are heading into too. She had to wait in line, considering most of them were just arriving too. They were all talking to one another, except none of them paid her a glance.
She was glad though. The less attention she gains, the better.
Once in the law firm, the cold breeze from the AC hit her, and her nose flared slightly as she took in the lavender scent that filled up the place. Both combined, it was absolute bliss and she could only hope her office feels the same way.
If it does, then she is sure it'll lessen some of the stress she'll undoubtedly face.
Her boot clank as she made her way over to the receptionist, wanting to inquire Fahad's whereabouts. Since she doesn't know anyone there, he is the only person she can meet and be informed of what to do. That's what Aali told her nonetheless.
He wanted to give her the man's phone number so she would just call him when she gets there but it slipped off his mind, and hers.
So, that's how she found herself standing in front of the receptionist. There were three behind the huge marbled counter, two ladies and a man. A reasonable distance was made apparent between them as they all tended to people that stopped by them.
"Good morning. Welcome to Hukuki IstihbaratNG. (Legal Intelligence Nigeria). How can I help you, ma'am?" The nice looking receptionist asked, looking up from the computer when she spotted Aria. She offered the woman a warm smile to which Aria reciprocated, glad that her work started with someone nice and not the other way round.
After the negativity she has been facing with the royals, she didn't need more at work.
"Hi. I'm Aria Tayyu and I'm here to see--"
"If it isn't Mrs. Bello II"
Aria who was cut midway turned around, a smile making its way on her features the minute she heard the familiar voice from behind her. Crossing her arms slightly, she replied. "If it isn't Miss Bello II" She flashed Hudayya a grin.
The woman approached her, pulling her into an embrace that was a bit too tight for Aria. And that had her wondering how much energy the girl has that early in the morning. She wasn't a morning person but Hudayya is by the looks of it.
Nonetheless, she hugged her back, patting her back slightly till they pulled back. "I didn't think I'd see you here" Aria stated honestly. She had been meaning to make time to see the girl ever since Aali told her about her relationship with Hameed, but she hasn't had the chance yet. "What are you doing here?" She knows it's stupid to ask, but as far as she knows Hudayya isn't a lawyer.
Or is she?
If she indeed is, then Aria wouldn't be that surprised. Crazy thing has been happening since she married Aali and she is starting to learn to accept that impossible things can happen.
Hudayya chuckled. "What else? I work here"
"But you're not a lawyer" Aria stated, but it sounded more like a question. She needed to clarify.
Hudayya nodded, lips puckered slightly. "True" She agreed, intertwining her fingers. Her grin never disappeared, and Aria really did wonder how the girl could have that much positive energy in the morning. "I work in the computer department" She explained, "You know the other part of the law firm that deals with intelligence. You people deal with the legal stuff; we deal with the intelligence stuff. That's basically what makes up the name Hukuki Istihbarat"
Aria nodded in understanding. She didn't think of that possibility since she deals with the legal stiff so much she forgets about the intelligence part that deals with the information they get and whatnot. "So you're the tech genius?" She asked, but it came more as a statement.
Hudayya's grin widened if possible, "Yes, I'm the tech genius. And you my dear sister, is the badass lawyer"
Aria hummed, shaking her head as a grin made its way on her features. Now that she knows the truth, she understands why Hameed fell for Hudayya. She's just so vibrant and fun to be around when you know her well. Aria remembers that day during archery when Hudayya asked, or more interrogated her and she thought the girl is bad news.
Hudayya proved her otherwise with each passing day that they're friendship grows. Hudayya is a good person, Aria can tell. Sure, she has been hurt, which is why she seems cold most times but she is a good person. The more you get to know her the more you can tell.
"You must be looking for Fahad, right?" Hudayya asked. Looking around, she took note of how it's almost eight and everyone is getting to their designated place of work.
Aria nodded, "Yeah. I need to talk to him to know what exactly my work is and where I work"
Hudayya scoffed lightly, "Knowing Ya Aali, your office is probably on the fourth floor. That's where all the big shot lawyers are" She said, gesturing for Aria to come along with her as she led them to the elevator.
"You do know I got here not because of him but because I earn it, right?" Aria felt a bit offended by Hudayya's words, despite knowing she didn't mean it with harm. But if Hudayya thinks Aali pull strings to have Aria on the highest level then what would the others think. "I am already a bigshot lawyer when I work at the Istanbul branch of Hukuki Istihbarat"
Hudayya turned around to look at Aria, her lips tugged into a slight frown. "I know Aria. You should know I don't think of you like that. But the people here are mean. I don't know the kind of people you work with back in Istanbul but here, they will not hesitate to step on you for being new. Despite you name being popular back at the Istanbul branch. Here, they will make you start from nothing"
"So I have to start from the scratch?" The thought of that irritated Aria. She worked hard to get to where she is. She had sleepless nights over it but she still pushed forward so she could be at the top. And now what, she has to do it all over?
Hudayya shook her head, offering her a small reassuring smile. "No. Ya Aali won't allow that. It's what I meant earlier. He'll make sure you are fully acknowledged for your work and achievements" She knows her brother; he wouldn't let his wife get disrespected like that.
Aria let out a sigh of relief, "I guess that's good to know" Her should sag a bit, "I can't deal with more negativity. Your family is enough, no offence" She offered Hudayya a small smile.
She chuckled, "None taken" Hudayya threw a quick glance at the current floor they are in, realizing they only have one more to reach their destination. "They are your family too"
Aria let out a deep, exaggerated breath. "Don't remind me" She mumbled, shaking her head.
The elevator dinged, letting the two know they have reached their destination. The doors slid open, and Hudayya was the first to step out with Aria beside her. Aria took note of how that floor was somehow way more sophisticated, and dazzling than the one she was just in.
The floor literally screams 'debonair'. Clearly, the HukukBurosu (Law firm) appreciated the lawyers on that floor.
"This is the fourth floor. Anyone here is considered like a senior lawyer of a sort. But basically, once you've made it here, you're at the highest level you can reach. I don't know if you had a place similar back in the Istanbul branch" Hudayya explained, leading Aria to door at the far end. Above the door, in a neat cursive font was written CFO Fahad Rasheed.
Aria shrugged. "There was, but only people that have worked for at least ten years get to be among" She explained.
Hudayya nodded in understanding. Here, anyone who shows capabilities can work there with no questions asked or rules deeply engraved. She knocked on the door, and without waiting for a response she pushed the door open with a salaam.
"WaalaikissalamHudayya" Fahad replied from behind his desk, eyes never once leaving the papers scattered on his desk. "I know it's you, for only you will barge in without waiting for a response. At least you knocked today" He stated, amusement coating his tone as his gaze moved to another paper.
Hudayya let out an exaggerated sigh. "I am honored to be recognized then" She gave him a dramatic grin that had him chuckling softly. "Now if you would look up you'll realize that you have a guest"
Immediately she said that, Fahad looked up to throw a glance at his friend's sister, then his gaze moved to the woman he had been expecting since her husband won't shut up about leaving her in his care. A wide grin made its way on his face, as he pushed his chair back and stood up, making his way over to the duo. "Welcome to Hukuki IstihbaratAmaryar mu"
Aria offered him a grin, "It's nice to see familiar faces here, Fahad"
"Oh you'll be seeing a lot of familiar faces" He murmured under his breath, not meant for her to hear obviously. He actually meant one familiar face that he knows he will undoubtedly get tired of seeing since she works there.
The annoying dude will keep showing up. So God help them.
"Huh?" Aria rose a brow, not getting what he said. The man spoke too low for her to hear.
Hudayya who had caught up on what he said nodded in agreement, understanding the meaning behind his words.
"I'm sure you are tired of being around Hudayya. Trust me, I know how the girl can be" Fahad said, changing the topic from what Aria just said.
"Hey!" Hudayya protested but she was ignored by the man she has always considered another elder brother she enjoyed annoying. Fahad is just like Aali to her. Except unlike Aali who scolds her when she does something wrong, Fahad more like nicely and calmly reprimands her.
That's why when she gets in trouble back then, she preferred to tell Fahad than Aali knowing she will get scolded by her brother. Fahad has her back though, and thus, saves her from the scolding.
Aria threw a glance at Hudayya, chuckling as she nodded when she faced Fahad again. "I would love nothing more. Thank you"
"Let's go?" He gestured to the door, "And Huds, try not to wreck my office before I get back" He added right before he closed the door behind him.
"No promises!"
Fahad chuckled lightly, shaking his head. "That girl..." She has always been the little sister he never had since he's an only child. "Aali said she's a lot like you"
"Of course he'll say that" Aria muttered, not the least offended. But he right, she is like Hudayya sometimes. "He should be thanking us; we make his life interesting"
"That I don't argue with"
Aria offered him a smile as he led her to the office a couple of doors away from his. Just like his office, atop of the door on a gold palate written in a Cinzel font this time around is 'Attorney Aria'. Before she could dwell on it though, he pushed the door open and stepped aside for her to step in.
With her right foot and a salaam, Aria stepped into her new office. Her nose was immediately filled with the scent of lavender from earlier, but with another scent that merged together is soothing. She couldn't point her finger on the scent, but she loved it nonetheless.
Her eyes moved round the moderately large office. Since she wasn't part of the elite team back in Istanbul, her office wasn't as big as the current one. One side of the wall was completely made of glass, giving her the sight of the beautiful Hadewa Caliphate from there. There were blue drapes by the side, which she could pull to hide the view if she wants.
The entire room was colored blue with a Florence Knoll pedestal table grouped with Saarinen armchairs that were calling Aria's name. She could already imagine herself sitting there, working while she takes in the scent merged with the cool air from the AC. Covering the wooden floor is a carpet by Diane von Furstenberg and sconces adorning the wall from Fros flank. She could also spot her stainless-steel X-shaped legs glass top table which had a Macbook on it—as if she didn't have one already—along with a couple of other necessities including a name plate that has 'Attorney Aria Bello II' written in bold.
She made a mental note to change it to her real, complete name. She didn't see the point of using Aali's last name.
On another side of the wall is a medium sized book shelf, a bit bigger than she expected but she adores it nonetheless. She was trying to reign the squeal of excitement in, but the office is her literal dream one.
"Do you like that?" Fahad asked, and for that moment she had forgotten that she has company.
Turning around to offer him a wide grin, she nodded. "I absolutely do" She couldn't help herself from letting her eyes drift round the place again.
Would it be a bad thing if she decides to live there?
Don't get her wrong, her house is stunning and all, she could also customize it however if she wants but the office...the new office has her heart.
Fahad released a sigh of relief, "Well in that case I'll leave you to work then. You'll have a new secretary since your old one had returned to Istanbul already. She will be here in a couple of minutes and brief you on what to do"
She nodded, "Thank you"
"Don't mention it. And also, your break is by ten thirty so you can get lunch from the Cafeteria if you want. I promise, we have scrumptious food there else you have other plans"
She offered him a wide smile, "Actually, Aali and I planned on getting brunch together later"
"Figured" He nodded, his grin still intact. "If you need anything, you know where to find me" With that said, he stepped out leaving her alone.
Aria, like the matured adult she is let out a squeal of excitement that she hoped no one heard. When she finally calmed down, she made her way over to the table and settled on the luscious swivel chair, keeping her bag aside. Quickly pulling her phone out, she snapped a picture of herself, then another of the office and sent to the family group that consisted of her, Abu, Maa and Maya.
Once it was sent, she called up Maya whose phone was apparently still switched off. Her mood dampened slightly but she shookthe thought away and called her Abu. Just like Maya, his phone is also switched off. Her brows furrowed, and lips curved into a deep frown.
His phone is never, switched off.
She tried again, but she got the same response. Confused, she called Maa's phone and this time around when it rang, her shoulders slumped in relief which was short lived because the woman never picked up. That was how she called again thrice and still there was no response.
She couldn't help but feel like something is going on with them. But before she could make a move to figure out what, the door opened and in stepped a new face she had never seen before. Her new secretary.
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