Chapter 20
Hey Guys! I am sooooooo sorry for not updating this yesterday! I completely forgot, which was ironic because I had been wanting to update it all week!
Well anyway, here it is guys! Super sorry!
~Narrator's P.O.V~
Laughing Jack walked through the mansion, many questions ran through his mind, but he couldn't seem to focus on any. He was still trying to figure out where (Y/N) had gone, and why she had randomly disappeared.
A thought had entered his mind once or twice before, but he was quick to dismiss it, no way could it be true unless...
"Unless she was exactly like him..." Jack grumbled to himself, taking in the possibilities, "The fire could have been a cover up to escape me..."
The thought stung, but there were no other traces of the human girl anywhere, and the idea that she would have abandoned the monochrome clown much like his first friend had hurt. Now it only enraged him.
Why did people always seem to leave him? Couldn't he ever keep a friend?
That he didn't kill anyway.
With a growl he shook his head, -No, I can't think like that. She wouldn't have just ditched me like that, she can't have...-
Slowly, his monochrome frame began to change, -Or... Maybe she did. Maybe she couldn't stand me...-
The winding hall seemed to go on forever, the golden-red wallpaper stretched away from his view, further than his arms could ever dream of reaching.
-Maybe... She really did leave me... Just. Like. Isaac.-
The clown let out a low growl, but the ache in his chest was more prominent than the fire in his stomach, and his demeanour only drooped.
His appearance changed. Now, instead of the lush black locks, his head was covered in white hair, that hung in his eyes, seeming to blind him. His claws changed from the menacing black to a paper white, and his bandaged turned darker and darker, until they were only black.
It was like the stripes had inversed, where the white had been, the black replaced and so forth. His skin darkened, as did his eyes, the dark grey shine barely standing out against the darker irises.
Negative Laughing Jack stalked down the hall, clawed hands barely scrapping the fluffy red carpet that lined the building. His head hung as the thought circled through his mind, over and over.
(Y/N) had left him, abandoned him just like Isaac did, and he knew that even if he did find her, he'd never be able to kill her for it. He'd never get his revenge.
A giggle made the clown lift his head, and a little girl stood at his feet, large green eyes gazing up at him, and blood dripping down her face.
"What's the matter?" She asked, tilting her head. Her brown curls fell across her face, but she took no notice.
The clown takes in the pink gown she wore, and the teddy that was gripped tightly in her hands. The child seemed to glow, her innocent eyes looking... Too innocent.
He let out a huff, before stepping over her, continuing his way to nowhere in a grumpy slouch. The girl pouted, watching him go.
Laughing Jack grumbled under his breath, looking around the halls at all the doors that lead to rooms. Some had scratch marks, others had dark stains, and some had no marks at all. However, all had a name written on them, spread out in shiny gold letters.
There was Jeff the Killer, his name had blood smeared all over it, as if he had once attempted to get rid of the gold. Another read Eyeless Jack, and the clown scoffed, rolling his dark eyes at the similarity to his own name.
Another giggle from behind him made Laughing Jack turn, facing the small girl once again. Still she stared up at him, unknowing the danger she was in standing so close to a wounded murderer.
Metaphorically of course.
"What do you want..?" He finally let out a huff, glaring down at her through his white hair.
"If you're that upset you should go watch TV." She stated in a slightly dramatic huff, crossing her little arms, "That cheers everyone up!"
"Yeah well I don't want cheering up..." He stated, before looking around, wondering if someone would come looking for the kid.
"And why not?" She frowned, "Everyone likes being happy."
"Not me." He felt like he couldn't move as he glared at her. What was he even doing? Bickering with a child? He's meant to kill children, not argue with them.
Like he had anything better to do.
"And why not?" The girl persisted.
"I don't want to explain it to you..." He stated, before walking back the way he came, stepping over the much smaller figure, "You're too young anyway, shouldn't you be at a school or something?"
"Slendy said I had to stay here." She stated, following him, "Where are you going? Are you going to watch TV?"
Jack growled, gritting his teeth, "Will you leave me alone if I do...?"
"Yep!" She smiled, looking triumphant, "You look new here, I'll show you were it is!"
And so, even in the crappiest mood, the clown let the girl grab his clawed hand, and lead him back down to the first floor, down a hall, through a huge dining room and into another, slightly smaller room.
Said room had no lights on, only the light from the TV. One wall was lined with a long couch, it's denim blue colour standing out amongst the richness of the rest of the mansion.
In fact, this whole room seemed ordinary and boring compared to the rest of the house. The walls were plain, a darker shade of blue, and a few shelves had things like small photo frames or jars of God knows what.
The little girl let go of the clown's hand, before jumping over to the couch and to two people. The first Laughing Jack recognised as Toby, the twitchy asshole that had cut (Y/N)'s throat. The other looked human as well, even if he was pale white. He had dark marks around his eyes, and Jack noted he didn't seem to blink. Two large gashes ran form his lips to his cheeks, giving him a permanent smile, and his charcoal black hair hung just passed his shoulder.
"Jeffy!" The girl giggled, jumping onto the white being.
The guy gave a slightly started yelp, before looking down at her and huffing, "Quit it Sally, you know I hate that..."
"Exactly!" She smiled, before climbing off him, "The clown guy is upset, so I brought him here to watch TV!"
Toby looked over, the light of the TV shining over his orange goggles, making his eyes disappear.
"L-Laugh-Laughing-ing Ja-ack?" He tilted his head, "U-Up-Upset-t why?"
"I don't know, he wouldn't tell me." The girl, Sally, pouted once again.
"Well that's rude." Jeff scoffed, glancing at the clown, "So, I heard you fought Slenderdick huh?"
Toby grumbled and elbowed him in the ribs, "Ch-Child..."
"Right right. Slenderman." The other rolled his eyes.
"What's a slender-"
"N-Nothing Sal-ly..."
The girl frowned, "You're no fun!" She stomped her foot, before scurrying out of the room.
"Kids..." Jeff shook his head, "Anyway, heard you fought the bossman huh?"
"Over a human?"
The clown huffed, glancing at the TV. The news was on, still showing the footage of the burning house. They were now talking about the cause, watching as firefighters put out the last of the flames.
The two turned their own gaze to the TV.
"Shit, was that her place?" Jeff asked, "Damn, you know how to murder. Even if it failed."
"I wasn't trying to kill her... I just got back when the fire started."
"S-Ao it w-w-was by comp-plete a-accid-dent?" Toby tilted his head, "Y-You sound l-li-like Je-Jeff... H-He can't k-kill his vict-victim either."
"Shut it twitch-boy..." Jeff grumbled, "You don't know what you're talking about..."
Laughing Jack ignored them, watching the news report with a heavy lump in his chest. How could (Y/N) just have abandoned him like that? He had saved her, befriended her and sure he tried to kill her, but he thought she had let that go.
"Hey Jack, where is your human huh?" The clown's thoughts were snapped as Jeff turned back to him.
"I wish I knew..." He mumbled.
"Oh.. I see..." Jeff shrugged, before grabbing the remote, "If you wanna choose something else to watch then go for it I guess... Just no shitty kids shows."
The clown stared at the remote, before grabbing it in his large hand. He turned back to the TV, watching the smouldering house once more. Just before he could change the channel, Toby reached over and snatched the remote from him,
"W-Wait! L-List-Listen!" He stuttered, pointing at the screen.
"Thankfully no one was injured in the blaze." The news reporter stated, "The owner of the house, (Y/N) (L/N) was said to have been arrested and taken to the (insert hospital name) Hospital. She is under suspicion of being the murderer that has slaughtered all those innocent children."
"Well fuck me sideways and call me Jane, now you know where your human is." Jeff stated.
Laughing Jack stared at the TV, letting the words process through his mind. She hadn't abandoned him, she hadn't left him. She had been taken from him.
And now he knew where she was.
"I need to go." The clown stood, his features back to their normal selves in a snap. The clown stood tall, his silvery gaze filled with determination, before reading the name of the hospital once again, "Tell Slender I'll be back later."
"H-He know-ows." Toby stood, ticking as he turned to the clown, "H-He told-told me to he-help you."
Jeff let out a grunt, before standing as well, "I may as well help to, I got nothing better to do here anyway."
The clown stared at the two, before nodding and walking out of the mansion,
"Fine, but we're going my way, and you're not going to like it."
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