Chapter 17

~Your P.O.V~

You were floating, surrounded by darkness and unable to move. Where were you? What was going on? You tried to move, to look around, but you just couldn't. It was like you were tied down.

"She's waking up." A voice said in the distance, causing you to flinch.

Suddenly, your eyes opened. Everything was a blur, there was a bright light hanging somewhere overhead, and two shapes loomed over you.

You closed your eyes tightly at the burning light, turning your head, when you felt something pull at your face. It felt rubbery, and you tried to pull it off, only to find that you couldn't move your hands, or arms.

Your vision finally cleared, and you took in the brightly lit room, the two doctors standing over you, and the mask that covered your nose and mouth.

A cool breeze hit your nose and you flinched slightly, your mind starting to spin.

"Quick, take the mask off before she passes out again." The voice said again, coming from one of the doctors.

The other nodded and reached out to your face. You wanted to pull away, but your energy had completely disappeared. The lady gently pulled the mask from your face and gave you a warm smile.

She had fair skin and rosy cheeks, with light brown hair, which curled slightly around her face, and dark chocolate brown eyes. Her lips were full and covered in red lip-stick, giving her a stunning, white-toothed grin. You could have assumed she had once been a model, but you weren't sure.

"Good morning (Y/N), it's good to finally see you awake." She said in a soft voice, setting the mask aside.

"Wha.." You tried to speak, but your words were a slurring mess, "Wher.."

"You're in a hospital." The lady answered, placing a hand on your arm, "A mental facility. You were brought here by Officer Della, he claims you have been talking about killer clowns. He's worried about your mental state."

Your eyes widened slightly and you tried to sit up, only to find a tight feeling wrap around your chest. The lady's smile turned sad and she pat her head,

"Easy dear. We had to restrain you, Officer Della said you put up a fight, and we don't want anyone getting hurt."

You let out a groan and leant your head back, trying to stop it from spinning. The other doctor watched you intently, writing things down as he does so.

"Do you think she is ready for another dose?" He turned to the lady.

"No, she's too confused. Leave her be for the day." She stated, taking the clipboard from him and reading it, "She's had enough of that already."

"Enough... Of what...?" You turned your gaze back to them, doing your best to sound awake.

"The medication you are on dear. We're here to help get rid of the scary clowns." The lady faced you with another smile, "Some side effects include dizziness and nausea, so if you ever feel sick, just let me know okay? Doctor Richard here will help as well, don't be afraid to ask him either."

"Get rid...?" You closed your eyes. Scary clowns? What did she mean? You weren't imagining scary clowns.

"We'll leave you get your bearing okay dear?" You felt the nurse place something under your hand, "If you need any help, feel free to press this button, Doctor Richard or I will come running."

"Okay..." You mumbled out, before opening your eyes again. The two doctors had left, you were alone.

"Scary clowns..." You mumbled to yourself, wishing you could at least hold your head, "What did she mean scary clowns? I haven't been talking about clowns..."

Then it clicked. They had been talking about Laughing Jack. You gasped slightly, before trying to sit up again. They were going to try and make you forget about Laughing Jack?!

"No.. No they can't do that, can they?" You asked yourself in a slight panic, "I mean, he isn't an imaginary friend or anything, he is real. They can't just wipe him from my memory, can they?"

You stopped, staring at the ceiling, "How did I even get here... And why... Officer Della arrested me didn't he? I thought I'd go to prison, not some asylum."

Frowning, you realised talking out loud wouldn't help your situation. You had to escape, not wait around forgetting people. Important people for that matter.

Speaking of important people, where was Laughing Jack? Was he still out killing, or had he returned home to find you not there. Had he seen you be taken and not want to risk being seen himself? Would he come after you, maybe even attempt to break you out?

"I don't belong here..." You mumbled to yourself, "I need to get out."

Glancing out the window you saw that you had to be at least 3 or 4 stories up. You could see streets upon streets filled with cars and people walking their dogs. You noted that you were in the middle of town, at the (insert cool hospital name) Hospital. You must be in the mental wing.

In fact, you were shocked to be here at all. This place was for the wealthy, you could have been sent to your local hospital instead, a smaller version that was closer to your home.

If you tried to escape, how would you get home? You couldn't run, they'd catch you instantly. All you really could do was hope Laughing Jack came to your rescue.

Assuming he would.

But until then, the best you could do was find the routine of your doctors and try escaping yourself. A moment of silence passed before the lady walked back into your room.

"Sorry to bother you (Y/N), but you must be starving. I brought you some food to help keep your energy up." She walked over and placed a plastic tray on your lap, before untying the restraints around your arms, "I trust you won't attack me, but if you do, we'll have to knock you out again, and we don't want that."

Rubbing your wrists, you let out a huff, before examining the food. Your stomach growled slightly as you took in the plain looking plate, realising just how badly the food at the hospital was.

The lady gave you another smile, before standing and walking away,

"If you need anything else, don't forget to press the button okay?"

You nodded slowly, before watching her walk, "Wait.."

She stopped and turned back, "Yes?"

"What is your name?"

"Oh, I beg my pardon," She gave a light chuckle, "You can call me Mary, Mary Sue."

You nodded slowly, and she left the room, leaving you once again to ponder your thoughts in silence. Staring at the food once again, your growling stomach slowly disappeared, and you pushed the plate away.

This place already felt like a prison, and you couldn't wait to get out.

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