Chapter 13

~Your P.O.V~

The room was dark, your head was pounding, and you felt dizzy. You tried looking around, but feeling a cloth move over your eyes, you knew instantly you were blindfolded. Where were you? Why were you here? And who were those three that kidnapped you?

Those three, all wearing masks, jumpers, and referring to someone they called 'Slender'. Was that their boss? You let out a whine and struggled, feeling rope around your wrists and ankles; you were tied to a chair.

What were they going to do to you?

You heard a door open, and you looked around, trying to at least find some light under this thick cloth. A tic and static filled the room, and you frowned as you heard people enter.

"Finally. Thank you, boys for finally bringing the right one." A deep, familiar voice said, a twinge of annoyance in the word 'finally'.

"Blame Tobias." Another voice said. You recognised it from the ally.

"Sh-Shut up Tim-Timothy..." A stuttered mutter said, and you remembering the masked guy you had punched. He had a stutter, and a tic. Was this him?

"Stop bickering. We're here to teach that clown a lesson." You shook a little, hearing someone walk closer and the static growing louder, before the cloth around your eyes fell away. Already adjusted to the darkness, you saw the pale face clearly, his featureless head lifted as he stood straight, and you recognised him from the forest.

"Do not take this personally human, we will not kill you."

You heard disappointed huffs from behind him, and you tilted your head, "Then... What will you do?"

"Get back at that blasted clown." The 'Slender' man said, crossing his lengthy arms, "He crossed into my territory, and insisted on fight me over a worthless human he has said he would, and has yet to kill."

-Gee, thanks...- You sighed, "So, why am I here?"

"Revenge dumb bitch." The masked figure stated, shaking his head.

"B-Be niice... Tim-mothy..." The other stated, his orange goggles seeming to glow in the darkness, "Slender d-didn't ssay-y we could be mm-m-meann yet..."

"Shut it Tobias..."

A growl came from Toby, and he raised a fist, before flinching and lowering his head. You noticed Slender was staring at the both of them, and the other masked one, Timothy, had his head lowered too.

What was going on here?

You tried moving again, shifting against the rope and looking around. How were you going to get out of this? Thinking back on the movies you had watched, you sighed. You'd need something sharp.

"S-So.. How-How are we g-go-going to h-huurt her..?" Toby finally raised his gaze to the abnormally tall figure, "Wh-What do you wan-ant us to do?"

"Hurt her however you like, just make sure you get the message across to Laughing Jack, I could not care much what happens to the girl."

"I'm right here you know.."

"I am aware, but frankly, there is nothing you can do. Once the boys are done with you, they will take you home where Jack can find you."

"Won't that just piss him off?"

"Do not question me child, or I will kill you."

"Right, and then your point will never get to him."

If he had a face, you knew the tall monster would be glaring at you, the static got louder, and you flinched, gritting your teeth. Why did you have to have a big mouth? It wasn't like you were a main character in a movie or anything.

"Just hurt her." The Slender man finally said, walking out of the room, "Make her bleed if you must. But do not kill her."

"B-But we l-lik-ke killing.." Toby whined, slouching forward in disappointment.

"You heard him dumbass, no killing." Timothy stated, before turning to you, "So, lets start.."

You frowned and started to struggle more, attempting to loosen the rope around your wrists. The three walked over, Toby ticking now and then. Their eyes, although hidden, all watched with amusement as you tried to free yourself.

"Hm.. Think we should let her go?" Timothy glanced at the others with a chuckle, "Brian, if you will."

The third guy, Brian, was silent as he walked over, pulling out a simple kitchen knife and holding it t to your face. You moved your head back, away from the sharp blade.

"Toby, lock the door."

The ticking boy nodded, disappearing behind the other, and a click sounded. Your stomach dropped, and you glanced around the room for another escape. No windows. What kind of room has no windows?!

"Right, let her go."

Brian nodded and cut the rope with the knife, the blade disappearing into his pocket. Once the rope was gone, you jumped and shoved him away, the hooded figure hitting the ground with a grunt.

"Stay away from me!" You yelled, before running to the door. The other two didn't stop you, both watching with amusement once again. You gripped the door knob and tried to open it, where was the lock? How did he lock it?!

"Let's play a game..."

You turned around, pressing against the door as the three surrounded you.



You were on the ground, curled up and in pain. You never knew how cold the ground could be until this moment, and you held your throbbing side, hoping it would ease the pain. The three had left the room, making sure to lock the door behind them.

Letting out a ground, you looked around the dark room. Well, running had got you nowhere. In fact, it got you beaten. Although you could have guessed that was going to happen anyway.

But it still hurt.

Your left eye gave a throb of pain and you closed, it, covering it with your hand. The area around said eye felt swollen and puffy.

Boy, those guys did a number on you.

In fact, your nose was bleeding too, and your neck felt tight. You flinched as you sat up, hugging yourself tightly. Would they come back? What will they do to you next? Will Laughing Jack find you? Sighing, you held your pain-filled head.

So many thoughts, and so many questions. All you knew was that you had to get out. Yeah, escaping a locked room. Easy peasy.

It took a while, but you were finally on your feet, swaying with pain and a slight dizziness. Great, you needed sugar, or you'd pass out and never get out of here. It always happened at the most inconvenient of times.

You took a glance around the room, only to be reminded that there were no windows. The only escape was the door, which was apparently locked.

But not moveable.

You frowned, shaking your head, "This is going to hurt..."

Taking a deep breath, you ran at the door. A few seconds later, you were expecting to hit wood, but instead barrelled into Toby, knocking the both of you down. He let out a surprised grunt as he hit the ground, before glaring down at you.

"Oh, trying to escape are you?" You looked up to see Timothy staring down at you, "That's no good. We'll have to stop that. Bring her back in Toby."

The two walked in, and you struggled as Toby lifted you up, walking back into the dark room and dropping you to the floor. You let out a whine and rubbed your lower back, feeling an ache spread through your body.

Great, there was no way out now, not with these three here.

"SS-So what sh-shou-ould we do th-thisss tim-me..?" Toby asked, turning his gaze to Tim.

"I was thinking we should break her knees. That will stop her from escaping." The masked male chuckled, "Not exactly what I had originally planned, but it will work."

Your eyes widened and you jumped to your feet, trying to ignore the now spinning room. Before you could sprint for the door, Toby's gloved hand grabbed your arm, forcing you back into the chair you had waken up in.

"A-Ah Ah Ah-h..." He pulled out a hatchet, pointing it at you, "D-Do-on't even t-try..."

"Brian, go get a crowbar." Tim stated, "That will make this easier."

"Wh-What about a h-ha-hammmmer?"

"Good thinking. A sledge hammer?"

"B-Bi-ig hammer..."

"And a sledge hammer."

The orange hooded one nodded, before walking out of the room. He closed the door behind him, but you noticed there was no click of the lock. You only had one chance, and this was it. So, with a quick punch to Tim's crotch, you were on your feet and running for the door.

The masked male let out a yell and crumbled, curled up on himself. You swung the door open as he let out a low growl.

"Get... Her..."

You ran into the hallway, looking around in confusion. Where did you go from here? Taking a chance, you went right, sprinting down the lengthy hallway.

-God I hope this leads somewhere safe- You thought to yourself, glancing over your shoulder. Just to see Toby running after you, -Fanfuckingtastic...-

Turning down another hall, you stopped when static filled your ears, falling back in pain. The Slender man stood over you, staring down at you with his emotionless face.

"Trying to escape hm?" He asked, picking you up in his tendrils, everything started to go dark again, "We can't have that..."

"Slenderman!" You turned slightly to once again see a striped blur tackle the other to the ground. And you once again hit the floor with a groan, holding your spinning head.

But you were yanked to your feet, again, and a hatchet was being held to your throat. The two large being stopped fighting, and Laughing Jack turned, growling.

"Let her go..." He growled.

Tobias' grip tightened on your arm, and you let out a whine as he pressed the small axe to your neck. Slender stood, dusting himself off.

"This is what happens when you anger me." He stated, nodding to the boy standing behind you. You were confused, before a sharp, burning pain ran across your neck, before the warm feeling of blood dripped down your shirt.

You gasped out in pain, falling to your knees, and the clown ran over, picking you up. He glared at the others, and you were suddenly surrounded by a cloudy sky, destroyed stalls, and screaming dolls. Your vision blurred, unable to take anything in, and the clown's claws held you tightly.

"(Y/N).. Stay awake." He stated, you could feel him running, "Let's play a game yeah? Who can go the longest without blinking."

You let out a strangled groan, trying your best to respond, but the burning in your throat stopped you. Your vision blurred more. Where were you going?

"(Y/N)?" You saw the clown glance down at you, his eyes shining with worry, "Don't worry, I'll fix you up."

You gave a weak smile, before everything went black, and you relaxed.

Sorry, this is a constipated chapter, which means, well, you can guess XD Writer's Block is a fucking curse honestly...
Haven Out!!!

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