Sweden Sour


Just what the HELL is wrong with me?

Was I always like this?This...paranoic?Or am I going insane?Am I exagerating?Perhaps I a too...posessive?Or too...obsessed?Nah...it can't be this...


Let's see who's left in the game.

Practically,my only friend that I had here left...

So there is Courtney and Heather...2 obsessed girls.

Sierra,mine and Cody's personal fangirl.

Duncan who...well...he's okay but he doesn't really talk much outside the game.He's really focused on winning...

Owen who...umm...well...not to be rude,cause the guy's fun but...well....no..

Alejandro who is kinda busy all the time for quiet some time so we don't really have time to talk anymore

So the only decent person left here is Cody...

I hope I don't get raped and/or killed by Sierra though...

Well...since I'm bored...why not go and try to socialize with the others?They are in the..um...what is it even called?meeting place? eh...watever.

me:Hey guys,how's it doing?

*Alejandro's PoV*

We all met in the ...meeting room... talking,when I hear a sweet voice saying "Hey guys,how's it doing?" Raven came here?I look at her and...*blushing faintly*S-she's so beautiful...oh God...she should wear dresses more often...Never thought I'd actually see her dressed as cute as that...woaw...breath-taking...Get your thoughts together!You have to focus,idiot!

me:Hey to you too.


Ray:*backing away slowly**smiling awkwardly*T-thanks,Sierra...you're so nice...

Sierra:*jumps on me*LET ME KISS YOU!!

Ray:Yeep!N-no thanks!


*inner smirk*Sorry,that was already taken.Try again next time.

Ray:*giggle**giggle*That's really sweet of you but no thanks...maybe I should make friends with her...*hugging her*But you can be my friend!*close-eyed smile*


Ray:*confused*S-sierra?Are you okay?

Sierra: . . .

Ray:W-what did I do?

Owen:Rainbow is so gorgeous that Sierra faint...

Did you really say that...I'll kill you...


Cody:*taking her hand**twirling her around,smiling*Don't be so modest,Raven,it's true!You are practically the most beautiful girl from here and from everywhere!


Ray:*blushing faintly**giggling*D-don't say that!There will always be someone better than me.It's only natural.You can't be perfect.

Duncan:*smirking*Maybe someone made an exception in your case.


I have to do something...what to do...what to do...Jeez...can't this stupid challange START ALREADY?!

*Raven's PoV*

Is it bad that I like them complimanting me?Or the fact that I REALLY enjoy seeing Alejandro so annoyed and jealous?Like seriously,it's freaking funny!It was TOTALLY worth coming hehe ^W^

Suddenly,I hear my phone ringing(mine is Kizami Yuuya from Corpse Party-horror anime and game series that I 100% love-talking.His voice is killer!Literally ) and I see Chris wants me to go to him.There,withouth forgetting the compliments,I had to hold onto a handle,cause we had to land.on ice.in SWEDEN!!!

After we land,I quickly go in my room and grab my fluffy kawaii bunny coat and run outside.Ice?I DON'T CARE!You can't be a lolita without kawaii heels!Huehuehue!Good thing I CAN actually walk perfectly in these*le pride*

They are all shivering...EXCEPT ME!And Chris...and Chef...HA!NAILED IT!

Chris:Welcome to SWEDEN!

Heather:Um,where are the jackets you ordered in Yukon?

Chris:Excuse me,I worked pretty hard on that accent!It would have been nice if someone appreciated it.

me:Okay Chris.It was pretty good,for only one word*innocent smile*

Duncan:Uh,dude!It's FREEZING out here!


me:Oh Chris...you're such a drama queen sometimes...

Courtney:Okay,let's hear it.


Courtney:Your apology?


Courtney:For what?!*gasp*for GWEN!

Cody:*sad sigh*

Duncan:For who?


Cody:*double sad sigh*

me:Cheer up,Codster.


Cody:*triple sad sigh*


Jeez,girl,you're killing my ears...

Alejandro:May I offer my...latin warmth?

I HAVE LATIN WARMTH TOO!!!Uh..hehe...I'm fine,totally calm hehe..

me:Hey,Sierra,do you want to cuddle with me?I have latin warmth too*smiling*

Sierra:*hugging me tightly*TOTALLY YES!

me:*giggling*Here,is it a little better?

Sierra:Only staying with you makes everything better.

me:Then I'm glad.

Alejandro:*whisper*Let's make Duncan crazy!


*eye twitch* That..was...was...was...

I don't really know.Gross?pretty much.My pointless envy?perhaps.Her desperation?TOTALLY!

Then,just as that,Heather tried TRIED to "flirt" with Duncan to make Alejandro jealous.

You know,all this time,nobody ever thought of me as a potential member of his "harem"and yet,the irony of this life made me his real girlfriend.Those girls are SO desperate.What should I have done if I had that low of an IQ?Flirt with Cody?What the hell...this EVERYTHING is soooo messed up,I'm GLAD I'm not a real competitor...

Chris:The jackets are here!


me:*laughing*Really?Do you actually trust Chris's word?

Chris:In 6 to 8 weeks!


Chris:*rant rant rant* And since Team me has only 3 competitors,Raven will compete with them.

OH,but just what were the odds?

Team Chris was staring at the girls fighting.It's WAY too funny.


ALejandro:Owen,You're an incredibly stupid genius!

Duncan:A compliment and an insult at the same time.Impressive.

Alejandro:Yes.My people call it a complinsult.



Alejandro:Owen,get the sledgehammer.

me:Wait,I think we need some privacy.Grab the plain canvas.

I went to get the things to start working on the courtain,when I feel someone stopping me,grabbing my hands.It was Duncan.


Duncan:You'd better relax.This is a man's work.

Alejandro:Oh no you didn't!

me:*hexa death glare*AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?

Duncan:I MEAN that you may get hurt.

me:*getting my hands from his grip**rolling my eyes*It's so amazing to "know"that you're concerned about me,but you'd better put it bluntly and say it!You actually THINK that I'm going to slow you down,cause I am a GIRL!



Duncan:SHUT UP,TOOTS!YOUR PLACE ISN'T HERE,BUT IN A ROOM,CLEANING (Because saying "making me a sammich is too mainstream)

me:*dark aura*that's it*hitting his head with the hammer*Fuck.off.


me:*giggling*now THAT was so much fun!*smile*

Owen:*shivering*Rainbow is scaring me...

me:Did you say something,Owen?


me:OKay!Let's start the courtain!

In less than 5 minutes we were ready.

me:heh.I want to see that idiot saying he's better than me.

Alejandro:There is no person in the world better than you.But *whispering*Am not saying you can't do this,because I'm 100%aware you are perfectly capable of doing it,but please let us do the work.Your soft,delicare hands are only meant to touch the finest things,not to work,

me:*blushing faintly*Well...if you put it that way...that okay!I really am not fond of working.You know.Sloth stuff.

Alejandro:*kissing my hand*Perfectly aware.

The girls started a REAL fight this time.IT"S SO FUNNY! ~singing time~

As a reward,we got...a bag of rocks.Genius Chris strikes again.

Alejandro then literally RIPPED his shirt.IS HE FREAKING CRAZY?!HE'S GOING TO FREEZE!!!

Oh,so NOW you are the ONE who gets the boat to the water?Now that is struggling...*sigh*No wonder he did that!The fangirls are TOTALLY unfocused!Heh,Team Chris will win!

Duncan:*high-5ing Owen*YEAH!You save our butts with YOUR butt!Best team mate ever!

me:tsk.talking about lame jokes...

Alejandro:Yes,Owen,You really are the best for figuring out about the boat.

Duncan:Yeah!What was it you called him?

Alejandro:I....don't remember.

Duncan:Oh yeah!He called you an incredibly stupid genius!

Alejandro:Yeah,a bad joke hehe.We can't all be as funny as Owen.

me:*whispering*Smooth move,Einstein.

Owen:I am pretty funny,I guess.


me:*sigh*Stupid boys...

We recieve...a viking hat.AND a canon.And the ammo is...Chef's Swedish meatballs...(I guess he cooks worse than England cooks scones...)What the hell...ARE WE GONNA BE ABLE TO KILL SOMEONE?EPIC!!!

Chef:nuh-huh.You gotta pick a captain first.


Duncan:I was gonna say that.

Alejandro:But you did NOT.

Chris:Owen,if it were Valentine's day,you'd have a VERY difficult job.

me:Good job,genius.You finally figured it out,huh?

Chris told us what we had to do,so we went on the boat.

Owen:SO as CAPTAIN,I do the ship's rules,right?

Duncan:Yeah you do,buddy!

Alejandro:Yes you do,sir!

Owen:Sir*laughing*Okay,from here on,we ALL talk like vikings!ARGHH team-mates,it will be thundering(whatever he said)

me:*facepalm*Kill me now.

Duncan:As you wish,cap'n!

Alejandro:Aye!I mean..Argh..

me:You're all stupid.


Owen:ARGH!Why are you getting us away from the battle?Are yee(is that how you write it?) yellow?(What.the.hell.?)

Duncan:But capture thy flag and we win,cap'n!

me:That's it.I'm out of this conversation.It's too overwhelming.Raven,out.

Owen:Argh,Raven!You have to speak like a viking!

me:You know what?Just once.Here.*clearing throat**speaking rougher than the guys*I'M NEVER DOING THIS FUCKERY AGAIN!*normal*Good day.


me:Good boy.

Unfortunately,they are so stupid,that they actually turned around,and the girls had the first shot.*sigh*Here we go...

And stupid Owen managed to fuck up the boat's mast or whatever you call it.

me:I can aim better than the 3 of you put together.And you call yourselves "boys".tsk.You are a shame...

Then everything happened like in a flash,Owen became the ammo and sank Team Amazon's boat.*sigh* At least Team Chris won.*fake enthusiasm*


At the eliminations,nobody was voted off,so we went to have a litte fun in the meeting room.There were actually good cocktails and good food,surprisingly.Oh,look at that,Chris is in a tux.

me:What are you planning?

Chris:ohonhonhon you will definitely like it.

me:reaaaallly?How so?

Chris:You're gonna dance...with Alejandro!

me:huh?Why would I do that?

Chris:Because I'm gonna make this obligatory.

me:So?How are you going to pick the partners,genius?It's 4 and 4.

Chris:Exactly.The boy is gonna choose from a hat a scrap of paper,with a girl's name written on it.

me:There's only a 25% chance of him getting my name.How are you gonna do this?

Chris:*whispering*There are 4 different hats and in each hat,there's the same name written on all 4 scraps*winks*So?Who should dance with who?

me:*smirk*Heather and Owen,Courtney and Duncan and Sierra and Cody.

Chris:You read my mind*smirk*Now go there and wait till I come.

me:Aye aye *winks*

I enter the meeting room again with a big smirk and my mischevious face on and stay next to Alejandro.

Alejandro:Hey,what's gotten you so...happy?

me:Oh,just you wait and see.You will like it.

Alejandro:Umm...if you say so,then okay,I believe you.

me:You should.

Chris:Ladies and Gentlemen!We are going to...DANCE!


Chris:You heard me.Dance.Waltz.And who dances the best can stay first class.

Alejandro:*whispering*You sly vixen...

me:Why,thank you.I'm flattered...

Heather:UGH!And If we don't?

Chris:Elimination is written all over your face.

Courtney:A-and how are the pairs gonna be chosen?

Chris:There are 4 hats.Each one of the guys are gonna pick a scrap of paper from one of the hats.There is a girl's name written.Clear?

Courtney:Eh?So it's only gonna be a 25% of me dancing with Alejandro?Grr...

Me:*whispering*Sorry,but that 25% just transformed into a 100% for me,loser.


me:Nope.Not really.Just...how do you call it...happy,maybe?

Chris:Who's gonna be first?

The other 3 guys were hesitant,but then Owen walked over to the red hat,directed by Chris of course.

me:Stay back and watch the magic.


Heather:WHAT?!NO WAY!



Chris:Sorry,but it's either that or bye bye.


Chris:*chuckling*WHo's next?Duncan?

Duncan:Fine...So there's now 33% of getting Raven?Better than 25%

Alejandro:That idiot...



me:I'm sure you aren't.That's why you had that sour face the whole day,huh?

Alejandro:*looking away*you know me too well...

me:I know.I know.



me:sorry,princess,suck it up and swallow.

Alejandro:*head on the table*stop making me laugh like that,I'm gonna blow my cover!

me:Shhh...Just think of Sierra's reaction when she gets her love!

Alejandro:*laughing quietly*

Courtney:I HATE YOU,CHRIS!!!

Chris:I know!NEXT!

Alejandro:I'm going.

me:good luck*sniggering*


Chris:The pink hat,Alejandro.

Alejandro:Si,Chris.*picking paper* Raven.

me:Hm?So I dance with you?Hope you can actually dance and not step on my feet.


Alejandro:I will do my best for you,senorita.

me:If you say so.

Chris:so that means...

Sierra:*fangirling*jumping on Cody*CODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris:Yeah...Let's start!You have one hours to prepare your dance and music.GO!

me+Alejandro:This is gonna beeeee fun!

~1 hour later~

me:*laughing*BEST.HOUR.EVER!!*pant pant*

Alejandro:*laughing**pant*Yeah.I know.Especially cause it was with you.

me:*laughing*Thanks.Same here.

Alejandro:So,amore mio(I love saying it like that.It's fun),shall me go?

me:*smirk*Si,mi corazon.

We started laughing and went to the meeting room,where the others were arguing like hell.

me:Seems like we win this,no matter what,huh?

Alejandro:Were you even doubting it?


Chris:SO,contestants,The first pair is...Sierra and Cody!



[All the fails I put are so cute though :3]


Poor Cody,everybody was laughing at him!Even myself!

Chris:Okay okay,now,pair 2 is...Courtney and Duncan!!!

Heather:Kill me...

me:No probs.

Alejandro:*pushing me lightly*Shh,they are gonna hear you*chuckle*

me:Who cares?I don't I have nothing to win or lose anyways.



Duncan:Excuse ME that I never EVER danced!

Courtney:I DON'T CARE!!!


Chris:For the third pair...Heather and Owen!!!

me:here we go...

Same laughter.

me:Come on,at least they were trying!

Alejandro:Brownie points.


Chris:And,last but not least,Raven and Alejandro!!!


me:*deep breath*Here we go.Good luck.

Alejandro:You too,amor.

(I'm really I can't post the fails here,but if you want,I can inbox you the links.I will only be able to put the good one here.)

Chris,Chef,Cody,Sierra and Owen were cheering,while the others were grumbling.Especially Courtney and Heather.I could feel their jealousy swarming around the room.If only they knew how many times we kissed in this hour,while we were practicing the end...they'd be dead.

Chris:I guess me already know the winners,huh?GOOD NIGHT,EVERYBODY!

Sierra:Raven!!You were so gracious when you danced!EEK!!SO BEAUTIFUL!

me:*giggling**hugging her*thank you,friend!

Sierra:*hugging back*EKK!!SHE'S HUGGING ME!!YEEEEEPPY!!!

me:It's okay,friend.You know,if I could,I could get you to stay with me,but yeah...Chris won't allow it.But you can stay with your Cody,right?*smile*

Sierra:Awww,you're so thoughtful!!

me:Yeah...*sigh*I'm really tired so I guess I'm going to sleep.Good night,sweety!

Sierra:Good night,princess!

me:*Walking to my room**blushing faintly*She-she called me...a-a-a princess?

Ah...forget it...Alejandro's waiting for you in your room.Yeah,it's not like I was going to sleep on a chair,regardless of how comfy it is...I've had enough of it...it's not cool...

I enter in my room,get a pair of shorts and a huge Tshirt and I stay in bed,cuddling with a shirtless Alejandro,watching Hetalia (One of the epicest anime EVER) and laughing every second.

Alejandro:*kissing my cheek*Never knew you dance that good.I thought you said you hated dancing.

me:Yes.Accent on HATE.I never said that I couldn't.But you know,I could say the same for you.

Alejandro:When you have a family like mine,then you have no choice.You have to learn at least 2 types.

me:I pity you.

Alejandro:So do I.

me:*deep breath**shutting down the laptop**cuddling with Alejandro*How much more is it gonna be till this is over?It's getting boring...

Alejandro:let's say...about 4 weeks?Give or take.

me:Dayuuum I just wanna go hooomeee*whine*

Alejandro:You are so cute when you're whining.

me:*covering my face blushing with my hands*S-shut it.

Alejandro:Let's not forget how adorable you looked with those bunny ears on your pink fluffy coat?

me:*putting blanket over head*I said SHUT IT!

Alejandro:*chuckling**hugging me*You're so cute when you get flustered like this.

me:J-just shut the hell up and sleep!

I turn my back to him and close my eyes HOPING that I could ignore him and sleep.Suddenly I feel an arm hugging my waist.I sighed and held his hand,feeling his hot breath on my neck.Jeez...this is...somehow...overwhelming,but I like this type of whelm.

That didn't make any sense.

But I know for sure that I like Alejandro and NOT Sierra,no matter what cute,flattering things she says...I'm sorry Sierra,but we can only be friends.You came too late.

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