☠︎🕷 Pilot - Old Enemies 🕷☠︎
Authors note: if I write in italics, it's her thoughts.
Season 1 - Episode 1
My motorcycle slowly comes to a stop in front of the storage unit and I switch my bike off. I slip my helmet off and place it on the seat before unlocking the unit. The door slides up with a clang and reveals a lot of old boxes covered in dust. A deep ache fills my chest as I see my father's stuff just lying around, covered in dust and packed away like he never existed. Julieth should be here with me doing this. So should Cam. I sigh, raking a hand through my hair, mumbling 'shit' then grab my smokes from my pocket, quickly lighting one up and taking a long drag. The roar of a bike catches my attention and I quickly put out my cigarette. I thought Jules said she was busy. But a large smile rests on my face when I see the long black hair of Morana Blakely, my first love and first baby momma.
She easily parks her bike, slides off her helmet and sends me a blinding smile. "Heard you might need help going through some baby stuff?" She asks with a slight turn of her head and I can't help but admire her beauty. Her long onyx hair falls into curls along her back covering her olive tank top. She's wearing her special riding pants and boots that I got her a few years ago. She always dresses for the slide not the ride thank god. Her riding jacket basically swallows her whole and is fraying at the edges. The SOA emblem almost falling off of the old leather jacket. The corner of the leather jacket has President in large letters beside the name A. Blakely. Her old man's cut. Her piercing blue eyes settle on me with a smile. "So you need help right?" She asks again and I nod yes. "Yeah there's a lot in here and I just need some baby stuff."
She bites her lip then nods her head and starts picking through boxes. She quickly starts to build a spot of potential items for my future son and daughter, as I pick through various toys of mine, Julieth's, Melody's, and occasionally Opie's. I grab the giant stuffed teddy bear with a smirk, then turn around to my ex girlfriend "you rember this darlin?" Her head swivels my way and a large grin takes over her face. She snatches the bear from my hands and holds it to her chest. "Teddy! You won him for me when we were like what 14? Can I keep him?" She asks with pleading eyes. I just nod with a chuckle, then begin to go through the old toys again as she places the bear on her bike. Until I come across a dusty cardboard box with my father's name written in bold letters, John Misc.
I lift the box up, wiping the dust off and feel Morana step up beside me. She simply grabs my hand and squeezes, a silent reminder of support. No matter what I've put her and Kali through or Cam for that matter, they've never left me. And that's more than my ex wife has ever done. I shake my head, clearing my thoughts then opening the box to find documents, photos, and various other items. I flip through the photos, showing off my father and Morana's. Julieth appears in most of the photos with Morana, our family having been friends forever. Some photos of my mother and father pop up too and I hear Morana giggle. "Wow I didn't realize how hot your mom used to be" she mumbles, continuing to flip through old photos of both of our late fathers and her mother. Her eyes start to well up and I gently brush the tears away, opening my arms to her for a hug.
Her head gently rests underneath my chin as my arms encircle her waist, tightly holding her to my chest. "I miss them so much" she whispers. I kiss her head and mumble "I miss them too darlin." We stand like that for a few minutes before she sighs, pulls away and wipes her eyes. She plasters a fake smile on her face and gestures to the box "why don't we finish what we were doing huh?" I nod warily, making a mental note to give a call to Kali later. I sift through the box until I come across a manilla envelope that's been taped shut. I go to grab my pocket knife but Morana has hers out already and gently cuts the tape, opening the envelope.
I smile at her "thanks darlin." Her cheeks turn red and she just shrugs her shoulders. So beautiful. I shake my thoughts away then remove the thick stack of papers that are held together by rubber bands and clips, careful not to touch Morana with it since she's allergic to latex. The papers look to be a script or book of some sort but when my eyes catch the title, my blood runs cold. In large bold letters is the title of a book that I don't think I was ever supposed to find.
The Life And Death Of Sam Crow
How The Sons Of Anarchy Lost Their Way
By: John Hyperion Teller
Alastor Kronos Blakely
My heart races at the names on the paper. My father, John, passed away when I was 16 and Julieth was 15. Alastor, Morana's dad, died only a few years ago when she was 27. Now she's a beautiful 29. I shake my head to rid my racing thoughts as Morana grips my forearm, eyes wide and drags me over to a box big enough for us both to sit on. My eyes meet hers for a split second, silently asking if she's ready. She nods her head then curls herself around me as I turn the first page of the book.
For my sons and daughter. Thomas, who is already at peace. Jackson and Julieth, may you both never know this life of chaos.
For my daughter and granddaughter, Morana and Melody. May you both never let your crowns fall, my Princess's.
I hear a little sniffle and see Morana crying again. I kiss her cheek gently, and pull her close again. "I wish they were all still here to see how our lives have turned out" she mumbles. I nod "yeah but imagine how much scarier Mel would be if they were here." She lifts her face up in horror and shakes her head "she's already scary. Could you imagine her with Alastor and John? She'd be a little menace." I let out a chuckle and agree, my eyes never leaving her beautiful face. Her giggles fade and soon tension is thick between us. I lean forward and gently trace along her jaw, making her let out a small sigh. Her eyes flutter close as my finger trails along her lips and I lean forward so our noses are almost touching. My lips meet her soft ones and I can hear my blood pumping in my ears as my tongue tangles with hers.
All of our memories play through my mind; the first time we all met, our first kisses, the birth of our daughter, and the break up. Morana suddenly pushes me off of her and I notice tears streaming down her face. "Jax you can't do that, I- I can't do this right now" she stutters before running to her bike and taking off. I rub a hand down my face before kicking a box full of junk "shit!" I pull out my cell phone and dial Cameron. A deep voice answers "what's up Jax?" I fill him in on the situation and he sighs "okay I'll check in on the girls later. You should call Jules and see if she can help. I'm visiting pops right now." I nod my head before replying "you want me to join you?" Cam grunts out a 'no'. "Okay, I'll see you later? I grabbed a bunch of stuff for our babies." He agrees before ending the call.
I dial my little sister's number, she quickly answers with a gruff "what?" I hold back the chuckle dying to come out and get straight to the point "so I fucked up. I kissed Mor today when she was helping me get things for Abel and Annabelle." I hear a long sigh from the other end before she screeches in my ear "you dumb motherfucker! Oh my gods. Kali is going to murder you, you know her wife? Or did you forget how you tragically broke both girls heart after knocking one of em up?" I roll my eyes at my sister's dramatics that remind me so much of our mother but secretly love it. "You know what don't even answer. I'm going to the girls house to check on my favorite niece. Please don't cause anymore trouble. Love you bubs" she rambles before hanging up. I sigh, taking one last look at the storage until before locking it up and leaving.
Cameron POV
I walk along the deserted hallway in the small mental hospital, making my way to my father's room. He is located at the end of the hall, on the left side and has a large window where I can watch him without bothering him. The room is all white, with a few things from my childhood home laying around. There's a large TV that plays jeopardy but he doesn't even look at it. His eyes are glazed over and staring at the wall blankly. I sigh, seeing his slumped form on the bed. After years of drugs he's left as nothing more than a zombie. And I can't even feel bad for him, just mad that I can't yell at him for all the shit he put me through. Hell, that he's still putting me through.
A throat clearing beside me draws me away from my father. Instead my eyes settle on the small form of Kallista Salem-Blakely, my ex girlfriend and current wife of my other ex girlfriend. "How's he doing?" Her tone soft and caring. My eyes rake over her form, from her long chocolate hair to her beautiful onyx eyes and her rich mocha colored skin; and I can't help but smile. While my heart aches to reach out and touch her, even just the slightest bit. "Okay I guess? I just check in to see if he's alive you know.." I trail off. She nods and gestures to the room beside my father's. "Yeah I get that, I only see mom when I have to. Makes me feel bad sometimes but I just can't stand seeing her like this" she sighs, running a hand through her hair.
I take a step forward, placing an arm around her "I get it. If you ever want someone to vent to about it or just sit with you, I'm your guy." She sends me a blinding smile and shakes her head in agreement. "I'll definitely do that. Oh" she's cut off by her phone beeping. Her eyes read the screen before a look of anger settles upon her face. "Duty calls, sorry. We can talk later, be safe alright? Oh and you two need to come see Mel. She misses her dad and pops" she demands then places a soft kiss on my left cheek. Her hand caresses my face for a second before she clears her throat and walks away. "Bye Cam" she yells, as I watch her form disappear down the hallway.
What am I going to do?
Morana POV
I gently pull the trigger on my blacked out 2008 Indian Scout Bobber, a smirk plastered on my face as the bike roars underneath me. The scorching sun heats up the black pavement, causing a tar smell to mix with the aroma of gasoline. In other words, my favorite scent. I take a deep breath, reveling in the feeling of my hair in the wind before my cell phone starts to vibrate in my pocket. I sigh, quickly pulling over just after the 'Welcome to Charming' sign and pull out my cell phone. "Hello?" I snap, feeling particularly pissed that my serene ride has been interrupted. "Hey baby, I'm sorry to bother you but it's Jax and Cam.. they need you girls. Something," the voice on the other end of the line breaks off in a sob and then the familiar voice of Jules takes over "it's bad Mor. Please come to the hospital and if you can, call in some favors."
Her bike
I know it's newer model but pretend it's not
My stomach drops to my feet and panic settles in my chest. No matter how much I hate Jax and Cam sometimes, I can't fathom either of them being hurt enough that Jax's' mother calls me or Jules to beg for anything. "I'll be there in twenty Jules, just gotta pick up the girls." I hear shouting and hospital machines beeping in the background. Jules chokes back a sob as 'code blue' is announced. "No, don't bring Mel. She doesn't need to be here for this" Gemma tries to demand in the background.
I let out an audible scoff and roll my eyes. "Gem with all due respect, I'll be bringing my daughter with me. I won't have her in danger again" my tone is clipped and final. She sighs but finally mumbles a "okay" before the phone call ends. I shove my phone back into my pocket and start up my bike. I quickly pull a u-turn, slinging gravel across the road as my finger tightly pulls the trigger. I speed through the gears, dodging traffic and only slowing down when needed.
My bike is barely in the garage and turned off before I'm slinging my gear off. "Kal and Mel! Get out here now!" I scream before remembering our safe word, only created after Mel got kidnapped and rake a hand through my inky black hair. God damn it. I hate that stupid thing. "Pickles!" I scream loudly, then hear the door slam open. "Whats going on?" My wife, Kallista, asks with our daughter Melody tightly wrapped in her arms. "Jax and Cam, I don't know what happened but not only did Gemma call me, she asked for help!" Kallista's brows furrow, a thousand questions behind her eyes but none actually leaving her lips. "Okay let's grab purses and jackets Mel." Kallista's eyes briefly meet mine before she asks "are you going to call the hospital?" I nod my head yes as she tugs an irritated Melody along with her.
Their House
Imagine it is white with black accents
I open the door to our black bullet-proof and FBI issued Range Rover. I plug in my black sidekick cell phone before calling the hospital. Being CEO is nice most of the time. The dial tone rings a few times before an annoyed voice answers the phone "Charming-Blakely Hospital, how may I help you?" Kalista and Melody enter the SUV with their things, then buckle up. I motion to the call that's blaring through the car speakers and hold a finger to my lips. They both nod, each fiddling with their phones as I throw it in reverse and speed out of our small, gated neighborhood. "Hello, this is Morana Blakely and I have a patient there under the name Teller I assume-" I'm cut off by a little squeak and the sound of papers shuffling. "Mrs. Blakely! Yes we have Abel Teller-Black, Annabelle Teller-Black, and Tara Teller-Black here. Both Abel and Annabelle are in surgery with our top staff, did you want the same for Mrs. Teller-Black?"
Their SUV
Again I know it's new but pretend it's not
Her Cellphone
First, remember the time period this takes place in. And yes I know, her other stuff is new but I wanted to keep some things authentic.
Kallista grabs my hand in reassurance as Melody mumbles 'bitch' from the back seat. I try to hold back the small smile that threatens to stretch across my face and pretend it doesn't hurt still. A familiar heavy feeling settles in my chest and I swallow the pain with a hopefully convincing smile. I whip the SUV onto the main road in Charming and snarl my nose up. "No. Actually, as soon as you're allowed to, kick that bitch out" I coldly reply. The receptionist inhales sharply before stuttering out "o-oh yes mam Mrs. Blakely. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
I huff, quickly throwing my long hair up at a red light. "Yeah I'll be there in two seconds, please have everything ready for me to help Abel and Annabelle. I also want their entire files in my hands by the end of their surgeries. Tell all the staff to direct everything to me and make sure it's done as quickly as possible. Understood?" I reply as my SUV comes to a stop in front of the ER. "Yes ma-" I don't even let her finish as I snap my phone shut and walk into the hospital with both girls holding my hands.
Kallista holds my right hand, gently messing with her wedding ring while Melody clutches my left hand and anxiously picks at her nails. "Everything will be fine baby, I promise" I whisper and slightly squeeze her hand. The small blonde sends me a genuine smile before glancing around, most likely looking for her fathers. A large woman with bright orange hair and dark blue makeup quickly approaches me with a stack of papers. "Mrs. Blakely's" she nods to Kallista and I before pushing the thick paperwork in my direction. "Here are the files you requested. They are currently taking the twins back to their room and the staff has been instructed to come straight to you immediately after any care. Is there anything else I can get for you, your wife, or daughter?" She smiles a sickly sweet smile, showing off her yellowed teeth with dark red lipstick splotches and I shake my head no.
Kallista's rings
Morana's rings
"Thank you Mrs.-" I peer down to her name tag "-Perry. Call me at anytime with any news concerning any of the Teller's, including Tara's. At least until she's gone." The older woman nods before scurrying off to the front desk as we board the elevator. I press the dark 7 button, making it light up and wait for us to reach our floor. Since we are the only ones in the elevator, we quickly make it to our destination and I'm the first one out. My heels click loudly as I walk down the hallway to the ICU, grabbing the attention of most of the staff and patients.
I'm wearing an olive green tank top with my black leather SAMCRO jacket over it, light wash jeans, and black lace Louboutins. Melody and Kallista trail behind me whispering. Kallista is in a dark grey suit with a black crop top and classic black Louboutins. While Melody is in one of my old Pink Floyd shirts and white wash, cut-off jean shorts with black converse that have the bottoms painted red. Or as she calls them, her version of Louboutins. I catch the last bit of their conversation and have to hold back a snort, instead a smirk rests upon my face. "Mom is such a bad ass, I mean look at her walk. Literal goals right there, man I want people to be that scared of me too." Kallista sighs and I can practically feels her glare on me; but ultimately she just shushes our unruly and kinda scary 13 year old.
Morana's outfit
If you don't like it; picture something else
Kallista's outfit
If you don't like it; picture something else
Melody's outfit
If you don't like it; picture something else
I swipe my badge and the doors open, revealing most of SAMCRO crowding around Cam and Jax. Jax's eyes meet mine and it's like no time has passed between us. Like we are still 16, just coming home with Melody and just enjoying our lives. "Baby! Thank you for helping the twins" Gemma's sweet voice shouts over the boys as she takes me into a quick hug, effectively breaking the staring match that Jax and I had going. "I'm sorry I had to call you" she whispers in my ear as I shrug her off with a wave "anything for family momma Gem." She smiles at me then goes to quickly hug Kallista and Melody. But Melody holds on a little longer though, she always did love her nana Gem. Julieth rushes over and crushes me into a hug "oh thank you Mor! You know I wouldn't have-" I cut her off with the wave of my hand "I would do anything for you Jules. Now let me get to work." She smiles and nods her head, going over to Melody and Gemma.
I look back at Jax and Cam, both men's eyes never straying far from Kallista and I. My face remains calm and cold as I approach the two. "So according to this paperwork, Tara was pregnant with the twins, which are actually both of yours, but she didn't live with you all correct? WOW! That's so rare did you know that?" I ask. Jax nods his head eager to speak "yes. We were told that when they were born. And yes. We just signed the divorce papers a couple months ago. She was supposed to come back a while ago but never did. She never kept us up to date on appointments or anything but since she's a surgeon, we figured everything was okay. Then she called me in a panic this morning and said she was in trouble. Next thing I know, I'm getting a call that they found her almost dead in a ditch with bullet holes littering the vehicle" his voice is hard and scratchy, while his eyes are red rimmed.
I take another look at the paperwork and nod my head. "Okay well good news, both babies are just fine. Abel had or rather still has his heart problem but thanks to my amazing upgraded hospital, his surgery is over. He should be fine for the rest of his life now but that doesn't mean he shouldn't have regular check ups for it. Annabelle had her stomach outside of her body but we got her fixed up and she will need regular check ups but otherwise will be fine." Both men release a breath and hug each other tight. Tears rim their eyes and I have to hold back my own.
I clear my throat and continue. "Now onto Tara, she was shot 6 times and almost bled out. But she's fine now, you can go see either one. I'll be checking in on the twins so let me know if you all need anything" I reply, looking at the men around me. Tig throws his arm around my waist, pissing the boys off and giving me a slight squeeze "thanks little mama. Hey you got any-" I cut him off by shoving his arm off then sliding a bottle of pills his way. "You know I always got you Tig" I smirk as he dives into the bottle. (Yes I know not legal or smart but SOA is wild and I want my character to reflect that. More info at the end of chapter)
The other men pat my back, as I note a few missing faces. Collin Telford being the main one, Jules and her husband Opie's, boyfriend and intelligence officer of SOA. Melody, Kallista, Jules, and I make our way to the twins room, pausing briefly to talk to a few members like Piney, Chibs, and my favorite Bobby. Gemma, Cam, and Jax follow along, glaring at the door opposite of the twins. I see the name on the door and realize why, looks like I don't have to worry about Tara staying here. Shes more unwelcome than skunk in the middle of July. I open the metal door and see a pale premature baby with wires all around him. His twin sister lays beside him in the incubator, holding his hand with similar wires around her.
My eyes find Jax's and I immediately take him into my arms "I'm sorry Jax." He winds his arms around me and clutches my jacket, as if I may disappear. "Mor, this is all my fault. I let that stupid bitch leave and now she's almost killed our children!" He shouts, still holding me close. Melody sniffles before hugging both her father and I. My head turns to Kallista and Cameron, seeing the two hugging and motion them to join us. I notice Gemma and Jules quickly step out of the room with smirks and roll my eyes. That woman and Julieth has been trying to get us all back together since Melody was born. At least Jules is a little more subtle about things.
I detach myself from the boys and grab Kali's hand, then bring Melody into my arms. "Well do you want us to stay? Or go get you all some food or anything?" I ask. Cam nods his head first "can you stay.. please?" My eyes widen and I cut my eyes to Kali. Her eyes are just as wide as mine as she replies "of course we will stay." Melody nods in agreement then sticks her fingers on each side of the incubator and holds the twins tiny hands. Jax motions his head towards the door and we follow him. "Give us a second honey, there should be some books in the corner if you want to read to your brother and sister." I motion towards the huge stack of children's books and Melody replies "yes mom." Kali, Cam, Jax, and I all step outside of the room, but still far enough away from SAMCRO that they can't hear the conversation. "What do you need Jax?" I ask.
Kali's hand intertwines with mine and she leans her head on my shoulder. "We are both really sorry for all the pain we caused you both in the past and we want to move forward. Everything is done with Tara and-" Cam cuts Jax off with an exasperated sigh "bottom line is we want you both back okay? We fucked up and we knew that as soon as we married Tara at 18." I let a smile slip onto my face and shake my head, turning to Kali "what do you think Kal?" Her face is stoic but her eyes tell me all I need to know. "If and this is a big if, IF we do get back together there is going to be some rules" I reply. "Anything!" Jax shouts, grabbing the gangs attention. Cam grabs Kali's other hand gently "we would do anything to just have another chance. You both are out forever and always." Jax nods in agreement "It's both of you, Mor and Kali. It's always been you two, and I'm sorry it took us so long to figure that out."
I look over to Kali and see her crying silently before she nods yes and is tackled into Cam's arms. Jax looks at me with his baby blue eyes, pleading for me to say yes. I see not only SAMCRO listening to our conversation but Melody as well. Can I let them back in? Can Melody handle it? I know Kali can, she loves them just as much as she does me. My steel grey eyes finally meet baby blue again and against my better judgement, I nod yes. I'm tackled into a hug by not only Jax but Melody too. "We're finally going to be a real family again! And I even have two new siblings!" Melody yells before running to Gemma and telling her the news, as if that woman didn't plan this all along. Sure enough, a smirk sits on her face and she winks at me. "Well, you know what this means right?" I ask with a smirk of my own. "Oh no not-" Jax is cut off by Melody screaming "shopping!"
After the boys help us get a room ready for the twins at our place and even their own guest rooms, they have to leave for a meeting. So while Kali and Melody set up the rooms, I drive back to the hospital to sign some paperwork. And make a visit. It only takes a few minutes to arrive at the hospital and I pull into my parking spot, quickly getting out. My heels click loudly as I make my way to ICU but instead of going left to the twins room, I turn right to Tara's. I open the door and see her sitting on the bed with various cuts and bruises along her body. Her big doe eyes narrow immediately at me as she snarls "what do you want?" I raise an unimpressed brow at her tone "well I was coming to check up on a patient in my hospital but now? I'm here to evict." Her eyes widen and she shakes her head "wait I'm sorry. I'm not ready okay?"
I let out a cruel laugh and she visibly flinches back. "Funny? I think you said something similar in high school after I beat your ass" I snap, enjoying the angry look on her face as I approach the end of her bed. "Listen here honey, I checked your chart and guess what? Your blood alcohol levels were through the roof. Not to mention the drugs. How much did you drink Tara? Enough to forget your worries? Did you think a little mix in of meth would help? Or did you think it was enough to try to kill both you and your unborn children?!" I snarl. She jumps up with a red face "you can't prove anything you fucking bitch! And I tried to get out! But I couldn't okay? So don't judge me when I know you've done worse!"
Hot searing anger bubbles in my chest and I grab Tara by her throat, slamming her against the nearest wall. She struggles to get free, scratching at my hand and her machines start to bing from her lack of oxygen. A feeling of amusement washes over me as I watch her struggle in my arms. "I'm a damn good business woman and an even better mom and wife. So don't you dare ever compare our parenting skills again you fucking waste of space. Especially since you won't even be a mom much longer" I scream in her face as nurses shuffle in then straight out after seeing the scene. My hospital. My staff. My rules.
I drop Tara at my feet like the trash she is and glare down at her. She struggles to breathe and is holding her throat. "I-I am g-going to file a p-police report on y-you" she struggles to say. I let out a cruel laugh and smirk down at her "I'd like to see you try. Don't forget who owns this town bitch." I push past the various nurses waiting outside the door and coldly state "get her patched up and out of my hospital immediately. If anything is said about this accident you will all be found 9 feet under... do I make myself clear?" The two male nurses agree with no problems but the small girl barely shakes her head yes. I can practically feel the anxiety coming from her so I gently grab her arm and quickly shove her to the twins room. "Since you seem to be uncomfortable with that task, watch my twins and don't let anything happen to them understood?" She nods her head yes and visibly relaxes. I then make my way to my office where my legal team is waiting.
I smile at the two lawyers one black haired and the other blonde, both friends of Kali's and both in the FBI. I read over the paperwork quickly, making sure that everything I want is listed and clearly outlined. "So this names Kali and I legally Abel and Annabelle's mothers. And leaves Tara absolutely no parental rights, correct?" I ask as I quickly scan the documents. The dark haired male smirks and hands me his pen "of course Mrs. Blakely. And once you and Mrs. Blakely sign that form, the twins will be able to go home with you. Or rather when they have healed from surgery. It will also legally change their names to Abel Minos and Annabelle Melinoe Blakely-Teller as you requested."
I nod before signing my name and then Kali's. The lawyers don't even blink an eye at my discretion used to it by now, before passing me my own personal copy of the paperwork and leaving. "See you next week at the club" The blonde yells before the door quietly shuts. I finish up some paperwork, then go check on the twins. They're all alone, so I grab a book off of the shelf and begin reading to them. My large finger rests in Abel's small hand tightly and I feel tears prick my eyes. How could someone do this to a baby. To a defenseless child. To my children.
I finally allow myself to break down after today's events and curl myself next to the incubator. "Oh Abel and Annabelle, the world isn't fair and I'm so sorry you have to suffer. I promise you, I will protect you both and love you with everything I can. You won't ever know pain and heartache, I promise" I whisper, tears gliding down my cheeks as I recite the familiar words, having once said them to Melody as well. The door opens quietly and I hear the familiar jingle of chains. I poke my head up to see Jax, Cam, Kali, and Mel standing in the doorway.
Kali is the first to react, quickly taking me in her arms "oh love, are you okay?" I nod my head and wipe the tears from my face. "Here" I say grabbing the papers from my bag and passing them to Kali first, then the boys. Kali smiles with tears in her own eyes and the boys just smirk. Melody sits down beside us and begins to read the book I had set to the side. I finally look over the boys and narrow my eyes at the obvious blood on them.
Jax has cuts along his face and blood spattering his chest. While Cam has a black cheek and a small cut above his right eye. They both both wrap their arms around us three, quickly changing the subject "let's listen to Mel read and then we can discuss all of our problems tomorrow. Let's just have tonight darlin." I sigh with a small smile and lean back into Jax as we listen to our daughter read to our twins. Unknowingly to us, Gemma and Clay stand outside the room. One smiling at the scene while the other glares, both with very different plans of the future.
"And everything was perfect... "
But nothing ever stays perfect in Charming. Especially when secrets are involved.
Authors note: Hey guys! So before I get into the questions, I want to remind everyone that SOA is very dirty. They smuggle and deal guns, unalive people daily, and make disgusting (but admittedly funny) jokes and more. This book will have drug dealings, unalivings, dark jokes and I mean really dark jokes, and more. This book is going to be the very dark. So this is your last warning.
There are also jokes about SA in this book. I know a lot of people will be upset but this is how I deal with my trauma. I try not to cross lines but dark humor is the only thing I know plus it's in the actual show too. I also would like to add I have been SA'd and worse so when I say these jokes, I know what it feels like okay? Because I don't want people reporting me for dark humor. Just simply unfollow okay?
And if you do need anyone to talk to, my inbox is always open. Through Pinterest, Insta, TikTok, etc. all listed in my bio. Life is rough and too short to not help each other and make friends. Sometimes bad things can lead us to great things and I whole heartedly believe that everything happens for a reason. Even if it's horrible. So again, my inbox is always open guys! I also have Instagram where my name is xoxodessygirl and you can dm me there too! Or my Pinterest page under the same username!
Don't forget to vote and comment! Thanks for reading and please enjoy :)
• How did you like this chapter?
• Did I rush their relationship? Or does it work well?
• How do y'all feel about Morana so far?
• What will happen with Tara and why was she shot at?
• Do you think Morana had joined SAMCRO or is she just wearing the jacket?
• Who do you want as a love interest for Melody? It will be a while since she's only 13 but I definitely want at least 2 love interests
• And finally, is there anything you'd like to see or added to this book? I am always open to creating new OC's as long as they aren't messing with my storyline.
Thanks my dears. 🖤 Please check out my other books:
- Abomination a 100 WTS book
- Apathetic a Twilight book
- Asperse a Percy Jackson book on BuckyVerstappen98 page :)
- Avenoir a 'future stories' book
(You can request a future story in this book)
- Autophobia a The Walking Dead book
- Acerbus a Marvel/Avengers book
- Alexithymia a Shadowhunters book
- Munificence a Santa Clause book
- Latibule a Sons of Anarchy book
- Aviothic a Fourth Wing book
- Crudêl a Chilling Adventures of Sabrina book
- Bellicostic a Game Of Thrones book
- Aeonian a House Of Night book
- Coming soon -
- Agathokakological a Once Upon A Time book
Please check them out and don't forget to vote/comment! Also I post a lot of stuff on my Pinterest Page.
I made this and haven't stopped cackling all day lmao
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