Chapter 7

It was Friday, and Draco was anxiously waiting for the owl telling him whether his potion would be approved. He had tried to fire call Harry to pass the time, but the other man hadn't answered. Draco was getting increasingly frustrated, and thought maybe he should take a bath to kill some time. Rolling his shoulders, he gathered his softest pyjamas, scented bubble bath, and his favorite candle.

Playing some soft music, he sank into the perfect bath, trying to forget his worries. It was hard to keep his mind from wandering though, and he angrily added more bubbles to the bath and turned the music up. Harry would have been able to make him feel better, but there was a good chance he had been staying late at work yet again. He had almost completely disappeared this week, and Draco couldn't help but wonder if he had done something wrong.

Draco soon lost track of the time, assuming it was well past dinner when his stomach began to growl. If his letter wasn't here for him yet, he assumed that he would not be moving on past his trials. Toweling off, Draco got dressed, hastened through his hair and skincare routine, then made his way back to the living room.

He paused outside of the bathroom, sniffing the air. Draco didn't think he had left any food out. He must be so exhausted that he's hallucinating. Rubbing his eyes, he made his way into the kitchen, where he froze, then rubbed his eyes harder.

"Potter? Did I fall asleep in the bath?"

"Draco! I wanted to surprise you. Are you surprised?"

Draco took in the sight of the kitchen. Harry had cooked dinner, picked up wine, and got Draco flowers.

"I'm speechless. What is this for?," he asked softly, walking towards Harry.

He stopped his advanced upon seeing the letter he had been waiting for all day sitting on the counter.

"It's here."

"I would have gotten you as soon as it came in, but I needed more time to get ready. I hoped you hadn't eaten yet?," the statement came out more like a question.

"I haven't been able to do anything while waiting for this. This is it. Maybe I shouldn't open it. Then we can just enjoy our weekend, we have an extra day now-"

"Draco," Harry comforted softly, pulling Draco into an embrace. "I know it's killing you to know. I'm right here, no matter what that letter says. You can do this."

"You're right, I can. I have you. No matter what happens, our weekend is staying as planned."

With a burst of courage, Draco opened the letter. He read the contents once, gasped, and then read it a second time.

"Well?," Harry asked anxiously.

"I'm accepted. I did it. They want to mass produce my potion."

Draco was in a state of disbelief. He slumped against the counter, jaw open, amazed.

"Draco that's amazing!"

He was brought out of his state of shock by Harry grabbing him by the waist and spinning him around. Pressing kisses to both cheeks, Harry laughed as he hugged Draco tightly again.

"I knew you could do it! I'm so proud of you! You've done so incredibly well for yourself. You should be as proud as I am right now."

"You came to find out with me."

"Of course I did. But, I need a favor."


"I need somewhere to stay for a week, and I was hoping you had a couch with my name on it."

"You're always welcome here, don't be ridiculous. When?"

"Starting today."

"You didn't."

"I didn't ask, I told them that I was taking a week off. They didn't like that very much."

"How did they respond?"

"They told me I had to remain on call," Harry replied with an eye roll.

"So what did you do?"

"Throw the call button into the fireplace. I thought about bringing it with me but it almost certainly had a tracker in it. I don't want you brought into my mess."

"Potter, I'm fairly certain that's illegal."

"It's illegal of them to never let me use my vacation time. You don't even want to know how much I've accrued. Fuck the aurors, fuck the ministry, fuck everyone else."

"You're going to make me a fugitive again."

"No one knows where I am for certain. I casually mentioned a lot of places to anyone who would listen. Oh Hawaii sounds nice, I've always wanted to see Italy, the hustle and bustle of New York has always sounded appealing, maybe I'll go backpacking through Europe.

France? Oh no, I've been there so much for work that wouldn't even be considered a vacation anymore. I want to see the world."

"That was very Slytherin of you Potter, I'm impressed."

"You have me until next Monday if you want me."

"Obviously. Let's eat, it smells amazing."

The week ended up being one of, if not the best, weeks of Harry's life. Draco felt privileged to watch the weight of the world fall from Harry's shoulders. They had done so many things together, and Draco was seeing his new home with fresh eyes for the first time.

After dinner, they drank way too much wine in celebration, and when Harry presented Draco with more éclairs, his emotions got the best of him and he cried.

"Hey, it's alright," Harry comforted, pulling Draco to his chest.

"I can't believe that you care."

"Draco, you're my favorite person, of course I care. You do so much for me, I want to repay the favor. Besides, this isn't even your actual present. I placed a special order with Gio when I wrote that first letter to make sure I would have your favorites when your potion was accepted."

"And if it wasn't?"

"Draco that thought never even crossed my mind. I always knew that it would be accepted, and that you were going to change lives."

"That's all I've ever wanted."

"And now it's your reality. Let's go to bed, yeah?"

"Did you put a freshening charm on my éclairs?," Draco asked with a sniffle.

"Of course I did love. Come on."

Harry walked Draco to his bedroom, where he lingered near the doorway.

"Goodnight Draco."

"What are you doing over there Potter?"

"I was going to sleep on the couch?," he replied in confusion.

"Don't be an idiot. I know that's hard for you to do. You're sleeping with me. I have lots of space, look."

"If you're sure."

"I'm not putting you on the couch for a week. Move your arse, I'm tired."

Harry crawled into bed, and Draco quickly curled up against him.

"Goodnight Potter," he whispered, snuggling into Harry's side.

"Goodnight Draco," Harry replied, sliding an arm around Draco.

When Draco woke up, he was surprised to find that he was very warm. Turning his head, he let out a soft breath seeing Harry wrapped around him protectively, still asleep. Draco gently reached out, brushing hair off of Harry's forehead.

"Good morning," Harry whispered, his eyes fluttering open.

"Good morning. I hope I didn't wake you."

"I wasn't fully asleep. I hope this is okay. We had a lot to drink last night and you yelled at me not to sleep on the couch."

"Good. I didn't want you sleeping on the couch. I meant to tell you that before the wine. And the vague crying that I remember, which I am extremely embarrassed about."

"I'm glad you love having me around so much that it moves you to tears," Harry teased.

"Sod off."

"Okay, I'll just go home-," Harry began dramatically, pulling off the covers and moving to get out of bed.

"Don't you dare," Draco threatened, pulling Harry's arm, resulting in him falling, and landing on top of Draco.

"I could get used to waking up like this."

Harry's eyes were so green, Draco felt himself getting lost in them.

"Why are you so insufferable?"

"Oh I know you love it," Harry continued to tease Draco, nuzzling his face in Draco's neck.

"I thought you weren't a morning person?"

"When did I ever say that? Waking me up, unannounced, before the sun rises is not a fair assumption."

"Your earlier assessment was fair, I am not a morning person," Draco replied, gently pushing Harry off of him.

"I dunno, you seem pretty happy to see me. Do you have groceries or do I need to go shopping?"

"I was going to go shopping before you arrived. You might be able to make... something."

"Challenge accepted."

Harry had settled on pancakes that morning, and Draco sipped his tea that Harry had made perfectly for him, while watching Harry hum to himself as he seemingly danced around the kitchen. Draco knew this is what he would miss when Harry had to leave again.

They had proceeded to go shopping together, and Harry started dinner preparations while listening to Draco discuss his trials in depth. A film was watched, Harry made a quick lunch, and then they discussed their plans for the week.

Harry was pleased that Draco was able to dedicate the whole week to him. He had hoped for as much, but he knew that Draco couldn't simply drop everything for him. He didn't expect him to, that would make him a hypocrite.

"This is what I was thinking. We could take another trip to the sea. We could go back to that park that I love and actually explore it. There's a painting class I thought you might like to take. I can give you a tour of my lab, I have to stop there on Monday. We can visit the Versailles, the Louvre, Notre-Dam, and anywhere else you want to go."

"That sounds perfect. I have one destination in mind for later in the week, but that's really it. I don't mind, as long as I get to spend my time with you."

Draco smiled at Harry, knowing that this week would either make or break him.

"Because your potion is accepted, you move up in the ranks of potion master don't you?"

"I do. I get a new uniform that I'm able to wear once I do the conference- I should have preemptively bought it. I didn't think I would get this far, and now it's probably too late to order it on time. Of course I'm never going to get it in time and I'm going to look foolish wearing the old one."

Draco held his head in his hands before letting it drop onto the table.

"Put me out of my misery."

"Gladly. Here."

The thump on the table made his head shoot up to look at Harry in surprise.

"You did not give me a gift covered in wrapping paper with your face on it!"

"It's a new product. I told you that you'd get the first look."

"Yes, I do have a lot of packages coming from Weasley."

"I told George to make sure you never run out of underwear," Harry replied solemnly.

"Why do I like you?"

"Because I make you look good, I feed you, and I give you gifts. Which you should open."

"If something explodes on me, I'll be very upset."

"Nothing will explode."

Harry said nothing would explode, he didn't say that nothing would spill out of the box.


"It's confetti in the shape of my glasses and scar. Isn't it wonderful?"

"Why do I want confetti in the shape of your disfiguration?," Draco asked in horror. "That's so morbid!"

Harry was laughing, and leaned over the back of Draco's chair to wrap his arms around him.

"Oh I should get the camera! I'm sad I missed the confetti reaction. Hold on!"

Draco watched with a smile as Harry excitedly ran into the next room to grab the camera.

"Okay, go!"

The first thought running through Draco's head was how much he would love to spend Christmas together with Harry in the future. He never wanted that sweet smile to leave his face.

Harry watched in anticipation as Draco finally opened the box. He caught his reaction on camera in real time, and that photo capturing all of the emotions that Draco went through in that moment lived happily next to Harry's bed.

"Potter," he said softly, looking up at Harry in amazement.

"Congratulations Draco, I'm so proud of you."

"You bought me my robes without even knowing whether I would be approved."

"I told you, I knew that you would be accepted. I wanted to make sure that you were prepared for your conference."

"How did you even know about that?"

"I asked Hermione a question, and then she gave me a two hour long lecture, but it was worth it. Are they the right ones? I hope I got your sizing right."

"I suppose I can try them on for you."

"You're right," Harry said softly, grabbing Draco's hand and slowly spinning him around, "blue is your color."

"They're perfect. Thank you Harry," Draco replied, looking Harry sincerely in the eyes.

"Any time Draco."

"I guess we've found a new way to make purple huh?"

Draco thought he would never get tired of making Harry laugh.

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