Chapter 43 - Of the Demons

Saturday, March 14 11:00 p.m.
"God, it feels like forever since we've been here." Rachel Dratch said as she applied dark red lipstick.
"Tell me about it," I said. I ran my fingers through my freshly curled hair. The only reason I said this was because of everything that's been happening with Anonymous. Now it seems like days are going by a hundred years at a time.
"How's Jimmy? He hasn't been very social and his goofy self lately." Ana Gasteyer asked, fixing her hoop earrings.
"He's good."
"Hey, you know, I heard about these movie auditions down in Manhattan that I think you'd be perfect for. It's a horror movie, not a comedy. It's called Of the Demons, I would love to see you in a movie." Cheri Oteri clarified.
Yeah, I would be perfect in a horror movie. Because my life is a horror movie. But maybe I should try it out.
"When are the auditions?"
"March 28th at 6:30 p.m. I can drive you down if you want." Cheri Oteri replied.
I pursed my lips. "I guess." I've actually wanted to star in a horror movie as a child.
"Twenty minutes!" Lorne yelled into the dressing room.
"Twenty, thank you!" I just recently learned we have to say that whenever someone says how many minutes left until showtime.

The opening sketch went on, and then the famous saxophone by Lenny Pickett.
My heart rate profusely rose. I was in the monologue with Ray Romano along with Jimmy. I used to watch him in movies so many times as a kid. I was so afraid I would screw up.
I had to pretend I was choking Jimmy as Ray said all of his favorite things that happens backstage.
"But not only exciting things happen onstage, but there are even more exciting things that happen backstage. Here's some of the things I love." Ray cleared his throat. "Gossiping. Talking about how much more Ozzy Osbourne's voice sounds like it's covered in cottage cheese." There was hysterical laughter coming from the audience. Molly Shannon and Cheri Oteri walked across the stage pretending to chatter.
Soon it was me and Jimmy's turn. Jimmy giggled as I lightly groped Jimmy's neck with my hands.
"And oh, Jimmy and Malina." Jimmy and I walked out. Jimmy held up his hands in defense as I had a stern expression on my face. I pretended to talk bitterly to him.
Everyone barked out in laughter and applause, because me and Jimmy's relationship is viral for whatever reason.

After about an hour of the show, Cheri, Molly, Rachel, Ana, Jimmy, Ray, and I were getting ready to do an Annie sketch.
"Be ready in five minutes," Lorne said to everyone. I nodded.
Ray Romano came out, dressed up as Mr. Hannigan, the made up ex husband of Mrs. Hannigan from the original Annie. He had a bottle of rum in his hand.
He went through his lines until all of us went out as the foster kids. Jimmy was supposed to play the only boy there.
I couldn't believe I was playing a main character in a sketch.
I fixed my red-haired wig, and we all marched out.
"Hey girls!" I squealed, and looked at all of the girls. Jimmy was in the very back.
"And boys," Jimmy indicated. I looked over at him with a nasty look. "Just pointing it ou-"
"Shut the hell up, Tim. Nobody gives a shit, bitch!"
Laughter sounded from the audience. God, that made me feel good.
Jimmy pouted, and lowered his eyes.
I stood up, and took a deep breath. All the other girls stood up. Jimmy hesitated, and stood up. I heard chuckles from the audience.
"It's a hard-knock life for us, it's a hard-knock life for us!" The orphans sang, dancing around. Jimmy looked confused, and tried to imitate to dance moves, but failed.
"'Stead of treated..." I sang, spinning around.
Orphans: We get tricked!"
Me: "Stead of kisses..."
Orphans: "We get kick-"
"Shut up!" Jimmy screamed. "Just. Shut. Up." I gave him a pained look that morphed into anger.
"You know what, Tim?" I walked up to him, and pinned him against the wall. I heard a Woop! the audience. "I'm sick and tired of your bullshit! You know what? How about you come join us? You're feminine enough, right?"
I heard Oohs from the audience. Jimmy's mouth twitched, trying to hold in laughter. His face turned serious again, but then he barked out a laugh. Which, of course, led to me breaking character. Which made the audience laugh even harder.

During the after party, I said in the corner like a loner. I was zoned out.
"Hey, Lina." Jimmy tapped my shoulder, which snapped me back to earth.
"You should try drinking once every now and then. I know you're afraid, but if you try it once in a while, you're not gonna get addicted."
I rolled my eyes. Jimmy has been trying to convince me to drink for months, but I wouldn't budge. "Ugh, fine."
"Yes." Jimmy raised his fist into the air, and took my hand. He walked me to to table with had Guinness beer. Jimmy poured me some in a red solo cup.
"Drink up, girly!" Jimmy said, running his hands together mischievously.
I jokingly rolled my eyes, and took a sip. "OH!" Jimmy cheered. It was actually surprisingly good. It turned into gulp after gulp.
"Okay, okay. Slow down kangaroo."
"Slow down kangaroo? What the f-"
"Not now," Jimmy interrupted.

After a few cups, I started to feel dizzy. I could barely walk straight.
"Someone's had a little too much, Jimmy." Horatio nudged Jimmy and pointed at me.
"What?" I murmured. Then I noticed that half of the people were gone.
Jimmy picked me up, one arm under my legs, and the other under my head.
"Someone's gonna have a wicked hangover tomorrow. God, remember when we first met, and I got drunk and you took me to your house?" Jimmy asked. I squinted my eyes, slightly recalling it. I could barely think straight.
"Mhm," I mumbled.
"Well, it's my turn to repay you." Jimmy said. I stifled a laugh, and we went home.
*Jimmy's POV*
I drove Malina home, and carried her in my arms into the apartment. Emilie was still awake watching reruns of Friends.
She looked over, and crinkled her eyebrows. "What happened?" She chuckled.
"Malina had a little too much to drink." Emilie laughed, and yawned while stretching. "She drank?"
I nodded. "She's not gonna feel good tomorrow,"
"Definitely not." We both laughed. Then I carried Malina into our room, and laid her down into our bed.
I pushed a couple of stray hairs out of her face, and kissed her forehead. I wouldn't rather be with anyone else but her.
Who do you guys think is Anonymous?

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