Chapter 24 - Down In Flames

*Malina's POV*
I searched everywhere for Emilie, but there was no sight of her.
I have to admit, I am a little sad that my dad had to die, but it needed to be done. He wanted to violently murder my fiancé, even if it meant I had to die in the process. Plus, it was self-defense.
I turned a corner, and found a flash of straight, white-blonde hair. Emilie.
I raced over to her. She had her knees against her chest, and she had a petrified look on her face.
"Are you okay?!" I kneeled down next to her. She had dirt on her face, as if she plunged her face into mud.
"They're coming," Emilie said, her voice shaky. She looked as if she was about to hyperventilate.
"Who's coming?" I asked. Emilie looked down, and seemed to zone out for a few moments.
"I can't say," Emilie's piercing blue eyes looked right through me.
"Why? Why can't you say?" I started to take yoga fire breaths, growing more and more nervous.
"I can't. They said if I told anybody, they will kill me."
"Can you at least tell me a little bit of what's going on?" I pleaded.
"I can't. If I tell you and Jimmy, they will kill you guys. I can't have that happen!" Emilie responded, speaking faster and faster. "You need to not mention this to anybody. You have to promise."
"I promise." I replied. "C'mon, let's get you out of here."
I gestured Emilie to follow me, but she shook her head. She widened her eyes, and pointed behind me.
I looked behind me, and flames rose to my face out of the blue. My jaw dropped, and I grabbed Emilie's hand, and we made our way out of here.
We searched for Jimmy, but he wasn't in sight. We searched and searched, then we found him. He was trying to make his way around the flames, but failed.
"JIMMY!" I yelled. He whirled around, and he widened his eyes when he saw me. Emilie and I ran over to him.
"Malina!" Jimmy yelled. He was in a circle of flames, he couldn't get out. I didn't even know where we were, so I didn't know where to get a fire extinguisher.
I didn't know what to do. I started to panic, there was nothing I could do. I didn't have my phone with me, so I couldn't call the police. Shit.
The smell of carbon dioxide wafted through my nose. It was making me hazy.
"Emilie, do you have a phone on you?" I asked Emilie. She felt in her pockets, and shook her head.
"Damn it!" I yelled.
How was I going to save him?
Just then, I spotted a wooden chair in the midst of the room. It was the same chair Jimmy was tied to. Instantly, I got an idea.
I got the chair. "Jimmy, I'm going to give you this chair! You're going to jump over the flames with it! It's going to go through the fire, so jump off quickly so you don't catch on fire!" I yelled over the crackling of the flames.
"Okay!" Jimmy yelled back. I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. Please, dear god, have this work.
I went over to the flames, and slowly pushed the chair through the flames without accidentally getting burnt.
Immediately, Jimmy thankfully jumped over the flames. A tear rolled down my cheek in relief.
I ran over him, pulled him by his black hoodie, and kissed him more passionately than I've ever had before.
After we let go, we looked back at Emilie, who was staring at the walls.
"Let's get out of here," I announced to them. They both nodded, and we ran through the place.
It was hard to see, considering there were only a few lights in here.
We finally found a door, and thankfully, it led outside.
We raced out, running as fast as we could.
We slowly started to slow down, then we just walked.
"Thank god we're alive," I sighed in relief. Jimmy grinned, and wrapped his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder as we walked.
Then, we started to hear faint footsteps. I crinkled my eyebrows, and we all turned around at the same time.

We all gasped on cue.

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