Chapter Seven - 'Draco's visit.'

Hermione felt the bubbles around her as she sat in the bathtub. She was finally relaxing after week upon week of shifts at the restaurant, taking care of Rose, making dinner for Draco and Eva a week ago, and having people constantly over to her apartment. She felt total bliss as she sat in the bath for a few hours without moving and listening to the radio that she had bought in with her.

When she was making breakfast for Michael and Rose this morning, Michael had told her that he was going to his brother’s house for the weekend. Apparently, they were going to take the car out to the countryside and go fishing. Hermione read the subtext and assumed he would get drunk with his brother and a couple of friends. She didn’t mind though. In fact, she was in a happy mood that Friday morning. Hermione actually hummed while she took Rose to school. She had that Friday and the whole weekend off so she could spend it with Rose.

Hermione stopped humming to the music and listened for Rose as she giggled to something she was watching on TV. What a good girl, Hermione thought and smiled. She had been in the tub for a whole hour and Rose hadn’t bothered her, she was totally content to sit in peace and watch TV or draw.

Hermione gently lifted herself out of the tub when it was nearing Rose’s bedtime, letting the water down the drain as she went over to the shower. She quickly shampooed her hair, massaging her scalp, and washed it out before repeating. Hermione conditioned her hair and then soaped her body, humming a familiar tune under her breath. When she was done with her shower, she climbed out and wrapped herself in a towel before coming out of the bathroom.

‘Rosie?’ Hermione called to her, padding down the hall and ignoring the water as it dripped onto the carpet.

‘Yes, Mummy?’ Rose asked, looking up with her big brown eyes as Hermione entered the living room.

‘I think it’s about time you went to bed, baby,’ Hermione chuckled, walking over to see the picture she drew. It was of Michael and his car which he had taken for a spin with Rose even when Hermione told him not to. 

‘But, Mummy,’ Rose looked at the TV and then turned to Hermione with her huge eyes, ‘five more minutes?’

‘Just five,’ Hermione chuckled and walked out of the living room, ‘I’m going to get changed and then I’ll put you to bed.’

Hermione walked into her room which was completely tidy expect for a couple of Michael’s clothes from last night that he hadn’t bothered to pick up. Blushing a little as she thought of the night before, she picked up the clothes and put them on the chair before going over to her cupboard. She bought out some matching black underwear and pulled it on.  Hermione knew Michael wouldn’t be back tonight so there was really no point in wearing a nightie so she wore a loose top and some shorts that Michael had bought her before coming out of her room and going into the kitchen to tidy up the dishes.

Her mind wandered to before she had moved to Australia, while she put dishes away. She had been that brave, nerdy girl that always set people straight and grimaced when girls came to class with even one or two buttons popped on their shirt. Now look at her, Hermione chuckled out loud. She was standing in a kitchen in shorts and a top that clearly showed her bra at the sides since it was so loose, putting dishes away while her daughter sat in the next room and while she waited for her boyfriend, Michael, to call her... Funny how things seemed to change so suddenly.

The door bell rang suddenly and Hermione frowned, glancing at the time. The fancy clock in her kitchen was ticking closer to half past eight. She came out of the kitchen as Rose shut the TV off and watched her mother walk to the door. Hermione unlocked and opened the door, thinking it may be one of her neighbours. Instead, her frown deepened when she saw Draco standing on her doorstep, actually leaning against her doorway. Hermione just stared at him as his grey eyes stole a glance down at her legs.

‘You look too hot to be going to bed any time soon,’ he said, grinning at Rose who heard his voice and came to the door. Rose saw him and grinned, running past a very flustered Hermione.

‘Dway-co!’ she ran over to him as Draco picked her up, scooping her into a hug as Rose giggled, ‘I drew another picture of mummy and  you!’

‘Ah, Mummy and me, huh?’ Draco asked, letting Rose down. He glanced at Hermione before walking into the apartment without her permission and following Rose over to where she was drawing.

Hermione watched the two of them as Draco got down on his knees and made appreciative noises when Rose showed him the pictures. She didn’t know what had just happened and why Draco Malfoy had called her hot, hugged her daughter like she was his own, and walked into her apartment...

‘Rose, go and get changed,’ Hermione said, crossing her arms across her chest. Rose looked up at her mother, about to protest, but Hermione raised her eyebrows, ‘get changed, brush your teeth, and get into bed.’

‘Mummy’s mean, isn’t she?’ Draco muttered, ruffling Rose’s hair, ‘I’ll see you later. It is getting quite late. Off you go now, goodnight!’

‘Night, Dway-co!’ Rose hugged him, throwing her little arms over his neck and then ran off to her room.

‘Isn’t she just the cutest kid ever? But you should probably teach her how to say my name right,’ Draco turned to Hermione to see her glaring, ‘and you should probably put her to bed so we have a chance to talk.’

‘I...’ Hermione shook her ad slightly, bewildered at the sudden change of events.

 Hermione walked over to Rose’s room to find her trying to change her clothes. She helped her and soon got her into bed after checking to see if she had brushed her teeth. She told her to close her eyes and hummed a little lullaby for her to lull her to sleep. It took about fifteen minutes for Rose to fall asleep and Hermione nervously played with the hem of her shirt when she finally drifted off.

‘Ah, finally,’ Draco smirked at her as she walked back into the living room. He was lounging on her sofa but stood up and looked at her, ‘you look great. Nice shorts.’

‘Draco, what’s going on?’ Hermione shook her head, her hair was still wet and dripped down the back of her shirt, ‘I really don’t appreciate it when people show up on my doorstep without calling first so late at night!’

‘Nothing, I wanted to see you,’ Draco shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. Hermione became increasingly nervous as that boy-ish smirk graced his face. She frowned, wishing she was wearing something else.

‘You’re acting different,’ Hermione finally said.

‘I’m not acting different at all,’ Draco said, walking over to her. He ignored her last part.

‘No... No, you’re acting like you did when we were in Hogwarts. Always teasing and making stupid sexual jokes,’ Hermione shook her head. She half expected to be friends with Draco when she saw him in her restaurant kitchen and how he had been so nice and said that he would never hurt her but now she realised that people really never change.

‘I said you look hot. It was a compliment, not a sexual joke,’ Draco said, glancing down at her, ‘why are you freaking out? Just take it easy, Granger.’

Hermione didn’t move her eyes from his grey ones for a while, wondering why he was acting so personal. For a while they just stared at each other before Hermione muttered something about wine and went into the kitchen, biting her lip when she heard Draco walk behind her. She got out two glasses and then poured them both some wine, handing Draco his and sipping her own.

Draco took the wine glass from her and sipped it as he watched her, ‘I bought you something...’

‘I knew there was a reason you were here,’ Hermione muttered, leading him out of the kitchen. Draco watched her go, his eyes going down to her bare legs and he took a deep breath before following her. Hermione sat down on the sofa, grabbing the sheet that was draped over the back and covering herself with it.

‘Damn it, I was enjoying that show,’ Draco said, pretending to be upset as he glanced down at her covered legs.

‘I didn’t know I’d have visitors so I didn’t bother wearing something suitable,’ Hermione said, a light pink blossomed on her cheeks as she covered herself further.

‘Lucky for me I didn’t tell you I was coming. You could have deprived me from such a great view,’ Draco muttered, winking at her as he noticed her blush deepen. Hermione opened her mouth but Draco cut her off, not wanting her to freak out like before. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a tub of cream, showing it to her, ‘for your... scars.’

Hermione unconsciously touched her arm where the word ‘mudblood’ had been carved into her skin. Suddenly, she felt bad for shouting at Draco before. He had just been trying to help her...

‘Thank you...’ Hermione muttered hesitantly, sipping her wine before putting the glass down. She reached out to take the tub from her but Draco also put his wine glass down beside her own and opened the lid, ‘oh, no, you don’t have to do that. I can put it on.’

‘I know I don’t have to,’ Draco rolled his eyes as he moved closer to her on the sofa. He gently reached out to take the sheet off of her torso and then took her arm in his hand, glancing at her, ‘but I want to.’

‘Fine,’ Hermione whispered, unable to decline him when he touched her. She gathered the sheet around her legs and watched Draco as he took a dob of cream and started applying it to her scar. She moved her eyes up to watch his eyes and noticed a small frown that stayed there as he worked. Draco glanced up to see her watching him and the frown disappeared, turning into an obvious fake smirk. Hermione sighed, ‘why didn’t you bring Eva?’

‘Eva... is out with her newly found boyfriend and a couple of work friends,’ Draco said, waving his wand at his fingers and they magically got rid of all of the excess cream. Hermione glanced at the box of tissues that were on her table but then realised what Draco had actually said.

‘Wait, she broke up with you?’ Hermione asked, frowning a little at Draco. He didn’t look at her when he put the lid on the tub and put it on the table, handing her a wine glass and then taking his own.

‘We were never... together,’ Draco said, shrugging, ‘we lived together, she helped me through a lot, and we have slept together but now she has a boyfriend so we tend not to do that anymore... our relationship is complicated.’

‘Does she live with you?’ Hermione asked, crossing her legs and leaning back as she sipped her wine.

‘Yes... our apartment is very small but we do have a sofa that turns into a bed which I usually take,’ Draco frowned a little, not used to having absolutely no money. Whenever they both dated other people they would pass each other of as only roommates but when they weren’t dating others, they would often console each other. Draco chuckled, ‘she likes to stay over at her boyfriends apartment which is why I’m here. I’ve been in that damned apartment all day, I just needed company.’

‘I wish you’d called,’ Hermione said, covering up her legs when the sheet fell slightly. She didn’t realise Draco was now single and so poor since she assumed he had been with Eva for such a long time but it was only friends with benefits unless they were dating other people?

Draco opened his mouth, about to make a witty remark, when the phone rang. He glanced at it across the room and Hermione got up, letting the sheet pool at her feet, as she made her way across to it. Draco watched her, thinking he would draw her like this when he got the chance.

‘Hello?’ Hermione answered the phone, making her way back to the sofa. She frowned a little when she sat down next to Draco and sipped her wine. Draco could hear the commotion from where he sat even though the phone wasn’t on loud speaker, he heard a man’s voice shout something. Hermione sighed, ‘Michael? Are... Are you drunk?’

Draco looked slightly amused as Hermione held the phone away from her ear because of all the shouting. She finished off her wine in two quick gulps and put the glass down before saying, into the phone, ‘Michael? Just... be safe, okay? Goodbye.’

‘I wish I was drunk,’ Draco muttered, finishing his own wine and putting the glass down as Hermione put the phone on the table before leaning back. She closed her eyes, sighing, and Draco raised his eyebrows, ‘need another bath?’

‘Draco, I need to have a quiet night in,’ Hermione said, opening her eyes and looking at him, ‘go out and get a drink, do whatever you want. Just leave me alone.’

‘I want to talk to you,’ Draco said, shrugging, ‘I’ve went five years thinking, believing, trying to get myself to cope with the fact that you were dead. Now that I’ve found out you’re alive and that I wasn’t crazy when I saw you, I just want to... to be with you.

Hermione raised her eyebrows, willing him to finish his sentence. Draco reached out and touched a strand of her hair, curling it around his finger, and letting it go. He then smoothed one thumb over a slightly pink cheek, curving his fingers around the back of her neck. Hermione looked down, blushing red.

‘I have a boyfriend,’ Hermione reminded him although her voice came out weak.

‘We used to be together, you know, and we didn’t exactly break up,’ Draco said, even though they were hardly dating. Just a whole lot of flirting and spending time together. Hermione looked at him, chuckling a little as she saw herself mirrored in his eyes. Draco smiled and looked at her lips, ‘and I really have missed you all these years.’

‘Draco,’ Hermione tried to shake her head but Draco’s hand was still hovering over her neck. She took a deep breath and looked at him, frowning a little, ‘stop it.’

Draco raised his eyebrows at her abruptness but Hermione averted her eyes from him. He let out a little sigh but removed his hand from her neck and cheek before leaning back on the sofa, still looking at her. Hermione looked down at her hands that were folded on her lap and bit her lip a little.

‘Do you want me to leave?’ Draco asked, keeping his eyes fixed on hers. He waited for a reply but Hermione didn’t look up or say anything so he leaned towards her a little, ‘just say the word and I’ll leave. Remember that letter? I did say I’d come back to you after everything that had happened but if you didn’t want me there then I’d leave.’

Hermione turned a little to look at him, slightly surprised to find his face a little closer than she had expected. Memories of their sixth year came rushing back to her as she stared into those grey eyes that seemed to hold her own eyes. Even though he had acted so arrogant to her, she felt a strong attraction that pulled her towards him.

Draco smirked a little, one side of his face lifting up as she just stared at him. Her hand slowly reached out and touched his jaw. It was still sculpted to perfection even after five years, she noticed. He hadn’t changed much in looks, but he had changed just a little in personality. Draco let her fingers graze lightly over his jaw.

‘Granger, if you want to kiss me don’t waste my time. Just-’ Draco rolled his eyes but was cut off as Hermione’s lips gently pressed against his.

Draco felt the tingling in his lips straight away from where Hermione had kissed him. She lingered for a second before pulling away only slightly. Draco closed his eyes and pulled her closer, kissing her again as his hands tangled in her partially wet hair. Hermione kissed him back, every rational thought left her mind.  

Draco tilted his head slightly, opening his mouth a little to kiss her with more passion. He wanted her to feel how much he had missed her, how much he liked her, how he couldn’t, for the life of him, stay away from her. Hermione hesitantly opened her mouth for him but pulled back suddenly when she felt his tongue slither into her mouth.

‘Draco, I...’ Hermione shook her head, realising her hands were clutching the front of his shirt. She slowly let his shirt go, looking horrified at herself, and then looked up at him, ‘I... I’m so sorry.’

‘Sorry? For what? I was enjoying myself,’ Draco chuckled at the horrified expression on her face but he stood up suddenly as his eyes glanced at the time, ‘we should continue this another time.’

‘What?’ Hermione asked, looking a little confused as she watched him walk towards her door. She got up, letting the sheet that covered her fall to the floor, and then followed him to the door as he opened it, ‘where are you going?’

‘Home,’ Draco shrugged, leaving the door open and turning to her. He smirked, ‘what, you want to keep kissing me?’

Yes, Hermione thought instantly but she shook her head.

‘I’m sorry for kissing you. I-I don’t know what just happened to me,’ Hermione frowned a little and bit her lip, ‘I won’t do that again.’

‘Oh, please, do it again,’ Draco said and leaned in to kiss her lips softly. He pulled back but his fingers grazed her bare thigh for a second. He winked, ‘I insist... Goodbye, Granger.’

Draco turned and started to walk down the corridor, leaving a trail of warmth every where he had touched Hermione. She watched him go, feeling weak at her knees. Kissing him again was so... exhilarating. She didn’t want to stop especially when she gently opened her mouth for him.

‘Oh, Merlin,’ Hermione shook her head, glancing at Michael’s apartment in front of her and then closing and locking her front door. She leaned against it and tried to breathe.

Hermione tried to think rationally. She loved Michael more than anything but now Draco had come into her life and all those memories of him were surging back. She didn’t want him to leave. What if he never came back?


A/N - Sorry for the wait. It's summer and I just spend so much time doing absolutley nothing, I forget to write haha. Hope you like! 

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