Their Happy Ending

{ Welcome to the last chapter :,). SMUT WARNING! }

" Where were you guys?" BlackStar asked as Soul and Kid came into the main living room. They plopped down on the loveseat, which was open because BlackStar and Tsubaki were sharing the chair, and everyone else was curled on the sectional in front of the TV.

" We just had a talk... stop being so nosy." Soul said, chuckling to himself. He was trying to play off his feelings as nonchalant, but he was anything but that on the inside. He was still thinking about everything that Kid had said, and how it was basically a plea and a confession of how deep his feelings for him were.

" Mhm..." Patty giggled and looked toward Liz, and she was forced to tone it down as not to offend Maka. They had worked so hard to gain forgiveness and acceptance from her and the last thing they wanted to do was rub it in.

Kid coughed to himself.

" Anyways, what are you all watching?" He asked, wanting to change the subject.

" Well, we were about to turn on a movie." Maka replied. She didn't let Soul and Kid bug her. She knew that she had to stay true to her word, and it wasn't as difficult now that they had their resonance link back. This was just one obstacle in her life, and she would find another guy who made her as happy as Soul. It just would take a while.

" Sweet." Soul said.

" Let's watch an action movie." BlackStar insisted, and he was holding Tsubaki in his lap the whole time.

" Uhh- no. I want a chick flick." Liz retorted.

" I won basketball, so I get to choose!" BlackStar triumphantly exclaimed.

" Soul, be the tiebreaker." Patty turned over to him.

" How about we just watch a comedy and everyone's happy?" He asked, smiling in an awkward way. They didn't need another brawl on their hands over something as dumb as a movie.

" Fineeee." BlackStar groaned.

After the group decided on a movie, Soul decided to get more comfortable with Kid. He pulled the perfectly folded couch blanket down and over them, and Kid cringed to himself about the symmetry being ruined. He leaned against Soul to calm himself, and it actually worked as he snuggled by him.

Soul kept his arms wrapped around Kid and let the reaper get situated in his lap. There was heat that had grown between them after a while and it had become impossible to ignore. Those two hours were practically torture as far as Soul's crotch was concerned. It wasn't like he was hard or anything, but just thinking about Kid like that was making him restless.

Kid felt Soul pulling him against his lap more as the movie ended. It had actually gotten later in the night, and BlackStar was yawning in the chair.

" It's probably about time we head home, right?" Tsubaki asked.

" I guess..."

Maka glanced over at Soul as if to silently ask what his opinion on that was, but she knew from the way he'd curled up with Kid... he wanted to stay late. She didn't want to get in the way of them, and at least she wouldn't have been home alone, since Blair was there.

" Hey, Tsubaki, can I catch a ride home with you two?" She asked, and BlackStar was quick to answer for her.

" Ya, no problem." He told her, then winked at Soul when Maka wasn't looking. Soul blushed and shook his head, sighing. But the expression on his face after that was definitely a grateful one toward Maka.

They all snapped a picture for Instagram before people started heading home, and Soul whispered a thank you in Maka's ear before saying goodbye. He told her he'd probably crash at Kid's, and she didn't seem to mind.

" It got late..." Patty rubbed her eyes.

" Ya..." Soul said, and Kid decided it was time as he grabbed Soul's hand to lead him up the stairs.

" Night, girls... we're headed to bed..." He said, and Liz didn't buy it at all, but she played along anyways. Though teasing them would've been so hilarious, she didn't want to make Soul feel awkward about it. Kid was one thing, but the weapon was another.

" Night." She told them, and Soul felt his anticipation mounting as they reached the top of the stairs. Kid took him to the bedroom, shutting and locking the door right away. There was nothing better than finally being alone with his boyfriend.

" You... get comfy on the bed. I'll be out in a minute..." Kid smirked in a confident way, pressing a kiss on Soul's cheek. He had always tried to portray himself that way when they were doing things like this, but Soul knew better. It was just a matter of time before he was in control.

Soul headed over to the bed and Kid went to the ensuite, ready to freshen himself up before this. It was a really big deal... being as it was both of their first times. Soul had always wanted it to be special, and so, this would be it.

The whole time Kid got ready, Soul was kicking off his socks and stripping off his clothes. He was excited, more so than before. He'd been stubborn about this before, but all of those feelings were gone. Things for them were almost perfect, and he finally understood what Kid meant. This was the last piece of the puzzle for them to feel complete.

Kid really was the one for him, and Soul was completely certain of that. All those years he'd thought that something was missing with Maka. And he'd always known the way she felt about him, and he'd wondered why he couldn't feel the same. It wasn't that he didn't like girls, because for a long time they were the only kind of people he looked at. All it took was that chance encounter with Kid and that eye opening nudge from BlackStar, and his whole outlook had been changed. And he was so overjoyed about that. Kid was really the perfect one for him, so different and interesting, and not to mention hot.

Soul was broken from his thoughts when the door to the bathroom opened, revealing Kid in his underwear, standing in the doorway. They were tight black briefs and nothing else, and Soul's maroon eyes beaded around as he laid eyes on Kid's pale body. He'd never really seen it in good lighting before, but he was happy he got to now. His skin was a milky white, yet somehow flesh tone, and his nipples were a rosy pink color that was so tempting. And Kid had a flat stomach with tiny abs that were just beginning to take shape, along with toned arms and sexy shoulders. And don't even get Soul started on the ass and thighs... he was already staring.

Kid blushed once he saw the look on Soul's face, not even sure what to say. He felt like he was being ogled, but he loved it more than anything. Leaving the bathroom light on, but switching off the main bedroom light, Kid added a bit of ambience to the room.

" You look amazing..." Soul said, sitting up. He was only wearing his boxers, and Kid noticed that once he let his gaze fall upon him. " Why don't you come over here and let me get a better look?" He asked, smirking afterward.

Kid bit his lip and slowly began to walk toward the bed, and Soul sat on the edge of it, pulling him in by his hips. He ran his hands along Kid's torso and noted that he actually did have wide hips for a guy, finding it amusing.

Kid wasn't sure if he had some sort of weird fetish or something, but just looking at Soul's hands, he got even more turned on. They were large and he knew he could use them artfully. Okay... maybe that was kinky, but whatever.

" You're sure you're ready, Kid?" Soul asked, and Kid crawled into his lap after that, letting himself straddle his lap.

" Yes... please, Soul..." Kid murmured, cupping Soul's cheeks in his palms. " I've been waiting so long for you..."

Soul licked his lips and stared into Kid's eyes, and he knew that there was no turning back after that. Kid leaned in and gently pressed a kiss onto his lips, holding him closer by his cheeks. And Soul restrained himself, not wanting to rush through this. Taking it slower at first would make it feel all the much better when they picked up the pace later.

Soul began to kiss Kid back, wrapping his arms behind him and licking Kid's bottom lip, eventually snaking his tongue into the yellow eyed boy's mouth. He licked all around and took control of the kiss, almost effortlessly overpowering Kid's kiss. And as their contact continued, he felt his boyfriend sinking against him. What had Soul said? He was totally the dominant one, and Kid was already beginning to submit. Who knew being right could feel so good?

Picking Kid up, he stood and laid him back into the pillows properly, crawling over him and continuing to kiss him. And Kid felt his underwear getting tight as he bucked his hips against Soul.

" Someone's eager..." Soul whispered down his neck, pressing kisses along his collarbone and sucking hickeys. He twiddled one of Kid's nipples between his fingers, loving the way it made him gasp.

Kid squeezed his eyes shut and let his hands travel behind Soul, resting on his back.

" Please... no more teasing..." He begged in his ear, his voice being tiny in its sound.

Soul felt his restraint withering thinner the more he laid his hands on Kid. He adored the noises reaper made, how submissive he was at the drop of a hat. And what made it even more difficult was the growing hard-on between his legs. He leaned down and let it grind against Kid's, making him shake.

Friction was such a sweet force, and Kid dug his nails into Soul's back as he finally got it. The only thing that would've made it better was if the underwear was gone.

Soul groaned quietly and lost it, sitting up and practically tearing Kid's underwear away from his body. He tossed them to the corner of the room, and Kid excitedly laughed to himself. When Soul got possessive like that it was such a turn on. He felt his own member twitching as Soul ditched his own boxers as well.

" Soul... please..." Kid murmured.

" Where's your lube?" Soul asked, and Kid fumbled before reaching over and snatching it from the nightstand, basically tossing it at his boyfriend. He had to know what to do with it.

Don't get Soul wrong, he wasn't a gay sex expert, but he knew the basics. He also knew that Kid was about as virgin as they came, so he would need to be stretched out for anything to feel halfway decent.

Spreading Kid's legs apart in one motion, he neared Kid's hole, looking upon the glorious pink color and smirking. He knew he was gross, but part of him just wanted to skip the lube and eat him out. But he didn't. That would be saved for another occasion. For right then, he slathered his fingers in lube and ran it all around Kid's rim, carefully sliding in a finger. And when he saw Kid's cock twitching, he knew what he had to do.

Soul encased Kid's length with his mouth and began to suck, slobbing the whole thing down and bobbing his head, all the while sliding his finger in and out.

Kid was a mess, having to smother his mouth with his palm just to keep quiet. He quivered and gasped, feeling short of breath and loving every feeling Soul gave him. It got even more taxing once Soul added two, and then three fingers. It stung a little, but Kid had played with himself-shamefully- on a few occasions, so it wasn't that painful.

Finding some sort of courage, Kid pulled his hand back.

" Th-that's enough..." He stuttered. If Soul kept it up much longer he'd cum too early, and that would've been humiliating.

Soul smirked and wiped some of Kid's precum from his lip.

" You taste good..." He licked his lips.

Kid covered his face with both of his hands, fading completely red.

" Shut up, shut up! Just... fuck..."

" Fuck what?" Soul asked with a sharp toothed grin taking over his face. Man, he was so ready to fuck Kid into the mattress, but he wanted to hear Kid say it again. Consent may have been a basic human right and all, but hearing it over and over was so sexy.

" Fuck me!" Kid whispered, embarrassed.

Soul chuckled to himself confidently, rubbing down his own manhood with lube. Even the slightest touch made it feel like it was ready to burst. He leaned Kid back, keeping his legs spread as wide as they could go. It was like he entered a new stage of their relationship as he finally slid in, letting his cock sink deep inside of him.

Kid's nails raked down Soul's back and he squeezed his eyes shut, but it didn't really hurt as much as he was expecting. He was grateful that Soul stayed so still in the beginning, but after a while, he popped his eyes open to stare up at him.

Soul breathed heavily, never having known that something could feel so good. He leaned down and rested his forehead onto Kid's before rocking his hips forward, drawing them back, and then doing it again the exact same way.

Kid's breath hitched and a sound took shape in his throat.

" H-hnn..." He tried to bite his lip and shut up, but it wasn't working. With every move of Soul's hips, new noises were trying to escape. His breath became labored and heavy, and Soul wasn't slowing down anytime soon. His thrusts picked up and Kid was driven back against the pillows every other second, even causing the bed to shake slightly.

" Ah! F-fuck!" Kid whined, unable to hold it back. And Soul was in the zone, completely overtaken by lust as he smothered Kid with a kiss, holding him still as he plowed down into him. He wondered why the hell they hadn't done this sooner.

Even as he felt the pit of his stomach getting hot, Soul knew he wasn't finished. He pulled Kid up from the pillows, switching places with him and laying on his back. He put the reaper in his lap.

" Come on..." He begged Kid, knowing he could go so much faster this way.

Kid was panting and his eyes were watery, and he couldn't help but do what Soul said. He loved it when his boyfriend got that way. He did as he asked and slowly sat down onto his length, and that was how his prostate was massaged right away. Kid's eyes widened and Soul didn't waste time, thrusting upward powerfully.

The reaper panicked and rushed to cover his mouth, practically crying out into his hands as Soul pulled his hips down and went deeper.

It only took a little bit of that before Soul was barreling toward his climax. Kid couldn't take it anymore, cumming untouched and spurting it all over Soul's abs. He let out a strained whine as it happened, and Soul came two seconds later, filling up his boyfriend with white liquid that began to leak out almost instantly.

Kid was trembling so hard, and even after Soul pulled out, the orgasm was still in the process of dying off.

Soul held Kid close to himself and laid down with him, running a hand through his hair.

" I think I love you, Kid..." He murmured after a while, draping his arms over him. It was true that people were more honest at nighttime, and Kid realized that as he stared into Soul's eyes.

" I could've told you that..." He snickered, and Soul kissed his forehead a couple times, spooning him and loving every moment of it. If all it took was some stupid dance to kickstart the rest of his life, he was game. And Kid had finally gotten everything he wanted, along with a happy ending fit for a prince.

That was the way things would always be.

{ GAHHHH! Thank you all so much for reading this! I know it's short but this adaption didn't have much to work with, so I tried my best! I love you all! Make sure to vote, comment, and check out my other books. See you all on the next one :). }

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