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{ Okay but does anyone else think Lord Death is kind of hot? Just me... K...}

" I don't know, Tsubaki... he went over there last night and he texted me this morning... but that's all I've heard..."

" Well at least you and Kid talked things out, right?"

" Yeah... we're okay now."

" That's great!" Tsubaki exclaimed from the other side of the phone. And Maka held it up to her ear as she walked to school alone, most likely to meet up with BlackStar and her at the bottom of the steps. " Do you think resonance practice will go easier, then?"

" I hope so." Maka said. " I'm close to the academy. I'll see you in a few."

" Okay."

She felt weirdly... neutral. It was a relief that she and Kid weren't having issues anymore, but now, she didn't know what to feel. There were so many worries that she had, mainly about the resonance link. She prayed that it would work and that she and Kid would stop holding it up.

" Hey Tsubaki, wanna bet I can do a quadruple front flip off of here?" BlackStar snorted.

" BlackStar, no! You'll hurt your-"


Tsubaki cringed and Maka watched with a deadpan on her face as she arrived, seeing BlackStar jump off of one of the pillars on the staircase. He flipped a bunch of times, way more than four, and landed on his feet. Cackling, he flared his nostrils in a proud gesture.

" Told ya!"

Tsubaki looked white as a ghost from worry, and Maka wasn't impressed.

" Good morning." BlackStar told her. " It's a beautiful day to be as awesome as me, Maka. You should try it."

" As much as I'd love that, I think my head would explode." Maka remarked, passing him to say hi to Tsubaki. " Anyways, wanna head to class?"

" Actually, Maka, BlackStar was waiting for Soul." Tsubaki said, and it occurred to Maka that not waiting for them would've been rude.

" Oh... okay..." She said, and it didn't take long before the limo pulled up. Yes, limo. Kid was still a spoiled rich kid in some aspects, so it didn't surprise anyone when that happened. But the unusual part was when Soul stepped out of it as well.

" Morning!" BlackStar exclaimed, and Soul fistbumped him with a grin on his face.

" What's up, dude?"

Meanwhile, Liz and Patty, as well as Kid got out. Kid looked over to Maka, and as much as he felt awkward for those first few seconds, he didn't let it continue.

" Good morning." He told her, smiling. And Maka smiled as well, waving. She didn't let the hickeys on Kid's neck bother her when she saw them. That would've been going back on her word to Soul, and that was the last thing she'd ever want to do.

" How was your sleepover?" She asked, and Liz peered out from behind Kid when she heard those words. She was still a little skeptical about this whole 'let's bury the hatchet' thing, and wanted to make absolutely sure that Maka was being sincere. At least... it seemed like she was.

" Really good..." Kid said. " Did you and Blair enjoy the quiet night at home?" He really was trying to be polite and make conversation. After all... before this started, she and he had been friends.

" Yeah, we did." Maka replied. " We watched all the girly movies Soul doesn't like."

" Good night to do that." Soul chuckled once he heard that.

" Should we head to class?" Tsubaki asked the group, and the consensus was yes as they began to head up the massive staircase at the academy. Someone could get in their daily 10,000 steps just by going up and down it every day.

Kid looked over at Soul, and Soul seemed very happy with the way things were going. Once they were at the top, he grabbed Kid's hand and leaned next to the reaper's ear.

" You're doing great..." He assured. That at least made Kid feel better about the whole thing. He knew that Maka and he wouldn't be perfect overnight, but every day would mean progress.

They made their way to class Crescent Moon, basically a dissection class when Professor Stein was teaching. And as they walked in, Stein looked at Soul and Kid and began to chuckle.

" Try to stay off your phones today..." He remarked, and Soul choked on air. Kid turned completely red and felt like he could crawl under the floorboards from embarrassment.

" Sure thing." Soul told him before departing from Kid and taking his seat next to Maka. Man... there were some things that were better left unsaid.

It was about twenty minutes after that when Kid had finally gotten rid of the blush on his face. He looked over at Patty and saw her doodling on her notes with crayons, then saw Liz filing her nails. But she was paying more attention than it seemed.

" So... Maka really does seem okay with you guys, huh?" She asked in a quiet voice.

" Yeah... I told you we're fine." Kid replied.

" I never saw that one coming, but honestly, it's great. All this drama was not good for my complexion." She chuckled.

" That's what you were worried about?" Kid deadpanned.

There was a knock on the door, and Stein was handed a note by one of the other teachers. He looked up to Soul and was intrigued already.

" Soul, they want to see you in the Death Room." He said, and Soul perked up. At first he was worried and glanced over to Kid, but then he remembered their conversation the night before. Lord Death needed to talk to him as well. This would be interesting.

Getting up, the weapon put his hands in his pockets and left the room. He weaved through the academy's many hallways, turn after turn, until he arrived to the walk of red arches that preceded the room. He'd been in there before, but usually, it was for something serious and he had Maka or someone else with him. Not this time. Standing up straight and confident, he walked in.

" Oh, Soul. Come in, come in." Lord Death turned around, and Soul gulped. This was more than just the principal and boss of the academy. This was his boyfriend's dad, a thought which was very weird to think about after everything.

" Hey, Lord Death." He greeted, approaching and taking his hands from his pockets. Maka would've nudged him for being rude, but at least her etiquette lessons were serving him well.

" I assume Kid has filled you in on our talk from yesterday?" The grim reaper asked.

" Yes, he did." Soul answered. " We managed to sync our wavelengths last night..."

Lord Death seemed very surprised.

" I see... so he got together with you after our talk?"

" Yes..." Soul felt himself breaking into a nervous sweat. He really wanted respect from him, just in case he ended up being his father in law someday.

" Well... I'm happy to see you two spending so much time together. I do need to address some things with you, though. I didn't get to do that at the beginning of your relationship with him, so there's no time like the present, am I right?"

" Right..." Soul said. His anxiety levels were spiking beyond belief.

" Glad we're on the same page. Kid... is very important to me. He's more delicate than he looks, and he has a tendency to overthink. I need your word that you will treat him well no matter what. Not to say that I don't trust you... because I do. You've always treated your partner as a weapon should and protected her..."

" Of course... Maka is my best friend..." Soul told him. " I would never let anything happen to either of them... you have my word."

" You know... I've always sort of known this would happen." Lord Death explained. " I saw it from a distance, but I never said anything until now. I'm just happy that you all are sorting it out without my intervention..."

" Thank you for letting us. I didn't realize how I felt until a little over a month ago, but now there's no turning back. I made the right choice..." Soul told him honestly, smiling. He was beginning to feel less nervous about this, but he did have a concern he wanted to bring up. " But, Lord Death, as long as I'm here, can I ask you something?"

" Go ahead."

" Are you sure that resonance between me and Kid is safe? I don't know what to do if black blood contaminates him..."

" I've considered it... but it's not like you and Kid would ever fight together as a weapon and meister pair. If the blood did manage to pass between you two, it would be harmless. Professor Stein even informed me that it might help fix Kid's OCD... the madness." Lord Death told him, and Soul raised a brow. That was something he'd never really thought about.

" There's no way it would hurt him?"

" Nope. He's completely safe, but I'm glad that you're worrying about it. It shows me that you care a lot." Lord Death said. " Anyways, that was all I was looking to tell you. Basically, just be a good boyfriend to him and we won't have any issues."

Soul didn't know whether his bluntness was good or bad. He wasn't looking to be on the receiving end of a reaper chop, so he would be sure to do just that, be a stellar boyfriend.

" Will do..."


" So... what did he tell you?" Kid asked, and he and Soul embraced at the entrance of the academy, which overlooked the city. That was one of the places where they didn't have to worry about PDA and could meet during the school day. It was just before lunchtime, and since they didn't eat by themselves anymore, they liked the few minutes of alone time before the meal.

" He just told me all the usual stuff... be a good boyfriend or face my wrath, you know?" Soul joked, massaging Kid's hips with his palms.

" He said that?!" The meister exclaimed, making him laugh.

" Maybe not that last part..." Soul told him. " But yeah, it was fine. He also told me something cool..."

Kid waited for Soul to explain.

" Apparently even if you end up with some of my black blood... it's harmless to you." Soul smiled, pulling Kid closer to himself. " Now I can stop worrying my head off about it..."

" I told you." Kid stood on his tiptoes, pressing a kiss on Soul's cheek shyly. " You're just being an overprotective idiot." He laughed.

" Hmpf... sure..." Soul remarked. " Well this overprotective idiot isn't going to change that anytime soon..." He leaned down and decided to give Kid a real kiss, pressing his lips onto his boyfriend's and running a hand through his hair.

Kid's cheeks heated up and his eyes fluttered shut. Something about Soul made him forget about everything else. He knew that they would eventually learn to resonate together, even if it wasn't that day, or that week, or even that month. They could sync, and do things like this in the meantime, and it would work.

He rested his hands on Soul's chest and pulled him closer by the front of his jacket.

Then there was a thump against the glass door to their side.

" Oooooo~" BlackStar banged on the glass and made a kissy face, and Tsubaki covered her mouth, embarrassed for them. They just happened to be walking by that way on their way to lunch.

Kid had jumped against Soul from being startled, and Soul had pulled him to his side protectively. But once he realized it was just BlackStar being stupid, he flipped him off.

" We should probably head to lunch..." Kid said, fixing his hair subtly.

" Yeah. Let's do that." Soul said, sighing. But either way, they were happy.


" Soul, I'm scared... I really want this resonance link to work..." Maka looked down as she and her partner walked out to the wooded area of the academy. That was always where the links were formed, as not to damage the school building.

" I want it to work, too... but I'm sure we'll get it. We have to." He told her. Though her fears were definitely founded, Soul wanted to believe that they'd finally get their link back. What with her feud with Kid over and everyone made up, there was no reason why it shouldn't have.

Maka nodded and tried to get over her own nerves.

" I believe in us... we used to have this down no problem." Soul put a hand on her shoulder. " We're pretty badass, remember? We can do this."

" I know..."

As they arrived to the clearing, they saw that everyone else was already there. Tsubaki was in her ninja blade form, and Liz and Patty were in their pistol form as Kid stood there and holding them. He smiled at Soul a little when he saw him, but this wasn't the time for romance. They had to focus.

" Are you guys ready to nail this?" Maka asked everyone, and Soul began to glow light blue before transforming into a scythe for Maka to hold.

" Hell yeah... we were just waiting on you." BlackStar snorted and laughed. " I'm too much of a star to fail at this again..."

" We've got this!" Patty giggled.

Maka nodded, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. They all focused their hardest and listened to Soul's piano, which came through in the form of his wavelength. And truthfully, Kid felt weak in the knees when he heard it, almost like Soul was sweeping him off of his feet. But he didn't let himself get carried away.

Kid listened for Maka's soul wavelength, and with that, he was able to connect with it. BlackStar helped to tie them together, but it was mostly Maka's open mind and Kid's confidence that fixed it. Their link happened, causing the wind to blow around them and for all the trees to rustle. It was a strong connection between every single one of them, and a stable one at that.

" Wow... that's the strongest I've ever seen you all resonate..." Professor Stein said, appearing from the treeline. " Good job working out the issues..."

Everyone turned and saw their teacher, and it only made the experience better.

They resonated together twice more before the practice was over, and Maka felt so relieved. This was the last thing she needed to have before things felt normal again. She could finally have peace in the fact that she and Soul could still resonate, and their group would still work.

" I can't believe we pulled it off so quick..." Maka smiled to herself, relieved.

" We're awesome. Of course we did." BlackStar replied right away, and after the weapons were back to their human forms, they all began to walk back toward the academy.

Kid snuck around and walked by Soul, smiling at him. He didn't have to say that he was excited for Soul to know it. And as they all walked, Soul realized Kid was in the midst of planning something, though he wasn't quite sure what.

Before they could reach the academy and go their separate ways, Kid stepped in front of everyone.

" I would like to take a second to thank everyone for this..." He said, smiling. " Maka and I weren't easy to deal with for a while... but that's all over now. I think it's appropriate to celebrate..."

Maka smiled, happy that Kid was as relieved as she was.

" I'd like to invite everyone to my mansion tonight for a get together... if you're all not busy. It's Friday, and I think we all can afford to relax." Kid said, and Soul felt really proud of his boyfriend as they listened to him.

" Hell yeah! I'm down!" BlackStar shouted.

" That would be fun." Liz looked over at Patty, who nodded back at her.

" What do you say, Maka?" Soul asked, and Maka was quick to agree.

" Sounds great."

Kid felt like he had finally achieved everything he wanted, well, besides sex with Soul, but that was an entirely different matter. For now, his friendships with everyone were on their way to being normal again, and that was all he could've ever wanted.

{ Y'all already know what comes next *wiggles eyebrows* ... sorry I'll let myself out... }

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