To Build A Home
author: me
summary: in which harry turns into a heartless asshole and hurts his hybrid- Louis. He then realizes that he should have never left the one who loved him a lot even with all of his flaws. He should have stayed.
Louis was confused. Why was his Harry acting very cold towards him? He was never liked that with him. He glance at his Harry who was busy typing on his phone with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He then got an idea and walked towards his daddy and sat on his lap, startling the older boy below. He giggled and turned to face Harry who was trying not to show his anger towards the hybrid.
"Not now, Louis. Go play outside or whatever." Harry sternly said, pushing the small hybrid off of his lap and ignoring the tiny whimper. He grabbed his phone and stood up, walking upstairs to his office and locking it.
Louis frowned and felt tears brimming in his eyes. He quickly stood up and made his way to the backyard wherein he sat under the large tree. He pulled his knees to his chest and stared glumly at the sky. He didn't know why his daddy was like that. He wasn't like that weeks ago and it worried the kitten hybrid. He sighed and closed his eyes. Maybe his Harry will apologize later. He smiled weakly when he saw his pet cat, Scar. Scar was a small black cat with blue eyes, she is very fluffy and affectionate towards Louis. They found her under their car last month and instantly fell in love with the cat. Scar nuzzled her face on Louis side, purring in content when he stroke the cat's head.
"Harry hates Louis, Scar. Louis do not know why daddy hate him. Maybe because Louis speak like this. Scar don't hate Louis right? Scar love Louis. And Louis will always love daddy even if Harry don't love Louis too. It okay." Louis whispered as hot tears spilled from his eyes. He wiped them quickly and giggled as Scar curled up beside him. His heart clenched at the thought of his Harry not loving him anymore, and taking him back to the adoption center where they treat him like garbage.
Harry had adopted Louis eight months ago. He was careful and loving towards the tiny hybrid who wants nothing but to be loved and taken care of. He was, at first, scared of his new owner, but warmed up to him when he comforted him after he had a nightmare.
Louis stood up and carried Scar as he walked inside. His fluffy tail was curled on his hips and his ears were down, still sad by how his daddy just treated him. He walked upstairs and tiptoed towards his room, careful not to make a noise. He creaked the door open and saw no one inside. He placed down Scar and took off his clothes, going inside the bathroom to take a shower.
By the time he was done showering, he was faced with an angry Harry who was glaring at him. He whimpered and looked down, his tail wrapping on his hips. He really wished he was anywhere but here. He looked up and smiled at his Harry who was fuming.
"I told you not to leave your clothes around, didn't I?" Harry snarled. The younger between the two nodded and glanced everywhere but Harry.
"Didn't I?" Harry growled. He stared at the hybrid who was trying his hardest not to cry. He didn't want to cry in front of his Harry.
"Yes, Harry." Louis whimpered, a tear rolling down his face. He mentally scolded himself for crying and glanced at Harry.
"On my lap. I'm gonna give you thirty spanks for not listening to me." Louis obliged and bent over on his daddy's lap, embracing himself on whats to come next.
"Louis is sorr-"
By the time they ended, Louis was sobbing. He pulled his pants up, wincing at how the fabric touched his bum, which was sore and probably purple because of how hard Harry spanked him. He was never spanked this hard before and it made him curl up in a ball on the side as Harry stormed off. He was now all alone, crying his heart out as he think of any reasons why he deserves the hard punishment his Harry gave him.
"Louis is so stu-stupid. "He mumbled as tears streaming down his face. He sobbed and sobbed, asking himself why his Harry doesn't love him anymore. He got up from his bed, wincing in pain and walk towards the window. He stared outside blankly and clenched his fists.
Maybe Louis should leave. Harry no want him anymore. Louis thought, making his heart break into pieces. He shook his head and went to the bathroom, filling the tub with water. He stripped off his clothes and waited for the tub to be filled. Once the tub was filled, he slowly went inside, clenching his eyes shut as he sat on the tub, his bum hurting. He breathed heavily and let the tears fall again.
"Stupid." He slap himself. He flinched but told himself that he deserve the pain. Harry is his world and it would be really hard if he leaves him, no matter how hard his Harry punishes him. He wiped his tears and closed his eyes, hoping that everything will be okay.
When he woke up, realized that he was still in the bathtub. His eyes widened and quickly got out, making sure that the tub was drained before he dried his body. He walk back to the room and saw no signs of Harry yet. His face fell and breathed shakily. He was relieved and sad that his daddy wasn't there. He limped towards his closet and grabbed something to wear. After he got dressed, he walked downstairs with Scar. He walked towards the kitchen and frowned when he realized that he didn't know how to cook and there wasn't any food in the fridge nor the cupboards. He shook his head and fed Scar her cat food and poured water on her container. His stomach grumbled and he wanted to cook something but he didn't know how.
Maybe Louis should just wait for Harry to come home Louis decided and plopped down on the couch, waiting for Harry to come home.
Night rolled in and there was still no sign of Harry, causing Louis to get anxious and scared. He lied down on the couch and tried not to sleep. He wants to wait for Harry and cuddle with him, no matter how late he comes home. Louis smiled and turned the t.v on, deciding to watch something to keep his mind off of his sleepiness. He decided to watch Cinderella and sighed happily since it was his favorite movie. He loves the movie because Cinderella reminded him of himself back at the adoption center. He was constantly beaten up and ordered around, and he was happy when Harry adopted him. He thinks that Harry is his prince and he was his daddy's princess. He wished that he has a happy ending just like Cinderella and the Prince.
He closed his eyes and went to sleep with an empty stomach and a broken heart.
When he woke up the next morning to see that there was still no sign of his daddy. He frowned and went up to feed Scar. He then took a shower and wore one of Harry's jumper. He went downstairs and drank milk, the only thing he has to ease his hunger, other than water. He was really worried. His daddy left and he was alone.
He sat on the couch with Scar, a movie playing on the t.v as he stroke Scar's head. He wanted to cry. His daddy still wasn't home and he wanted to cuddle with him and share kisses. He didn't realize he was crying until a boom of thunder startled him. He quivered in fear and turned off the t.v, going upstairs to their room with Scar in his arms. He went under the covers and curled up like a ball as the his ears twitch every time he can hear the loud boom of the thunder. He was sobbing. He wanted Harry to protect him.
"Louis need Harry. He scared of the dark and thunder." He shakily cried out as another thunder boomed. Scar was nowhere to be seen and he cried even more. He has no one now, and the thought made him even more scared and sadder. Why can't someone love him?
The third day of being all alone, he decided not to cry and scolded himself for being such a cry baby. He fed Scar and waited again for his Harry to come home and give him kisses, and make love to him. He misses his daddy so much and he would do anything just for Harry to come back.
The fourth day of being all alone, Louis was crying again. He was really hungry and there was no milk left. He really miss his Harry. He was jealous of Scar because she has food to eat while he didn't. That day, he tried to ignore Scar for the day but he couldn't. When he turned on the t.v that day, the news was on, and it was about Harry. His stomach dropped when he saw his Harry with a girl. His heart broke into tinier pieces and told himself to stay strong.
"CEO of Styles Corp. Harry Styles looking all lovey dovey with someone who surely isn't his hybrid lover, Louis Tomlinson. What happened to h-" He shut the t.v off and cried.
Why wasn't Louis enough? Why do Harry not love Louis anymore? Louis had thought as he sobbed his heart out. His heart hurts and his head was hurting. Maybe he shouldn't be here anymore. He realizes that he was replaceable and not enough. He should have expected this. Should have expected that everyone leaves. Everyone forgets him and hurt him, and he's not sure if his heart can take it anymore. He can't take the sadness and pain anymore. He can't take everything anymore. He wanted to wish to the stars to take him away. To stop the pain he feels. Maybe if he was enough his mother would have stayed, Harry would have stayed. He just wanted to stop the pain in his heart, wanted to be okay.
Louis wiped his tears away and went up to their room. He grabbed a bag and filled it with his clothes along with one of Harry's jumper. He took a shower making sure to be clean since it was gonna be his last shower. He got dressed in some comfortable clothes and opened a drawer, grabbing a paper and a pen as he tried to write. When he was done, he placed it on the nightstand and glanced at the room one more time before going downstairs to pack Scar's food and some water for both of them. He ignored the hurt in his heart and glanced one last time at the house he used to call home. He smiled weakly and waved goodbye as he walked away with Scar in his arms.
When Harry went home, he was confused as to why the door was unlocked. He shrugged it off and went inside to find Louis and apologize to him. He really regrets treating him poorly and leaving him alone with no food. His heart clenched at the thought of his kitten starving and being all alone. He shook his head and clutched the bouquet of flowers in his hand as he stared oddly at the quiet house.
"Louis? Love, where are you?"He called out, only to be greeted with silence. He walked upstairs and inside their room, still no sign of his kitten. He began to panic as he looked around their room for any signs of Louis, until his eyes landed on a paper on the nightstand. He grabbed it and read it.
Dear haz,
louis leving. he sory if he was not enouf fhaz 2 stey. louis wil always lab haz 4ever. don lok 4 louis he awei n he wont be bak sory.
lot of luv, louis xx
Harry doesn't know how to feel anymore. He just lost the one who loved him with all their heart and he wished he stayed and mended things with Louis. Tears are streaming down his face as he clutched the letter on his chest. He knew why the kitten left him and he wishes he could all take it back. He wanted to set himself on fire for the pain he caused towards his little lover.
The house was quiet except for his loud sobs and pleads for Louis to come back. He went towards their-his- closet and he sobbed harder as he saw his clothes only. He wiped his tears and fell to his knees and cried. He cried like never before. He cried and cried until he told himself to be strong. He decided to look for Louis and got up, dashing outside. He ran and ran, yelling out the hybrid's name, so desperate to have him back- to have his other half back. He looked at every streets but found no one.
He should have stayed.
authors note: hii guys! so how was it? Was it good or nah? Comment if you want a part 2. Please vote and share :) I'm really proud of this because i worked hard on this i guess. Anygay, comment yo
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