Larry Does Dallas*
author: SensibleDirection
summary: This is my headcanon as to what really went down when Harry looked freshly defiled at the CD signing in Dallas in March 2012. It's a little bit smutty.
Harry and Louis had been trying really hard to keep their hands off each other. They really had! Louis and Eleanor had been a public thing for some months now, so in fairness to everyone they'd been really restrained and well behaved around each other to assist with keeping up appearances. That is, until they went to Dallas. Dallas had been successful in the #Bring1DtotheUS campaign and whether it was the excitement about this flying visit to Dallas for a one-off concert, or the heat or just plain horniness, something went seriously awry and derailed their good behaviour campaign.
It all started on the flight. Somewhat lulled into a false sense of security from their recently pure track record, Harry and Louis sat together on the flight. Harry was making the most of the in-flight booze before he landed in the States and became illegal for alcohol and was a few sheets to the wind. Louis, being the supportive friend that he was, kept him company and matched him drink for drink so around 4 hours into the flight the conversation got a bit out of hand ......
Harry giggled at Louis' lascivious tone. "Yeah Lou?"
"You know how sometimes you get a hard-on from being on the tour bus, when it's all rattly and vibrating and that?"
"Hahaa. A bus boner? Yeaaaah. What? Are you saying you've got a plane boner?" said Harry, with a snort.
Louis lifted the blue blanket that was covering his lap and Harry got to see for himself that Louis was somewhat erotically compromised. "Hahaha. You dirty bastard Tomlinson. I don't think a plane boner is even a thing. There's no vibration for one thing."
"Oh right. And is that your professional opinion Professor Styles?" said Louis with a smirk. "So, are you saying that you're not feeling it then? Just me with the plane boner?"
Harry removed his blanket with a smug smile. "My lap is as smooth as a baby's bum. So it's just you, you perv".
Harry's smugness was like a red rag to a bull as far as Louis was concerned and he saw it as a challenge. He knew exactly the right smouldering look to use on Harry and exactly the right things to say to push his buttons.
"So ... Mr Styłes," said Louis, his eyes locked on Harry's and leaning over so that he was only centimetres from Harry's face. He was so close that his eyelashes were practically touching Harry's cheek, "reckon you can keep that lap nice and 'bump-free' until we land in Dallas? Because I reckon I can create a party in your pants without even touching you."
Harry flashed his best lopsided grin and settled back in his seat, legs wide and arms behind his head. "Oh that sounds like fighting talk Mr Tomlinson. Bring it ON!"
Louis moved to remain just a breath away from Harry and leaned his lips towards Harry's, stopping millimetres from actually touching him and breathed out a long sigh ..... "Ok Styłes. You forget that I know you inside and out. I know what makes you tick and I know all of your kinks. I know what to do to you that makes you scream my name with tears in your eyes as you beg me to go further and faster and longer. Are you sure you want that amount of pain in a crowded plane?"
Harry gulped and felt his dick twitch. Fuck. He was screwed if Louis kept that up. He nodded, less sure of himself and felt his heart rate start to increase. Louis took that as a green light and started to blow gently in Harry's ear and let out an almost imperceptible low moan of desire. To the onlooker it would look like a fairly innocent whisper but the content was far from innocent. ..... "Fuck Harry, look at you sitting there all cocky and sure of yourself when I know that all I'd need to do right now is get on my knees and run my fingernails up the inside of your thighs to your balls and then walk my finger slowly up your zip to your button, ease it open and pull your zip down with my teeth. ......... ". Harry's breath caught in his throat and he could feel the blood start to drain towards his dick. "and then, ever so slowly, ease your jeans down just enough to allow me access to your boxers. Hmmmm. But would I free you immediately? Actually. You know what, I think I'd spend a bit of time kissing your gorgeous dick through the soft cotton of your boxers. I love the feel of your warm, hard dick through cotton Harry. I love how I can get a preview of the taste of your skin, mingled with the smell of your coconut soap and the freshly laundered cotton ....." Harry could feel his heart start to race and felt his dick thicken. Louis cast his eyes down and could see evidence of the disturbance which spurred him on. "But then, my impatience to have your gorgeous, thick dick in my mouth would get the better of me and I would just ..... oh god, just ...... take the waistband of your boxers and roll it down until I see the tip of your dick appear. Just the tip. I could give it a little lick and then blow on it to cool you down a little bit because by now I reckon you'd be starting to feel a bit hot. Am I right Harold?" Harry nodded and gulped and was aware that he was starting to get hard. He tried to think of a brick wall .... or multiplication tables .... anything to stem the flow of blood to his dick but he knew the game was over. He tried to control his breathing but it was starting to get laboured. He was now borderline crazy with lust and Louis knew it, judging by the evil look of victory in his eyes, but he wasn't stopping there. Harry's eyes ...... glassed over with lust ..... hit him right between the legs and he was after a happy ending now. For both of them.
"Fuck Harry, I would LOVE to have your dick in my mouth right now. It's been too long since I tasted you and felt you spill your warm, salty load into my eager, thirsty mouth ......."
Harry couldn't stand it any longer "Louis .... Shit. You and me ...... now, in that toilet. Mile high club .....let's fucking go."
Louis thought about it. He properly considered taking his beloved Harry into the plane toilet for a frantic shag, just to relieve the urgent pulsating pressure in his dick .... but wait .... A toilet? A furtive fuck in a toilet? Is that what they'd become? Harry shouldn't be someone's bit on the side, to be casually fucked against a tiny airline WC wall. He should be savoured and lingered over. Oh fuck, he thought, I still fucking want him, but I want him for more than just a fleeting, standing up, knee trembler. The realisation hit him like a bucket of cold water and he sat back. Harry's brow furrowed immediately and he jerked up, concern written all over his face. "Louis. Are you ok. What's up?"
Louis' eyes started to fill with tears and Harry felt a lump forming in his throat. Somehow, he knew what was going on in Louis' head, as the realisation that they were stuck in an untenable situation hit them both simultaneously. Lou was the first to speak.
"Haz. What are we doing? This is nuts. We've been ignoring this for too long. I don't want to take time out anymore. I don't want to be getting cheap thrills from flirting with you on and off stage and doing ..... this. We're not about fucking in airplane toilets! We're .... we're supposed to be together. What the fuck Harry? We need to talk......."
Before Harry could respond, the flight attendant appeared with meals for them both and that seemed to be the cue for the other three to appear from the front of the plane for a catch up. Luckily they were able to protect their modesty with their lap trays so nobody was aware of what had just been going down. As soon as it was practical, Harry leaned over and whispered in Louis' ear, "Let's talk at the hotel when we have some privacy and some time Lou. This is a mess and I don't think we'll be able to find an easy solution, but ..... keep talking to me, yeah?"
Louis nodded and as soon as he felt able to, he resumed the role of the gregarious sassmaster that everyone knew and loved, and tucked away the pain for later .......
Finally, after what seemed like an age, they were at the Dallas hotel and checked in. Harry was sharing with Niall and Louis was sharing with Zayn & Liam, so there was a further delay as they waited for one of the rooms to be available. Niall had taken himself off to the bar which gave them roughly an hour before the first round of interviews and meet and greets.
Harry let Louis in to the room and Louis had barely given the door time to close before he had Harry pressed up against it. Harry let out a little gasp of surprise. "Lou, jeez. I thought we were gonna talk, you maniac!"
"We only have an hour or less Haz. Let's not waste it talking. Want you sooo bad," he said, kissing Harry, all over his face, down on to his neck and pulling at his t-shirt. "Lou. Wait. What about El? I thought you were supposed to be making a concerted effort to make it look real? Seriously? Is this gonna help?" The words were coming out of Harry's mouth but he made no real effort to stop Louis. However, the mention of Eleanor had the desired effect and Louis stepped back. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration and started to pace the room.
"What a mess Harry. What a fucking mess. I really did think I could pull this shit off. That I could make a go of it with El and move on, but I can't! She's a sweet girl but I just can't relax 100% around her, and the longer that continues, the less real it's looking. Fans are already giving us loads of shit and in my messed up head I thought if you and I pulled it right back, I could eventually settle down a bit, but I can't stop thinking about you Harry. I miss you so much. And you seem fine! How the fuck do I get to where you are now?"
Harry stared at Louis. "Do you REALLY think I'm FINE with all of this Louis? Watching you both together, walking hand in hand while the cameras are snapping away. Yes I may look fine, but what else am I supposed to do? Wear shades 24/7 so that the paps don't see my tears? Do you wanna know how I cope? I keep myself busy. Writing, working out with Mark, talking on the phone with friends, going to parties, flirting ..... anything that doesn't involve being on my own. Why do you think I coast from sofa to sofa Lou? It's to avoid being alone because when I'm alone all I do is think about how it used to be when things were good with us; before all the clinginess and jealousy wrecked everything. We can't be together Louis but we can't be apart. What do we do? You have this public image of being one half of a couple now and you know the minute it finishes, all the Larry stuff will kick off again, in fact, it's never really gone away. It's always there. And you know why that is? It's because we're such a pair of open books! We're shit at this Louis. What are we gonna do? "
Louis didn't say a word but Harry knew it was because he was deep in thought so he allowed him time to finish whatever he was processing. Eventually Louis sat on the bed and motioned for Harry to sit beside him. As he did, he turned to him and took both of his hands in his. "The way I see it Harry, we're damned if we do, and damned if we don't. Staying away from each other hasn't helped me settle with Eleanor. All it's done is make me miserable. But, it has got management off our backs, so that bit's worked. I can't be with you but I also can't be without you so maybe we just need to make hay while the sun shines. When we're legitimately together for band business like this, let's just make the most of whatever time we can get on our own. The boys will help us out if we talk to them about how we feel. They were totally behind us before, so I can't see a problem with it.
"Sounds like you're suggesting we have an affair Louis, ...... I'm not sure ....."
"Haz. Eleanor is a smart girl. She knows my heart isn't in this and she knows about our history but she's also sort of got used to travelling in different circles with us. I think she'd be open to a special 'arrangement'. We could work out something we could all live with and keep management off our backs. We may need to be a bit sneaky but, you know me ....."
The beginnings of a smile started to play on Harry's lips. "Well you ARE an evil genius Tomlinson, so if anyone is capable of coming up with a cunning plan, you are!"
"Will you at least think about it Haz? I'm conscious that Niall will be back soon so we probably need to stop yakking and start getting ready for the interview in a bit."
"Ok. But first. Didn't we have some unfinished business? As I recall you were gagging to take me in your ...... fucking hell Louis, ..... let me at least take my shoes off first!" giggled Harry as Louis pushed him down on to the bed and rolled on top of him, pulling at his t shirt and fumbling with his jeans. Just in time for Niall to come crashing into the room to catch them red handed
"What the fuck? Hahaha. What the fuck are YOU two up to, as if I need to ask? How long has this been going on? I wondered why you weren't arsed about the bar Harry, you sly bastard".
Louis groaned and rolled off Harry. "Your timing's impeccable as usual Horan" he said, with a laugh. "In answer to your question, yes we WERE trying to catch some quality time and nothing has been going on until five fucking minutes ago, so yeah. Not long!
"Ah right. I see. No actually, I don't ..... sorry lads .... really need a shower before the interview. Paul said to tell you to be down in the hotel foyer in 15 minutes. You'll need to catch me up later - gotta hustle", said Niall, stripping off mid stride on his way to the en suite. Harry and Louis exchanged frustrated shrugs. "Later Styles. Hold that dirty thought. We'll see if we can do a bedroom swap tonight."
The rest of the day was a tightly packed mixture of interviews, a meet and greet, more interviews and a CD signing. By the time of the final interview the boys were starting to flag. Louis had had enough and had moved into sassy, over-confident mode, so when a question about his alleged romance with Harry came out of left field, he didn't bat an eyelid. His media training kicked in automatically and he initially expertly circumvented the question, only to undo the good work by putting his arm around Harry a few seconds later and labouring the point about people "genuinely thinking they were in a relationship", giving the definite impression that he was 'protesting too much'. Management reps in the room took a sharp intake of breath and pulled Louis aside following the interview to lay down the law. Louis was livid and frustrated and tired, so he gave back as good as he got and stormed out. Harry followed him as Paul shouted after them to be back in 20 minutes for the CD signing.
Harry struggled to keep up with Louis, despite his considerably longer legs, but eventually managed to pull him to a halt just outside one of the breakfasting rooms. "Louis. Woah. Where are you going? We need to go back in a minute. What did they say to you?"
Louis was struggling to keep it together. "I've had it Harry. I've had enough of this homophobic fucking dictatorship. They work us like dogs and then expect us to perform like fucking performing seals, well they can stick it where the sun don't shine and they can certainly forget the CD signing because I've had enough for one day."
Harry could tell that he was ready to bolt again, so he grabbed him and pulled open a nearby store cupboard before pulling them both inside. "What the fuck Harry? It's pitch black in here. What's going on?"
Harry swung Louis around and placed himself against the door so that he couldn't get out. "You're staying here Louis Tomlinson until you calm the fuck down. Since when did you react like this to a telling off? Christ, if you did that every time you got pulled up for being gobby, we'd never see you! What's really going on?"
The long day they'd just endured finally caught up with Louis and he started to struggle to speak from his emotional exhaustion. Harry pulled him close and shushed him as he stroked his hair and Louis folded in on himself. He allowed himself to be held by Harry as he sobbed from weeks of frustration. "It'll be ok Louis. We'll work something out. At least we both know we still love each other and want to be together. Everything else will fall into place eventually if I have anything to do with it. Let's play the long game here. Give them what they want, or at least let them think they're winning, but we'll have the last laugh Lou. We'll deliver the biggest 'fuck you' this business has ever seen. Just you wait and see. C'mon babe. We need to get you sorted before we go back in there."
Harry held him until his breathing started to even out and he felt him relax in his arms. "Do you want to go and wash your face before we go back in Lou? Promise me you won't fuck off."
"I'm not ready yet Haz," said Louis. Stepping back slightly to peer up at Harry in the darkness. "Christ. There's no room in this cupboard. I thought we left hooking up in cupboards back at the X Factor house." Harry giggled at the memory of how they used to find all sorts of nooks and crannies to hide in back then, when they first got together and until they got to share a room. "Ha Ha. Remember how we used to dry hump each other at every opportunity because time was always so short so no time to strip and get dressed again."
"Yeah. Simpler times" said Louis. "Happy days". All went quiet for a second and Harry tilted Lou's chin up and kissed him, long and lingering. "How are you feeling now Lou. Ready to go back?"
"Nah. Unfinished business. Remember?"
"Yeah right," laughed Harry. "Christ. You're serious? Here? But there's no room to ....."
Louis didn't let him finish. He swivelled Harry round and sat him on a chair that had a small pile of tea towels stacked on it and straddled him in one swift move. Harry let out a soft groan and grabbed Louis' arse to pull him even harder in. Louis started to grind down on Harry as Harry bucked up in response and felt himself grow hard under Louis' expert hip action. "Fuck Harry, it's all coming back to me now. Forgot how fucking hot this can be". He pushed his tongue in between Harry's lips to part them and nipped his bottom lip with his teeth. Harry groaned and nuzzled into Louis' neck. "Don't mark me anywhere that can be seen Styłes" said Louis and Harry gladly obliged by sucking a bruise just below Louis' collar bone. As they rutted back and forth, they could hear Paul and one of the crew talking out in the corridor, obviously trying to locate them for the CD signing. "Lou", hissed Harry. "We're late for the signing!"
"Fuck Harry. Are YOU stopping now? Because wild fucking horses couldn't pull me off you when I'm this close to coming" said Louis, now talking in short sharp breaths. Harry managed to whimper out a weedy sounding "no" before they racked up the intensity and speed of their thrusts. "C'mon Hazza." Hissed Louis, struggling to form a coherent sentence. "Hop .... Fuckkkking it. Are you even close?"
"Uhhhh. ...... Y......yeah. Oh fuck yeah, keep going Lou...... I'm near ..... Ohhhhhhh." That was all it took for Louis to succumb to his orgasm as he stuttered to an expletive-filled, climax. "Will you fucking ..... come Harry, for fuck sssss ...... sake .... Uhhh. Shiiiit......" Sweat beaded on Louis' forehead as he moaned and hissed, grinding down hard through the last final shudders of his orgasm, determined to bring Harry with him.
"Oh god Lou...... Oh g ..g...goddddd...... Uhhhh, Christ almighty ......." Harry started to see stars from holding his breath as he finally joined his boyfriend in their sweaty swearfest and came in his pants for the first time since he was 16. As their breathing started to come back to normal they started to giggle at the ridiculousness of what had happened, not helped by hearing Paul do a return trip past the cupboard and obviously trying to ring them. Louis' phone buzzed in his jeans pocket and he had never been so relieved to have his phone on vibrate.
As soon as they were sure the coast was clear, they exited the cupboard, blinking into the lights of the corridor and bobbed across to the restrooms to freshen up and check for visible love bites. Harry gasped when he saw his flushed face and Louis almost pissed himself laughing. "Shit Harry! You look like you have radiation burns. What the fuck? Splash some cold water on your face".
"it's a rash from your stubble you plum!" said Harry. "Have you got any aloe Vera or Witch hazel on you?"
Louis sarcastically patted down his pockets, "You know what Hazza? I appear to be fresh out of girlie skin products. All I have is a Chapstick".
"Shit. I'll just need to brazen it out then. We'll do a no touching rule for this one so that the fans don't get too close"
"Oh there you are" said an Irish voice from behind them. "Paul's fit to burst. He's been looking for you, where have you bee ......" Niall's voice trailed off and his face broke into a huge grin as he eyeballed Harry's stubble rash and Louis' equally flushed complexion. "You dirty bastards. You just couldn't wait, could ya. Here Harry. Got some zit cream on me. Stick that on your cheeks. It may dull the redness. You two are in sooooo much shit. Hahaha. Ya feckless eejits".
As the three of them entered the signing room, Paul took one look at them and rolled his eyes to the ceiling, as he'd done many times before and thought, here we go again. 'Look after this boyband Paul', they said. 'It'll be a breeze', they said. He turned to them and said, "Ok, I'll spare you the lecture because we're already running 10 minutes late, but disappear like that on me again and I'll flaming kill you. Now take up positions and try not to look so shagged out!" As he turned away from them to go and let the queue of fans in he couldn't help but smile.
Back at the table chairs were being rearranged so that Harry and Louis couldn't easily see each other because every time their eyes met, the fondness was blinding. Liam was feigning mock disapproval and Zayn was all 'heart eyes emoji' at the realisation that life was about to get very interesting for the five of them again.
"Ok lads. Looks like the fans are on their way in" said Niall. "Let's get this show on the road".
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