Wrong Number
Summary : Harry tries hitting on a guy , the guy gives him a phone number . The phone number belongs to Louis . Harry realizes he was set up , but can't stop talking to Louis .
Kind of like that movie I don't remember the name of , but this time they know they were set up .
Also , heads up : It's a long one .
Enjoy x
Harry eyed the guy who walked into the coffee shop ; he was really attractive , spoke with a soft accent . When the guy waited for his coffee to be ready , Harry decided to approach him .
"Hi ."
The guy turned to face him and smiled , "Hey ."
"I uh , I haven't seen you before . Are you new around here ?"
"Actually , not really . I live on the north side of the city so I don't get to come down south much ." The guy said .
Harry nodded , "I understand . I'm Harry , by the way ." He held his hand out for the guy to shake , the guy took his hand , "Manuel ."
"Well , Manuel , how about I show you around a little ? Maybe give me your number ?"
Manuel smiled , "I'm a bit busy but sure , you can have my number ."
Harry quickly took a pen out of his pocket , grabbing a napkin from the nearest table . Manuel scribbled a number down on the napkin and handed it to Harry , taking his coffee from the counter and sending Harry one last smile before leaving the shop .
Harry smiled to himself in victory .
The next day , around the evening , Harry gathered up the courage to call the number Manuel gave him . He dialled it and brought it to his ear , biting on his thumb .
"Hello ?"
"Manuel , hi . It's - It's Harry , from the coffee shop . I was wonde -"
"I'm sorry , but he gave you the wrong number ."
Harry froze for a few seconds . Now that he noticed , the voice who answered was higher than Manuel's . "I'm sorry , what ?"
"Manuel gave you the wrong number . Sorry ."
"Oh . Oh , I'm sorry , I - I'm sorry ."
"It's alright , not your fault ." The guy on the other line said . "Not the first time anyway ."
"What do you mean ? Like , what do you mean not the first time ?"
"He , uh , he gives my number to any guy who hits on him . Like , he sets them up and you're not the first one who called my number ."
"So you know that Manuel guy ?"
"Yeah , he's a real arsehole . A player ." The guy sighed , "About a year ago he asked for my number , and I thought he wanted something to do with me . But he's just using my number as an excuse ."
"Oh , that's bullshit . I'm sorry he's doing that ."
The guy chuckled , "It's alright , not your fault . You're all good ."
Harry smiled softly , despite what the guy just told him . "I'm , I'm Harry , by the way ."
"Hi , Harry . I'm Louis ."
It made Harry smile wider ; Louis was such a perfect name for that soft voice .
"Well , I hope I didn't interrupt anything when I called ."
"Oh no , you didn't . It's fine ."
"Good . I uh , I'm sorry again ."
"Stop saying sorry , it's not your fault what so ever ."
"But still . You sound really nice and what he did isn't acceptable ."
"Yeah , I mean , it's not really nice getting three phone calls a week ."
"Why don't you just change your number ?"
"Can't really afford that ."
Harry bit his lower lip and hummed . "How old are you ?"
"Twenty two . You ?"
"Twenty seven ." Harry said , "And as an apology I'm willing to help you get a new number ."
"You don't need to , really , I'll be fine ."
"Hundred percent ?"
"Hundred percent ."
"Alright . But know the offer is still up if you still want to ."
"Okay . Thank you ."
"'Course . I won't bug you anymore , then , so have a good night ."
"You don't bug me . You're nice ."
Harry smiled , "Good to hear . I'll , uh , talk to you soon , then ?"
"Sure . Have a good night ."
"You too , Louis ."
It was a few days later , that Harry called Louis again .
"Oh , Harry . You called ."
"'Course I did . Wanted to check up on you . You doing good ?"
"Yeah , I'm good . You ?"
"I'm good too . Got any phone calls since we talked ?"
"Uh , y-yeah , actually . Got one phone call . The guy was pissed ."
Harry chuckled softly , "Sorry about it ."
"Stop saying that you're sorry because it really isn't your fault ."
"I still feel sorry . Couldn't ever imagine someone doing such thing ."
"Don't feel sorry . Some people just - just aren't nice , that's all ."
Harry smiled softly . "So tell me about yourself ."
"Oh - uh . Wh-what do you want to know ?"
"Whatever you feel like telling me ."
"Uhm . Okay . I'm twenty two , live on my own , work two jobs . Love chocolate . I'm pretty basic ."
"What's your last name ?"
"Oh , no , you won't be getting that , it's way too easy to find someone on social media these days so you're only getting my first name until I'm sure about you . Now tell me about yourself ."
Harry laughed a little . "Alright . I'm Harry Styles , I'm twenty seven , I'm second in hand CEO of Styles Muse Records , taking after my father . And I like nail polish ."
Louis was silent on the other side of the phone .
"Louis ? You still there ?"
"Y-yeah . Is it - are you really Harry of Styles Muse Records ?"
"Yeah , no jokes ." Harry chuckled , "You know the company ?"
"I-I , yeah , I know . It's just - I saw you on the papers a few times ."
"Yeah , I'm not really famous though ."
"You're known in town , so yeah ."
"So you live in this city aswell ?"
"Yeah , but I live up north ."
"Oh , alright . North side of the city is beautiful ."
"Yeah , lots of green trees , and flowers ."
"What's your favourite flower ?"
"I really love sunflowers , and tulips . Want to get them tattooed but I can't afford a tattoo ."
"I'm willing to give you your first tattoo , a good friend of mine is a tattoo artist ."
"I'll think about it ." Louis laughed softly , making Harry smile wider .
"I'm sorry but I need to get back to work , but it was really nice talking to you again ."
"It was nice talking to you , too ."
A week later , Harry tried calling Louis twice , but Louis didn't pick up . He couldn't help but be a little worried . Later that day , around ten p.m , his phone rang . He picked it up and smiled when he saw Louis' number .
"Hi , Louis ."
"Hi , I'm so sorry I didn't pick up . Was working a double shift today and I just got home ."
"It's alright , don't worry . Just wanted to talk , that's all ."
"Yeah , okay uh ... so how was your day ?"
"Been okay . We signed one of my best friends today , he's going big ."
"What's his name ?"
"Niall Horan , remember that name ."
"I will ."
"How was your day ?"
"Long . Just long and uneventful ."
"I can practically hear your tiredness , why don't you go to sleep ?"
"I-I .. I just - wanted to talk to you ."
Harry grinned , "Yeah ?"
"Yeah . Your voice is comforting ."
"Good to hear ."
"I just .. I like raspy voices . And , and yours is raspy ."
"You're really cute ."
"How do you know ?"
"Because I can tell . Let's play a game ; I'm going to guess things about you , and , well you don't have to say yes or no , or correct me , just let me assume , okay ?"
"Go for it ."
"Alright , I think you have brown hair with light brown eyes . You're short , about 5"6 , maybe 5"5 ."
"Oi ! I -"
"Shh , let me finish . As I said , you're short , you have a small waist , and you're a cuddler ."
Harry couldn't help but grin and laugh heartedly when Louis made no comment from the other line .
"Does that mean I was right ?"
"No comment ."
"Oh , come on , just a hint !"
"Alright , here's your hint : I'm actually 5"9 ."
"You know , the fact that you chose to comment on your height out of everything else I said , only gives away that you're short ."
"Just wait , you'll see I'm not short ."
"Looking forward to it ."
"And as much as I love talking to you , I need to get some sleep , I have another double shift tomorrow ."
"Will you survive without my raspy voice ?"
"I'm sure I will . Don't flatter yourself ."
Harry chuckled , "If you say so . You're welcome to call me in the middle of the night if you miss it too much ."
"Now you're just being cocky ."
"I know , I'm kidding . Have a good night , Lou ."
"You too ."
It happened again a few days later . Harry called , but Louis didn't answer . He didn't answer his calls throughout the whole day . At one a.m Harry recieved a text message from him .
Im sorry I didnt answer , was busy at work
It wasnt something important , right ? Just to talk like always ?
Harry sat up in bed and picked his phone up , quickly replying .
Its okay , Im just worried . Is everything alright ?
It took a few minutes for Louis to answer , but eventually he did .
Yeah , everythings okay
Harry called his number , though after one ring it went straight to voicemail . He frowned and tried calling again , but again it went to voicemail after two rings . He opened the text messages to send Louis a text but Louis beat him to it .
Im sorry but I cant have a phone call right now
Is everything okay ? Im worried
Dont be , im fine promise
I dont believe you
Harry munched on his lower lip as he waited for Louis to reply , which he didn't , even after ten minutes .
Im sorry Harry but Im just going to go to sleep , okay ? we'll talk tomorrow
No , please answer my call
Harry called again , after the fifth ring Louis picked up , but said nothing .
"Louis ? Please tell me you're okay . I'm worried ." Harry said , getting up from his bed and walking out to the balcony .
"I'm f-fine ."
"You don't sound fine . What's wrong ?" Harry said , frowning deeper when Louis sniffled .
"Don't want to talk ."
"Please , Lou , I can't stand knowing you're sad . What made you sad ? Who is it ? Should I come down and kick their arse ?" Harry tried lightening the mood .
"N-no . Just - just tired . Really t-tired ."
"Why don't you take a day off ? Two days off ? Don't over stress youself ."
"Can't . Can't do that . Need the money ."
"I'll give you the money , just take a break ."
"No , absolutely n-not ."
"You know that if I wanted to I could find you in ten minutes , right ? I know people everywhere . But I'm not doing that because I respect you and that you want to stay private . But I swear to god , if you don't take a break to collect yourself I will find you ."
Harry heard shuffles on the other end of the call , and bit his lower lip harshly when he heard Louis' soft sobs in the background .
"Please don't cry , you'll make me cry too . Please ."
"God damnit , Harry , why do you care so much ?"
Harry knew Louis wasn't trying to be mean , but it actually hurt to hear that .
"What do you mean ? Of course I care ."
"But why ? No one else does . Why you ? Why a rich and successful you would care about lowlife and broke me ?"
"Money does not define you as a person ." Harry shook his head , "You're a good person , Louis . You're nice , you're easy to talk to . I may not know what you look like , or know much about you , but I know you're a good person and I believe in treating people with kindness ."
He heard Louis sobbing on the other side of the call , making his own throat tighten .
"You're too nice . How are you so nice ? My heart can't take it ."
"I believe in it ."
"You're too perfect . You're inhuman . You're an alien ."
Harry chuckled a bit , "Get some sleep now , we'll talk tomorrow ."
"Okay . A-and , Harry ?"
"Yeah ?"
"Thank you . Like , really thank you . I've never known a person like you before ."
"Have a good night , Lou . I'm always here if you need me ."
The day after Harry recieved a text message from Louis , around noon .
Hey , just wanted to apologize for last night . Didnt mean to attack you or involve you in my breakdown
Its all good , I promise , as long as youre okay
Ive had better days , thats for sure . But im good , you really raised me up
Good . I just worry about you
You dont need to , honest
Im really fine
If anythings wrong you can always call me , I promise im always free for you
Thank you , it means way more than you think
I'll call later today , will that be good ?
Yeah , of course
Gonna lull you to sleep with my raspy voice ;)
I shouldve never told you that
Harry laughed to himself and placed his phone down on his desk , grinning down at his papers .
It's been almost two months since Louis and Harry started talking . Harry couldn't get the boy out of his head , and Louis couldn't get enough of Harry's raspy voice and stupid jokes .
"Just ask him if he would like to meet you ." Niall nudged Harry's shoulder , Harry ran his fingers through his hair , "I wish it were that easy ."
"I fucking is , mate , he lives barely an hour away !"
"I know , it's not that . It's just , I don't want to scare him away . I only know his first name , and of course multiple more little things about him but that's it . It's scary ."
"You know that if he were a psycho everybody around the city would've talked about him , right ?"
"Yeah , thought about it too . I also thought about just going to the north of the city and ask people ."
"Nah , wouldn't work . Ask to see him , you frog !"
"Fine , fine . You're really fucking pushy , you know that ?"
"You'll thank me later ." Niall poked his dimple and walked out of his office .
Harry sighed and rubbed his temples before picking his phone up , calling Louis .
"Hi Harry ."
"Hi Lou . I uh - ... I - how are you ?"
"I'm good , are you ? You sound nervous ."
"Yeah I'm good . I just - I was wondering .. Uh , you - would y- ... would you like to meet up ?"
There was silence on the other side of the call .
"Lou ?"
"I-I'm here . I - do you really want it ?"
"You have no idea . Been wanting to for a while ."
"I'm n-not sure ."
"About meeting ?"
"Y-yeah . What if - what if you get d-disappointed , when you realize I'm n-not what you thought I was ?"
"Don't say that ."
"I'm serious . I'm a weirdo , you wouldn't want to be seen with me ."
"Bullshit . I really want to meet you ."
"I just don't want you to get your hopes up ."
"Stop thinking so lowly about yourself . Will you ? Will you meet up with me ?"
"I - yeah . Yeah , I will ."
Harry let out a breath and smiled , "Good . How does Saturday afternoon sound ?"
Saturday afternoon rolled by quicker than expected . Harry was nervous , really nervous . He and Louis have been talking for two months and finally were meeting . He was glad it didn't take them longer to meet up or Harry would have lost his mind of curiosity .
They agreed to meet at a small coffee shop at five p.m . Harry got there a few minutes earlier and waited by the entrace , his heart hammering in his chest .
Hey , just got to the coffee shop . Are you on your way ?
Yeah , almost there
One more block
Harry pinched his bottom lip between his thumb and finger as he looked around , trying to find anyone who would look like they were Louis .
Soon enough Louis texted him .
Im here
Harry took a deep breath and looked around , before typing a reply
Where are you ? Can you see me ?
Yeah I see you
Harry almost desperately looked around before calling Louis' phone .
"H-hey ."
"Hi , where are you ? You see me , right ?"
"Yeah , I-I see you . I'm just nervous ."
"Come on , Lou . I don't bite . I do tickle , but I don't bite ."
"Wow , very relaxing ." Louis giggled , making Harry smile .
"Just come over here so I can hug you ."
"Turn around ."
Harry's heart skipped a beat , he slowly turned around and was met with the most beautiful , small boy he's laid eyes on .
Louis bit his lower lip and pulled the phone away from his ear , Harry felt paralyzed . Louis was just beautiful .
"Hi ." Harry said , a grin spreading on his lips .
"Hi ." Louis said back , cheeks red with blush .
"Come here ." Harry walked closer and wrapped his arms around Louis' shoulders and back , Louis wrapped his arms around Harry as much as he could with Harry being so broad and tall .
Harry chuckled , "You lied to me ."
Louis pulled back a bit to raise his eyebrows at him . "I'm sorry ?"
"You're tiny , Lou ."
Louis rolled his eyes and tried pulling out of the hug but Harry brought him closer , "You're much smaller than I thought ! I mean , Niall is 5"9 and there's no way you're 5"9 aswell , you're like 5"5 , or 5"6 ." He placed his chin ontop of Louis' head , "It's cute , though ."
"If you're going to keep bullying me I'm calling the police on you ."
Harry laughed and pulled back to grin down at him , "I'm kidding . I'm really happy to meet you . You're beautiful ." He grinned when Louis blushed deeper and took his hand , taking him into the coffee shop .
"What do you want to drink ?" Harry asked as the two stood in line , Louis shook his head , "Don't want anything ."
"Why not ?" Harry asked .
"I shouldn't spend money if I want to pay my bills and rent ."
"Who said you were paying ?"
Louis shook his head , "You're not paying for me ."
"I am , I initiated this meetup so I'm paying . I don't care what you say , so you might aswell tell me what would you like to drink or I'll tickle it out of you ." Harry said , wrapping one arm around Louis' waist , the other clawed against his side .
Louis shook his head and tried getting out of Harry's grip . "No , I don't want you to pay , I'm serious ." He started giggling when he felt Harry's hand crawling up his side .
"You don't sound so serious ." Harry chuckled , Louis bit his lower lip to stop himself from laughing , "Stop tickling !"
"Okay , okay ." Harry stopped but kept his arms around Louis , "Now seriously , what do you want to drink ?"
Louis bit his lower lip and looked around helplessly , giggling once again when Harry tickled him again .
"Hot chocolate ! H-hot chocolate , just stop ." Louis almost fell to the floor , he was really ticklish .
"Anything to eat ?" Harry asked , trying to wiggle his fingers into Louis' ribs , but Louis kept blocking him .
"N-no , just hot chocolate ." Louis giggled heartedly , "I'm serious !"
"No you aren't ." Harry shook his head but took his fingers off his ribs , instead wrapping his arm tightly around him as he told the cashier their order , adding two chocolate chip cookies to their drinks .
"I said I didn't want anything else ." Louis tried protecting , Harry raised his eyebrow at him , "Excuse me ?"
Louis laughed a bit and blushed , looking down to his feet . Harry brought him closer , "Stop worrying , I could buy you a yacht if I wanted ."
"Stop showing off being rich ." Louis rolled his eyes playfully , Harry smiled into his hair , "I'm just joking . But really , paying for a cookie isn't a big deal ."
Soon they got their drinks and cookies and went to sit in a booth in the back .
Harry couldn't take his eyes off Louis , the smaller boy was just mesmerising . He was slowly falling deeper for the boy .
"Now will you tell me more about you ?" Harry asked and took a sip from his latte , Louis smiled down at the table . "My full name is Louis William Tomlinson . I work at two restaurants . Uh , that's it I guess ?"
"Why do you have to work two jobs ? What about your parents ? Any family members ?" Harry asked , not missing the way Louis' shoulders tensed . "You don't have to tell me , you know ."
"No it's - it's fine . I have nothing to hide ." Louis shook his head . "I moved out as soon as I could because I'm gay and my parents are homophobic , been living on my own for three years now . So I work two jobs to pay rent and bills , and have a bit extra money for food and phone bills ."
Harry bit his lower lip . "I want to help you ."
Louis shook his head but was stopped by Harry . "I'm serious . You're tiring yourself out ."
"I'm fine ."
"You're exhausted , I can see that . You need a break ."
"I cannot afford a break , I need to work because I need the money ."
"Don't worry about the money , worry about your health ." Harry grabbed his hand from across the table , "You'll collapse one day ."
"Can't . Need to work ." Louis shook his head , Harry got up from his seat and sat himself right next to Louis .
"Listen to me ." Harry cupped his cheek , his other hand still holding Louis' smaller one . "Quit one of your jobs and come live with me ."
Louis' heart skipped a beat as his cheeks turned bright red , he shook his head , "I can't ."
"Why not ?"
"Don't want to feel like I'm intruding ."
"You wouldn't intrude , I'd like to have you around . It won't be lonely and I'll have amazing company ."
"This is too much to ask for , I can't do this ."
"Yes you can . Move in with me . Please ?" Harry asked ; he wanted Louis to have a rest , a break from working so hard . He also really wanted to kiss him .
Louis bit his lower lip , "Can I think about it ?"
"Of course ." Harry nodded , leaning in to kiss his cheek , "I truly care about you ." He said softly , making Louis blush deeper . Harry only smiled softly and reached for one of the chocolate chip cookies , breaking it in half and handing Louis one half , taking the other one for himself .
Louis looked down at the half cookie and hesitated , but gave in and took it and bit on it , making Harry smile .
"Tell me more about you ."
Two hours later the two left the coffee shop with wide smiles on their faces , Harry kept his arm wrapped around Louis as he walked him to his car . Louis almost rolled his eyes because of course Harry would drive a large black Jeep .
Harry opened the passenger's door and let out small chuckles as he grabbed Louis' tiny waist and hoisted him up into the seat , making Louis cross his arms over his chest , "Dork ."
Harry pinched his cheek and moved away from Louis' hand smacking his arm , closing the car door and going to the driver's side .
Harry handed Louis his phone , "Put your address in so I'll drop you off ." Louis took his phone with a small pout , that didn't go unnoticed by Harry , who smiled , "Why the pouty face ?"
"Was - was having fun with you ." Louis said quietly , Harry's smile grew even wider . He reached over and took Louis' small hand into his larger one , caressing the back of his hand with his thumb . "I was having fun too , I want us to meet again ."
Louis squeezed his fingers around Harry's hand , smiling at his light blue nail polish .
"How about - how about I properly take you out ?" Harry asked , "Like , take you on a date ."
Louis' heart skipped a beat , Harry stopped at a red light and turned to face him .
"I - I - you're out of my league ." Louis mumbled and bit on his lower lip , Harry shook his head and squeezed Louis' hand , "Don't say that , because it's complete bullshit . I like you , I like being around you . Will you go out with me ?"
Louis' heart was racing in his chest , Harry started driving when the light turned green with his hand still tightly holding Louis' much smaller hand .
They reached Louis' apartment complex , Harry exited the car with him . Louis melted into Harry's chest as Harry hugged him , embracing him in such a warm way that made him want to stay in his arms forever .
"Don't overthink it ." Harry kissed his temple , Louis nodded against his shoulder . "Just nervous ."
Harry pulled back just a bit to look down at Louis , his arms still around the smaller boy . He smiled down at him , "Let me see you smile before I go ."
Louis rolled his eyes at his cheesiness but still smiled , whining when Harry started tickling him . "Don't you roll your eyes at me , mister ."
Louis laughed and tried pushing Harry's hands away , "No , not again ." Harry only laughed along , cackling when Louis' legs almost gave in . He wrapped his arms fully around Louis' waist and held him up , leaning down and pressing their lips together .
Louis felt his insides fluttering , like he was hit by lightening . He cupped Harry's cheeks and stood up on his tippy toes , giggling against Harry's lips when Harry lifted him off his feet playfully .
They just stood there kissing for a few minutes , mostly because none of them wanted to pull away . Once they really (like , reallyyyy) needed air they pulled back , Harry kept his nose pressed to Louis' nose while they smiled at each other .
"I can't stop kissing you ." Harry shook his head and pressed his lips to Louis' again , making Louis laugh . He giggled heartedly when Harry kissed his cheek , down his jaw and to his neck playfully , pushing him away when he got ticklish .
Harry grinned down at him and pecked his lips quickly , "Get some well needed rest , alright ? I'll talk to you tomorrow morning ."
Louis nodded with a smile , they kissed once more before pulling away . Harry smiled watching Louis , before turning to his car .
"Harry ."
Harry turned around , Louis smiled softly from the top of the stairs to his building entrace , "I'd love to go out with you ."
Harry grinned , he was about to run up the stairs and kiss Louis again , but Louis turned on his heels and walked into the building .
Hope you liked it x
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