Kitten Hybrid Louis ~Part 3
Enjoy x
"W-Wake up !" Louis was giggling and jumping on the bed , his ears perked up on his head excitedly , "It my birthday !"
Harry smiled and rolled on his back , opening his arms , "Come here , birthday boy ." Louis giggled and snuggled into his chest , "I nineteen !"
"Yeah , you are . A big boy , aren't you ?" Harry squeezed him , Louis nodded in excitement .
Harry sat up with Louis sitting on his lap , "Now , what does the bithday boy want for breakfast ?"
"P-panteks !" Louis grinned , "And little choc'lates in it ."
"Your wish is my command ." Harry smiled , "But does the birthday boy want birthday kisses before breakfast ?"
Louis nodded excitedly and scooted closer , his arms wrapped around Harry's neck as he pressed their lips together . Harry brought him closer and wrapped him in a tight embrace , pulling back to peck his nose , "Let's go make breakfast ."
They went to the kitchen , Harry helped Louis up to sit on the counter . He let him mix the chocolate chips with the pancakes mix while he got the pan ready .
Soon breakfast was ready , Harry carried Louis to the table and sat down with him on his lap , he cut the pancakes for him and handed him a fork , "Dig in ."
Louis took the fork with a peck to his cheek and started eating , he leaned back into Harry's chest and smiled , "We go play outside ? I-In snow ?"
"Yeah , but we need to get dressed so we won't be cold ." Harry rubbed his hand up and down his back , "Finish your breakfast and we'll get dressed ."
"Don't forget your beanie ." Harry put the beanie on Louis' head , then took one for himself . He zipped Louis' coat and pecked his lips , opening the door to the backyard . Louis ran outside , jumping around in the snow and giggling when he left foorprints .
Harry stepped outside and smiled at him , looking up to the sky to look for snow clouds .
Louis saw Harry was distracted , he smiled mischievously and gathered snow in his small hands , making a ball and throwing it at Harry's chest . Harry was startled and looked at Louis in surprise , Louis giggled and jumped while clapping his hands , "G-gotcha !"
Harry smirked and made a snowball , throwing it at Louis . Louis screeched and turned around , making the ball hit his back . He made a bigger snowball and threw it at Harry , starting a snowball fight .
Harry laughed and threw one more snowball at him before playfully tackling him to the ground . Louis giggled and looked up at Harry , "M-meanie ."
"You love me ." Harry pecked his nose and helped him up , "Let's go back inside , yeah ? I'll give you my presents ."
Louis nodded excitedly and pulled Harry into the house , making him chuckle .
"C-can take bath ? W-with Harry ?" Louis asked , "I-it cold , want warm b-bath ."
"Sure thing , kitten ." Harry smiled and pulled him to the bathroom .
Louis was sitting impatiently in the living room on the couch , with his legs crossed and hands fisting and un-fisting his sweatpants .
Soon Harry walked into the living room with two bags and a box , Louis grinned and clapped his hands . Harry sat next to him and handed him the presents but Louis threw himself into him and wrapped him in a hug , "Th-thank Harry !"
Harry smiled and hugged him back , "You're welcome , kitten ." He kissed his cheek . Louis pulled back and pressed his lips to Harry's for a second before sitting back down , waiting for his presents .
Harry handed him the box first , "There you go ." He smiled , Louis grinned , "Th-thank you ."
Louis ripped the wrapping paper and opened the box , almost squealing at the two new pairs of shoes , "Beaut-tiful !" He pulled a shoe out and admired it , "Thank s-so much !"
Harry grinned , he loved seeing his kitten so happy . He handed him a bag , Louis thanked him and took it , pulling out a variety of sweaters in all different colours . He rubbed the material against his cheek , "So s-soft ."
Harry handed him the second bag , "This is my favourite one ."
Louis thanked the bag and thanked him , he took out an album full of their pictures , and under every picture Harry wrote the memory they shared . Louis grinned and sat closer to Harry's side so they could look at it together .
"L-look !" Louis pointed to a picture of them at the beach , they were sitting on the sand building a sand castle , Harry smiled , "Yeah , I remember that . We had fun , didn't we ?"
Louis nodded and flipped a page , pictures of them from halloween when they dressed as Peter Pan and Captian Hook , Louis giggled , "I-it was really fun ."
"It was ." Harry smiled , "You look so cute as Peter Pan ." He kissed his cheek . Louis giggled , "A-and Hook is a meanie like y-you ." He giggled even more .
Harry raised his eyebrow , "Is that so ?"
Louis giggled and hid his blushing face in Harry's chest , Harry cooed and kissed his head , he hugged him into his chest . "Do you like your presents ?"
"L-love presents ." Louis lifted his head up from his chest and pressed a kiss to his lips , "Th-thank again ."
"You're welcome , kitten ." Harry caressed his cheek and kissed his forehead .
"W-want cuddles for b-birthday ." Louis put the presents aside and flopped on Harry's lap , snuggling into his chest . Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around him , rocking back and forth , "What else does the birthday boy want for his birthday ?"
"Wanna movie night . And lots of cuddles and kisses and tickles and thing on the back that is nice ." Louis listed as he traced Harry's tattoos .
Harry smiled and carried him in his arms to their bedroom , "We'll go have some cuddles now , okay ?"
"And kisses and tickles and thing on the back ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded with a small chuckle , "Of course , anything you want ."
Harry dropped Louis on the bed playfully , Louis giggled and crawled under the covers with Harry joining him , Louis lied himself ontop of Harry's chest , "You warm and c-comfy ."
Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and kissed his forehead , "You're warm and soft ." He squeezed him lightly .
"W-want back thing now " Louis closed his eyes , Harry chuckled and trailed his fingers up and down his back , Louis immediately smiled at the familiar feeling and let out a small purr , snuggling his face into Harry's neck .
Harry smiled at Louis' purr , one hand was on his back and the other scratching softly behind his ear , Louis purred against his neck and fisted his shirt lightly . Harry cooed silently and pecked his temple , "You're so adorable , kitten ."
Louis smiled into his neck with blush covering his cheeks , he pressed a kiss to his warm skin and shifted a little to snuggle closer .
"What movie do you want to watch ?" Harry asked and handed him the box full of movie cases , Louis took it and bit his lips , "Wh-what Christmas movie is here ?"
Harry pulled out a few cases , but Louis' eyes went straight to The Smurfs' case , he pointed to it , "This !"
Harry smiled and went to put the movie in , running back to Louis on the couch .
"L-love smurfs ." Louis cuddled into Harry's side , "Cute little blue p-people ." He mumbled , Harry cooed and hugged him impossibly closer into his side , "You're cuter ."
"You c-cuter ." Louis reached up to poke his cheek .
"You're cuter ." Harry poked his nose .
"You cuter !" Louis giggled poked his chest .
"You're cuter ." Harry poked his side , Louis giggled again and curled into his side . "We b-both cute ."
"Okay ." Harry chuckled . "But you're cuter ."
Hope you liked it x
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