Kitten Hybrid Louis

Enjoy x


Harry opebed the door to a cats' shelter , after a long night of thinking about adopting a cat .

The guy in the entrace smiled at him , "Hello , young boy , how can I help you ?"

Harry smiled back , taking off his coat since it was heated inside , "I'd like to adopt a cat ."

The guy nodded and got up from the chair , "Right this way ."

Harry followed him , the guy opened a door for him , "Those are our cats , call me if you need anything , I'm Adam ."

Harry nodded and walked in , Adam closing the door behind him , leaving him alone to decide .

Harry walked to the cages , some cats asleep , some awake . He smiled , loving how cute they look .

He reached his hand up to pet one of the cats , who purred under his touch . He smiled , the cat meowing at him . But then he heard a small yawn , most likely of a person .

He thought it was Adam who came to check on him , he turned around to the door , but he wasn't there . Harry furrowed his eyebrows , he's sure a hundred percent he just heard someone yawning .

He looked around , noticing quite a large cage in the corner . He walked towards the cage and knelt down , surprised to see a boy sitting there , rubbing his eyes sleepily .

"What the ..."

The boy in the cage jumped at his voice , eyes widening . He clung to the back of the cage , as far away as he could from the unknown person .

The boy was small with feathery-brown hair , big blue eyes and long eyelashes , tan skin and pink lips . Harry thought he was absolutely beautiful .

"Adam ?" Harry called , not taking his eyes off the boy . The boy whimpered at his name , curling into himself further .

"Did you call me ?" Adam walked in , and Harry nodded . "Why the fuck is there a boy in this cage ?"

"He's not just a boy , he's a freak of nature ." Adam rolled his eyes , "He's a cat hybrid , he has cat ears . As I said , a freak ."

Harry's heart clenched at his words ; He felt so sorry for the boy . He turned his attention back to the boy , "Hey , I'm Harry . What's your name ?"

The boy looked at him , still not talking , too terrified to move .

"He asked you a question , answer it !" Adam growled , shaking his cage . The boy whimpered again and Harry was quick to push him away , "What the fuck is wrong with you ?!"

"He's a disgrace , look at him . If you want it , just take it , I've been waiting for ages to get rid of this thing ." Adam snapped , chest heavied from anger . He threw the key to the cage on the floor , leaving and closing the door behind him .

Harry picked the key and knelt down next to the cage , twisting the key in the lock and opening it .

"I'm sorry for how he treated you , but you can come home with me ." Harry said softly , not wanting to scare the boy . The boy looked up at him , tears streaming down his face .

"I'm not going to hurt you , I promise . I'm Harry , what's your name ?" Harry smiled , showing his dimple .

The boy wiped his eyes , "N-name is-s L-Louis-s ." He said quietly .

"Hi Louis , nice meeting you . Want to come home with me ?" Harry still smiled , holding his hand forward for Louis to take it .

"H-Home ?" Louis asked quietly .

"Yes , home . I will give you everything you need , food , shower , new clothes , cuddles ." Harry said softly but also excitedly , eyes shining .

Louis looked at his hand and scooted forward , touching Harry's fingers with his small ones , then letting Harry's hand cup his tiny hand , helping him out of the cage and stand up on wobbly legs .

When Louis looked up at Harry , Harry gasped .

"Louis , who gave you those horrible bruises ?" Harry asked sadly , gently cupping his cheeks .

"A-Adam ." Louis said quietly , looking down .

Harry cradled the boy into his arms , petting lightly behind his ears , 'I'm sorry for what he's done , Louis . But you're with me now , and I won't let anyone hurt you , ever again ."

Louis sniffed quietly , nodding into his chest . Then he said , "S-Smell good ."

Harry smiled , "I smell good ?" Louis nodded and blushed , Harry chuckled and rubbed his back lightly , "C'mon , now , let's go home ."

Harry put his coat around Louis , chuckling when the coat reached the middle of his thighs , "You're so tiny , it's cute ."

Louis blushed again and snuggled into the coat , loving the warmth . He clung to Harry's side , Harry wrapped a protective arm around him and looked down , "Don't you have shoes ?"

Louis shook his head . "It's raining outside , i'll have to carry you to the car . Is that okay with you ?" Harry said , Louis nodded and let Harry scoop him up , he snuggled into Harry's chest and closed his eyes , knowing they'll have to face Adan on their way out .

Harry cooed softly at the boy in his arms , opening the door .

"Thank god , finally . Take this thing away ." Adan sighed . Harry glared at him , "Fuck you , asshole ." He said and opened the door , walking outside of the shelter . the weather was cold and Louis snuggled closer to Harry , until they reached his car .

Harry opened the passenger door and sat Louis down , "Do you know how to put on a seatbelt ?" He asked , Louis shook his head . Harry smiled reassuringly , helping him his seatbelt on . He got up to close the door but Louis clutched his arm , making him bend down again , "Need anything , Lou ?"

"S-s-stay ." Louis said not letting go of his arm . Harry cooed at him once again , "Oh , Lou . I'm not leaving you . But I need to drive us home yeah ? I'm gonna sit right here , next to you , okay ?" Harry pointed to the driver's deat , Louis nodded and let go of his arm , Harry closed the door and went to the driver's seat , sliding in and turning the car on , driving home .


"We're here ." Harry smiled , pulling into the driveway , parking the car . He got out and quickly ran to Louis' side , who was having trouble with undoing his seatbelt .

Harry opened the door , "Here , let me help ." He smiled , pressing the red button and letting the belt slide back to her place , he scooped Louis up in his arms and carried him to the door .

"This is your new home , you're gonna love it here , I promise ." Harry smiled and unlocked the door , walking inside and closing it behing him , placing Louis down on his feet .

"Welcome ." Harry smiled , taking his coat off Louis' shoulders , hanging it on the hanger and going to turn the heater on .

Louis stood in the entrace , not wanting to be rude by feeling too much at home .

Harry came back to him , smiling at him , "Do you want to take a shower ? I will make up lunch and we can watch a movie ."

"N-need bat-th . Me h-have cat e-ears and-d no l-like w-w-water on it-t ." Louis stuttered , blushing .

"It's okay , you can go take a bath . I will lend you some of my clothes , i'll try to find my smallest ones ." Harry smiled , winking at him . Louis nodded and let Harry lead him into a room .

"This is my room , we can share a room , or you prefer hving your own room ...?" Harry trailed off , giving Louis a questioning look .

"S-share is ok-kay ." Louis giggled , a small smile on his face .

Harry bit his lip , "You're adorable ." He stroked his cheek lightly , going to the closet to get him clothes and a towel . He came back a minute later , Louis sitting on the bed , waiting .

"Here are your clothes , and a towel ." Harry said and took Louis' hand , leading him to the bathtub .

He placed the clothes on the sink and the towel near the tub , on the closed toilet seat . He turned the water on , making sure they're warm enough .

He turned to Louis , "If you need anything , call me yeah ?" Louis nodded and before Harry left , he grabbed his arm . "H-help ."

"You need help ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "S-shirt . st-tuck ." He said , blushing from embarrassment .

"No need to be embarrassed , Lou . I'll help you ." Harry smiled , moving the fringe from his forehead . "Arms up ." He ordered , holding the hem of his shirt . Louis lifted his arms up , letting Harry slide the shirt off .

"T-thanks ." He smiled softly , Harry smiled at him and placed a quick , small peck to his forehead , "You're welcome . I'll go make lunch , come to the kitchen when you've finished ."

Louis nodded and Harry left the bathtoom , closing the door behind him .


Harry checked on the pizza in the oven , when he heard light footsteps padding on the floor . He looked up and saw Louis , wearing a sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt , his small sock-covered feet covered by the sweatpants .

"Hey ." Harry smiled , holding his arms open for Louis to cuddle into his chest . "Hi ." Louis said , cuddling into his chest , loving the warmth and the safe feeling radiating from Harry .

"The pizza is almost ready ." Harry said , and Louis looked at him confused , "Wh-what is ..?"

Harry raised his eyebrows , "You don't know what pizza is ?"

"N-never had-d .. befo-ore ." Louis said , cheeks turning red .

"Don't worry , you'll like it , I promise ." Harry smiled , petting behind his ears , watching Louis lean into his touch , trying to hold back a purr .

"You can purr , it's adorable . Don't hold it back ." Harry cooed softly , listening to Louis' purrs .

"M-me was nev-ver all-llowed-d t-to purr ." Louis admitted , burying his face in Harry's chest , pouting . Harry pulled back a little , holding Louis' small waist and lifting him up to sit on the counter , making him squeal in surprise .

"Sorry for scaring you ." Harry laughed , watching Louis pout . "No m-more scar-ring ."

"No more scaring ." Harry smiled , pecking his cheek .

Louis furrowed his eyebrows , "Wh-why doing i-it so m-much ?"

"What ? Kissing ?" Harry smirked . "Y-yes ... me l-like it ." Louis said .

"You like it when I kiss you like that ?" Harry pecked his cheek a few times , getting him to smile . "Y-yes . M-make me feel g-good ."

Harry kissed all over his face , making his smile widen and giggles streamed from his mouth .

"You're so adorable !" Harry laughed , pecking his cheek once more before pulling back , due to the oven going off .

Harry pulled the pizza out , cutting it to pieces and putting it away on two plates , placing them on the table .

"Be careful , it's still hot ." Harry said as Louis went to grab the pizza , before pulling his hand back .

"While we wait for the pizza to cool a little , why don't you tell me about yourself , and i'll tell you about me ?"

Louis nodded , "M-me start ?"

"Yeah , you start ." Harry smiled , waiting for him to start .

"M-me Louis , eigh-ghteen , like r-red , birth-thday Dece-cember twenty fourth-th , no have f-family and frien-nds ." He said quietly , "Is-s all . Y-you ?"

Harry frowned at his story , but shook his head , telling about himself .

"I'm Harry , i'm twenty one , I like the colour blue , my birthday in February first , I have my mom and step-dad and my older sister , and I have three best friends ."

Louis nodded at his words , "C-can me e-eat now ?"

"Yeah , sure . You don't even need to ask ." Harry smiled at him .

"M-me not all-llowed to e-eat bef-fore ask ." Louis lowered his head , but Harry put two fingers under his chin , lifting it up , "Forget about what happened in the past , you're here with me now . Okay ? Do whatever you want , It's your house aswell ."

Louis smiled and nodded , leaning forward and placing a kiss to Harry's cheek .

Harry bit his lip , smiling wide with fond rushing through his veins .


It has been a month since Harry got Louis , and Louis felt more open with Harry .

He discovered new things , new types of food , and got to meet Harry's friends .

Louis was waiting for Harry to come back home from work , he was making a tea in the kitchen . Harry taught him how to make himself a tea with milk , since he liked it so much when Harry first let him taste it .

"Lou , i'm home !" Harry opened the door , kicking his shoes off and closing the door , locking it .

"I-in kitch-chen !" Louis called back , waiting for the water to boil .

"Hello , Lou ." Harry smiled , hugging Louis' waist from behind . "Hi ." Louis smiled , leaning into Harry's chest .

"How have you been ?" Harry asked , placing a kiss between his ears . "G-good . W-want tea ?"

"Sure , Lou . Thanks ." Harry smiled , "I'm going to change into some more comfirtable clothes , yeah ? I'll be right back ."

Louis nodded and stood on his tippy toes , pecking Harry's cheek , something he's done a lot in the past month .

Harry went to change while Louis made their tea , taking it to the living room . He put the two cups on the table and sat on the couch , waiting for Harry to join him .

A few seconds later Harry joined , smiling at him . He sat down next to him and Louis immediately crawled onto his lap , cuddling into his chest .

"Thanks for the tea , Lou ." Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist , pecking his forehead .

"W-welcome ." Louis smiled , nuzzling closer into Harry . Harry chuckled , "You're cuddly today , huh ?" He pinched Louis' side , naking him gasp and pull back , getting off his lap .

"Wh-what was ..." Louis was confused . He had this urge to smile and laugh , but Harry wasn't doing something funny .

"What's wrong , Lou ?" Harry frowned . "Th-the thing ... here ." Louis pointed to his side , "Wh-what was ?"

"Oh , you mean this ?" Harry pinched his side again . Louis felt this tingly feeling again , he jumped away and looked at Harry confused . "M-me don't k-know what was ."

"You don't know what a tickle is ?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows , and Louis tilted his head to the side , "What is t-ti...tickle ?"

Harry smiled , "Come here , i'll explain it to you ." He sat up and opened his arms letting Louis sit back on his lap , legs on each side of his body .

"Tickle , is when someone touches you and it makes you feel tingly , and you smile and laugh ." Harry explained , a smile stretched on his face . "Want me to show you ?"

Louis was still confused but nodded , watching Harry's fingers crawl under his shirt over his side , pressing into his skin .

He giggled and flinched away , Harry smirked , "Seems like someone is ticklish ."

"F-feels funny ." Louis giggled as Harry's fingers pressed into his stomach . "M-me like it ."

"You like it ?" Harry smiled , Louis nodded and let out a loud laugh as Harry pressed into his ribs .

"You're adorable ." Harry chuckled and pulled his hands out of his shirt , wrapping his arms around his waist and bringing him closer , kissing his cheek a few times .

"H-Harry will do s-some more ?" Louis asked , looking at Harry . Harry smiled and nodded , "Yeah , but not now , our tea is waiting ."

Louis nodded and got off him , taking his tea in his hands and drinking it slowly , enjoying the warmth going down to his stomach .


"Lou , i'm home !" Harry called and kicked his shoes off , closing the door . There was no answer from Louis .

"Lou ? Where are you , love ?" Harry went to the kitchen , expecting him to be there , making tea , but he wasn't there . Instead , there was a glass shattered on the floor . He went to put his shoes back on , going back to the kitchen to clean up the shattered glass , not wanting Louis to get hurt .

Once he finished he put his shoes in the entrace , going to their bedroom to see if he was there , he opened the door , "Lou ? Are you here ? Please tell me you didn't get hurt from the glass in the kitchen ."

He heard quiet whimpers , he looked around but he couldn't see Louis . He checked in the bathroom , but he wasn't there .

He opened the door to the closet , noticing Louis curled in the corner , crying , his ears flattened on his head .

"Lou ..." He got closer to him , but Louis flinched away , curling up even more . "Hey , is everything okay ?"

Louis didn't answer , just kept crying . "S-sorry . S-s-sorry ." He whimpered .

Harry didn't get why he's apologizing , until he remembered the shattered glass .

"Lou , did you think I would get mad at you ?" He asked softly , crouching down to his level . Louis nodded .

"Oh , Lou . I'm not mad , I promise . It was an accident , I know you'll never do it on purpose ." Harry said softly , scooting closer . He pulled Louis' hands away from his face , noticing a few cuts on his palm .

"C'mere , love , let's get you cleaned up ." Harry scooped Louis up in his arms , taking him to the bathroom . He placed the tiny boy on the sink , going through the drawers for his first-aid kit .

Once he found it he looked at Louis , "It's not going to hurt , I promise . It'll sting a tiny little but everything will be okay , I promise ." He wiped Louis' cheeks and under his eyes , Louis nodded and let Harry take his hands , turning the water on and washing his cuts .

Harry wrapped his cuts , "All done ." He smiled , "Just one more thing ..." He took his hands and placed kisses on his bandages . "You always have to kiss it better ."

Louis nodded and made grabby hands at Harry to hug him . Harry cooed and pulled the tiny boy into his chest , kissing his forehead .

"I love you , Lou ."

"L-love Harry too ." Louis said into his chest . "Now , where is that lovely smile of yours ?" Harry nuzzled into his neck and tickled his sides , making Louis jump and giggle madly , twisting in his embrace . Harry laughed and stopped , pulling back to see the boy smiling widely .

"C-can kiss Harry ? Here ?" Louis asked , finger on Harry's lips . "You want to kiss me on the lips ?" Harry asked , and oh , how much he waited for this moment .

Louis nodded and leaned forward , closing his eyes . Harry did the same , letting his lips press to Louis' gently . Louis' arms went to wrap around Harry's neck , just like he saw in the movies Harry showed him . Harry's hands remained on his waist , pulling his closer .

They pulled apart , smiling . "L-like it ." Louis giggled , blushing . "I liked it too ." Harry smiled , "So , Louis , would you like to be my boyfriend ?"

"B-boyfriend ? What is ?" Louis tilted his head to the side .

"A boyfriend , is the guy you like , you are his and only his , and he is yours and only yours , and you can kiss on the lips whenever you want ."

Louis giggled , "Y-yes , me b-boyfriend ."

Harry smiled and pressed their lips again , "Good , because you're mine , only mine ."


Hope you liked it x


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