Just The Way You Are
Summary : Louis likes makeup , but he's getting hate for being a boy , and when he meets Harry , Harry helps him realize that nobody else matters .
Enjoy x
Louis pouted to himself as he opened his makeup bag , seeing he needs some new products after he lent the bag to Lottie .
He put on his usual light makeup , fixed his crop top and pulled up his skinny jeans , slipped his feet into his Adidas and grabbed his purse , leaving his flat .
He got into his car and drove to his usual makeup store . He parked his car and walked down the street , getting into the store .
He ignored the usual weird looks he got from customers , though the workers already knew him and they liked him , he liked them back since they were sweet to him and always helped him .
"Hey Gemma ." Louis greeted her with a smile , Gemma smiled back , "Hey , how are you ?"
"I'm good , you ?"
"I'm good too . What are you looking for today ?"
"I let my sister borrow my makeup , long story short , I need some new products ." He giggled a little , Gemma laughed , "Alright then , tell me what you need ."
Louis went through the shop with her , she got him what he needed and went to the cashier with him .
"Thanks for helping ." Louis smiled at her as he handed the cashier his things and card , Gemma smiled , "You're more than welcome ."
The cashier handed Louis his card back and put his things in a bag , he thanked her and turned to say goodbye to Gemma , when he saw she wasn't next to him anymore .
Instead , she was hugging a very goodlooking guy , who hugged her back tightly and lifted her off her feet a little , due to him being to tall .
He waited for her to be put down before he walked over to her , "Gemma ?" He said her name quietly , Gemma turned to him , "Yeah ?"
"Just wanted to say thank you again , for helping me ." He smiled , Gemma pinched his cheek softly , "I already told you you're more than welcome , Lou . You know you can be yourself ."
He nodded at her and glanced up at the guy she hugged , only to see him staring at him .
Gemma caught on and smiled , "Louis , this is my younger brother Harry . Harry , this is Louis , he's a regular here ."
Louis bit his lip , waiting to be laughed at , but Harry just smiled and held his hand out , "Lovely meeting you ."
Louis shook his hand with a smile , "Likewise ."
"I need to go back to work , okay ?" She told the two , they nodded and watched going to help another customer .
Louis looked up at Harry , giving him a light smile . Harry smiled back , "I really like your outfit ."
Louis looked down to his clothes , then smiled up at Harry . "Thank you ."
"I'd like to get to know you , if you want . What do you say about some ice cream ?"
Louis' eyebrows raised , he wasn't expecting that to happen . He nodded quickly , "Sure , just - can we go to my car ? So I can put my - my makeup there ?"
"Sure , let's go ." Harry nodded with a smile , leading the way out of the store . They walked side to side to Louis' car , Louis unlocked it and put the bag in the backseat , locking it and turning to Harry , "I'm ready ."
Harry smiled gently and held his elbow out for Louis , Louis couldn't help but let out a short giggle as he wrapped his hand around his bicep , though his hand could barely go halfway around it .
"So , Louis ... I only met you five minutes ago , is it too early to say that you fascinate me ?"
Louis blushed at Harry's flirting , "Do I ?"
"Yeah , you really do ." Harry smiled at him . "I'm sorry if it was too straight forward , I just say what's on my mind ."
"I-It's okay ." Louis smiled , "I uhm - I don't know what to say ."
They walked into the ice cream shop , the worker smiled at them , "Hello , what can I get you ?"
"What would you like ?" Harry asked , Louis bit his lower lip and scanned over the flavours . "One scoop strawberry ."
"One scoop strawberry and one scoop vanilla ." Harry said , the worker quickly fixed up the cones and handed it to them . Louis reached for his bag to take money out but Harry put his hand over his smaller one , "I'm paying ."
"But -"
"Shh . I'm paying ." Harry handed the worker the money quickly , he got his change back and put his free hand on Louis' back , "Let's go sit at the park ."
They ate their ice cream as they crossed the street , sitting under a tree on the grass .
"Can I ask you something ?" Harry asked as they sat down , Louis nodded , "Yeah , go on ."
"When did you realize you like makeup ?"
Louis bit his lower lip , "Uhm , I - I was thirteen . I used to sneakily use my mum's makeup and wash it off so she wouldn't know , I just liked how it looked . I don't wear anything fancy on a daily basis , just light makeup . But uhm , I - never mind ."
"No no , tell me . I'm not judging you ." Harry encouraged .
"I wear very light makeup because people don't really appreciate boys wearing makeup , so I try keeping it down , but at my standards ."
"I hate when people are ignorant ." Harry said , "I myself am called a show off because I like singing , but fuck what other people say , if I like singing I'll sing ."
"I don't think makeup or clothes or anything else should have a gender role , you know ? Why can't it be gender free ?"
"It is gender free , but some people were brainwashed into thinking there has to be gender roles , and it sucks ."
"Yeah ." Louis said as he finished his ice cream , Harry scooted to sit closer to him , "I want you to know that you are beautiful just the way you are , okay ? And I'm sure you look good without makeup aswell ."
Louis blushed as he smiled softly , "I look like a dead raccoon without makeup ."
"I beg to differ ."
"I'm serious ."
"Maybe we can keep discussing this topic over dinner ."
Louis raised his eyebrows . "Are you asking me out ?"
"Perhaps ." Harry chuckled . "What do you say ?"
"Where and when ?"
Louis was munching on his lower lip as he parked outside the address Harry gave him . They settled on a simple dinner at Harry's place , and to say Louis was nervous was an understatement .
He got out of the car and locked it , fixing his knitted sweater crop top and skinny jeans before walking up the front . He took a deep breath and knocked on the door , a few seconds later Harry opened it with a smile .
"Hey Lou ." He brought him in and hugged him , Louis hugged him back with a smile , "Hi ."
Harry closed the door , "Was the drive here okay ?"
"Yeah , no traffic or anything ." Louis said , Harry put his hand on his lower back , "I'm almost done with dinner , just a bit more ." He said as he led him to the kitchen , Louis nodded .
"Do you need help with anything ?" Louis asked , but Harry shook his head , "No no , you just stay cute and I'll do the rest ."
Blush spread on Louis' cheeks as he smiled , "Do you always flirt ?"
"Me ? Flirting ?" Harry raised an eyebrow playfully , making Louis giggle . Harry chuckled , "I like your laugh ."
Soon enough Harry was done with dinner , he brought it to the table and pulled a chair out for Louis , who smiled and thanked him with rosy cheeks . They ate , talked and laughed . Harry loved how Louis had to put his fork down to cover his mouth with both hands from giggling too hard , making him grin at the smaller boy .
After they finished eating Harry took their plates to the sink and they moved to the living room , Harry insisted Louis should take his shoes off to feel more comfortable , though Louis declined the offer .
"Don't be shy around me ." Harry chuckled and poked his side playfully , raising an eyebrow when Louis giggled loudly . "Is someone ticklish ?"
"N-no ." Louis giggled , holding his hands out in defense . He tried pushing his hands away , though Harry was too strong , so he managed to take a hold of both his hands with one hand , the other clawed in front of his body .
"I'm warning you , I'll knee you in the face ." Louis giggled out , Harry laughed , "Okay , okay . I'll have to test it some other time , then ."
"Maybe never ." Louis giggled again , Harry poked his side again , laughing at how quickly he curled up .
"You're really cute ." Harry smiled and leaned back on the couch , opening his arms , "Come give me a cuddle ?"
"No , I don't trust you ." Louis shook his head , Harry laughed and held his pinky out , "I pinky promise I won't tickle you ."
"You know I'll have to cut off your pinky if you break the promise ."
Harry threw his head back laughing , shaking his head , "Then I'll have to restrain myself not to break the promise ."
"You'd better ." Louis said as he scooted closer , Harry put his arm around him and held him against his side . "I like how quickly you opened up to me , I'm really grateful . You were so shy when we met , and look at you now ."
"Yeah ... it never happened before , so you're a lucky one ." Louis poked his dimple , making Harry smile , "Oh I'm very lucky ." He looked down to him , moving his eyes to briefly look at his lips .
Louis saw where his eyes went , making him blush . Harry wanted to kiss him , but he didn't want to just do it out of nowhere , without getting a sign that he can .
Louis brought his hand up to cup Harry's cheek , scooting up a little . Harry took it as a sign and pressed his lips to Louis' , tightening his grip around him .
Louis took his notepad and pen and walked over to a table that was just filled with five guys . "Hey , can I get you anything ?" He asked and clicked his pen .
"Yeah , I'd like -" One of the guys started but was cut off by another .
"Mate , are you fucking wearing makeup ?"
Louis froze a little . "U-uh . Yeah . Why ?"
"What the fuck , that's for girls , you faggot ."
"Woah -" One of his friends tried stopping him but he cut them off , "No don't tell me to shut up , makeup is for girls , not boys ."
"Who said ?"
Louis turned to face the voice behind him with tears stinging in his eyes . By now everyone in the diner was watching ; the customers , waiters , even their boss came out to see what's happening .
"Tell me , where does it say that makeup is for girls ?" Harry walked closer to the table , the guy looked around , "Everyone says that ."
"I didn't ask who said that , anyone can say whatever the fuck they want . Show me where it's signed and clearly says that makeup is for girls ."
"H-Harry .."
"It shouldn't be signed anywhere -"
"Because it's not fucking true ."
"It is -"
"Stop being ignorant , you need to learn to respect other people's decisions . Makeup is not for girls , just because girls tend to like it more than boys shouldn't make it a gender role , because gender roles are so fucking stupid . If a boy wants to wear a dress , he will wear a dress . If a girl wants to be a mechanic , she will go and be a fucking mechanic . Ignorant people like you make society so ugly , and I hope you realize how insulting it is to not accept someone for who he is ."
The diner was silent after Harry talked , then the boss approached the table , looking at the guy , "I'm sorry but I'm going to ask you to leave ."
The guy left without another word , Harry turned to face Louis , who was in tears . He brought him into his chest , Louis sniffled , "Thank you ."
"Don't thank me , someone needed to tell him that ." Harry said and rubbed his back , "Let's go wash your face , okay ?" He took Louis to the bathroom , Louis took toilet paper and dabbed lightly under his eyes . Harry wrapped his arms around him from behind , "You okay now ?"
"Yeah ." Louis nodded and wiped his nose a little , "Thank you again ."
Harry kissed his cheek and turned him around to face him , "Stop thanking me ."
Louis sighed and turned to the mirror , "I have mascara stains , Harry , why didn't you tell me ?" He turned the tap on and wet a piece of paper slightly , before wiping under his eyes .
"Because you're beautiful nontheless ." Harry rubbed his back , Louis sighed , "You can be so annoying sometimes ."
"But you love meeeee ." Harry chuckled and hugged him , kissing his temple . Louis smiled , "Yeah , I do ."
Hope you liked it x
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