I'll Wait For You

Enjoy x

⚠️ Warning - this one sucks


The boys were called to their management's office for some news . They were nervous , since almost every time they were called something bad happened .

They walked into the office and sat down , Niall and Liam on one couch , and Louis , Harry and Zayn on the other .

"Hello , boys ." The gut behind the table said , and the boys mumbled their hi's back .

"I guess you're wondering why are you here ," his assisstant said , looking at them all and stopping her eyes on Louis . "Louis , i'm sorry , but you're out ."

Louis' heart was beating loudly against his ribcage , "What do you mean , i'm out ?"

"Out of the band ." The guy said , with an emotionless expression .

The room was quiet , until Liam spoke up , "What the fuck ?! Why ??"

"Apparently , Louis doesn't have what out fans are looking for . That's not good for the band ."

Louis was in a shock state , he didn't respond . Harry looked at him and hugged him tight , "Lou , Louis , love , talk to me , please ." He whispered in his ear , but Louis didn't talk . Tears gatheres in his eyes , slipping silently .

"You can't do that ! He's a part of the band !" Zayn stood up , fists clenched . "If he's out , i'm out too ."

"You can't , you have a contract ." The assisstant said , "And now , if you may , go help Louis pack his things , his flight leaves tomorrow noon back to England ."

The boys were quiet , knowing they had no chance , even if they tried to . Harry helped Louis to his feet , guiding him out the door . Once they were outside , Louis' knees gave in and he started sobbing , falling to the floor . Harry went down with him , holding him close with the boys following .

"I don't wanna go ." Louis managed to choke out , burying his face in Harry's shoulder . "I know , love . I know ." Harry whispered , rubbing his back .

A few minutes later they broke the hug , all had tears in their eyes . Harry held Louis up in his arms , with Louis clutching him close .

They made it to the car , sitting quietly and holding onto each other , mostly on Louis .

They got to their hotel in no time , stepping inside in one group , avoiding the screaming fans . They walked in Harry and Louis' shared room and collapsed on the bed in a mess of limbs , lying there silently for as long as they could remember before it was the night , and they left to their rooms , leaving Harry and Louis inside .

"Harry ?" Louis croaked , looking up at the boy , who had tears in his eyes . "Yeah ?"

"Make love to me , before I leave ."


The next day , Harry helped Louis pack his things , as slow as he could , kissing him every few seconds and making lame jokes , trying to get him to smile .

He succeed making him smile and giggle , only after poking his sides countless times .

Every few minutes people walked into their room , hagging Louis and telling him they're gonna miss him . When Lou walked in with Lux , Lux was crying and begging him to stay , which made Louis cry himself and hold the small girl tight , trying to calm both of them down .

At the airport , it was the hardest .

The boys were crying , they pulled him into a hug and promised to stay in touch .

They pulled back and Louis looked up at Harry , who immediately engulfed the smaller boy in his arms , letting him wrap his arms around his neck and legs around his waist .

"I'll miss you . I love you ." Louis whispered , crying softly .

"I love you even more , i'm gonna miss you so bad ." Harry whispered back , peppering his shoulder with kisses .

'Last call to flight 945 to London , England'

Harry slowly put him down , kissing him on the lips , one long , soft and passionate last kiss .

"I'll wait for you ." He whispered , kissing him one last time and letting go , watching him walking through the entrace , disappearing .

He turned around to the boys , who were still crying , and pulled them into a group hug .

They stood like that for as long as they can remember , wishing there was something they could do to make Louis come back .


Louis was back in his flat in London , lying in bed and crying silently .

His mum and sisters visited this morning , he tried to be strong and not breakdown in front of his sisters , but he couldn't , he was a sobbing mess . Jay sent the girls to another room , sitting next to Louis , hugging him into her and whispering comforting words in his ear .

"Why aren't I good enough , mum ? What did I do ?"

Jay didn't know what to say , feeling her own tears gathering in her eyes but not letting them fall , feeling the need of being strong for Louis .

The boys texted him evey minute , asking if he was okay , Louis responded with one word answers , but when Harry called , he broke down and asked for him to come and hold him . Harry , who couldn't bear hearing his boyfriend in such a state , promised he would come as soon as he could .

But as the time passed , the boys got even busier than before , barely having the time to text Louis , who's state wasn't a lot better ; He was still barely eating , he got out of his flat only when he needed to clear his mind from over thinking things .


It was already Christmas , and Louis invited his family over to his place to celebrate . The last time he saw any of the boys was months ago , and he missed them like hell .

He wanted them all to come and hang out with him , even if it's a simple thing like watching a movie or dinner . He understood that they were busy and also wanted to see their families , but he felt alone .


"Hello , Jay ?"

"Harry ! Dear , it's so good to hear your voice again !"

"Thanks , Jay , it's nice talking to you again . But I actually called about Louis ."

"Of course you would , dear . What's up in your mind ?"

"Since Louis' birthday is coming soon , the boys and I want to surprise him on Christmas eve's morning . We already have the plan , and you should know too ."

"Oh , that's great ! So , tell me about it . Every detail ."


Louis woke up , there were people knocking on his door . He groaned and got up , throwing a hoodie over him and rubbing his eyes , stepping downstairs to the door , unlocking it and opening it , only to have two small girls attacking him in a hug , "Happy birthday !!"

He giggled , bending down to hug them , "Thanks girls ."

He let them go and stepped aside , letting them all in . He hugged Felicite and Lottie , kissing their heads and turning to his mum and Dan , who were smiling at him . "Happy birthday , my boy ." Jay hugged him , with Dan joining them .

"C'mon . now , you must be hungry . I got you some breakfast ." Jay smiled at him , leading them to the kitchen .

Phoebe held her arms out for Louis , he chuckled and helped her up on his lap , holding her waist .

"Wow , Lou . The tree looks good !" Felicite called from the living room , walking in with Lottie following .

"I'm glad you like it , Stan was here to help me a bit ." He smiled at her , holing his arm open for her to give him a small cuddle . Felicite immediately walked into his hug , putting her head on his shoulder .

"What do you have for breakfast ?" Louis turned his attention to his mum , who was smiling at him and putting a few pancakes and bacon on a plate , placing it in front of him , "Come here , Phoebe , let him eat ."

"No , that's okay , she can stay ." He smiled , taking the fork and eating his breakfast , listening to his sisters' storied from school .

Time went on and there was a knock on the door . "Were you expecting someone ?" Jay asked , furrowing her eyebrown but knowing full well who was at the door .

Louis shook his head and put Daisy on the couch , since she was sitting on his lap , and walking to the door with everyone following .

He opened the door , only to see Liam , Zayn and Niall standing there , wide grins on their faces and a big birthday cake in their hands .

"Happy birthday !!"

Louis smiled widely , watching as Dan and Jay took the cake from their hands and letting Louis squish them in a hug , "You're here ." He cracked out , clutching them tight .

"Of course we are ." Niall smiled . "You're not getting rid of us that quickly ." Liam smirked , when Louis furrowed his eyebrows , pulling away from the hug .

"Where's Harry ?"

The boys looked at each other , trying not to let the smile take over their faces or else they'll ruin the plan .

"He needs to be here , he's in LA , we don't know when ."

"Oh . Okay ."

Louis invited them in , sitting in the living room with his family , enjoying the boys' company .

They were making jokes and laughing like they used to , but Louis couldn't help but think about Harry the entire time .

A little while later there was another knock on the door . Louis smiled widely and jumped up , sprinting to the door . He opened it , hoping to see Harry , but instead there was a guy in a light-brown bear suit that coveres his entire body , holding up a paper that says "I'm here for Louis" .

Louis coughed and tried to cover his disappointment , "I'm Louis ." He said , and they suit guy put the paper aside , turning around and holding an envelope , handind it to Louis .

Louis thanked him quietly , and from the corner of his eye he saw his family and the boys , standing there and filming the moment .

'Read out loud' The envelope said , making Louis mentally chuckle . He opened it and pulled out a piece of paper , recognizing Harry's handwriting .

He started reading out loud ,

"My dear , lovely Louis ,

Happy birthday and Merry Christmas , my love . I'm so sorry i'n not there with you at the moment , but I will be , sooner than you think .

The guy delivering you this has a few things for you , from me . I really hope you'd like what I got you . Oh , and you may want to let the nice guy in , it must be cold outside .

Lots of love , Harry . xx"

Louis giggled softly at the note , stepping aside to let the guy walk in , when the guy turned around and picked a few boxes , all wrapped in birthday wrapping paper .

"Here , i'll help ." Liam , the nice guy he is , helped the suit guy with the boxes and put them inside , closing the door .

The suit guy looked at all the presents , before taking one of the boxes and handing in to Louis .

Louis thanked him and took the box , noticing the holes in it , reading the note that was attached to it ,

"The first present is quite small , and don't be afraid if it starts moving ."

Everyone laughed at the note , when Louis felt the box moving . He gasped and quickly unwrapped it , opening the box to find a small puppy . His heart melt at the sight , and he cooed when it tried to bark , but instead got an adorable squeaking noise .

He held the puppy up , putting the box down and taking his collar between his fingers , reading his name out loud , "Binge ."

The puppy squeaked again , recognizing his name and biting lightly on Louis' fingers . Louis cooed and gave the puppy to the twins , turning back around to the suit guy .

The guy handed him another box , and Louis read the note on it ,

"This one isn't something alive , and if it moves then run away . I hope you'd like it ."

He laughed softly at his boyfriend's silliness , unwrapping the box and pulling out a few long - sleeve shirts , all of them hitting right on Louis' taste of fashion . He handed the shirts to his mum , trusting her to fold them back since he doesn't know how .

The suit guy handed him another present , much smaller than the others , and he read the note ,

"My next present is quite small , but it's probably my favourite ."

Louis unwrapped the present and opened the small box , heart melting at the sight of a half a heart necklace , with a small note inside , "I have the other half ."

Lottie helped him put the nechlace on, the cold material making him shiver lightly .

He looked back at the suit guy , who was already ready with his next present . "Remind me to beat the living daylight out of him for spending so much money on me ." Louis said to the boys , who laughed at his remark .

He took the box and thanked the guy once again , reading the note ,

"Now , this one is a breakable one , be careful with it . Hope you'd like it ."

He gently ripped the wrapping paper , opening the box to find two mugs , both having a picture of him and Harry , and there was "Forever&Always" written on it . He bit his lip and placed the mugs back in the box , letting Jay take it from him .

The suit guy handed him a small present , which was obviously a disc . He read the note ,

"Remember the song Ed and I wrote and you begged me to record ? So I did , and I dedicate it to you ."

Louis went to the stereo system in his living room , putting the disc on , listening to the song .

When your legs don't work like they used to before
And I can't sweep you off of your feet
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

And, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70
And, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23
And I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of a hand
Well, me-I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am

Louis' heart melt at hearing Harry's singing voice , knowing the song is dedicated to him .

So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are

When my hair's all but gone and my memory fades
And the crowds don't remember my name
When my hands don't play the strings the same way
I know you will still love me the same

'Cause honey your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen
And, baby, your smile's forever in my mind and memory
I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe it's all part of a plan
Well, I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
Hoping that you'll understand

Tears gathered at his eyes , he put his hand over his mouth and listened to the song silently .

But, baby, now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
Thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are

So, baby, now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Oh, darling, place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
That maybe we found love right where we are
Oh, baby, we found love right where we are
And we found love right where we are

The song ended , tears were streaming down his face . He got back up and wiped his tears , "I miss his voice so much ."

Everyone engulfed him in a hug , he took a few deep breaths and wiped his cheeks again , turning towards the suit guy , who handed him his last present .

The box weighed nothing , and he read the note ,

"Now , this one is the last one . You always save the best to the end , huh ?"

He chuckled and ripped the wrapping paper , onening a box to find a big bow in it , a bow you put on presents .

He took the bow out and noticed another note under it . He took it out and read out loud ,

"As weird as it sounds , I want you to put the bow on the suit guy'd head . And be nice and give the lad a hug , now , don't you ?"

He chuckled and the suit guy lowered his head , letting Louis put the bow on his head . Everyone giggled at them , and the suit guy opened his arms for a hug . Louis smiled at him and went to give him a hug .

The suit guy rubbed his back , and Louis felt weird , hugging a guy in a big bear costume .

He pulled away from the hug , thanking the suit guy for delivering him the presents .

The suit guy waved goodbye and turned to leave , when he stopped and turned back around , handind Louis a note .

"Another note ?" Louis asked , confused . The suit guy nodded and Louis took the note , reading it out loud , again ,

"One last thing , take the suit guy's head off ."

Louis was confused , and the suit guy stood there , waiting . Louis put the note aside , walking over to the suit guy , gently taking off the head of the costume , revealing the guy .

His eyes widened in shock and the girls squealed , there was Harry , standing , smiling at him .

"Happy birthday , my love ."

Louis dropped the costume's head and jumped into Harry's arms , wrapping his legs around his waist and arms around his neck .

The couple held onto each other tightly , with Louis crying happy tears into Harry's neck .

"You asshole ," Louis giggled , "Why did you spend so much money on me ?"

Harry laughed , "Am I not allowed to spoil my lovely boyfriend ?"

Louis laughed and looked up from his shoulder , cupping his face and kissing him , a kiss full of love and passion .

"Please don't leave me ." Louis whispered . "Never again . Our contract ends this year , we're gonna find another management and get you back with us ."

Louis nodded and pressed their lips once more , giggling happily .

"What are you so giggly about ?" Harry asked , looking at his smily face .

"Everything ." Louis kept giggling ,hugging Harry again .

"You're adorable ," Harry chuckled , making Louis gasp . "Adorable ?! I'm manly !"

Harry started tickling him , "Manly people aren't supposed to be ticklish ."

Louis laughed and got off Harry , hitting his chest to stop him . Harry laughed with him and stopped , hugging him and letting everyone in the room join the hug .

They started singing Happy Birthday to Louis , making his cheeks hurt from smiling so hard .

"Are you staying for Christmas ?" Louis looked up at Harry , who nodded , "My parents and Gemma should be here soon too ."

Louis nodded and kissed his cheek , when Zayn called , "Just so you know , we were a part of the plan . I'm just saying ."

Louis rolled his eyes playfully and hugged each one of the boys , thanking them for making his birthday perfect . They all smiled at him and walked out of the door , but not without Niall calling "Use protection tonight !" on his way out , making Louis blush and everyone laugh .

Harry came behind him and hugged him , resting his chin on Louis' shoulder , peppering his neck with kisses and making him giggle . "I'll go make lunch , now , and get everything ready for tonight ." Jay announced and Dan and Lottie offered to help her , she smiled and accepted their offer but when Louis and Harry offered to help she turned them down .

"But why ??" Louis pouted , and Jay chuckled , "You ," She pointed at Louis , "Have a birthday today , you're not allowed to help . And you ," She pointed at Harry , "Your job is to keep my son happy . Clear ?"

"Crystal ." Harry smiled and pulled Louis with him into the living room , "Sit here , i'm going to change out of this suit ."

Louis nodded and sat on the floor with the twins while Harry went upstairs to change .

When he came back down he could hear giggled flowing through the house , coming from the living room . He walked in only to find Louis lying down in a giggling mess , with the twins tickling him . He didn't try to push them off , afraid he'll accidentally hurt them .

"Okay , now , that's enough ." Harry took a hold of the twins' waists and held them up , each on one arm , and placed them on the couch gently .

He went back to Louis , lying down next to him , listening to the last giggles flowing through his mouth before Binge jumped on top of them , barking , asking for attention .

Louis smiled at the puppy , letting it bite on his fingers playfully . "I'm glad you like my present , and my present likes you back ." Harry smiled , Louis laughed and kissed his lips , while Binge tried to lick their faces .

"Someone's jealous , now ?" Louis smirked at the puppy , who barked again , Louis kissed the puppy's head and started giggling when the puppy licked all over his face . He tried to put the puppy aside but it jumped on him again , biting on his shirt .

Harry looked at the scene amused , biting his lower lip .

He could never ask for something better .


Hope you liked it x


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