
Summary : Harry has a crush on Louis , though Louis has a boyfriend who's the definition of an asshole . Louis gets his heart broken by his boyfriend , and Harry is always there for him .

Enjoy x


"Is Carter still in there ?" Louis asked one of his boyfriend's friends when they guy exited the changing rooms , the guy nodded without looking at him and walked away .

"Rude ." Louis mumbled to himself before turning to face Harry , "I , uh - can you go in with me ? I don't want to go there alone ."

Harry bit his lower lip but nodded , he figured he'd go in with Louis then go look for Liam or Zayn , he didn't want to stay around and watch Carter getting his hands on Louis .

The two walked in , finding it mostly empty . Louis looked around a little and was about to call Carter's name , when he heard him talking to someone .

"So , you and Louis doing okay ?" The voice belonged to Zayn .

Louis walked in the direction of the voice , Harry following right behind him .

Carter laughed , "What do you mean ?"

"I'm asking , are you and Louis doing okay ? You're dating for a year now , are things good ?"

"No one told you ?" Carter asked , still laughing a little , which made Louis frown and slow down to a stop . He was behind the lockers so the two couldn't see him nor Harry .

"No one told me what ? Did you break up ?"

"No , we didn't . Not yet , atleast ."

"What is that supposed to be ?"

"Mate , come on . Everyone knows Louis is my spare ."

Zayn was quiet for a few seconds before talking again . "Your spare ?"

"Yeah , my spare . I have two more , one is a guy , one is a girl . Louis wouldn't let me sleep with him , or even touch him the way I want to , so I have other ones to have my fun with ."

Louis' chest tightened and he felt like he couldn't breathe . Harry's jaw dropped in shock , feeling his blood boiling with anger .

"Mate , what the fuck ?? That's cheating , Louis doesn't deserve that !" Zayn yelled .

"Yeah , well , you try being with someone who doesn't let you having at least a simple exchange of handjobs . He's great and all , but I have my needs . If he wouldn't give me what I want , I'll get it from others . That's how life works ."

By now Louis had tears running down his cheeks , still frozen in his spot . Harry stormed past him and went up to Carter , his face red with fury . He punched him as hard as he could , sending the guy flying to the floor .

"How fucking dare you !!" Harry screamed his lungs out and punched him again , "You don't fucking deserve him , he's too good for your cheating arse !"

Zayn's jaw tightened aswell , he didn't make any move to try stopping Harry , he would do the same if Harry wouldn't have been there . He heard a choked sob from behind the lockers , leaving Harry to beat Carter up while he went in the direction of the sob .

He frowned when he saw Louis with tears streaming down his cheeks , slowly sinking to the floor with his face in his knees . He sat down next to him and wrapped his arms around him , "Don't cry , you don't deserve to cry over an asshole like him . He's not worth it ."

Louis couldn't help the sobs wrecking his small body , curling in on himself . He blocked out Harry's yells and Zayn's words , feeling his world crashing around him .

"Louis , listen to me , okay ?" Zayn squeezed his shoulder , "I'm going to get Harry , alright ? I know he's the best at treating you . We'll be here in a second ."

Zayn stood up and went over to Harry and Carter , pulling Harry away from him . Harry struggled against him , "Let go ! I'm not done ! He deserves worse !"

"Shh , Harry , calm down . Please ." Zayn sighed , "Go to Louis , he needs you ."

At the mention of Louis , Harry stopped struggling and let Zayn walk him to where Louis was sitting . His heart snapped in half at the sight , he sat next to him and brought him into his chest , holding him silently as he cried .

Zayn left the two and went to get the rest of his things from near his locker , not sparing a single look towards Carter , who was laying on the floor in pain .

He went back to Louis and Harry , patting Harry's shoulder , "Let's get him home ."

Harry nodded and helped Louis up from the floor , wiping his cheeks , "I'll take you home now , alright ?" Louis managed to nod and calm himself down a little , holding onto Harry's hand tightly as they walked out of the changing room and down the halls .


Harry parked near Louis' house and got out of the car with him , Louis was quiet and looking numb , which Harry absolutely disliked .

They walked into the house , Louis kicked his shoes off in the entrace with Harry following , Jay smiled when she saw them , "Hey boys , how was school today ?" Though her smiled faltered when Louis raced past her and up the stairs , closing himself in his room .

"What happened ?" Jay asked , Harry bit his lower lip , "It's - it's a long story ."

"I want to know ." She insisted , "Please ."

Harry nodded and followed Jay to the kitchen , where she made three mugs of tea , knowing Louis would appreciate one aswell . She brought it to the table , Harry thanked her and waited for her to sit down before telling her what happened .

Jay had her face in her hands as she shook her head , "I knew he was no good , but - but Louis liked him so much , he treated him with flowers and took him on dates , but even then it looked like something wasn't right ."

"And you were right . He's a complete arsehole . I uh - I kind of beat him up , after his confession ." Harry said and gestured to his bruised knuckles . Jay took his hands and examined the bruises , "First of all , thank you for doing so . Second , I'll go get you something for those bruises ."

Harry nodded and gave Jay a small smile as she got up from the chair , he sighed and looked down at his knuckles once again before grabbing his tea mug , taking a sip of it .

After Jay treated his knuckles Harry took Louis' tea mug excused himself to go see him , he knocked on his door softly with one hand before creaking it open , his heart hurt at the sight of Louis curled up on his bed with a pillow hugged to his chest .

He slipped in and closed the door , going to sit on the bed next to Louis and placing the mug on the night stand . "I'm sorry this happened to you , Lou . Though I'm not one bit sorry for beating him up . I just , I want you to know that I'm here for you , and whatever you need from me , I'm here ."

"I want to be alone ." Louis said shakily , Harry bit his lower lip and nodded , "Alright . Just call me if you need anything , okay ?"

Louis didn't answer , Harry bit his lower lip and stood up , leaving the room quietly .


Louis didn't go to school the next day .

He sat in the living room with a soft blanket covering him , a hot chocolate mug in his hands as he stared out of the window at the rain . 

He frowned when he saw Harry's car driving down his street , parking right in front of his house . He placed the mug on the table and stood up from the couch , going to unlock the front door .

Harry was halfway up the pathway when the door opened , he looked up and saw Louis . He gave him a soft smile , "Hey ."

"Hi . Why aren't you at school ?" Louis asked in a quiet voice , a voice Harry recognized , since Louis always kept his voice quiet and breathy when he was sad , or else he would cry .

"I , uh - I was at school , and got suspended for three days for beating Ca-him up . The principal didn't listen when I tried telling her I had a reason ." He said as he walked the rest of the way to Louis .

Louis nodded and looked away from Harry , Harry moved his hair away from his face . "Would you mind it if I stayed with you for a little ? I just want to make sure you're good ."

"Honestly , I'm not good . But you're welcome to stay ." Louis said and moved from the entrace , Harry walked in and kicked his shoes off before opening his arms . "Come here ."

Louis walked into his embrace and hugged him , sighing out when Harry squeezed him tightly . He was warm despite the cold weather , and he smelled like frozen pear . 

Harry pulled back , "Are you drinking anything warm ?"

Louis nodded , "Yeah . You can go make yourself something if you'd like ."

Harry nodded and went to the kitchen , fixing himself a tea mug and going to the living room . Louis moved his feet and let Harry seat , Harry sat next to him and let Louis place his feet on his lap , covering him with the blanket in the process .

Louis took a sip of his hot chocolate and placed the mug back on the table , Harry placed his hands on Louis' calves . "Talk to me ."

"What do you want me to say ?"

"Anything that's on your mind . Whatever you want to let out . You can cry if you need to , you can scream , throw things around - just don't hold it in ."

Louis shook his head , "No , i've had enough crying ."

Harry smiled softly , "Lou , don't forget I know you well ."

Louis bit his lower lip and crossed his arms over his chest , sighing . "I don't want to cry anymore ."

"I know you don't , but all you need to do is let it out a little bit more , just drain yourself ." Harry rubbed his knee . "Talk to me ."

Louis looked away for a few seconds before looking down at his lap , and before he knew it he was rambling his little heart out with tears streaming down his cheeks .

It hurt Harry to see Louis so upset , and he wished he could do something to make Louis pain free for the rest of his life . He brought him into a hug and rubbed his back , squeezing him tightly into his chest .


The day after Louis didn't go to school either , mostly because he knew Harry was suspended and he wouldn't be there with him , so he wasn't going to go either .

And of course Harry came over to his place in the morning .

"I don't like seeing you like that ." Harry said , Louis was curled up in his bed under the covers , only his head is poking out .

"Like what ?"

"So .. so sad . Upset . I hate when you cry ."

"Well , if you don't want to see me like this , either close your eyes or leave ."

Harry sighed , "Lou ..."

"No , you don't get it . You didn't have your heart broken , you weren't cheated on . If you're going to be like this , just leave ."

"I'm not leaving you ."

"Well then , I want you to leave ."

Harry was quiet for a few seconds . "Why ?"

"Because I don't want you here ." Louis said and buried his face in his pillow .

"Louis -"

"Go away already , you're annoying and I don't want you here ."

Harry said nothing , though inside he was hurting . But he left , and now Louis had a different reason to cry .


The next day Harry didn't come over , which made Louis tear up . He hasn't spoken to him all day yesterday since he left .

He layed in bed , letting tears stream down his cheeks . "Why do I keep losing everyone ?" He asked himself out loud , wiping his cheeks . It was three p.m when he decided he needs to go to Harry's place , he didn't want to lose him .

He got dressed and left the house , walking to Harry's house  by foot , even though it was cold outside .

He reached there twenty minutes later and walked up to the door , knocking on it softly . Seconds later the door opened , Harry stood there and looked down at Louis . "Hi ."

"Hey ." Louis said softly , looking down at his sweater paws .

"Come in . 'S cold outside ." Harry said and moved from the entrace , Louis walked in and let Harry close the door .

"Go sit in the living room , I'll make you something warm to drink ." Harry said as he turned and went to the kitchen . Louis pouted sadly , Harry was still so sweet and caring towards him even though he was rude to him yesterday . He toed his shoes off and went to the living room , sitting cross legged on the couch .

Harry walked into the living room shortly after with a tea mug , he placed it on the table and went to sit next to Louis , though Louis stood up from the couch and wrapped his arms around his torso , face pressed to his chest .

"I'm sorry , I'm sorry I was mean and rude yesterday , I was cranky and kind of tired but it's not an excuse because you're my best friend and you're so good to me and you don't deserve being treated like that , I'm sorry I really am -"

"Lou , take a breath . It's alright ." Harry rubbed his back , "I understand ."

"No , no you don't get it ." Louis' voice became shaky . "I don't want to lose anyone anymore , especially n-not you ."

Harry squeezed him and pulled back a little to look at him , holding his shoulders . "You won't lose me . I promise ."

Louis nodded and wiped his eyes , Harry hugged him a bit more before pulling back , "Your tea is getting cold , sit down ."

Louis sat down on the couch and took his mug , crossing his legs as he sipped . Harry sat next to him , "You doing better ?"

Louis placed his mug on the table , "Kind of . I mean , I'm angry with him and I don't want to see him ever again , but - but I'm progressing ."

Harry nodded and offered a small smile . "Can I do anything to cheer you up ? Or comfort you ?"

"I - I don't know ." Louis said , though he knew what he wanted and it made him blush . Harry chuckled softly , "I can look through you , Lou . Tell me ."

Louis played with his sweater paws , "I kinda want a cuddle ."

Harry's heart warmed up , making him smile wider . He opened his arms , "Come here , you already know I give the best cuddles ."

Louis scooted closer and cuddled into Harry's side , Harry wrapped one arm around him , the other reaching for the fluffy blanket from the other end of the couch , draping it over them both .

Louis sighed in content and leaned his head on his shoulder . "Are you back to school tomorrow ?"

"Yeah . And it's Friday so it's only four hours , it'll be alright ." Harry nodded . "Are you back too ?"

Louis hesitated first , but nodded . "Yeah . Planned on going today , but then I remembered you wouldn't be going so I didn't go either ."

Harry smiled softly and squeezed him slightly closer , running his fingers up and down his back softly . 

"I'm scared to go back . Don't wanna see his face again ." Louis pouted , swallowing thickly .

"Don't worry , I punched him good , he won't get closer to you again ." 

"He'd better . I hate him ." Louis pouted deeper .

"Don't pout , no more pouting and crying ." Harry rubbed his back , Louis sighed , "Yeah I know , but I'm still upset ."

"You'll be fine , you're so much better than that arsehole , soon enough you'll forget about him and he will regret ever doing this to you , and messing with you . He'll see how amazing you are and be jealous of whoever's the lucky guy to be with you ."

Louis' insides became warmer with each word , cheeks covered with rosy blush . He squeezed Harry tightly , "Thanks Haz ."


The day after Harry picked Louis up from his house , Louis got into the car and sighed out . "I'm nervous ."

Harry smiled softly , "You'll be okay . I'll be there , Zayn will be there , Liam and Niall will be there . And it's only four hours , you'll be fine ."

The ride to school was dreadful for Louis , Harry parked the car and looked over to Louis , who clutched the seatbelt in his hands , "I'm not going ."

Harry rolled his eyes and got out of the car , circling it and opening the passenger's door , "Come on out ."

Louis shook his head 'no' , Harry sighed and reached to click Louis' seatbelt , though Louis didn't let go .

"Lou , get out of the car or I'll make you ." Harry crossed his arms over his chest , Louis pouted and shook his head . "Don't want to ."

Harry sighed out playfully before reaching inside , he picked Louis up from his seat and carefully took him out of the car , placing him down on his feet , "Let go of the seatbelt ." He pried it from his hands and closed the car door , keeping his arm wrapped around him .

Louis' pout deepend , though he was truly getting upset about having to go into the building .

Harry brought him into a hug , "Don't think about it , I'll be there . If I see him around you I'll punch him , I promise ."

"I don't want to see him ." Louis shook his head , Harry kissed the top of his head , "Don't worry about it , I'll make sure you don't ."

They pulled back and made their way into the building , joining Zayn , Liam and Niall who were waiting by the entrace .


Zayn and Harry waited outside Louis' class for him to walk out , he had to stay a few more minutes to talk to the teacher .

"Hey Haz ?"

"Yeah ?"

"When are you going to ask Louis out ?"

Harry raised his eyebrows . "What ?"

"It's obvious you like Louis , mate . Niall , Liam and I have known for months now ."

Harry scratched the back of his neck . "Uh , I don't think now is a good time . He's still heartbroken and just finished an over a year relationship , so maybe later on if he doesn't find anyone else ."

"I think you should go for it . I bet he likes you too ."

"You don't know that . What would happen if I tell him I like him and our friendship is ruined ?"

"I don't think it would happen ."

"But i's likely to happen ."

"Come on Hazza , just go for it ."

"Just drop it ."

"Harry -"

"Zee , there is no way I'm telling Louis that I like him . Not now anyways ."

Zayn shifted on his feet , "Actually ..."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows , Zayn was looking behind him . He turned around and saw Louis , his eyes wide and mouth slightly open .

"Fuck ." Harry mumbled and ran his fingers through his hair , his heart hammering in his chest . He coughed thickly and was about to take a step back , but a voice stopped him .

"Louis !"

Louis turned around and choked when he saw Carter making his way down the hall towards him . Harry saw him , his eyes darkening in seconds as he stepped forward and made sure Louis was behind him . "Go away ."

"Let me talk to Louis ." Carter asked . His left eye was swollen with a black eye , bottom lip split , and a cut above his eyebrow .

"If you're not going to go away I'll beat you up again ."

Carter crossed his arms over his chest , "Let me talk to Louis ."

Harry shook his head , "No , you will not talk to him , you will not breathe the same air as him . And if you do , I'll beat you up ." And with that he punched him , once again .

Louis was quick to pull Harry back , he didn't want him to get suspended again . "Let's go ." He said quietly and pulled Harry , Zayn following right behind them after throwing a death glare towards Carter .

Zayn went to his car on the other side of the parking lot while Louis and Harry silently made their way to Harry's car . They got into the car , Harry started it and pulled out of the spot , not saying a single word .

Halfway through the ride Louis turned his head to Harry . "Haz ?"

"Yeah ?"

"Say something ."

"What do you want me to say ?"

Louis bit his lower lip . "I d-didn't know you like me ."

"You weren't supposed to know ." Harry shook his head .

"Since when ?" Louis asked after a few seconds of silence .

"About two years ."

Louis pouted , "Why didn't you tell me earlier ?"

"Because you deserve much more than me . You can do better . You're out of my league ."

"Th-that's what I thought about you ."

Harry reached Louis' house and parked in front of his house , turning to face Louis . "What ?"

"I - I thought that y-you could do better than me , that I can't be good enough for you . That you're out of my league ." Louis said quietly with blush covering his cheeks .

Harry stared at him for a few seconds . "What are you trying to say ?"

"I - uh , I've always had a crush on you , though never made any move because you deserve better . Then C-Carter came along and I thought he would distract me , but turned out it was the worst desicion ever ." Louis looked down at his hands on his lap , playing with his fingers . 

Harry bit his lower lip and looked forward outside the car , his hands gripping the wheel . "I like you . A lot . But you're not ready for a relationship , and I don't even know if you'd want one with me ."

Louis looked up from his hands , reaching to take one of Harry's hands to hold in his small ones . "I'm not ready for a relationship now , but with a little bit of time I'm sure I'll go out with you ."

Harry turned his head and looked at him with hopeful eyes , making Louis smile shyly . Harry squeezed his hand softly and nodded . "Okay . I understand ."

Louis looked back down to Harry's hand and twisted his rings a little , "D-do you ... do you want to come in with me ? I k-kind of want some company ."

Harry bit his lower lip and nodded , "Of course ."


-Two Months Later-

Louis saw Harry standing with his back towards him , he snuck up behind him and jumped onto his back in a piggyback , Harry's hands immediately gripped the back of his legs as he laughed . "You're lucky we didn't crash down ."

Louis laughed a little and kept his arms wrapped around his shoulders as Harry started walking towards his car in the school parking lot . "Put those muscles to work , will ya . Lazy bum ."

"Heeey , I'm not a lazy bum ." Harry placed him down in front of the passenger's door , Louis poked his dimple , "Yes you are ."

Harry pouted his lips and squinted his eyes , "I'll get you for this ." He opened the passenger's door for him , Louis just smiled sweetly and got into the car , closing the door behind him .

Harry drove them to his place , parked in the driveway and the two ushered inside since it started raining .

"I'm freezing ." Louis rubbed his hands on his arms , Harry rubbed his back , "Let's go make something warm to drink ." He led him by the small of his back to the kitchen , "What do you want to drink ?"

"I feel like having hot chocolate , extra sweet ." Louis said , Harry nodded and filled the kettle with water and turning it on , getting out two mugs and placing them on the counter . He turned to Louis , "Get the milk from the fridge ."

Louis nodded and turned to the fridge , opening it and taking out the milk carton . He handed it to Harry , Harry took the carton and placed it on the counter , before turning to Louis and taking a hold of his waist , hoisting him up in the air and placing him ontop of the fridge .

"Harry !" Louis squealed , Harry patted his knee , "I'll fetch you later ." He said and went to continue making their hot chocolate .

Louis looked down to the floor , it was too high for him to jump . "Harryyyyy ! Get me down !"

Harry pretended to not hear him , soon enough he finished making their hot chocolate and took the milk carton to the fridge . "Lou , your legs are blocking the door ."

Louis pouted and crossed his arms over his chest , not bothering to move his legs . Harry tried biting back a smile but failed and laughed , placing the carton down and holding his hands out , "Come here ."

Louis placed his hands on Harry's shoulders and let him help him down from the fridge , he punched his chest , "I'm not talking to you anymore ." He said and went to the living room , sitting cross legged on the couch .

Harry rolled his eyes playfully and took the two hot chocolate mugs , following Louis to the living room . He placed the two mugs on the table and sat next to Louis , "I know you , and you can't stay mad at me for more than two minutes ."

Louis ignored him , still pouting with crossed arms . Harry wrapped his arms around him , "Crack up already . I know you want to ." He smirked , though Louis stubbornly said nothing , only turned his head away a little .

Harry scrunched his nose softly before wrestling him playfully to the floor , making him squeak and start laughing as Harry tickled him .

"Will you talk to me now ?" He asked with a large grin on his lips , he loved making Louis laugh .

"Yes !! Stop !" Louis laughed loudly , Harry stopped and wrapped his arms around Louis in a tight snuggle , "Aw thank you !"

Louis couldn't help but wrap his arms around his shoulders , still smiling widely . 

Harry lifted his head up , his arms still around Louis as Louis' arms were around his shoulders . "I like when you talk to me ."

"Yeah ?"

"Yeah ."

"Really ?"

"Really ."

"Are you sure ?"

"I'm sure ."

Both of them noticed how close they were ; Louis was feeling shy and blushy , Harry just wanted to kiss him already .

He bit his lower lip , Louis fluttered his eyelashes ever so softly .

"A-are you ... are you going to -" Louis started but was cut off .

"Yeah ."

"Yeah ?"

"Really ."

"Really ?"

"I'm sure ."

"Are you sure ?"

They giggled quietly , Louis' cheeks were rosy with blush , Harry parted his lips slightly before pressing them to Louis' . Louis brought one hand to his cheek , the other carding through his hair .

Harry was in heaven , he dreamt of this moment for so fucking long . Louis felt like he was floating , he couldn't control the smile spreading on his lips and the tiny giggle following right after , making Harry smile wider against his lips .

"Want to know a secret ?" Harry asked , Louis pushed Harry's hair from his forehead , "What is it ?"

"I'm an addict ."

"Uh , okay . Addicted to what ?"

"To your lips ." Harry pressed their lips back together , Louis couldn't help but laugh shyly and push him away to hide his face behind his hands . Harry grinned , he wanted to continue kissing Louis forever .

"Can't believe I kissed my best friend ."

"Can't believe I kissed my best friend and my crush ."


Hope you liked it x


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