Fanboy Louis
Summary : Harry is a globally successful singer , and when he meets Louis - he wants to know more of him . But after the brief meeting and picture he can't stop thinking about him , so with a bit of help from fans , things hit off .
Enjoy x
Louis and Niall , his best friend , were clutching each other's arms as they waited , along with a small group of fans , for Harry to enter the parking lot .
Harry is a really successful singer , and Louis and Niall have been fans since the beginning . It was the first time they would be meeting him , and they were both nervous and excited at the same time .
"I can't breathe ." Louis whispered to Niall , who shook his head , "Me neither ."
They kept looking towards the doors , when they suddenly opened and Harry walked out with two bodyguards .
"Hi Harry !" The group said alltogether , though Louis could only stare ahead .
Harry smiled and waved as he approached them . "Hello , you doing okay ?"
Some fans were quick to take pictures with him , Niall and Louis stood back as Niall rubbed Louis' arm , "Calm down , you'll be okay ."
"I'm about to die , Ni , he's real ." Louis whispered , Niall laughed , "Come on , we're almost the last ones ."
Niall held Louis' arm as he walked with him closer to Harry . "Hey lad , we're huge fans ."
Harry smiled at him , then turned to smile at Louis . Niall handed Louis his phone and stood next to Harry , Louis quickly took a few pictures with shaky hands .
"Done ." He said softly , Niall turned to face Harry , "Your music is great lad , we love it , keep it going ."
"Thanks ." Harry smiled and patted his shoulder , Louis handed Niall his phone back and was about to walk up to Harry , but a girl got to him first so he waited for her to finish .
He then had to wait until everyone were done , and when the last girl finished Niall started recording .
Harry turned to Louis and held his arms open , "You waited so patiently , now you get the biggest cuddle ."
Louis smiled and walked closer , now realizing just how tall he is . "I think I'm going to need to be picked up for this hug ." He giggled , Harry lowered himself and wrapped his arms around his waist , picking him up .
Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's broad shoulders , grinning like a fool . He smelled so good , and he was so strong and warm .
Harry couldn't help but smile aswell , something about this tiny lad is drawing him in . He rocked him a little and squeezed softly , while Niall was recording and taking pictures throughout it all .
Harry slowly put him down , his arms still around Louis' small body . "What's your name ?"
"Louis ."
"It's really nice meeting you ."
"You too ."
They pulled back , Louis grinned shyly with blush covering his cheeks , and Harry had to restrain himself from kissing his red cheeks .
They turned to face Niall , Louis had his arms around Harry's middle , while Harry's arms embraced Louis into his chest .
"Thank you for being amazing , I love your music and it always helps me ." Louis said as he looked up at Harry , Harry smiled softly at him , "I'm glad you enjoy it ."
"Could you - ... could you sign something for my sister ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded , "Of course ."
Louis pulled his phone out , "The phone case please ?"
Harry took it with a smile and opened the sharpie with his teeth , quickly signing the case . Louis thanked him , Harry smiled at him , "You're welcome ."
"Harry , we need to go ." One of the bodyguards said , Harry sighed and nodded . He waved goodbye to the fans and blew kisses , making sure to blow one directly to Louis , who blushed and waved shyly at him .
The day after , Harry was scrolling through his Twitter , in hopes to find Louis' account . He asked Lou and his band team to try finding him aswell , after showing him a picture of him on one of the fan accounts .
"Harry , I think you're getting obssessed ." Lou shook her head , Harry sighed , "I just - I really want to find him , Lou ."
"I understand , but let the boy breathe , okay ? Don't forget you're known , and if you do find him , fans can make anything happen ."
"I know . But , you didn't see him . I swear it was like I - ... I don't know . I felt a connection when I saw him and hugged him , I liked holding him , I want to hold him again . And his laugh is so cute , he's a cute being in general ."
Lou laughed a little , "I think you're already in love ."
"What if I am ?"
"I think you should let the boy breathe , he just met a big known person and he needs a few more days to take it in before you jump in and tell him you like him ."
"I - yeah I like him . I don't even know him , but I just want to get to know him . Is it too early ?"
"Yes , in my opinion . Keep searching for him , and if you don't find him in the next two weeks -"
"Two weeks is a long time !"
"If you don't find him in the next ten days , then you can ask the fans for help ."
Harry huffed , "Fine . But only because I'm willing to wait . He's worth it ."
It's been two weeks , and Harry was getting frustrated . He paced around his hotel room , his phone resting on the bed . Should he try asking the fans ?
He doesn't want to expose the boy to the fans' power , he knew they can be supportive , but they can also be mean . He took a deep breath before posting the tweet with a screenshot from a fan account of his picture with Louis , throwing his phone across the bed before he regrets it .
Met this boy two weeks ago , been looking for him ever since . Please help me find him x *Image attached*
"Harry , we need to leave for your interview ." One of his bodyguards said , Harry nodded and put his phone on silent before putting it in his pocket .
After the interview , in the car ride back to the hotel , Harry opened his Twitter and immediately noticed a new trend , #HelpHarry .
He smiled softly and went on the hashtag , seeing the fans tagging the same account . Louis' private account .
His heart stopped beating for a second as he quickly clicked on it , smiling widely as Louis' profile showed . He scrolled down to his tweets , seeing he posted their pictures and video . He watched the video once again , the smile never leaving his face .
He went to his DM , his fingers hovering above the keyboard , trying to decide what to type . So he quickly typed a simple message , sending it as soon as he was done before he could regret it .
Hey , been looking for you :) Glad I found you . H x
Niall burst into Louis' apartment without knocking , making Louis jump in his spot on the couch .
"Niall , are you kidding me ? You scared me so bad ." Louis placed his hand over his racing heart , furrowing his eyebrows when he realized Niall was out of breath . "Are you okay ?"
"No , and you won't be either when you see what Harry tweeted ."
Louis raised an eyebrow and got up from the couch , going to his phone that was charging . He opened his Twitter and went on Harry's account , Niall bit his lower lip and munched on his nails as he waited for Louis' reaction .
As soon as Louis saw the tweet his eyes widened , he read it a few more times with trembling hands before locking his phone and slamming it (gently) down on the dresser .
"Is this a dream ?"
"No ."
"It's a dream ."
"No , Lou -"
"I'm so dreaming right now ."
"Louis -"
"Is it real ? It's not ."
"It is -"
"I'm going to pass out ."
Niall rushed over to him and put his arms around him , "You need to breathe ."
"I can't ."
Niall sighed and sat him on the couch , going to get him a water bottle . When he was back he saw Louis laying on his side , still staring forward . He laughed a little and sat next to him , "Sit up , Lou ."
"Did he really tweet that ?"
"He did ." Niall pulled him up and handed him the water , Louis took the bottle and drank half of it without breathing inbetween .
"Are you calm now ?" Niall asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah . I mean , I'm still shocked but - I'm processing ."
"I'm so happy for you ." Niall grinned , Louis smiled aswell , "Yeah , though I don't know why he's so interested ."
"Louis , you're cute and beautiful , you could see in the video that he has a thing for you ." Niall said , Louis blushed a little , "But I'm boring . I don't like partying and drinking ."
"So ? You don't have to like these things for someone to like you ."
"But he's a famous singer , probably the biggest right now . I'm too boring and - and not good enough for him ."
"Don't you ever dare say you're not good enough , because with all due respect to Harry fucking Styles , he'll be lucky as fuck to date you ."
Louis giggled a little before bringing Niall into a hug , "I love you , thank you for being my friend ."
Niall smiled and hugged him back , when Louis' phone went off with a message . Louis got up from the couch and picked his phone up , turning to Niall with horror in his eyes .
"Ni ."
"What ?"
"He slid into my DMs ."
"Who ?"
"Harry ."
"Answer him !" Niall grinned , Louis opened the message and took a deep breath before typing a reply .
Hey , wasn't expecting that at all . I'm really shocked that you wanted to talk to me . x
Less than a minute later he got a message back , making his heart beat loudly .
To be honest , and I'm sorry if it seems a little straight-forward , I couldn't stop thinking about you these past two weeks . H x
Did you really ? Or are you pranking me ?
Not a prank , don't worry . I stand behind my words . Something about you makes me want to get to know you better , if you'd like . H x
I'd really like that :)
You have no idea how wide I'm smiling right now . Thank you , and I hope we could meet again soon . H x
You're sweet . I'd like to meet you again soon aswell :) x
We could schedule something for the weekend if you'd like and you have time . H x
I'm free on Saturday and Sunday , if it's okay
It's perfect , I'll plan something small for us and message you when I have it all ready . H x
Okay , sounds good . I need to go , my shift starts soon . We can talk later ?
Of course . Have fun , talk to you later . H x
Louis was grinning throughout the whole talk , Niall pinched his cheek , "You two are so getting together ."
It was Saturday noon , and Harry is supposed to come pick Louis up for their first meetup . They didn't want to call it a date just yet , but it might be a date .
Harry parked his car outside of Louis' place , he got out and walked up to the door , knocking on it . A few seconds later there was key rustling before the door opened , Harry grinned when he saw Louis peeking from the small gap .
"Hey ." He smiled , Louis smiled back . "Hi . Come in ."
Harry walked inside , Louis closed the door softly , he wasn't taking in that Harry Styles is in his house .
"Do you want anything to drink ?" Louis asked , but Harry shook his head , "No , I'm good ." The wide smile never left his face .
"I can't believe I'm meeting you again ." Harry said , making Louis smile and blush . "Shouldn't it be me saying that ?"
"Not necessarily . You've been on my mind for the past three weeks , and i'm just so happy to meet you again ." Harry said , enjoying the sight of Louis' rosy cheeks and soft smile . Before Louis could offer Harry anything else Harry took a step forward , bringing Louis into his chest .
Louis wrapped his arms around him aswell , knowing Harry could feel his racing heart . "I'm sorry , it's just - you're Harry Styles ."
"It's okay . My heart is racing aswell ." Harry chuckled , "Sorry if i'm too straight forward , I just really needed to hug you again ."
Louis was a blushing mess , moving his face to bury in Harry's chest . Harry laughed and rubbed his back , "Let's go , yeah ? I made us something nice for lunch ."
Louis nodded , they pulled back a little and looked at each other .
"You're really small , you know that ?" Harry asked , Louis laughed a little , "Trust me , I know . And I mean , you're kind of a giant yourself ."
"I am a giant ." Harry laughed , "Let's go now , we have an eventful lunch ahead of us ."
After having lunch at Harry's place (which Louis pointed out looks like a castle from inside) , Harry brought him outside and now they were laying on a hammock together .
"Can I ask you something ?" Louis asked , Harry turned his head to face him , "Sure ."
"What made you want to get to know me ?"
Harry smiled , closing his eyes a little . "To be honest , I have no idea yet . Something about you made me want to know more of you . When I saw you in that parking lot , you looked so - so small and beautiful , and you were being so shy and I have a small weakness for shy people , I find it super cute . Then you talked , and your voice was so soft . We hugged , and you were so warm and comfy to hold , when I was hugging you a thought crossed my mind - 'I could do this forever' . But then I had to go , and I couldn't get you out of my mind ever since ."
Louis was blushing , looking away from Harry and trying to hide his face . "But why me ? I'm boring ."
"I doubt that ."
"I don't party or drink or do anything cool ."
"I'd much rather spend my nights cuddling you with a movie than go to a club full of nasty sweaty people ." Harry brought his hand to Louis' face , trailing the back of his fingers on Louis' cheek softly . "And besides , I'm sure there's something special about you . I went through your Twitter and saw you can draw and play the piano ."
"Yeah , I can ." Louis nodded , "Not that good though ."
"The drawings you posted are looking really good , Lou . I like them a lot ." Harry smiled and lifted his head up , "Don't beat yourself down , you're a great person , inside and out ."
Louis smiled shyly with the same blush-covered cheeks , turning his head away from Harry .
"I had a great time with you ." Harry said as he walked Louis to his door , Louis smiled , "Me too ."
"You think we can meet again ?" Harry asked hopefully , Louis nodded , "Of course , I'd love that ."
Harry smiled and brought him into a hug ; he'd never get enough of holding the tiny boy . Louis hugged him back , his face pressed to his chest , taking in his scent .
They pulled back a little , Harry caressed Louis' cheek before leaning down and planting a soft , quick kiss to his lips . "See you next time ."
Louis was frozen , nodding , "Yeah , n-next time ."
Harry chuckled and kissed his cheek , giving his hands one last squeeze before letting go and going back to his car .
-Six months later-
Two weeks after their meetup Harry asked Louis on a proper date , and two months into dating Harry had to leave for tour in the US .
He didn't tell Louis he was coming back , wanting to surprise him on their six months anniversary .
It was early on a Sunday morning , Louis was still asleep . Harry borrowed Niall's spare key to his apartment and got in quietly with helium balloons , flowers and ingredients for breakfast .
He put the ingredients on the kitchen counter and took the flowers and balloons to Louis' room , tip toeing in as quietly as possible for the clumsy frog .
He let the balloons float above the bed and placed the flowers on the nightstand , taking his shoes off before crawling into bed with him .
Louis shifted a little , feeling a warm presence next to him . He jumped up and almost fell out of bed , his mouth gaping when he realized Harry is laying next to him .
"Wha -"
"Happy six months , bug ." Harry smiled and opened his arms , laughing as Louis launched himself forward and attached himself to Harry .
"What are you doing here ?? You scared me so bad , you idiot !" Louis said into his neck , Harry rubbed up and down his back . "Borrowed Niall's key to get in , I wanted to surprise you ."
"Well you did , my heart fell out of my chest thanks to you ." Louis sat up so he's sitting on Harry's hips , punching him in the chest softly .
Harry laughed , "I was trying to be cute and romantic !"
"Well it came out creepy and stalkerish ."
"At least tell me you missed me ." Harry pouted playfully , his fingers poking at his stomach . Louis giggled and pushed his hands away , "I missed you a lot ."
"I missed you more , bug ." Harry brought him back into his chest , kissing his head , "Now go freshen up while I start making breakfast , yeah ?"
Louis nodded and got out of bed , Harry got up after him and went to start making breakfast .
Later that week Harry had an interview , when the interviewer mentioned Harry and Louis just celebrated six months , making Harry grin . "We did ."
"Now we all know how you two met , and it's quite a cute story to tell your kids in the future , isn't it ?"
"It is , even though it's only been six months . I mean , personally I have a really good feeling about Louis and I's relationship . We make things work , and even if we don't we end up fixing it , and it's just perfect . I wouldn't want it any other way ."
"And while you're on tour you probably miss each other , is there a chance he'll join you on your tour ?"
"It's a little complicated , since he has a job , but I'm going to make it work for him to be in some of my shows on the European leg of the tour , so it's closer to London and we can make it work ."
"From what we noticed , when you two are seen out , or from the pictures and videos you two post on Instagram , Twitter and Snapchat , you are quite protective of Louis ."
"Louis is my baby , I will always protect him . I won't let anyone hurt him , even in the slightest . I know that dating someone who's known publically is not something easy to deal with , so I try to make it as easy as I can for him , even though some things we still can't avoid or prevent , like what people comment on our Instagram pictures and all . But I love him , and he deserves the best , I won't let him get hurt by anyone ."
"What are your family's thoughts about him ?"
"My mum adores him , she loves talking to him and she always tells him that he's too good for this world , which she's right . Robin supports us fully , he knows how much we love each other and make each other happy , so he's happy for us . Gemma likes to tease me about how fond and - and whipped I am over him , she calls me lovestruck when I get too caught up in him . She loves Louis , they have a good chemistry and they're little devils to me when they join forces ."
By the end of the interview Louis was blushing and grinning like a fool , Niall laughed and took a picture , sending it to Harry .
"Stop taking pictures ." Louis threw one of his couch pillows on him , Niall threw it back , "You two are really cute ."
"We've been dating for six months and still , every day , I'm telling myself 'oh my god Im dating Harry Styles' , and I'm pretty sure I'll never fully process it ."
"You're making me sick with this cuteness , lad , stop it ." Niall teased , Louis rolled his eyes when his phone started ringing .
He quickly picked it up when he saw Harry's contact name .
"Hey , Hazza ."
"Hey bug , saw you listened to the interview ."
"I did , you were so sweet ."
"I was being honest , as always ."
"I miss you ."
"I miss you too , we'll see each other next week ."
"But this time no surprise visits , I've had enough heart attacks ."
"Alright , alright . That means I'll have to cancel the mariachi band I hired ."
"Hazza !"
"Kiddind ! I'm kidding bug ."
"Wasn't funny . Last time my heart literally dropped ."
"I know , I sowwy . ... I need to go now , I'll talk to you tomorrow . Love you ."
"Love you too ."
Louis hung up with a grin , Niall raised his eyebrows , "Still not taking in that you're dating Harry Styles ?"
Louis shook his head , "Not at all ."
I don't know if I liked this one .
Tell me if you liked it x
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