Summary : Louis was cursed by his mother , because he came out as gay when he was seventeen . The only way to break the curse is a true love , from a man . The catch : Louis was cursed into the size of seven inches tall .
This one is a really , really long one-shot , so be prepared .
Also I haven't really proof-read it so there might be some mistakes .
Enjoy x
Louis fixed the rugs around his body as he looked to the other side of the street ; his stomach growled as the smell of the bakery he was aiming for reached his nose , but in order to get to the other side he had to cross the road , which wouldn't usually be a problem , but for being a few inches tall it was a massive risk .
He took a deep breath and pressed himself to the pole closest to the crosswalk , and when the light turned green he ran quickly to the other side , reaching the sidewalk just in time for the light to turn back red . He was thankful it was so early in the morning or he wouldn't even think of doing such thing .
He pressed himself to the wall as he walked carefully , his body weak from not eating properly in two days . He reached the alleyway and hid behind a few cardboard boxes , glad he found a shoebox to spend the next few nights at .
God , I'm so hungry , Louis thought to himself as he neared the back door , looking around for any leftovers . He sighed out when his eyes caught sight of a half eaten doughnut sitting on a paper wrap , he tore a large bit of the doughnut and carried it to the shoebox , sitting inside as he munched away on the sweet .
He jumped when he heard a door opening , laying himself down inside of the box in fear of being seen . His sudden movement caused the box's lid to close on him , he sat up and pushed it open , peeking out of the box . He saw a tall figure crouched by the doughnut , biting his lower lip when he noticed the figure had a paper cup of a hot drink in his hands .
He sighed and let the lid of the box close , curling up as he finished the doughnut . He patted his bloated-yet-still-flat tummy , feeling himself growing sleepy . But before he could go to sleep , he had to make sure his shoebox is in a safe enough spot .
He stayed inside of the box for a short while longer to calm himself down from the food , before climbing out of the box . He grabbed the edge of it and dragged it closer to the door where he saw the tall figure , just in case there would be more food , or maybe even water .
He looked around a bit , hoping to find anything that could be used as a blanket or a pillow . He sighed in relief when he saw a beanie , it was a bit dirty but took it anyway , putting it inside of the shoebox . He couldn't find anything else , but decided that the beanie was more than enough . He climbed back into the shoebox and closed the lid , laying down on the beanie and closing his eyes .
"Where did I put it ?" Harry mumbled to himself as he looked around his office , a frown on his face . He needed to leave , but couldn't find his beanie . It was usually in his office , tucked into his coat pocket , or sometimes sitting on his desk , but it was in neither of those places .
He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair , before he remembered - when he went outside earlier that morning , he had it in his pocket . He grabbed his things and said goodbye to his employees , making sure his co-manager , Liam , is all set to be left alone , before going out of the back .
He looked around , seeing the doughnut still sitting on the ground , he looked all around the back but couldn't find it . What he did see , was a shoebox that wasn't there when he was outside before . He furrowed his eyebrows , seeing a dark blue knitted fabric poking through a hole in the shoebox . His beanie .
How did my beanie get inside of a box ? He thought to himself as he crouched down in front of the box , trying to listen to movements , assuming it might've been a stray kitten . He couldn't hear anything , so he slowly lifted the lid of the shoebox , and - what the actual fuck .
There was a person , a literal few inches tall person , sleeping inside of the shoebox , curled up on his beanie .
"What the fuck ." Harry whispered , mouth gaping open in surprise . Then it hit him - for the last few years there were quite a few articles about people getting into witchcraft , but the numbers around the world have been so little that no one thought it was real , or worth the attention .
Louis stirred awake inside of the box , shivering from the cold . He fluttered his eyes open , and it only took him three seconds to remember where he was , and how he got there , before seeing a man looking down at him . He gasped and scrambled backwards , his back hitting the inside of the box . He grabbed the beanie and tried hiding behind it , knowing that if the man was going to hurt him then the beanie wouldn't be a very useful shield , yet still tried hiding .
"Hey , hey , calm down ." Harry assured , "I'm not here to hurt you . I just - you have my beanie ."
Louis peeked from behind the beanie at the man , his heart racing in his chest . He looked at the beanie he was holding , the only source of comfort and warmth he had , and his heart ached when he realized he would have to give it up .
He swallowed thickly and released the beanie , pushing it a bit towards the man . "Sorry ."
"It's alright ." Harry assured him . He gave him a quick check , seeing that his so-called clothings were just a bunch of fabrics he wrapped around himself , which made sense , since there wasn't a good chance of finding clothings his size . The person was barefoot , and so thin .
"I - I'm Harry ." Harry gave him a soft smile , "How long have you been out here ? As in , the streets ."
"A few years , not sure ." Louis wrapped his arms around himself to stay warm , Harry noticed and nudged his beanie in his direction , "Take it ."
Louis hesitantly looked between the beanie and Harry , before slowly reaching for it and wrapping it around himself . "I'm Louis ."
"Hi Louis . How old are you ?" Harry asked , eyebrows furrowed .
"I - I'm not sure ? I mean - I'm not sure about dates anymore ? I should be twenty one , I think ."
"Oh - Oh , you're so young ." Harry breathed out , "And you're on the streets for a few years ?"
Louis nodded . "S-since I was seventeen ."
"Jesus ." Harry pushed his hair back , "I - will you come with me ?"
Louis looked up in surprise . "What ??"
"I can't let you stay out here . You need proper food , a safe place ." Harry looked at him sadly .
"I don't know you ." Louis shook his head , Harry gave him a smile , showing off his dimple . "Well I'm Harry , I own this bakery right here ." He motioned towards the building , "I'm twenty five . Will you come with me ?"
Louis shook his head , "I can't ."
"Why not ?"
"I don't trust you ." Louis looked away , before looking back at him , "What if you're just saying all of this so you could capture me and sell me away to a Zoo ? Or force me to do stuff for the money ."
Harry chuckled , "You have one criminal mindset ." He bit his lower lip , "But I promise , it's none of these things . I just - it's quite dangerous out here for someone your size . I'm trying to help you ."
Louis thought about it ; he recognized him , he's the figure he saw earlier in the morning at the back door , crouched next to the doughnut . He wanted to trust him , because , god , he was one beautiful man , and he was nice enough not to snatch the beanie from him and walk away .
"Alright ." Louis nodded , Harry smiled , "Good . I - I'll carry the box , okay ?"
Louis nodded and he let Harry close the lid , before feeling him picking up the box . Harry held it carefully with both his hands , making sure it's as steady as he could as he walked towards his car . He got into the driver's seat and put the box on the passenger's seat , opening it for Louis .
"Are - are we in your car ?" Louis asked , Harry nodded and reached towards the backseat , grabbing a large , soft scarf . "Step out of the box ."
Louis did , dragging the beanie with him . He watched as Harry put the shoebox at the foot of the seat , before making a small nest-looking pillow with the scarf , "There , sit here ."
"Thanks ." Louis sat down , still gripping the beanie as he used it as a blanket .
"We have a bit of a ride , it's quite busy today . You can sleep some more if you'd like ." Harry said as he turned the car on , Louis relaxed into the warmth and found himself asleep within a minute .
Harry opened the passenger's door just as Louis stirred awake for the second time that day , Harry smiled , "Hey , we're here ." He carefully snuck his hands under the scarf and picked Louis up , closing the car door with his foot . He walked up to the door and positioned Louis into one hand , which was pretty easy since he had quite large hands and Louis was actually tiny , then he unlocked the door and walked inside , locking the door behind him .
"What do you want first ? Food or a bath ?" Harry asked , Louis bit his lower lip as he looked around ; it's been quite a while since he's been inside of a house . He let Harry place him down on the countertop in the kitchen , still sitting on the scarf . He watched as Harry opened the fridge and pulled out a milk carton , before biting his lower lip as he used a bottle lid to pour the milk into carefully .
"There . I'll get you a cookie too ." Harry handed Louis the lid , which for Louis' size was a cup . Louis held it in both hands , watching Harry going to the other side of the counter and taking a cookie out of a glass jar . He broke it in half and handed it to Louis , Louis put the lid down and took the cookie , "Thanks ."
"So . Tell me about you ." Harry sat on the bar stool in front of Louis , leaning his chin on his hand .
Louis took a bite of his cookie , wiping the corner of his lips . "I don't know what to tell ."
"How about we start with how you ended up this size ?" Harry asked , but he regretted asking as he watched Louis' face falling .
"I'm - I'm sorry , you don't have to tell ." Harry assured , Louis put the cookie down and took a sip of the milk . He looked up at Harry , before looking away , "My mother cursed me ."
"Witchcraft ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah . Been like this since I was seventeen ."
Harry bit his lower lip , "Are you from this town ?"
"Yeah . Can't exactly go anywhere else , can I ?" Louis smiled sadly , Harry pouted a bit but nodded , "I get it ." He looked over Louis' clothes , before standing up , "I'll be right back ."
Louis watched him walking out of the kitchen , he took a few more bites of the cookie before finishing his milk . Harry returned with a small kit , and what looked to be two or three shirts .
"Stand up , please ?" Harry asked , Louis slowly stood up on wobbly legs , Harry gave him a reassuring smile , "I have a sewing machine , nothing fancy but it works perfectly . And uh , if - if you're okay with it , I'll take your measurements ? Get you proper clothes ready by the time you finish bathing ."
Louis stared at him in awe ; who was this Harry guy , taking him in , feeding him , literally about to sew clothes for him . His eyes filled with tears , Harry frowned , "What's wrong ?"
"Y-you're - I just -" Louis sniffled , wiping his cheek . "You're r-really nice ."
Harry smiled sadly , "Please don't cry . I'm here to help you ."
Louis nodded and wiped his cheeks once more , before stepping off the scarf and a bit closer to Harry . Harry pulled out a measuring tape , and he gently took Louis' size measurements , writing them down on a piece of paper . It took about ten minutes , before Harry smiled , "Alright . Let's get you cleaned up ."
He stood up and held his hands up for Louis in a cupping position , Louis climbed into his hands and let Harry carry him up the stairs to the bathroom . He was placed on the counter , Harry put a small hand towel next to him , "This is the smallest one I have ."
"'s more than okay , honestly ." Louis nodded , Harry looked between the sink and the bathtub , "I'm trying to think where it would be safer for you ."
Louis looked at the sink , which was pretty large , then to the bathtub . "I could - I could use the sink , it's fine ."
Harry looked to the sink , then nodded , "Alright . I'll get you a bowl , so you can relax properly . And shampoo , and body soap - do you use conditioner ?"
Louis bit his lower lip , nodding silently . Harry fetched a bowl from under the sink , letting the water run to warm up as he ran out of the bathroom to the kitchen , fetching three unused bottle lids , returning to the bathroom and filling them with shampoo , conditioner and soap . He put the lids neatly by the bowl , then gave Louis a smile . "I'll leave now , the door would be unlocked . My room is right across the hall , so if you need anything just call me , alright ?"
"Thank you ." Louis choked out , a heavy lump in his throat . Harry gave him one more smile , then left the bathroom .
Louis waited a few more seconds to make sure Harry wouldn't walk in , before tearing the fabrics off his body . He shivered as he stepped into the bowl inside the sink , the water was nicely hot and he let his body sink down and relax , and before he knew it he was sobbing .
He took his time calming down , before stepping under the tap to wash his hair . He sighed out and let himself linger under the stream , before reaching for the shampoo Harry left for him . He scrubbed at his hair and scalp , letting the stream wash the shampoo out before scrubbing once again . He then used the hair conditioner , running his fingers through his hair to untangle it . When he was done he scrubbed every inch of his body with the soap , then poured the rest of the soap into the over-filling bowl and relaxing inside of it .
It's been years since he felt that clean , warm and with a full belly . He closed his eyes and relaxed his muscles , running his hands over his hair and body to make sure he scrubbed everywhere off the dirt of the streets .
When he was done he stepped out of the bowl , climbing out of the sink and pressing down on the tap , turning the stream off . He wrapped himself up in the towel and sat on the counter , only then realizing he doesn't have any clothes to wear - not yet , at least .
He sat inside of the cocoon of the towel for ten minutes , before a soft knock on the door pulled him out of his thoughts . "Louis ? Is it okay if I come in ?"
"Yes ." Louis said , tightening the towel around himself , blushing as he realized he was completely naked inside of the towel .
The door opened , Harry stepped inside with a smile , holding out a few clothings , "Managed to make a few pieces . I'll take you to get dressed in my room , is that okay ?"
Louis nodded , he stood up and held the towel tightly as he flopped down into Harry's palm , letting Harry carry him to the room . He put Louis down inside of his walk-in closet , putting the tiny clothings next to him , "There , wear these and tell me if they're okay ? I'll tidy the bathroom and be right back ."
"Thanks ." Louis said , Harry walked out of the closet and closed the door behind him . Louis grabbed the clothes and hid himself behind a dresser , pulling on the clothes . He let out an 'oh' when the fabric was soft on his body , the tiny underwear Harry managed to make fitting nicely on his body . He then pulled the shirt over his head , and tugged the pants on just in time for Harry to knock on the door , "Are you dressed ?"
"Yeah ." Louis said and grabbed the towel from the floor , Harry opened the door and kneeled in front of him , smiling , "Looks good . Is it comfy ?"
Louis nodded , feeling his cheeks heating up with the need to cry again . Harry smiled and walked out of the closet , motioning Louis to follow him , "These are the only pieces I managed to make , I'll work on a few more ."
Louis craned his neck to look up at Harry , Harry looked down at him and leaned down with his palm facing upwards , Louis sat himself down and let Harry pick him up to sit on the table next to the sewing machine .
"Tell me about you ." Louis asked , watching as Harry worked on another piece of clothing . Harry glanced up at him and smiled , before looking down to the shirt he was cutting apart . "My name is Harry , Harry Styles . I'm co-managing a bakery with my best friend , Liam . It's only been a bit over six months now , and to be honest , I'm happy I'm co-managing because it's a lot of work , so we split it up between the two of us . Uhm , I moved here a year ago , Liam lives across the street . I've loved baking since I was young , always wanted to run a bakery ."
"'s nice ." Louis smiled a bit , looking down at his hands . Harry worked on sewing a pair of pants , "Tell me more about you . Are you actually twenty one ?"
"I - I guess . What date are we today ?"
"March fourteenth ."
"Oh , so yeah I had my twenty first birthday on December , three months ago ." Louis looked down at his lap ; he could tell when his birthday is quite easily , since it was Christmas Eve , and it was pretty clear when that day is durning the Winter .
"That's nice . Do you - do you have any relatives ?"
"No . It used to be just my mother and I ." Louis shook his head , pulling his knees to his chest .
Harry held his lower lip as he focused on sewing and not pinching himself with the needle , once done with the pants he did the finishing cuts and folded them neatly , placing them next to Louis .
"Is it okay if I ask why you were cursed ?" Harry asked quietly , Louis hugged his arms around his knees , "I - I uh , it's - my mother had been doing witchcraft for as long as I remember . All kinds of stuff . Then , then we got into an arguement and I - ... "
"You don't have to tell if it's too hard for you . Or you're uncomfortable ." Harry stopped him .
"It's not it , it's just - I just hope you're - you're not , you know ..."
"I don't judge . Never ." Harry assured him .
Louis pushed his hair back , swallowing thickly . "I let it slip that I l-like boys . She flipped ." He chuckled humorlessly , "She took me outside to the back yard , started saying those words I don't understand , and next thing I knew I passed out , and woke up in this size ."
Harry pouted a bit . "Is there - is there a way to break the curse ?"
Louis didn't know what to say . Because yes , there was - he needed to find a man and get him to truly love him . But in his mind , it was useless , hopeless .
"No ." Louis shook his head , "I'm just - stuck like this forever ." He rubbed his eyes , wiping away unfallen tears .
"There has to be a way . Every curse can be broken ." Harry leaned on his hand , Louis shook his head , "Trust me , there isn't a possible way ."
I don't buy that , Harry thought to himself , but decided not to push it . He nodded , "Okay . Well , do you - how about you nap for a bit ? I'll finish a few more pieces by the time you wake up ."
Louis bit his lower lip , nodding . He was quite exhausted . "Okay ."
Harry smiled , he picked Louis up from the table and put him on a fluffy pillow on his bed , letting him use a sweater of his as a blanket . "I'll wake you up later to eat , okay ?"
"Thank you ." Louis nodded , curling up into the pillow and tightening the sweater around him . Harry smiled and sat back at the table ; when he left the bakery two hours ago , he never imagined this is where he would find himself ; sewing tiny clothings for a seven inches person .
Harry finished making Louis his clothings , he looked behind him to make sure he was still asleep before walking out of the room . He looked around the kitchen , trying to think about what he should cook them , something Louis could eat without struggling . He settled on making mash potatos and grilled chicken .
He finished rather quickly , then decided to go wake Louis up . He walked up the stairs to his room and sat next to the pillow Louis was laying on , he grabbed Louis' shoulder between his thumb and index finger , shaking him gently , "Louis ?"
Louis fluttered his eyes open , Harry smiled , "I made us proper food ." He chuckled at the tiny rumble from Louis' stomach , Louis sat up and yawned .
"Did you sleep well ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded and rubbed his eyes , "Haven't slept that good in years , probably ." He pushed the sweater off him and stood up , Harry cupped his hands together , "Come on , let's go eat ."
Louis crawled into Harry's hands , Harry carried him to the kitchen and placed him on the counter . He took the smallest plate he could find in his cabinet , filling it with a bit of mash and chicken , placing it in front of Louis . "I'm really sorry , but I - I just realized we have a bit of a problem with utensils ."
"It's okay . You've done more than enough ." Louis shook his head , watching as Harry opened drawers and cabinets around his kitchen , before returning with the smallest spoon he could find . Louis thanked him and took it , Harry smiled and turned to fill his own plate .
Louis waited for Harry to sit on the stool and start eating , before he turned to his plate . He ate slowly , in small bites , letting his stomach fill slowly and surely rather than rush and finish his food .
"Let's play a little game ." Harry smiled , "Twenty questions ?"
Louis looked up at him , nodding with a small smile . "Alright ."
"Okay , first question - when is your birthday ?" Harry asked , taking a bite of his food .
"December twenty fourth ." Louis said , watching as Harry's face lit up . "Awe ! Christmas Eve , that's so nice ."
"Yeah ." Louis nodded . "Uhm , my turn now , right ?"
"Right ."
"Favourite movie ?"
Harry chuckled softly , "I'm not sure , actually . It depends . I love some rom-coms , and I like some Action movies , and Drama . But like , a movie I can watch over and over is probably The Notebook ."
Louis smiled ; Harry did look like the type to like those cheesy movies .
"What's your favorite baked sweet ?" Harry asked , Louis laughed a bit , "I'm pretty simple , I like chocolate-chip muffins . If I want to go crazy , then lava cakes ."
"Ooh , lava cakes are sinful ." Harry grinned , "I haven't baked one in a while , we should do that ."
We , Louis repeated to himself , before he nodded , "Yeah , would be cool ." He took a bite of his chicken , wiping the corner of his lips . "Favourite sweet to bake ?"
"Oh , no , that's a really hard question ." Harry laughed , running his fingers through his hair to push it back , "I can't really decide ."
"Top three , then ?"
"Let's see ." Harry squinted his eyes , raking his brain for what could be his top three . "I quite enjoy baking chocolate-chip coockies . Loafs of bread are fun . And then it's an endless battle between cupcakes and muffins ."
Louis smiled down at his plate , he finished eating and put the spoon down . Harry finished soon after him , he stood up from the table and took their cutleries to the sink .
"Thanks for the food ." Louis said , it was quiet but loud enough for Harry to catch it . Harry smiled at him over his shoulder , "My pleasure ." He quickly washed their plates and utensils , then wiped his hands on a towel .
"Can I - can I have some water ?"
Harry turned to look at Louis , smiling , "Yeah , of course ." He pulled a bottle out of the fridge , filling the lid for Louis to drink out of .
"Want to go watch something in the living room ? I still need to shower , myself ." Harry asked , taking the lid from Louis when he was done . Louis nodded , he waited for Harry to put the bottle away before standing up , sitting inside of his palm .
Harry propped a pillow on the couch and put Louis down on it , he made sure he was okay with working the remote (since he was a bit smaller than the device) before going upstairs to shower .
Louis looked around the living room ; even though he was used to being small , being small inside of a house was a bit different . He looked back at the TV , surfing the channels . He settled for a random movie , pulling his knees to his chest .
He couldn't really focus on watching the movie , though ; he kept thinking about the past few hours . He felt incredibly lucky to have his path crossed with Harry's , thankful he's a good person and willing to help . But at the same time , he couldn't help but think about the time he was going to leave . He'd only known Harry for a few hours , and he enjoyed his company - he didn't feel judged , cornered or stepped on . But he knew he couldn't stay , that wouldn't be fair to Harry , who just wanted to live his life without someone to babysit .
He bit his nails , feeling his toes curling at the thought of leaving . He had to , though . It would be selfish of him to stick around , when he clearly couldn't work to make a living , nor he could do anything to help Harry around the house . He was a dead weight . And even though his heart ached , he knew he was going to leave in the morning .
Harry walked into the living room after shower , dressed in comfy clothes . He sat on the couch next to the pillow Louis was sitting on , "What are we watching ?"
"I'm not sure ." Louis hugged his knees , "Wasn't paying enough attention ."
Harry yawned into his hand , "I'll be honest with you , I need to wake up early to be at the bakery tomorrow , so uh , I'll be going to sleep in a bit ."
"Yeah , sure . Okay ." Louis nodded , Harry smiled and propped his legs on the table , "I prepared the guest bedroom for you . Made a little makeshift ladder so you can get on and off the bed incase you needed . Also left some water and cookies on the dresser . Uhm , I tried thinking about how you would brush your teeth , and I - I have a small kids' toothbrush ? Is that okay ?"
Louis nodded , his throat tightening again ; Harry was so damn thoughtful , how could he not get emotional ?
"Then , uh , about - bathroom business ." Harry let out a soft chuckle , Louis blushed softly . Harry smiled at him , "I set up a stool at the toilet , and tied a string to the handle so you can flush . The toilet paper is on the stool ."
Louis felt tears wetting his eyes , he stopped his breathing not to make a sound to give away the emotions . But of course , Harry the perfect human , noticed and kneeled on the floor in front of him .
"What's wrong ? Why the tears ?" He asked quietly , bringing his hands to cup Louis' body . Louis covered his face in his hands , shaking his head . Even if he tried really hard , he couldn't stop the tears from falling as he cried quietly .
Harry bit his lower lip sadly , hoping he didn't do anything wrong . He rubbed his thumb on Louis' tiny back , patiently waiting for him to calm down . He wanted to pick him up and hold the tiny boy to his chest , but he wasn't sure Louis would be comfortable enough with it .
It took Louis a few minutes to calm down , he wiped his cheeks and crossed his legs , sniffling .
"What's wrong ?" Harry asked again , Louis chuckled , "Nothing's wrong , th-that's the thing . It's good , too g-good ."
"I'm only helping ."
"Yeah , well , you've helped me in a matter of hours more than anyone else had in four years ." Louis wiped his eyes , "I'm just emotional ."
Harry smiled tenderly . "Are you good now ? Do you need a cuddle ?"
"I'm good ." Louis assured , though he wouldn't lie - he would like to try to cuddle Harry .
"You sure ? I give good hugs ." Harry gave him a dimpled smile .
Louis smiled a bit , "Yeah , but have you ever tried hugging a seven inches tall person ?"
"There's a first time for everything ." Harry patted his chest , "Come here ."
Louis shyly slid off the pillow to stand on the couch in front of Harry , Harry guided Louis closer with a hand over his body , pressing him gently to his chest . Louis squished his cheek into Harry , closing his eyes in content . This is the most physical contact he'd had in four years , and he was going to enjoy every second . He let his hands rest on Harry's shirt , fingertips curling into the material .
Harry smiled softly , bringing his other hand to cup Louis completely into his chest , his thumb rubbing his back . It was a bit odd , he felt like he was hugging a tiny barbie doll , but the warmth was nice .
Louis pulled back first , forcing himself to pull away with the excuse that 'he shouldn't get used to these things' , Harry smiled at him , "I'll show you to the guest bedroom ." He picked Louis up with one hand , turning the TV off along with the lights before walking up the stairs .
He walked into the guest bedroom and put Louis down on the floor , showing him the makeshift ladder he made from a few boxes and lego pieces he could find , and stayed to make sure Louis could climb it without struggling or the ladder collapsing .
Louis made it on the bed and gave Harry a shy smile , Harry smiled , "Alright , I'll go to sleep now . Feel free to sleep for as long as you'd like , I'll be back a bit after noon ."
"Okay . Thank you ." Louis nodded , Harry smiled and turned the lights off , leaving the bed lamp on along with the bathroom light . "Good night , Louis ."
"Good night ." Louis settled down in the middle of the soft bed , pulling a few covers over himself and closing his eyes , falling asleep a short while later .
Louis woke up warm , comfortable , and everything around him was silent . It wad odd , but a good kind of odd . Usually he woke up exhausted , to a loud , busy street , with an aching tummy .
He rolled around the softness of the bed a bit as his eyes fluttered open , he was too comfortable to move or get up , but knew that very soon he'd have to use the bathroom . So he forced himself to sit up , taking his time to stretch out his muscles before starting to make his way off the bed .
He carefully went down the makeshift ladder Harry made for him , going to the bathroom . He pushed the door closed , though leaving a gap so he wouldn't be stuck inside , securing the door to stay open with a toilet paper roll .
He climbed up the stool and did his business , going off the stool to the string that was tied to the flush handle . He pouted when he realized he couldn't get on the counter to wash his hands , so he went back to the room and climbed on the bed , then went to the dresser where Harry left a few bottle lids filled with water . He used one to wash his hands and put it aside , so he wouldn't accidentally drink that water , then grabbed a cookie from the plate .
After munching on the cookie he drank a bit of water , and returned to his cocoon in the middle of the bed . He closed his eyes and let himself relax , managing to fall asleep for a little while longer before waking up to the sound of the front door opening .
He sat up as he listened to footsteps around the first floor , and Harry's voice talking though there was no voice answering , so Louis assumed he was talking on the phone .
He climbed off the bed and walked out of the room , thankfully Harry left the door open for him . He walked down the hall to the stairs , he could mamage to survive those if he was very careful . Just then he saw Harry at the bottom of the stairs , Harry took a few steps up before he noticed Louis at the top .
He smiled , "Hey , I was about to come and check on you ." He walked up a bit more , cupping his hands together for Louis . Louis sat inside of his hands , Harry carried him to the kitchen and placed him on the counter . "Did you sleep alright ? I hope I didn't wake you up , I was a bit loud when I left ."
"I slept good , too good ." Louis said with a light smile , "Didn't hear you leaving at all ."
"Oh , good ." Harry smiled , going to open the fridge . "Eggs and bacon for breakfast sound good for you ?"
Louis' stomach rumbled in response , Harry chuckled , "I'll take that as a yes ." He took out three eggs and a few bacon strips , placing them on the counter .
"What time is it ?" Louis asked as he looked around the kitchen , trying to find a clock .
Harry looked at his wrist watch , "About eleven a.m ."
"When did you leave ?"
"Woke up at four , was at the bakery by five ." Harry said as he scrambled the eggs together in a small bowl , before pouring it into the pan .
"Why do you work so early ?"
"It's a bakery , you know ." Harry smiled over his shoulder , "Dough takes time . So we split it between us , me and Liam , my co-manager . Sometimes I do the early mornings and he does the noon slash afternoon shifts , and we switch it between us when we need ."
"Oh . It's nice , that - that you don't have to worry about it all by yourself ." Louis crossed his legs .
"Yeah , it's probably the best decision we made about it ." Harry nodded , scrambling the eggs on the pan before taking them off , placing a few strips of bacon on the sizzling pan . He turned to the fridge and opened it , "I stopped by at the grocery store , brought chocolate milk . Want some ?"
Louis nodded eagerly . "Please ."
Harry smiled and poured a bit into a lid , handing it over t Louis , who thanked him and sipped on the sweet milk .
Harry finished frying the bacon and put it on a plate , grabbing a few vegetables from the fridge and cutting them up . He brought the food to the table , placing a small plate in front of Louis with a bit of everything , handing him a small fork .
"Can I - can I ask you a few questions ?" Harry asked , "I mean , you don't have to answer if you're not comfortable , but I just - I'm a bit curious ."
Louis finished his bite and nodded , "Okay ."
"What's your mother's name ?"
"Natalia . Natalia Tomlinson ." Louis said quietly , picking up another piece of bacon and taking a small bite .
"Do you have any idea of where she could be right now ?"
Louis put his bacon down , wiping his hands on a napkin Harry put next to him . "Not - not exactly . A while ago , less than a year , I - I saw her on the other side of the street . It was Summer , after the school year ended . But I don't actually know , I haven't been around the place I grew up around for the last four years ."
Harry nodded , he stopped eating and put his fork down to listen more closely . He gave Louis a soft smile , "Do you have friends around ? Anyone to call incase of an emergency ?"
Louis shook his head , he looked down at his plate and brought his knees to his chest . "Never really had any . I'm a wallflower ."
Harry pouted a bit , "Want us to do something fun ?"
Louis looked up , "Like what ?" He asked , even though he had other questions to ask ; what could someone my size even do ? Why would you want to do something with me ? Why aren't you throwing me out yet ?
Harry smiled , "We could bake ."
"Bake ?" Louis raised his eyebrows , "What could someone my size do ?"
"You can mix the ingredients ." Harry took their plates and utensils to the sink , "You can make the cookies your size , they'll just need a bit less time in the oven ."
Louis bit his lower lip . "Are you sure ?"
"Yeah , come on , it'll be fun ." Harry smiled , he brought Louis to the counter next to the sink , letting him sit on a small tupperware box as he started taking ingredients out . Louis crossed his legs as he watched Harry opening drawers and cabinets around the kitchen , bringing everything to the counter next to him .
"Do you like white chocolate ?" Harry asked , Louis chuckled , "I love every chocolate ."
Harry smiled , taking out of the cabinet a small bag of white chocolate chips , along with a bag of brown chocolate chips . "I have a bit more white chocolate chips left , I need to buy more . My sister loves white chocolate , and when she comes to visit I make her brownies with white chocolate chips . It's her favourite ."
"Is your sister younger than you ?" Louis asked , Harry rolled his sleeves up to his elbows , "No , she's older , by four years ."
"And I take it as you two are close ?"
"We are ." Harry nodded , a soft smile on his lips as he washed his hands , drying them with a towel . "My , uh - my mother and I aren't in contact anymore , so she's the only one I have . Well , her , Liam and a few more friends , but family-wise , she's the only one ."
Louis looked up at Harry , "What .. what happened ?"
"Nothing , really . We just drifted apart . Kind of ." Harry chuckled to himself . "I never labeled myself , that's the thing . I don't feel the need to . And she'd always expected me to find a lovely girl , get married at twenty three and have a high-paying job . But it's not what I wanted , and so we just lost contact over the years ."
Louis bit his lower lip , "When you s-say you don't label yourself ..."
"I mean that I don't determine my sexuality , or my clothes , or what I do ." Harry explained , "I'm just me , and I like being me and doing me . That's all ."
"'s nice ." Louis gave him a light smile , "Really . You're really open and I like it ."
Harry smiled back , measuring the sugar before adding it to the bowl , "Thanks . It took me a bit of time , but it felt better when I let myself dress the way I wanted , and do things I wanted to do for myself , not for others .
Louis nodded along , "Wish I had the chance to ."
"You will ." Harry assured , not missing the quirk of Louis' lips . He put the measuring cup down , "Hey , look at me ."
Louis looked up at him , Harry tapped his cheek softly , "We will find a way to break the curse . I promise you ."
"I told you already , there's no possible way ." Louis shook his head , cheeks heating up with blush at the soft contact of Harry's fingertip on his cheek .
"I'll do my best to find a way ." Harry finished placing the ingredients into the bowl , then handed Louis a whisk , "Now start whisking ."
Louis stood up on the box he was sitting on , taking the whisk with both hands . "How do you whisk ?"
Harry held the top of the whisk , guiding Louis to show him . Louis kept whisking until the batter became a bit more solid , then Harry took the whisk and put it aside , kneading the dough a bit more before going to preheat the oven and bring two trays .
He helped Louis wash his hands , turning the tap towards the edge of the sink so Louis could reach . Then they started making balls of dough , while Harry tried new knock knock jokes on Louis .
"Wait ! Wait , this one is good , I promise ." Harry laughed , Louis shook his head , "If it's as 'good' as the last few ones , please spare me ."
"No no , this one is actually good ."
Louis sighed , placing another dough ball on the tray , "Go on ."
"Knock knock ."
"Who's there ?"
"Little old lady ."
"Little old lady who ?"
Harry bit back his chuckles , "I didn't know you could yodel !"
Louis buried his face in the crook of his elbow , holding his laughter in . The joke was bad , really bad , but Harry's over-excited face made him laugh .
"Admit it , this one was good ." Harry grinned , Louis looked up and shook his head , "I'll only give you that one ."
"Even though the hula hoop one was pretty clever ." Harry smiled , "And the 'cow goes' was good too . All of my knock knock jokes are good ."
Louis pursed his lips and shook his head , Harry took the empty bowl to the sink and washed his hands , bringing the tap closer for Louis to wash his hands aswell . Harry put the tray in the oven and put a timer on , then turned to Louis , "Let's go watch an episode of Friends while we wait ." He cupped his hands together , Louis sat down in his hands and let Harry carry him to the living room .
Harry put Louis down ontop of a pillow , grabbing the remote from the table and propping his legs up on it . He turned the TV on , "What's your favourite TV show ?"
Louis smiled softly , "Considering the fact I haven't watched any TV shows in the last four years ? Well , I used to watch The Walking Dead . Up until season four . I do like Friends , I watched quite a handful of episodes , but never really followed through every season ."
Harry smiled as he listened , then handed Louis the remote , "Want to put on The Walking Dead ?"
"No , thanks though . I'm fine with watching Friends ." Louis shook his head , a smile taking over his lips . He was still not over how nice Harry was being .
It was almost the end of the episode , when the oven went off . Harry stood up from the couch and went to the kitchen , he took out the tray with tiny cookies Louis made , leaving the oven on for fewer more minutes for the cookies he made himself .
He put the tray on a towel on the counter , smiling at the tiny cookies . He didn't know how to explain it , but having a tiny person to care for was actually fun . Like a baby kitten . He liked that he had someone to look for when he returned home , instead of a quiet and empty house .
He put a few cookies on a small plate and took it to the living room , putting it down next to Louis . "There you go , it's still burning hot so give it a few minutes to cool down ."
"Thank you ." Louis said quietly , a smile on his lips .
Harry tapped his cheek gently again , "I'll be right back with my cookies ."
Things became a routine for the next two weeks ; Louis would sleep in and wake up a bit before Harry came back from the bakery , then they'd eat together , go watch some TV , bake , Harry even brought out Scrabble so they could play . Then they'd have dinner , and Harry would get in bed to wake up early to go to the bakery , while Louis busied himself for a short while longer with a laptop Harry set up on the bed for him .
Louis liked staying with Harry , he had food , a bed , a shower - but he felt like was also a bother . He couldn't do anything to help around the house , and he couldn't go to work . He hated that stupid curse .
He was laying in bed in the guest room , tears rolling down his cheeks . It was late at night , he brought the soft covers over himself and wiped his cheeks , sniffling and wiping his cheeks over again .
He then heard the door creaking open , his heart dropped when he realized Harry heard him . He buried himself deeper in the sheets , feeling the bed dipping behind him .
"What's wrong ?" Harry's deep , raspy voice asked quietly , Louis put his hand over his mouth to not make any sound , though his shoulders shook , as the rest of him .
Harry pouted ; he woke up ten minutes ago to go to the bathroom , when he got back in bed he could hear him crying . It was faint , almost unnoticeable , but the house was so quiet that he could tell from the whimpering and sniffling that the tiny boy was crying .
"Please don't cry ." Harry pouted , he layed on his side with his head propped on his hand , elbow pressed to the mattress . He brought his other hand to Louis , rubbing his back gently through the sheets , only having to use two fingerpads to fit on his tiny back .
Louis wiped his cheeks again with the sheets , biting his lower lip . "I - I d-don't want to leave ." He whispered , and Harry almost missed it . He furrowed his eyebrows , "Leave ? What do you mean ?"
"I like s-staying here . But I c-can't ." Louis felt tears filling his eyes again , pushing his face back into the sheets . Harry frowned , "You can't ? Who said you can't ? Do you have another place to go ?"
Louis held the soft sheets to his face , not able to hold back the sobs . Harry frowned deeper , biting his lower lip as he waited for Louis to calm down . It took a few minutes before Louis could properly talk .
"I can't stay . I'm being a bother ." Louis shook his head , "I can't do anything to help you , I can't clean , I can't cook . I can't work . This isn't right for you . You have to do everything for me ." He buried his head back into the bedsheets when his voice cracked .
Harry's jaw fell slightly open ; he didn't know Louis felt like that . He shook his head , "No , Lou . Don't think like that ." He brought his finger up to push Louis' hair back , then rubbed his back again . "I like having you here . I like taking care of you . I really do , I'm not just saying that . I like coming home to company , rather than an empty and quiet house . And please , you don't make any more mess than before you were here . Not to talk about food , because you barely eat so I'm literally making the same amount I've always been making ."
Louis slowly stopped crying , he wiped his cheeks and rubbed his eyes , staying with his back to Harry . "I can't stay here forever ."
"And where will you go ? Hm ?" Harry asked . "If you had a relative or a friend to stay with , I'd sadly let you . But you said you don't have any , and there's no way I'm letting you go back to living in the streets . It's too dangerous . You're staying here , okay ? You're staying here until we find a way to break the curse ."
Louis pouted ; how could Harry be so positive ?
"Can you turn around so I can see your face ?" Harry asked , his finger nudging Louis' shoulder softly . Louis shook his head , "My face is all red right now ."
"I don't care . I want to see your face , want to see you smile ." Harry poked his back a few times .
"In the morning ." Louis shuffled around a bit , Harry nudged him again , "Nooo , you should always go to sleep with a smile . Come on ." He smiled mischevously , rubbing his finger up and down Louis' back a few times before wiggling his finger into his side .
Louis felt a smile tugging on his lips , he pushed Harry's finger away from him , "Stop ." He turned his head to squish his face into the covers , trying to hide his tugging smile .
Harry smirked , "Are you ticklish ?" He prodded his side gently , grinning at the giggle escaping Louis' lips . "You are !" He tickled his side and tummy , watching the tiny boy laughing and wiggling around . His tiny hands pushed weakly at Harry's finger , he almost cooed . He stopped and let Louis hold his finger with his two small hands , panting .
"Now you're all good to go to sleep ." Harry smiled , "Always go to bed with a smile ."
It was a week later that Louis woke up to the feeling of being picked up . He was placed back down on soft clothes , feeling he's being carried around . He opened his eyes , finding that he was buried in clothes .
"What .. ?" He mumbled sleepily , trying to push away the clothes , only to have more being placed ontop of him . He tried to figure out where he was and what was happening , but before he could process he wa being picked up again , and placed into a dark room . He managed to push the clothes away from him , heart dropping when he realized he was inside of a machine .
Everything around him was metal , circle shaped . Then he heard the sound of something closing , looking to where the sound came from . He gasped when he realized he was inside of a washing machine , and the person who placed him inside just closed the door on him . He heard a few beeping sounds from outside of the machine , so he pushed through the clothes to the clear plastic door , trying to see if it was Harry .
He saw a guy with brown hair , and before he could do anything the machine rose to life , and the guy was walking away with a laundry basket .
"Oh no ." Louis whimpered , startling when the machine started leaking water into the tank he was in . His breathing quickened as he tried banging on the door , tears of pure fear in his eyes .
Harry walked into the house , "Nialler ?"
Niall walked down the stairs , "Hi Haz , was waiting for you . Thought I'd help around ."
"Hey ." Harry smiled , then he saw the laundry basket in his hands . "You did my laundry ?" He chuckled , but just as quick his heart stopped beating and his smile vanished .
"Um . Yes ? You know I do it sometimes ." Niall chuckled nervously , watching as Harry ran up the stairs in a hurry . He followed him , finding him at the guest bedroom .
"Did you happen to take anything from here ?" Harry asked , going to the attached bathroom and throwing the door open .
"Yeah , there were clothes on the bed . Put them in the wash ."
"Fucking hell ." Harry made a run for the washing machine , heart racing in his chest as he heard it going . He kneeled in front of it and pushed the stop button , not waiting for the machine to stop as he threw the door open . He grabbed the basket from Niall and put it down in front of the machine , pushing his hand inside and pulling clothes out .
"What's going on ?" Niall asked , but Harry wasn't ready to answer that yet . He gasped when his hand made contact with a tiny body , carefully pulling Louis out of the machine and falling backwards on his arse , holding him in both his hands .
"Lou ? Wake up ." Harry tapped his cheek , frowning at the red bruise on his temple near his eye . He laid him down on the floor and pushed at his chest a few times , sighing in relief when Louis spluttered out water , coughing .
He picked him up and held him to his chest , "Holy shit , Lou , I'm so sorry . I'm so sorry ." Harry frowned , listening to the soft cries and coughs .
Niall had a shocked look on his face , but said nothing . He swallowed thickly and left the bathroom , going downstairs to the kitchen .
Louis cried against Harry's shirt , shivering from being wet and cold .
"Shh , you're okay . You're okay . I've got you ." Harry soothed him as he rubbed his back . "My friend Niall sometimes does my laundry , and he missed you when he took the clothes you were sleeping in from the guest room . I should've warned him not to go in there , or let him in when you were in the house alone . I'm so sorry ."
Louis stayed leaning on Harry's chest ; he was tired , weak , hungry and cold . He was done with the crying , yet his heart was still rabbiting in his chest .
"Let's get you in a warm bath and dry clothes , okay ?" Harry stood up with Louis against his chest , taking him to the guest bathroom . He quickly put the bowl inside of the sink and made three bottle lids with shampoo , conditioner and body soap , leaving a towel and dry clothes on the counter for Louis .
"I'll be downstairs in the kitchen to make you breakfast , okay ? I'll come up here in thirty minutes ." Harry put Louis down on the counter carefully , using his finger to wipe his damp fringe from his forehead . "I'll talk to Niall about you before you two meet ."
Louis nodded weakly , and even though he was cold , his whole body warmed up when Harry leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead , before leaving the bathroom .
"What the actual fuck happened ?" Niall asked as soon as Harry entered the kitchen .
Harry sighed , going to the fridge , "Please sit down , I'll try my best to explain ."
"Please tell me you and Li are pulling a prank on me . He hadn't said anything about a doll that looks like a fucking human being -" He was cut off by Harry's glare , moving to sit down on a stool . "Explain ."
"This isn't a prank . His name is Louis . We met at the backdoor of my bakery ." Harry said as he took one egg out , scrambling it . "I was just as shocked as you are ."
"He's almost the size of a barbie doll , Harry , what is going on ?"
"His mother does witchcraft . He was cursed into the size of seven inches tall ." Harry said , pouring the scrambled egg into a hot pan . "In the past few years there were articles about people who have the power to do witchcraft , but there were very fewer around the entire world that no one really paid it enough attention ."
Niall held his head in his hands . "So it's not a doll ? Or a prank ?"
"No , and no . He's very much real ." Harry took the scrambled egg off the pan , quickly cutting the bacon strip into smaller pieces and frying them . "He's been living here with me for the past few weeks , almost a month ."
"How old is he ?"
"Twenty one ." Harry said , then he frowned , "He'd been on the streets for four years , it's a miracle he survived . Sometimes I wish there was something I could've done sooner , but I know it wasn't possible ."
Niall nodded . "This shit is bananas , mate . And Liam doesn't know ?"
Harry shook his head , "I'm being careful with who I'm telling this to . Don't want things to go wrong ." He took the bacon off the pan and put it on the plate next to the egg . "You're going to tell him , aren't you ?"
"He is my boyfriend , Haz , I don't want to hide anything from him ." Niall said quietly .
"I know . I get it ." Harry sighed , going to take a few vegetables out of the fridge , "Could the two of you come over this evening so I can introduce him to the two of you together ?"
"Yeah , of course . What time ?"
"I'd say around seven , seven thirty ." Harry cut up the vegetables .
"Alright . We're bringing pizza , text me what topping Louis wants ." Niall said , "See you in a few hours ."
"See you ." Harry gave Niall a smile , watching him leaving the kitchen and walking out of the house .
He sighed and finished the plate with Louis' breakfast , placing it on the island counter , using a small cup he purchased online and filling it with chocolate milk . He waited for a while longer before going to fetch Louis from the bathroom .
"Lou ? Are you done ?" Harry knocked on the bathroom door , hearing Louis saying 'yes' from inside . He pushed the door open and smiled , "Made your breakfast ." He cupped his hands together , Louis sat inside his palms , feeling himself blushing when Harry held him against his chest .
They got to the kitchen , Harry put Louis down on the counter and sat himself on the stool in front of him , leaning his chin on one hand while his other hand was next to Louis , two fingertips rubbing his back .
"Feeling better ?" Harry asked , Louis took a small bite and nodded . His head hurt , in the mirror he saw a red bruise near his eye . When the washing machine started spiraling he hit his head , it wasn't hard but it hurt pretty bad .
Harry stood up from the stool and took a thin towel from the drawer , putting two ice cubes in and sitting back down , holding it to Louis' bruise while Louis kept eating .
"I'm sorry about my friend . It was Niall , he's Liam's boyfriend . They live across the street , and from time to time Niall would come over and to the laundry ." Harry explained to Louis , taking the ice off his temple . "I shouldn't have let it happen , it was careless of me . I'm sorry ."
Louis shook his head , "Don't apologize . It's me and this stupid curse , only causing trouble ."
"No . It really is my fault . I should've told him not to come in ." Harry put the ice back on his temple , "The two of them are going to come over in the evening with pizza for dinner , I'll introduce you to them ."
Louis frowned . "You're not embarrassed ?"
"Why would I be embarrassed ? Of what ?"
"Of - ... me meeting your friends ."
"No . Not at all . You're great , Lou , and I really like you . They'll like you too ." Harry gave him a smile , "Now finish eating and then we can cuddle and watch The Walking Dead ."
Louis finished eating and drank the rest of his chocolate milk , Harry took his plate , fork and cup to the sink before carrying him to the living room . He put Louis down on a couch pillow , "I'll shower quickly and join you , I doubt you'd want to cuddle when I'm stinking and covered in flour ." He said , grinning when he made Louis smile softly as he nodded , "Okay ." He took the TV remote from Harry and watched him leaving the living room .
When Harry returned , Louis was halfway through the episode , he sat down next to him and leaned back against the couch , legs propped on the table . He held his palm out for Louis , Louis shyly let Harry help him to his shoulder . He laid back against Harry's chest , head propped on his collarbone . Harry smiled and let his chin rest against Louis' head , "What did I miss ?"
In the evening , Louis was sitting on a couch pillow , biting on his nails nervously . Harry's friends , Liam and Niall , were coming over shortly and he couldn't help his nervousness .
Harry walked into the living room with four glasses , placing them on the table along with a bottle of ranch for Niall . He looked over to Louis and smiled , going to sit down next to him . "You alright ?"
"Just nervous , 's all ." Louis nodded , pulling the sleeves of his shirt over his hands . Harry poked his cheek , "Don't be , they're nice guys . I have no doubt they'll like you ."
Louis smiled a bit , "You think so ?"
"I know so ." Harry nodded , "Cheer up ." He poked him in the side , grinning when the tiny boy giggled and slapped at his finger . Luckily for Louis there was a knock on the door , so Harry stopped and went to open the door .
"Hey , come on in ." Harry smiled , moving to let the two in . He shut the door behind them and took the two pizza boxes from Liam , walking with them to the living room . He quickly put the two boxes on the table and sat next to Louis , placing one hand behind him comfortingly .
"Guys , this is Louis ." Harry told the couple , who were looking with wide eyes . "Louis , these are my two best friends . Liam , he's my co-manager at the bakery , and Niall is his boyfriend , he's a vet ."
Louis gave the two a nervous smile , cheeks red with blush . "Hi ." He waved , curling up a bit under the intense looks the two were giving him .
Niall was the first to kneel next to the couch in front of Louis , giving him a smile . "I wanted to say how sorry I am for this morning . I completely missed you when I took Harry's laundry ."
"It's alright . I'm okay now ." Louis nodded . Niall smiled and held his fist in front of Louis for a fist bump , Louis returned the gesture and bumped his fist with Niall's . Liam joined Niall in front of Louis , "Hi , nice to meet you . I - I'm sorry for staring , I'm just a bit - a bit shocked , I guess ?"
"It's okay ." Louis nodded , "I get it ."
"Were you born this size ?"
Louis shook his head , "No . My mother cursed me into this size a few years ago . She does witchcraft ."
"Oh shit . It's a really rare thing , never thought I'd meet someone involved in witchcraft ." Liam raised his eyebrows .
"I don't want to cut you guys off , but I guess I just did ." Niall held his hand up . "I'm really fucking hungry , mates , so please can we eat ?"
Harry and Liam laughed , Louis chuckled a bit . Harry brought Louis to the table as the three sat on the floor in front of the table , he put a slice on a paper plate in front of Louis , Louis thanked him quietly as he waited for the pizza to cool down a bit before eating .
Louis listened as the three talked , casually joining Louis into the conversation . It was probably the first time Louis was sat with a group of people without feeling left out , and he liked the feeling , of belonging and being able to say something and have a reply back , even getting them to chuckle at his jokes .
"You look pretty tired , H , you should go to bed ." Liam patted Harry's shoulder and stood up , collecting the paper plates into the empty pizza boxes , while Niall took the mostly empty coke bottle to the fridge .
Harry gave Liam a smile , "I know , I need to be at the bakery early tomorrow ." He nodded , yawning into his palm . Niall and Liam said goodbye to the two and left the house , Harry locked the door behind them and went to make sure the rest of the windows were locked aswell . He fetched Louis from the couch , bringing him to the guest bedroom .
"I'll go get you some new clothes to sleep in , since Niall took the ones that were here this morning ." Harry went to his bedroom and pulled a hoodie , a scarf and a beanie from his closet , returning to the guest bedroom . He made the three pieces into a nest-bed in the middle of the bed , laying next to Louis as Louis laid inside of the nest .
"Warm ? Comfy ?" Harry asked , Louis smiled and nodded , "Yeah . Thanks ."
"You're really cute , you know that ?" Harry asked , a smile on his lips . "Cute and tiny ."
Louis blushed , holding the scarf he used as a blanket up to his nose .
"Tiny . I'm going to keep calling you that . It's your new nickname ." Harry smiled and moved his fringe from his forehead , leaning in and pressing a kiss to his cheek , "Good night , Tiny ." He stood up from the bed , leaving the guest bedroom .
It's been three weeks , filled with nicknames , gentle cheek kisses and loads of cuddles . It was safe to say that Louis was officially crushing on Harry . He couldn't help himself ; Harry was being everything Louis was looking for in a person - nice , caring , non-judgemental , funny .
For the past few days , he'd been debating with himself whether to tell Harry the truth - that there was infact a way to break the curse , or not to tell him and deal with being seven inches tall for the rest of his life .
Harry admitted it to Liam first , a few days ago , that he really likes Louis . He liked being around him , liked their jokes , liked the cuddles - he just liked Louis . He knew it was only a matter of time before he would fall in love with the tiny boy .
"I say go for it , mate . Whatever makes you happy ." Liam nodded with a smile , "But - but I still think you need to find a way to break the curse before you let anything serious happen between the two of you ."
"I know ." Harry nodded , biting his lower lip , "I want to properly be able to kiss him , and hug him . I very much enjoy what we have right now , but - it's a bit inconvenient , you know ?"
"Yeah ." Liam nodded , "Talk to him , there has to be a way to break the curse . No way there isn't ."
"What are you thinking about ?" Harry asked Louis , who was watching a video on Harry'a laptop on the guest bed . Harry was laying down next to him , propped on his elbow .
"Just - something ." Louis shuffled a bit in his seat , trying to focus back on the video .
"Tell me ." Harry nudged his shoulder , Louis smiled , "It's not really important right now ."
"Tell me , please ?" Harry pouted , he nudged his shoulder again , moving his finger down to poke Louis in the side as he grinned at his reaction . Louis sighed and paused the video , turning to face Harry . "I - I lied ."
Harry furrowed his eyebrows . "About what ?"
Louis bit his lower lip , bringing his knees to his chest . "About the curse ."
"Elaborate , Tiny ."
"Th-there's a way to break it ."
Harry's jaw fell open , "I knew it . What's the way ?"
Louis shook his head , "It's impossible , though . I -"
"Lou , tell me ." Harry put his hand against the side of Louis' body .
"I - ... I need to be loved , by a man ." He said quietly , looking down . "I told you , it's impossible ."
"No it's not ." Harry shook his head .
"Please , you can't convince me that someone would want to date a seven inches tall person ." Louis chuckled humorlessly .
Harry swallowed thickly , he quickly realized he had a chance . "What if I told you I would want to date a seven inches tall person ?" He said quietly , Louis looked up at him , a frown on his face . "How ?"
"How what ?"
"How can you want to date me ? Look at me ." Louis shook his head , looking away . "Only a mad person would want such thing ."
"Guess I'm a mad person , then ." Harry whispered .
Louis looked up at him with glossy eyes , Harry moved his hand towards his cheek , holding his jaw with his thumb and index finger . "I really , really like you , Tiny ." He whispered , before leaning down and pressing a kiss to his cheek . He pulled back for barely two seconds before landing another kiss against Louis' mouth , then pulled back to look at Louis .
"I know it can be hard , but I'm very seriously falling for you ." Harry said softly , "Give us a chance ."
Louis' lower lip trembled as he nodded , Harry wiped the stray tear that fell down his cheek and picked him up , holding him to his chest in a cuddle .
Louis officially moved into the room with Harry , so they could sleep together . Harry had all the prepared things he had in the guest bedroom moved into the master bedroom , which included the makeshift ladder to get on and off the bed , the plate with cookies and water cups on the nightstand , and the ladder up to the toilet .
It was Sunday morning , which meant Harry was home to sleep in . He woke Louis up by pressing kisses on his face , shoulder and arm , grinning when he saw Louis smiling and shying away from the kisses .
"Wakey wakey , eggs for breaky ." Harry nuzzled his nose into Louis' neck , pressing a kiss there . Louis pushed his face away with his tiny hands , "Too tired ."
"You've been asleep for about nine hours already ." Harry chuckled , "I've been up for about an hour now , and I made us breakfast ." He pressed one more kiss to his cheek , Louis yawned and snuggled back into the pillow he was laying on , tightening the warm covers around himself .
"Tinyyy ." Harry rested his nose in his neck , breathing in the scent of the body soap he bought him a while ago , basking in the sweet vanilla smell . Louis put his hand on Harry's cheek , letting it rest there close to where his dimple usually is , "I'm still sleepy ."
Harry pouted , "Want you to eat something , want to kiss you some more ."
Louis blushed and playfully turned to lay with his back facing Harry , "Let me sleep for a bit longer and I'll think about it ." He bit his thumb to hold back his laughter .
Harry rested his head on the pillow next to Louis' body , leaning closer to kiss his back a few times and nuzzle his nose against him . He nipped playfully on his shoulder , Louis let out a squeak and rolled away , "Jesus , you're an animal !"
Harry knocked his teeth together as he leaned closer , pretending to bite Louis again but ending up laughing at his squeal . "You're so cute ."
Finally managing to convince Louis out of bed , Harry took him to the kitchen and they ate breakfast together , before moving to the living room to put together a jigsaw puzzle .
There was music playing from the stereo system , an album of The Fray , Louis' favourite band . Harry smiled as Louis sang along under his breath , occaisionally pecking him ; on his cheek , his temple , his shoulder , his elbow , whichever was closest and accessible .
Louis had to admit , he was very much enjoying having Harry's attetion ; the kisses made him blush , the cuddles , the way Harry would look at him . And as much as he enjoyed it , he'd rather have that when he's a normal-size person . Wanted to know what is would feel like to kiss Harry properly , be in his arms , walk down the street holding his hand . He wanted to be normal again , with Harry by his side .
Harry layed on his front with his arms crossed under his head , while Louis was walking all over his back . He was trying to give Harry a back rub , but figured his feet would do much better work than his tiny hands .
"Feels nice , Tiny ." Harry smiled .
"Doesn't look like you even feel anything ." Louis pouted to himself , Harry opened one eye to look at him from the corner of it , "I do feel it , and it's really nice . Want me to massage you too ?"
"No , I'm scared you'll break my ribs ." Louis slid off his back , Harry chuckled , "I would never ." He lifted his elbow off the bed , "Come here ."
Louis crawled under Harry's elbow , laying next to him . Harry pressed a kiss to his head , before shifting and chuckling when he felt Louis' foot rubbing against his underarm .
"Oh yay , I found a tickle spot ." Louis grinned , using two feet to make Harry laugh more . Harry brought his arm down , "You seem to forget you're in disatvantage here , don't you ?" He used two fingers to tickle Louis' sides , grinning at the squeaks and laughter .
Louis rolled about , legs kicking at Harry's hand as much as he could . Harry grinned and tickled around his sides and belly , even grabbing one of his ankles between his thumb and index finger and tickling his foot and toes .
He stopped to let Louis breathe , leaning in to kiss his shoulder , then his cheek , and lastly pecking his mouth .
"I love you ."
Louis looked up at him with wide eyes , he calmed down from the laughter and shook off the ticklish feeling , now having a surprised look on his face . "Wh-what ??"
Harry smiled and thumbed his cheek . "I love you , Tiny ." He pecked his mouth once again .
Louis opened his mouth to talk , but no words came out . Harry bit his lower lip , "I really do love you . You're just amazing , Lou . I -" Harry was cut off by his own panicked gasp , as he watched Louis' eyes rolling backwards and he passed out .
"Fuck . Fuck ." Harry grabbed Louis' head , eyes widening when Louis' entire body slowly started glowing , before it started leaking with glitter .
"What the hell . What the fuck ." Harry mumbled to himself , he sat up on his knees and looked down at Louis with worried eyes , when he finally connected the dots .
"I need to be loved , by a man ."
"Holy shit . Holy fucking shit ." Harry rushed to his closet , pulling out his clothes for Louis to wear ; he could only assume that when Louis would turn full-size he would be out of clothes . He put it down on the bed and rushed to the kitchen , fetching a water bottle , along with a few chocolate chip cookies that he and Louis baked the day before .
He put the bottle and cookies plate on the nightstand and took a blanket , throwing it over Louis' glowing body , before leaving the room .
Louis woke up aching . His body was aching , and he was chilly . He pulled the covers over himself , quickly realizing he was naked . Why naked ?
He opened his eyes and closed them almost immediately at the bright light , curling into the blanket over his naked body . He forced himself to sit up as he held his head , and it only took half a second to realize where he was and what happened .
He gasped and looked around ; yes , it was Harry's room , just - somewhat smaller now . He looked at the bed , seeing he was covering half of it . He looked back at the pillow , which used to be pretty large , now looking quite smaller than he remembered .
There were clothes neatly waiting for him on the bed , he reached for them and pulled them on . He knew these clothes ; they were Harry's . He was swimming in Harry's clothes . Tears filled his eyes , he covered his face for a few seconds before going to the mirror . He looked at himself , laughing happily ; this is real , he was back .
Suddenly there was a knock on the door . "Lou ? Are you up ? Can I come in ?"
Louis took a deep breath , cheeks painting red with blush . "Y-yes ."
Harry slowly pushed the door open , and there stood Louis , his tiny , tiny Louis , but the size of a normal human being . Still tiny , but a fully grown human being . His jaw fell open , "Oh my ..."
"I-I'm back ." Louis said quietly , looking down at his body . "You broke the curse ."
Harry closed the gap between them , holding Louis' cheeks in his hands as he pressed their lips together . Louis stood up on his tip-toes and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck ; despite being back to his size , he was still a foot and a half shorter than Harry .
Harry moved his hands to hold Louis' waist , wrapping his arms around him tightly as he deepened their kiss . Louis couldn't help the grin spreading on his lips , causing Harry to smile aswell .
"I love you , Tiny ."
"I love you , Haz ."
Hope you liked it x
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