Blind Louis ~Part 4

Enjoy x


"I'm nervous ." Louis' knee jumped as he , Harry and Jay waited to be called for his appointment . He held both their hands , Harry squeezed his hand comfortingly , "You'll be perfectly fine , we'll be with you the entire time ." He pecked his cheek .

"This is just a check up love , no needles or anything that's going to hurt . Okay ?" Jay rubbed his arm , "Then the doctor will tell us if you can or can't have the surgery ."

"I am hundred percent sure you'll be able to ." Harry leaned his chin on Louis' shoulder , "You're a fighter , you'll get through this ."

"Louis Tomlinson ?" A nurse called his name , Jay stood up , "It's us ."

"Follow me , the doctor is ready to see you ." The nurse said . Harry stood up and pulled Louis with him , "Come on love , let's go ."

Louis clung to Harry shakily on the way to the doctor , they walked into the room and were greeted by the smiling doctor , "Hello , have a seat ." She pointed to the chairs in front of her desk .

They sat down , Louis was still clutching Harry's hand in his .

"I'm doctor Evans , feel free to call me Winter ." The doctor said with a smile , "I met Harry a few months ago , and I suppose you're Louis , right ?"

Louis nodded , "Y-yeah ."

"And you're Louis' mother , Johanna ." The doctor turned to Jay , who nodded , "Please , call me Jay ."

"Harry filled me up with all the information I need , so we can get started . I'm going to ask you , Louis , a few questions , okay ? Harry and Jay , if you see he's a bit struggling to answer feel free to help him ."

The three nodded , Louis straightened up a little .

"Louis , how old are you ?" Dr. Evans clicked on her pen .

"I'm eighteen , turning nineteen in December ." Louis answered , Dr. Evans nodded and wrote it down .

"How did you lose your sight ?"

"Uh , in a car accident back when I was eleven ."

"Could you please give me more details ?"

"I was on the school bus , and a truck ran right into my side . I hit my head really hard and passed out from blood loss . When surgery was over I was informed I was hit really hard here ," Louis pointed to the top right side of his head , "And that is caused sight loss ."

"Do you have an eye dog ?"

"Yeah . His name is Olie . I sometimes use my stick too ."

"Okay ." Dr. Evans clicked the pen again and stood up , "Come sit on the bed please ."

Harry helped him walk to the bed without bumping into anything , holding his waist and lifting him up to sit on the bed .

Dr. Evans took a small flashlight from her cloke pocket , pointing it to Louis' eyes to see how his pupils react to light . She then clicked her finger and watched his eyes closely , nodding to herself .

"Okay , hop off ." She grabbed his hands , Louis jumped off and was led back to the chair .

Dr. Evans returned to her seat behind the desk , clicking the computer mouse a few times before typing something . The room was quiet except for the tapping from the keyboard , then she turned back to the three , "Congratulations , you are able to have the surgery . I scheduled it to September 19th , if this isn't a good day make sure to inform us . Any questions ?"

The three were quite busy hugging and kissing a beaming Louis , when Louis spoke up , "When do I need to be here ?"

"Come in the morning , I'd say nine , since you live quite far away . We'll get you to a room and get you prepared , the surgery will start at five p.m . It's an eight hours surgery , make sure you're all prepared . You're going to stay under watch for three days ."

"Okay . Thank you so much ." Louis grinned , Harry wiped his tears and pecked his cheek .

"You're welcome . I wish you all the best ." Dr. Evans smiled , watching as the three left .

Louis couldn't wipe the grin off his face , Harry and Jay brought him into a small group hug and praised him all over .


Louis woke up at four thirty in the morning the day of the surgery , with Harry next to him in bed . He immediately smiled , gripping onto Harry's hand while he still slept .

"Thank you so much ." Louis whispered , feeling his way around until his hands reached Harry's face , he leaned down and kissed his cheek , "I love you ."

He felt Harry's cheek stretching with a smile under his fingers , causing him to blush .

"I love you too , baby ." Harry pecked his cheek , "Let's get you to shower , yeah ?"

Louis nodded , they got out of bed and took a shower , full of kisses and giggles . They brushed their teeth , Harry left Louis to dry himself while he got them clothes .

They walked down the stairs , Jay was in the kitchen making breakfast . "Good morning ." She said with a smile .

"Great morning ." Louis smiled aswell , sitting near the table .

"Need any help ?" Harry asked Jay , Jay pointed to the eggs , "Mind scambling them ?"

Harry nodded and made some scambled eggs to them all , when Dan , Jay's husband , walked down the stairs to the kitchen .

"Morning ." He smiled , going to kiss Jay on the cheek . He made himself some coffee , "Are you excited , Louis ?"

"Yeah . And nervous ." Louis nodded .

"I'm sure everything will go just fine ." He sat in front of him at the table .

Olie stood next to Louis , his head on Louis' lap . Louis smiled and pet his head , kissing between his ears , "I'm going to be able to see you , buddy ."

Olie licked his cheek , Louis giggled and kissed his head again .

Harry and Jay finished breakfats and placed everything on the table , Jay sat next to Dan and Harry sat next to Louis .

"We're leaving at six , that's in half an hour ." Jay said , "The girls wake up at that time so we'll say goodbye and you'll see them tomorrow when you wake up ."

"Okay ." Louis nodded .


Louis hugged his sisters goodbye , he said goodbye to Olie aswell since animals aren't allowed in the hospital .

He drove with Harry in his car while Jay was in her car , Harry looked over to Louis with a smile , "Here we go ."

Louis' heart was beating loudly in his chest , he smiled widely and jumped his knees excitedly . Harry laughed softly and took his hand , kissing the back of it .


"Hi , we made a surgery appointment for Louis Tomlinson , I'm his mother ." Jay said to the reseptionist , she nodded and typed down a few things in her computer , "A nurse will be here shortly to call you , she'll lead you to Louis' temporray room until the surgery starts . She will explain everything ."

"Okay , thank you ." Jay nodded and went to sit next to Louis and Harry .

Louis was squeezing Harry's bicep nervously , Harry kissed his head , "Don't be nervous love , I'm here , your mum is here . We'll always be here ." He lifted his arm up and tucked Louis into his side .

Jay held Louis' hand , "You'll be perfectly okay , boo ."

"Louis Tomlinson ?" A nurse called , Jay stood up , "We're here ."

"Follow me , Louis' room is ready ." She said , Harry stood up with Louis clinging onto him , the nurse smiled at them , "Louis , I'm going to but the hospital's bracelet on your wrist okay ?"

Louis nodded and held his hand out for her , feeling a plastic wrapping around his wrist - not too tight .

She started walking down the hall , they got into the lift and reached the third floor . They alked down the hall until they reached a room , "Here's the room ." The nurse opened the door , the room was casual , there were hospital clothes neated on the bed , "Here's the clothes for Louis to change into , no shirt or pants under , only under garments . Dr. Evans will be here in a bit ." She gave them one last smile and left .

"Do you want me to help you change ?" Harry asked Louis quietly , Louis nodded , "P-please ."

Harry took the clothes and told Jay he'll help him , Jay nodded and walked out of the room .

Harry sat Louis on the bed and untied his shoes , when Louis spoke up , "I'm getting really nervous with every second ."

Harry looked up at him , "Everything is going to be perfectly fine , love ." He took off his shoes and socks , placing them aside . He tugged at the hem of Louis' shirt , "Arms up ."

Louis lifted his arms and let Harry pull the shirt over his head , then he helped him get into the hospital shirt .

Harry held his waist and helped him off the bed , "I'm going to take your pants off now , okay ?"

Louis nodded , Harry unbuttoned his pants and slid them off his legs , letting Louis hold onto his shoulders for support as he stepped out of them . He helped him into the hospital pants , standing back up and kissing his lips .

Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's middle and hugged him , Harry hugged him back and pressed them close together , "I'm not going anywhere , okay ?"

Louis nodded against his shoulder , "Thank you so so much , Haz ."

"You're more than welcome , love ." Harry kissed his temple , "Let's get Dr. Evans in , yeah ?"

Louis nodded , they pulled back and Harry opened the door , letting Jay and Dr. Evans in .

"Hello Louis ," She smiled , "How are you feeling ?"

"I'm okay . Quite nervous ." Louis said with a light smile , Dr. Evans nodded , "It's going to be perfectly fine , the surgery worked on people before and we're sure it'll work on you too ."

He nodded , "Okay . What do I need to do until then ?"

"Well , just before the surgery starts we'll get you infused and settled down , you have to eat atleast an hour and a half before the surgery , that means three thirty . Until then you're free , you can call me for questions with this button right here ." She pointed to the button near Louis' bed with a drawing of a phone , the three nodded and thanked her before she left .

Louis turned around and felt his way towards the bed , sitting on it with his hands on his lap .

"Are you hungry ? Thirsty ?" Jay asked , Louis bit his lower lip , "Can I get some water maybe ?"

"I'll go get you a bottle ." Harry pecked his cheek and walked out of the room .

Jay walked over to Louis and leaned her head on his shoulder , "He really loves you , you know that ?"

Louis smiled and nodded , "I love him too ."

"When he told me about the surgery , I was shocked at first . And skeptic . But he explained everything and I was actually crying happy tears , everything he's done for you is just overwhelming ." She rubbed his arm , "I'm so glad you two met , I'm glad you chose eachother . I wouldn't want anyone else for you ."

"I wouldn't want anyone else either ." Louis leaned his head on Jay's head , "I always get that fluttery feeling around him , even after almost a year together . He always surprises me with how sweet he is , how gentle and understanding and patient . He's just perfect ."

"I'm so happy for you two , you're the perfect couple ." Jay kissed his cheek , when Harry walked back inside , "Here's your water , love ."

Louis thanked him and took the bottle , uncapping it and gulping it down . 

"Mind if I join your little cuddle ?" Harry asked , lifting Louis' arm up and tucking himself into his other side . Louis smiled and squeezed Harry around his neck , "You're always welcome for cuddles ."

Harry smiled and kissed his cheek , rubbing his nose against it . Jay took her phone out and turned the camera towards them , "Smile for the picture ." (Yas Melanie)

"Where do I look ?" Louis asked , Harry guided his head , "Look down a little bit ." Louis looked to where Harry told him to and smiled , Jay took the picture , "Perfect ."


After Louis was done eating , Jay said she's going out for a little while , leaving Louis with Harry .

"Haz , cuddle me before they get me prepared ?" Louis asked , Harry smiled and nodded , "Scoot over ."

Louis scooted and turned his back to Harry so they were spooning , Harry pressed Louis' back to his chest and kissed the back of his neck , "I'm really excited for you ."

"I'm excited too ." Louis nodded , "And nervous ."

"It's going to be perfectly okay , whether it works or not - I'm going to be here , by your side ." Harry sighed into his shoulder .

Louis let out a breath , "I really hope it works . I really want to be able to see you , and my family , and Olie ."

"It will work ." Harry squeezed him lightly , "And when it works I'll take you to see so many places ."

Louis smiled , "I'd like that . We'll take Olie and Olive too , right ?"

"Of course we will . We're the Fantastic Four ." Harry said , making Louis giggle . He turned to face Harry and brought his hands up to his cheeks , pressing their lips together . Harry wrapped his arms tightly around his waist , moving to press playful kisses all over his face .

Louis giggled and squinted his eyes , "Stop it ."

"Nope ." Harry shook his head and kept kissing him all over , Louis brought his hand to Harry's side and pinched his fingers in , Harry stopped his kisses and looked at him with a smirk , "What are you trying to do ?"

"To get you to stop the way you make me stop . You always tickle me when you want something ." Louis said , blush painting his cheeks .

"Aw love , you're so cute ." Harry pecked his lips , "I'm not ticklish though ."

Louis pouted , "That's not fair ."

"No pouting , mister ." Harry tickled him for a few seconds , Louis broke into a smile and giggled , pushing Harry's hand away .


"Hello Louis ." Dr. Evans walked into the room with a smile , Louis smiled at the direction of the voice and footsteps , "Hey Dr. ."

"Please , call me Winter ." She said , "Are you ready ? We're starting in a bit ."

"Yeah . I have a question ."

"Go for it ."

"Can Harry stay in the room with me , just until I fall asleep ?"

"I don't see a problem with it ." She then turned to Harry , "You'll have to wear gloves and scrubs though for sterilization , so you can stay there ."

Harry nodded , "Okay ."

"Well , I'll start preparing you , okay ?" Dr. Evans said as she fumbled with Louis' infuse , Jay stroked his hair and kissed his forehead , "It'll all be okay , boo ."

Soon Louis was wheeled out of the room by Dr. Evans and two nurses , Harry walking by his side and holding his hand . Louis' heart was beating loudly in his chest , he was biting his lower lip nervously .

They reached the room , one of the nurses helped Harry into the scrubs and gloves , Harry quickly made his way towards Louis .

"I'm really nervous Haz ." Louis said in a shaky voice .

"Don't be love , you'll be fast asleep and won't feel a thing ." Harry said , kissing his forehead .

"Okay Louis , we're going to turn you to lie on your front , so we'll have better access to your head ." Dr. Evans said , Louis nodded as she and Harry helped Louis onto his front without the infuse and wires getting in the way . 

"We're going to make you sleep now , okay ? You won't feel a thing , you'll feel sleepy so don't fight against it ." Dr. Evans rubbed his back comfortingly , Louis nodded and Harry crouched down in front of him .

"I love you , I love you so much ." Harry kissed his hand , Louis squeezed it , "I love you too , I love you so much ."

"You're going to be perfectly okay , the surgery will work and you'll see me and we'll live happily ever after ." Harry pecked his cheek then his lips .

"Could you give me back scratches unti I fall asleep ?" Louis asked , already feeling slightly sleepy . Harry nodded , he ran his fingers up and down his back .

"I love you ." Harry pecked his cheek , he kept scratching his back until Dr. Evans spoke up , "He's asleep now , we should get started . Thank you for helping Harry , tell a nurse outside to lead you to the waiting room ." Dr. Evans patted his shoulder , Harry nodded and kissed Louis one last time before exiting the room .

He took off the scrubs and gloves , catching one of the nurses on the hallway , "Could you show me to the waiting room ?"

She nodded and told him to follow her , they exited the surgery area and walked down the hallway , until she opened the glass doors to a room , "Here it is ."

"Thank you ." He walked in , immediately catching Jay's eyes .

"How is he ?" She asked as Harry sat next to her .

"He's perfectly fine , I calmed him down before they started . He's asleep and they're starting right now ." Harry said , Jay nodded and pulled him into a hug , "Thank you so so much , Harry . This means so much for him , to be able to see again . You're the perfect one for him , you have all my blesses ."

Harry smiled and hugged her back , "You know I love him , I'd do anything for him ."


Harry and Jay were asleep on eachothers' shoulders , when they were shaken awake by Dr. Evans .

"Hey there ." She chuckled , "I'm sorry I woke you up , but we just got done with the surgery ."

They perked up , "How did it go ?" Jay asked .

"It went perfect , Louis is still asleep . Come on , I'll show you to his room ." She led the two out of the waiting room and down the hallway , they got into the lift and reached the fourth floor , "He's in recovery room , needs to be up in a few hours , five the move . The lights in the room are very dimmed , his eyes are going to be sensitive to light for the next twenty four hours ."

The two nodded , they reached the room , "I got two armchairs for you two , so you'll be comfortable to sleep in ."

"Thank you ." The two said together and walked in , Louis was laying in bed with the covers bundled around him , he has bandages on each eye , and another one on his head - where the surgery was .

"If you need me I'll most likely be in my office down the hall , if not then ask one of the nurses to call me ." Dr. Evans said and closed the door .

Harry walked over to Louis and kissed his forehead , then his cheek . Jay settled down on one of the chairs , "You should get some sleep too , we had a long day and we're going to have a long one tomorrow ."

Harry nodded and pecked Louis' cheek one more time before settling down in one of the chairs , looking at Louis' peaceful body until he fell asleep himself .


Louis woke up three hours later , he stirred awake and sighed out , feeling something soft against his eyelids , keeping his eyes shut . He felt something pressed to his head , he reached his hand up and felt a bandage .

"Harry ?" He called , "Mum ?"

He could hear someone's breathing , it was slow and relaxed . They're probably asleep .

Louis reached his hand up , feeling around until he reached the button , pressing it .

A minute later Dr. Evans walked into the room , she closed the door and approached Louis quietly , "Hello Louis ."

"Hi Dr. ." He said with a slight smile , "Is my mum here ? And Harry ?"

"Yeah , they're asleep ." She nodded , "How are you feeling ?"

"I'm okay . Still slightly sleepy ."

"Anything hurts ?"

"No , I mean , it itches a little where the bandage on my head is ."

"Yeah , we stitched you up , the bandage needs to stay on for atleast ten days ." Dr. Evans explained , "And , since it's no rush to wait until I can take the bandages off your eyes , do you prefer doing it now , or you want to wait until your mum and Harry wake up ?"

Louis thought a little . He was so eager to know if the surgery worked , but he wanted the two to sleep , they've done so much for him and they deserve to have a goodnight sleep .

"I'll wait for them to wake up , they need sleep ." Louis said , making Dr. Evans smile , "You're a sweetheart . You can go back to sleep if you want . Are you hungry ? Thirsty ?"

"I'd like some water ." Louis said , Dr. Evans nodded , "I'll be right back . Anything else you'd like ?"

"No thanks ." Louis shook his head .

"Okay ." Dr. Evans left the room , Louis sighed to himself and bit his lower lip . A few minutes later Dr. Evans was back with his water bottle , she uncapped it for him and helped him sit up , "Are you excited to see the results ?"

"I'm quite nervous ." Louis bit his lower lip , "I'm excited , of course , but I'm really nervous and scared . It's been eight years since I last saw , I can't even remember colours and images . I don't remember how my mum looks , or my sisters . They've grown a lot ever since , and I'm really looking forward to see them ."

"They're excited for you too , they love you so much ." She rubbed his arm , "Now get some sleep , yeah ? Call me when you three are awake , it's five a.m right now ."

Louis nodded and thanked her , she helped him lie down and covered him properly before exiting the room .


Harry woke up around eight a.m , he rubbed his eyes and looked around . He was in Louis' room , Jay was still asleep , and so was Louis .

He sat up and stretched his arms up , groaning at the knuckles cracking .

"Who is it ?" He heard a small voice , he looked over to Louis to see him moving a little . He shot up from his seat , "It's me , love ."

"Harry ." Louis smiled , Harry smiled at him and kissed his lips , "Hey . How are you feeling ?"

"I'm fine . Where's mum ?"

"She's asleep ."

"Oh okay . Could you help me sit up ?"

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and pulled him to sit up , moving the pillows around so he will be comfortable , "Do you want something ?"

"Water , Dr. Evans got my a bottle when I woke up before ." Louis pointed to the side , Harry reached for the bottle and handed it over to him , "Why didn't you wake us up when you woke up ?"

"Because you guys did so much for me , you needed this sleep ." Louis said and drank his water , Harry pecked his forehead , "Do you want to wait for your mum to wake up ?"

Louis nodded , Harry kissed his cheek , "Give me a cuddle ."

Louis smiled and wrapped his arms around Harry , Harry hugged him back and kissed the side of his head .

Jay woke up aswell , she yawned and smiled at the two cuddled up , "Morning ."

Louis perked up and smiled , "Morning mum ."

She got up from the armchair and walked over to them . "You feeling okay ?" She asked while moving his hair from his forehead .

"Yeah , I'm good ." Louis nodded , "Should we call Dr. Evans to take the bandages off ?"

Harry and Jay looked at eachother , then nodded . Harry reached to press the button , a minute later the door opened and Dr. Evans walked in with a smile , "Good morning ."

"Morning ." The three smiled back . 

"So , are you ready for the big reveal ?" She said excitedly , they nodded with wide smiled on their faces .

"Wait , just a few seconds !" Harry took his phone and positioned it in an angle where Louis could be seen , before going to stand back next to Jay .

Harry and Jay stood on one side of the bed , Dr. Evans on the other side as she talked to Louis . "Okay Louis , I'm going to take the bandages off , but keep your eyes closed okay ? As hard as it is , I want you to open both your eyes together ."

Louis nodded , he couldn't wipe the smile off his lips .

Dr. Evans slowly took the bandages off , Louis' eyelids fluttered a little but stayed closed . She threw the bandages to the trash and held Louis' face , "Okay , open your eyes ."

Louis' eyes fluttered opened , Harry and Jay were holding onto eachothers' hands .

Louis almost cried when he was looking straight at Dr. Evans , letting out a giggle , "Oh god ."

"Is that a yes ?" Dr. Evans asked with a smile , Louis nodded without speaking , he couldn't speak - he was too overwhelmed . He felt tears coming to his eyes , reaching up to wipe them .

"Oh no don't cry , not yet atleast . I need to check your eyes for a second and give you this med ." Dr. Evans chuckled , Louis wiped his tears , "Can't help it . Oh my god I can see ." He let out a watery laugh .

Dr. Evans took a small flashlight from her pocket , she pointed the light to Louis' eyes to check on his pupils . "Well your pupils look perfectly fine , I'm just going to give you this med and you'll be free to cry all you'd like ."

She took the small bottle from her white cloke pocket , dropping two droplets into each of Louis' eyes , "Your eyes will be sensitive to light , so make sure the window is closed . Congrats ."

Jay was the first to approach Louis , making him grin , "Mumma ." He hugged her , but pulled back to take a proper look at her . "I see you . I'm actually seeing you ." He laughed .

Jay wiped his tears , "I'm so so happy it worked , my boy ." She hugged him tightly and wiped his tears . They pulled back , "Look to your side ."

Louis looked to the other side , his heart almost bursting at the boy in front of him . God he was handsome , green eyes and musclar body .

"H-Harry ?" He asked , Harry nodded and sat on the bed next to him . "Hi love ."

Louis cupped Harry's cheeks , the feeling was familiar but the view isn't . "You're so beautiful ." Louis whispered , mostly to himself . Harry smiled at him , "Wait until you see yourself ." 

Louis leaned closer and pressed their lips together , Harry smiled and wrapped his arms around Louis .

"This can't be real ." Louis shook his head , "Oh my god Harry , you're so handsome ."

Harry chuckled , he pecked his cheek , "You're even better looking ."

"God , Harry I can see you . I'm seeing you , I see you ." Louis ran his fingers over Harry's face , Harry smiled and leaned in for another kiss .

"Do you want to see pictures of your sisters ?" Jay asked , Louis nodded eagerly . She opened the gallery in her phone , going to the album where she saved all of their pictures . She handed the phone to Louis , who was confused , "That's a phone ? The one you touch the screen ?"

Jay nodded , Louis swiped through the pictures with a bright smile on his lips , "God , they grew so much ever since . Oh my , Lottie is like a tiny woman ."

Harry opened the gallery in his phone and showed Louis a picture of him and Olie asleep together , "This is Olie and you ."

Louis' mouth gaped in awe , "Oh my god , Olie ." 

Harry showed him more pictures , Louis couldn't stop smiling , cooing at every picture .

"I can't wait until I see them in person ." Louis leaned on Harry's shoulder , Harry leaned his head on Louis' head and intertwined their fingers .


Louis was wearing his sunglasses , holding Harry's hand tightly as they walked down the hospital hall to the reception .

Jay was signing Louis out , when Dr. Evans came to say goodbye .

"Thank you so so much for this , Winter ." Louis hugged her , she smiled and hugged him back , "You're welcome , Louis . Take care , and enjoy the beauty outside ."

Harry and Jay thanked her too , Harry pressed Louis into his side , "Ready to go outside ?"

Louis nodded eagerly , they walked outside and Louis' mouth gaped . He looked around at everything , the green grass , blue sky , white clouds , people walking around , the cars - everything .

They reached Harry's car , Harry opened the passenger's door for him and let him in , going to the driver's side .

"Enjoy the ride ." Harry smiled at him as they pulled out of the parking lot .

The whole ride home , the whole three hours ride , Louis' eyes were glued to the window . He almost cried , the view was so beautiful .

They got home , Harry parked the car and turned to Louis , "Ready to meet your sisters ?"

Louis nodded eagerly , they got out of the car and Louis held onto Harry's bicep . It still felt weird not having to rely on someone to guide you around .

Before they reached the front door , Olie has already opened the door by himself and ran towards Louis , jumping on him excitedly .

"Olie !" Louis hugged him close , Olie barked excitedly , licking Louis' cheek nonstop . "I missed you so much , buddy ." He rubbed his fur and kissed between his ears . He stood up , "Come on now , I want to see my sisters ."

They walked up to the door , Louis opened it wider and stepped inside , immediately smiling at the four girls who were standing with another man .

The four attacked Louis in a hug , Louis giggled and hugged them all the best he could .

"Lou ! Can you see us ?" Daisy asked , Louis looked at her with a grin and nodded , "Yeah , I can see you ."

The twins squealed and hugged him closer , he kissed all four's heads and hugged them even closer .

"God , you grew up so much ." He laughed to himself and pulled back , looking up at the man standing there .

"Dan ?" He asked , Dan nodded , "Yeah , it's me ." He walked over and hugged Louis , patting his back , "How are you feeling ?"

"I'm really ecstatic , feels like my heart is going to burst ." (P!ATD lol) Louis said grinning .

"Well , Lottie and I made us all lunch to celebrate , let's go eat , yeah ?" 

Everyone nodded , Louis held his hand out for Harry to hold , Harry held his hand and kissed his cheek .

"Stay here for a minute , okay ? I need to ask you something ." Louis squeezed Harry's hand , Harry nodded and they waited until they were alone .

"What do you need , love ?"

"I want to come spend the night at yours tonight ." Louis spoke quietly and pressed close to Harry , "I want you to make love to me , I want to be able to see you ."

Harry nodded eagerly , "Yeah , okay . We can do that ."

Louis smiled , he stood on his tip - toes and pressed their lips together . Harry smiled aswell , wrapping his arms around Louis , "I love you ."

"I love you more ." Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck .

"Nope , I love you more ." Harry pecked his nose .


Hope you liked it x


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