Blind Louis
Enjoy x
Louis gripped his dog's , Olie's , handle as he let him lead their way home .
Louis could hear his and Olie's footsteps , when Olie stopped walking , but kept moving around a little . Louis could feel another presence near him . "Olie ? What's going on there ?" He asked , not knowing what to do .
He heard rapid footsteps from afar , and a voice , "Olive ! There you are ." The voice was raspy .
"I'm sorry my dog bothered ." The voice said , and Louis nodded , "It's okay ."
There was a silence , when the voice spoke again , "I'm Harry ."
Louis was a little confused , gripping Olie's handle tightly , "I'm Louis ." He said .
"Louis , nice meeting you ." Harry said , and Louis could hear a smile in his voice . "I'm sorry again , Olive just took a run on me ."
"Olive is your dog ?" Louis asked , then blushed from embarrassment . 'Of course it's his dog , you dumbass' He said to himself .
"Yeah , Olive is my dog . What's your dog's name ?" Harry smiled .
"Olie ." Louis answered , groping over Olie's neck until he reached his head , petting him lightly .
"Olie and Olive . Suits ." Harry chuckled , making Louis smile . 'He's a nice guy ' He thought .
"Well , Louis , I'm actually on my way to the dog park with Olive . Would you and Olie like to join us ?" Harry asked , and Louis was shocked . No one ever offered him to go anywhere , considering he was blind .
"S-Sure ." Louis answered . "But , a-are you sure ? I-I mean , i'm blind and all ..." He trailed off .
"I don't see a problem with it ." Harry said , then realized what he said , immediately apologizing .
"I'm sorry , it just came out , I didn't mean to be rude-" He was cut off by the most beautiful sound he's ever heard . Louis giggled , "It's okay . We'd like to join you ."
Harry smiled , "Well then , let's get going . Need a shoulder ?"
Louis nodded and held his hand up for Harry to take it . He guided Louis' hand to wrap around his bicep , "Wow , you're tall ." Louis laughed gripping Harry's arm .
Harry chuckled , "Well , in my eyes you're just small . But it's cute ."
Louis blushed , he's not used to comliments from strangers .
"Our dogs are really getting along ." Harry smiled , taking a turn carefully , making sure the pace isn't too quick .
"Yeah ?" Louis smiled , "That's good ."
"Mhmm ." Harry said , "And we're here . Let's take a bench ."
Louis groped around , feeling the bench and sitting on it , feeling Harry sitting next to him , knees touching .
He heard a metal click , and then Harry spoke , "I freed Olive , you can free Olie too so he can go play with Oilve . Only if you want ."
Louis smiled and turned to Olie , "Hey bud , want to go play with Olive ?" He asked , and Olie barked as a response . Louis giggled and patted his head , moving his hands down and around his collar and freed him , "Go play , buddy ."
Olie gave Louis' cheek a lick and he barked , then ran off with Olive . Louis giggled and wiped his cheek .
"You two are cute together , you have a great relationship ." Harry spoke , and Louis almost forgot he was there .
"Yeah , we've been together for quite a long time ." Louis smiled . "Ever since I turned blind he's been there , to listen to my stories and thoughts , sometimes for cuddles ." He giggled , "He's my best friend . My only friend ." The smile left his face on the last sentence , and he felt a warm hand on his knee , "Is it okay if I ask why ?" Harry asked gently , not wanting the boy to think he's rude or that he's trying to mock him .
"W-Well , people at school aren't the nicest about me being blind ." He started , hands shaking . "I get mocked and laughed at , all because I lost my sight . They like to surround me and talk loudly to make my anxiety rise up , or they trip me ." He stopped to take a deep breath , not wanting to cry in front of Harry . "This is my last year and I just want it to be over ."
"Oh , Louis . Sorry for asking . They're all assholes , I can assure you that ." Harry moved his hand to rub his back gently . "You don't deserve to be treated this way , you're so nice and gentle . You deserve a good care , you deserve to be treated like a prince ."
Louis blushed , feeling a smile tugging on his lips . Harry smiled , "I'd like to get to know you better , Louis . If that's okay with you ."
"Yeah , it's okay ." He said , a smile spreading on his lips . "You start ."
"Me ? Okay , uhm . My name is Harry Styles , i'm twenty , i'll be twenty one in February . I like boxing , movies , cooking . I live on my own . I have a mum and a step-father , older sister . That's is ."
Louis giggled . "Okay , so , My name is Louis Tomlinson , i'm seventeen , I will be eighteen on December , Christmas eve . I like listening to books , music , playing the piano . I live with my mum and her boyfriend , I have four younger sisters ."
"Four sisters ?!" Harry asked shocked , "I have one sister and I feel like I can explode ."
Louis giggled again , "Well , I guess you kind of get used to it . It's still hard though ."
Harry chuckled , "You're a tough one , living with five females in one house ." Louis laughed and covered his mouth , trying to control his giggles .
"You're cute ." Harry said quietly , and Louis blushed .
"Mum , i'm back !" Louis walked through the front door , cheeks still flushed . Harry took him home , and asked for his number , and Louis promised he'll call tonight .
"Louis ! Dear , what took you so long ?" Jay walked out of the kitchen . Louis freed Olie and took off his shoes , feeling his mum hug him .
"You're not gonna believe what happened ." Louis said , letting her lead him to the kitchen .
"Tell me ." Jay said , going to make Louis and her tea .
Louis sat on a chair , sighing . "I was walking around with Olie when a dog ran up to him , then his owner came and apologized for his dog and all , and he was really nice . He asked if I want to go to the dog park so Oile and his dog , who's name happened to be Olive , can play . So I said yes and we got to know each other . Mum , he was so sweet and nice , he complimented me alot ." He stopped for a few seconds before realizing what just happened . "Mum , I think I just made a friend ."
Since that day , Louis and Harry were having their usual night calls at the same hour , talking and laughing . They also met a lot , at the dog park and at the normal park . They would sit and talk , telling stories and laughing .
Harry kept asking Louis how's it going at school , and Louis always said 'Fine' or 'Boring' , not wanting to tell him what actually happens .
Harry parked outside Louis' school , locking the car and going to the guard . "Hi , my friend is in there , he asked me to bring it to him ." Harry said , holding up a notebook . It was empty , he was just looking for an excuse to get in . The guard scanned him , "Any weapon ?"
"No , sir ." Harry said and emptied his pockets , showing that he had only his phone , car keys and cash . The guard nodded and let him in , Harry thanked him and started looking for Louis .
A bell rang and the halls started filling with students . 'Oh great , what a perfect timing .' Harry said sarcastically in his head , thanking his genes for being so tall so he could look for the familiar head of brown-feather hair .
He was walking through the hallways , recieving confused looks fro the students , or girls who drooled over his looks .
He was about to turn in a corner , when a hand gripped his bicep , turning him around . He was met with a girl , wearing minimal clothes and tons of make up , chewing a gum loudly .
"How can I help you , sexy ?" She tried soundign seductive , but Harry pushed her off . "One , i'm looking for my friend . Two , honey , i'm gay ."
"Doesn't mean I can't get some ." She clung to him again but he pushed her off , "Doesn't mean you need to be such a whore . Leave me the fuck alone ."
He turned around and kept looking for Louis , when he heard laughs .
"Oh my god , just look at him !"
"What a loser ."
"Hey , watch this ."
Harry was looking around and saw Louis , one hand on the wall and the other gripping his stick , making his way in the hallway .
He smiled , but the smile dropped as soon as Louis tripped over someone's foot , falling to the floor harshly . People laughed , and Harry's blood boiled .
He pushed students out of his way , marching towards the guy who tripped Louis . He grabbed the collar of his shirt , lifting him up above the ground .
"What the fuck , dude ?! Put me down !" The guy struggled .
"You think this is funny ? Tripping a blind person ?!" He growled . The hallway was silent , all eyes focused on the scene .
"He desreves it ! He's a gay faggot-" The guy was cut off by Harry slamming his back into the lockers .
"I dare you to say that ever again ." Harry let go of him , letting him fall to the floor . He turned around , all eyes were on him . "What are you looking at ?!"
Everyone immediately went back to their business , Harry hurrying over to Louis .
"Louis ? It's me , Harry . Are you okay ?" Harry asked , taking Louis' hands in his bigger ones .
"Wh-What are you d-doing here ?" Louis asked , shaking a little . Harry helped him up and handed him his stick , "I was lonely and it's my day off work , I thought i'd come see you ." Harry smiled .
"Y-you shouldn't have seen this ." Louis lowered his head . "You shoudn't have h-heard it . It's okay , I understand if you leave ."
Harry wanted to ask why he should leave , but the bell rang , cutting him off . Louis tried walking to his class but Harry stopped him , "No , wait , stay with me ."
Louis stood still , waiting for Harry to talk . He honestly didn't want Harry to leave him , he liked him too much for him to leave .
"Why would I leave ?" Harry asked . The hallways were clear from students , so no one could hear their conversation .
"B-because i'm gay . And blind ." Louis looked down , wanting to disappear forever .
"So ? I'm gay too . There's nothing wrong with it , don't you dare believe a word that fucking asshole said ." Harry assured him , cupping his cheeks .
Louis felt his cheeks turn red and he nodded , "Okay . Thank you ."
"No need to thank me ." Harry said , pulling Louis into a hug . Louis buried his face in what seems like Harry's chest , Harry's hand rubbing his back .
"Want to skip this lesson ? I mean , you're already late so ..." "Yeah , okay ."
"You know , for the pasy couple weeks , i've been trying to imagine what you look like , by your voice ." Louis said , as he sat with Harry on the grass . "I tried to imagine what you look like , but I just can't ."
"I can help you . Give me your hands ." Harry said , moving to sit in front of him . Louis was confused but held his hands in front of him , Harry took his palms and guided his hands , letting Louis' fingerpads slide across his face .
"I have green eyes and dark-brown hair , um , my skin is a little pale , I have a dimple ."
"What's a dimple ?" Louis asked , furrowing his eyebrows in confusion . He felt Harry taking his hand and guiding his thumb , feeling a little sink in his skin .
"This is a dimple . it appears when I smile and sometimes when I talk ." Harry explained , smiling so Louis would feel it .
"Does it have a purpose ?" Louis asked , hands moving around his face again , trying to find an image .
"I have absolutely no idea ." Harry laughed , when Louis reached his hair .
"Your hair is really soft ." Louis smiled , brushing his hair a little more before pulling his hands out , not wanting to annoy him . "Why'd you stop ? It felt good ." Harry whined a little , pouting .
Louis smiled and blushed .
"Can I put my head on your lap so you can keep playing with my hair ?" Harry asked , and Louis felt his cheeks heating up . "Y-yeah , sure ."
He heard shuffles and then a weigh on his lap , Harry's head . He moved his hands slowly , afraid he'll meet his face and not his hair . Eventually his hand touched his cheek , moving up to his hair . Harry liked the gentle touch , he closed his eyes and sighed in pleasure , "It's nice ."
Louis bit his lip to force back a smile , but it was impossible .
"Harry ?" "Hello , Louis . What's up ?" "Uhm , my mum wants to meet you ." "Wh-What ?" "Yeah . She-She thinks i-i'm fake having a friend so she wouldn't worry ." "Oh ." "I told her i'd ask you , if it's okay with you to meet her ." "Yeah , yeah okay . I'll come over after my shift is over ." "Okay , see you then ." "Bye , Lou ." "Bye , Haz ."
Louis was tapping his foot on the floor , waiting for Harry . Jay was checking her watch , "When did you say he should be here ?"
"He said he'd be here after his shift is over , and I don't know if he walks ot drives here ." Louis said , feeling Olie put his head on his knee , in a comforting way . Louis smiled and pet his head , scratching behind his ear lightly . He moved to sit on the ground next to him , hugging him , "He'd be here soon , wouldn't he ?" He asked Olie , and Olie licked his cheek . He giggled and wiped his cheek , when there was a knock on the door .
"Mum , it's him ." Louis said quickly , jumping up and grabbing Olie , "Lead me to the door , buddy ."
Olie took him to the door , guiding Louis' hand to the handle with the tip of his nose . Louis smiled , "Thanks , buddy ."
He opened the door and was greeted with a warm voice . "Hey , Lou . Sorry i'm late ." Harry said and moved forward , hugging him . Louis smiled and hugged him back , "Hey Haz ."
Harry smiled and rubbed his back , pulling back .
"So , you're the talkable Harry Styles ." Jay smiled , "I'm Jay , Louis' mum . Nice meeting you ."
Harry flashed a dimpled smile , "Nice meeting you too , Jay ." He shook her hand , "Sorry i'm late , work has been quite rough today ."
"It's okay , dear . You guys can sit in the living room while I make us tea ." Jay said and kissed Louis' cheek , going to the kitchen .
Louis held Harry's hand and let Olie guide them to the living room . They sat on the couch , Olie sitting next to Louis , head on his lap again .
"I can already tell that you're mummy's boy ." Harry teased , laughing lightly . Louis blushed , "Yeah , we were always on good terms , especially since the accident ."
"Me and my mum actually act quite the same , she always says 'No matter where you are or how old you are , you'll always be my baby' ." Harry said , trying to copy her voice . Louis giggled , "That was the worst impression ever ."
"Heyyy , no it wasn't ." Harry whined , elbowing his gently .
Jay was back with their tea , they thanked her and she started asking Harry questions .
"Mum , you're overwhelming him with your questions ." Louis buried his face in his hands , and Harry chuckled , "It's okay , I don't mind ."
"Just so you know , i'm very protective over Louis . You'll have to gain my trust , yeah ?" Jay said , pointing a finger at Harry .
"I understand , and I can say that I am protective over him , too ." Harry smiled and put his hand on Louis' knee . Louis found his arm and cuddled into it , making Harry chuckle and Jay cooed softly .
"Well , I need the bathroom , i'll be right back ." Louis said , taking Olie and going to the bathroom .
"Hey , Jay ?" Harry turned to her , and she raised an eyebrow , signaling him to continue .
"W-Well , i've knows Louis for two months now , and maybe it's a little too soon , but , I think I like him . As like , more than a friend . He's so nice and cute and innocent , I want to be able to be there for him . So I thought i'd ask you first , if it's okay i'd be with Louis . In a relationship . I-If he wants to ." Harry said quietly , and Jay wanted to explode . she felt tears build up in her eyes .
"Do you really mean that ?" She asked , and Harry nodded . "With all of my heart . I think I might be in love with him ."
"Louis ? You have a guest ." Jay poked her head in Louis' room .
Louis was lying in bed , Olie next to him while he listened to a book . "Who is it ?" He asked .
There was silence for a few seconds , before he heard Harry talking .
"Hey , Lou . Am I interrupting your cuddle session with Olie ?" Harry smiled , chuckling . Louis giggled , "No , but you were interrupting me listening to a book ." Louis pouted , but Olie licked his cheek , making him smile .
"Well , Olie , i'm sorry but you have Louis all the time , move and let me have some time with him ." Harry said and crawled between Olie and Louis , making Louis giggle .
"I'm sorry Olie , but he's right . Gimmie a kiss before you go ." Louis opened his arms for Olie . Olie jumped on him and licked his cheek repeatedly , making him giggle . "Olie ! Okay that's enough !"
Olie jumped off the bed and left the room , Louis still giggling and wiping his face .
"You two are so cute together ." Harry smiled and pulled Louis to lie with him . "And I think you have a lovely laugh ."
Louis blushed and hid his face in the pillow under his head , "Stop making me blush all the time !"
Harry was about to say something before the door opened . "LouLou ! I need a- What ?!"
Harry turned his head , seeing a brown haired girl standing in the entrace .
"Muuuum ! There's a boy in Louis' room !" She ran away screaming , then rapid footsteps rushed to the room .
"Oh no , the nightmares are here ." Louis whined .
Two little girls burst into the room , twins . They jumped on the bed and landed next to Harry .
"I'm Phoebe !" "And I'm Daisy !"
"Hi , i'm Harry ." Harry smiled .
"Girls , please go away ." Louis sighed .
"Can we braid your hair ?" Daisy asked , playing with Harry's hair .
"Girls , please , leave them alone ." Jay took the girls and Louis thanked her . As the door closed , it was opened again , "I heard you have a male company , Boobear ." Lottie walked in .
"Lottie , go away ." Louis blushed as she mentioned his nickname .
"woah Lou , he's a good looking one ." Lottie giggled , playing with her hair .
"Lottie , he's gay . Now go away ." Louis' voice was muffled by the pillows .
"What's Boobear ?" Harry asked , an amused smile on his face .
"His nickname ." Lottie laughed and walked out , closing the door .
Louis sighed , and Harry laughed . "What happened , Boobear , are you embarrassed ?" He poked his side . Louis flinched , "Don't do that ." He giggled lightly .
"What , this ?" Harry asked , poking his side again . "Yes ! Don't do that ." Louis swatted his hand .
"Oh , is little Loubear ticklish ? Good to know ." Harry smirked , shifting closer and poking his side .
"Stop ." Louis giggled , pushing him away . "That's power abuse ."
"Really ?" Harry laughed , pulling Louis' smaller frame into his chest , fingers attacking his sides .
"No ! Harry stop !" Louis laughed and kicked , trying to push him away .
Harry stopped and let Louis catch his breath , moving Louis' hair from his face .
"Why are you was so mean ? I hate tickles ." Louis hit his chest . "Oh , you love it ." Harry chuckled , pressing a kiss to his forehead .
"No I don't , it's torture ." Louis tried tickling him back , but Harry didn't move . "I'm not ticklish ."
"Dang it ." Louis pouted . Harry laughed , "Well , I guess you'll have to be ticklish enough for the both of us ." He poked his ribs a few times , Louis pushed him away and protected his body , "Stop doing that !"
"Okay , that's enough for now ." Harry laughed .
"Hey Lou ?" "Yeah , Haz ?" "Can I ask you something ?" "Yeah sure ."
They were at a small cafe , drinking hot chocolate on a cold night .
"Do you like someone ?" Harry asked , watching Louis' cheeks heat up . "U-Uhm . yeah . I do . But he doesn't feel the same ."
"Oh . May I ask who is he ?"
"I-I can't tell you ."
"Why ?"
"Because ."
"Can I tell you something ?"
"Okay ."
They were both silent for a few seconds . Louis then felt Harry shift to sit next to him , taking his small hands in his giant ones . "I like someone ." Harry said . "I met him three months ago . He's really sweet and cute . He's like a little sunshine ."
"W-Why are you telling me this ?" Louis' heart sunk . He has had feelings for Harry for quite a while now , and hearing him talking about someone he likes makes him want to disappear .
"B-Because ... It's you ." Harry said quietly , waiting for Louis reaction . "I like you , ever since I saw you for the first time ." He confessed .
"Harry ." Louis' voice was shaking . He tightened his grip on Harry's hands with one hand , the other going up to rest on his cheek . "I-I have had those weird feelings for you , since quite a while ago . I like you , you make me smile and laugh and blush . You make me feel happy and loved . I may even be in love with you ."
"I think I am in love with you too ." Harry said quietly , leaning into Louis' hand on his cheek . He moved forward and pressed his lips to Louis' cheek softly , pulling back a little to look at his face . "Can I kiss you ?"
"I-It'll be m-my first kiss . I d-don't know how to ..." Louis trailed off , embarrassed . Harry smiled , he was so innocent and adorable .
"It's okay , it's really simple . I'll lead ." Harry said and Louis nodded .
Harry moved his head closer to Louis' , brushing their noses in an eskimo kiss , making the smaller boy giggle . Harry pressed their lips together gently , letting his lips linger . He felt Louis kissing him back , smiling against his lips .
They pulled back , "How was that for a first kiss ?" Harry asked , and Louis giggled , "It was perfect ." He blushed , grabbing Harry's shirt collar and burying his face in his neck . Harry chuckled and rubbed his back , "Good ."
"Thank you for tonight . I had a good time ." Louis smiled , hugging Harry on his doorstep .
"No problem , love ." Harry kissed his head , nuzzling into his neck . "Tomorrow is Friday , want to come over to my place for dinner ? I'll cook ."
"Yeah , i'd love to ." Louis smiled , squeezing Harry a little tighter before letting go , hands gripping his biceps .
Harry leaned down and pressed their lips together , as gentle as possible , not wanting to scare him away . Louis smiled and held his cheeks , "Goodnight ."
"Goodnight , love ." Harry pecked his cheek and opened the door for him , stealing another kiss and leaving .
Louis' cheeks were deep red , and he heard his mum , "First kiss ?"
He nodded , pressing his palms to his cheeks to she wouldn't see how red they are . She laughed softly , "I'm glad it's Harry and not someone else . He's a sweet one , asked me two weeks ago for my permission to get together with you ."
Louis blushed ever deeper , "R-Really ?"
"Yeah , really . I'm happy for you , my boy ." Jay hugged him , letting him bury his face in her shoulder . "He has a thing for making me blush like a tomato ."
"Yeah , I noticed ." She laughed , rubbing his back .
Olie came out of the living room and nudged Louis' leg for attention , Louis pulled back from their hug and grabbed his collar , "Let's go to my room and i'll tell you everything ." He smiled .
Hope you liked it x
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