Blind Harry
Summary : Harry is blind , have been for the past few years . Though it doesn't stop him from being the strong , protective boyfriend for Louis .
Enjoy x
Louis knocked on the door to Harry's house , bouncing on his feet a little . It's the first day back to school , their last schoolyear , and Louis came to Harry's house early so he could walk with him to school .
Anne opened the door and greeted Louis with a smile , "Good morning . Come in , love ." She opened the door wider and stepped aside , Louis smiled back , "Good morning . Is Harry up ?"
"Yeah , he should come downstairs any second now , though you can go up to his room if you'd like ." Anne pointed her thumb backwards towards the staircase , Louis nodded and placed his backpack neatly at the front before making his way up the stairs .
He knocked on Harry's door softly , hearing his low voice calling for him to come in . He walked in and smiled , watching Harry getting his feet into his shoes . "Good morning ."
Harry immediately smiled at hearing his voice , sitting up on his bed and holding his arms out in the direction of his voice . "Good morning , baby ."
Louis walked into his arms and wrapped his own arms around his head , cradling it into his chest . Harry pressed his nose into Louis' shirt and took in his scent , his arms wrapping around him to bring him closer . "You smell so good . Want to sniff you forever ."
"Way to be a creep ." Louis rolled his eyes playfully , smiling wider when Harry brought him even closer , "A creep , huh ? I'll show you a creep ." Harry's voice was muffled into his shirt , before he felt his teeth sinking into the side of his ribs through the shirt .
He squealed and tried pulling away , though Harry was holding him tightly . He laughed at the ticklish feeling when Harry moved down a little to his side and stomach , successfully pushing him away . "You're an animal !"
Harry laughed aswell , "I thought I was a creep ."
"I don't like you sometimes ." Louis pouted and crossed his arms over his chest , Harry held his arms out again , "Come cuddle me , I can hear you pouting ."
"Promise not to bite me ."
"I promise , now come here ."
Louis walked closer and placed himself on his lap , Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' small body and brought him closer , "Ready for school ?"
"No ."
Harry chuckled and nuzzled his nose into Louis' face , not sure where exactly on his face . "You'll be fine . We'll be fine ."
Louis nodded , "I know , because I have you ."
Harry pressed his lips to Louis' face , making him giggle , "That's my nostril , you dummy ."
"I can't see , you know ." Harry teased , before poking his tongue out and licking the tip of Louis' nose . Louis let out a squeak and his head jerked back , his hand reaching to wipe his nose , "Hazzaaaa !"
Harry laughed , "Come on up , we need to get going if we don't want to be late ."
Louis pouted and got up from his lap , fetching Harry his cane . Harry thanked him and took the cane , wrapping his hand around it as the other wrapped around Louis' waist . Louis took Harry's backpack for him as they walked out of the room and down the stairs slowly , waving goodbye to Anne before staring to make their way to the school .
Louis walked out of his fourth lesson and yawned , he definitely did not miss maths . He smiled when he saw Harry standing near the entrace waiting for him , along with Liam and Niall as the three were chatting and laughing .
He approached them and wrapped his arms around Harry from behind , his cheek pressing under his shoulder blade , since he's much shorter . He felt Harry's breath hitching before he let out a small laugh , placing his arms over Louis' , "Hello to you too ."
"Hope you didn't miss me too much ." Louis placed his chin on Harry's back as he looked up at him , Harry's chest rumbled with another chuckle , "Guilty ."
Louis smiled with blush on his cheeks , pressing his face into his spine .
"Hey Lou , thanks for ackowlendging us ." Liam teased and waved at him , Louis giggled softly and pulled back from Harry slightly , Harry turned around to face him , "Leave my Lou alone , let him have his attention all on me ." He lowered himself and wrapped his arms around Louis' waist , lifting him up in an embrace .
Louis squealed and wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders , "Harryyyy put me down !"
Harry kissed him wherever his lips landed , causing Louis to laugh and squirm in the air .
"Augh , that's disgusting ." Liam rolled his eyes , though Niall next to him was quietly recording the two on his phone , "Let them be , mate , they're in love ."
"Guys come on , it's our lunch break , we're all starving ." Liam sighed , Harry placed Louis down and kept his arm around his waist , "Bloody wanker , we were having a moment ."
Louis pinched his side for cursing , though Harry didn't even flinch , already knowing it was coming since Louis did so every time he swore .
It was the last lesson of the day , and thankfully the four friends were having it together . Louis and Harry were sitting together in the front row next to the window , Niall and Liam right behind them .
Louis was having a hard time focusing , so he pulled out a pen and started doodling in his notebook . He smiled when he felt Harry's warm hand on his knee , giving it a soft squeeze that caused Louis to jerk his leg away due to being ticklish .
Harry scrunched his nose fondly and took his hand away , letting Louis go back to his doodling .
It was fifteen minutes till the end of the lesson and Louis already filled the whole page with doodles , when the teacher called him out .
"Tomlinson , are you paying attention ?"
Louis looked up at her with wide eyes , blush coating his cheeks at the attention . "U-uhm - I - yes ."
"Doesn't look like it ." The teacher crossed her arms over her chest , "Summer break is over , pull yourself together ."
"Hey , don't talk to him like that ." Harry shot back .
"Stay out of this , Styles . It's his own responsibility , if he weren't busy daydreaming about his homosexual thoughts maybe he would pass this class ."
The whole room fell silent .
"How fucking dare you disrespect him like that !" Harry barked and stood up from his seat , the chair falling back from the force . "He is a human being , treat him like one ."
Louis wanted to react but he was frozen in his seat , barely taking in the scene as tears filled his eyes in embarrassment .
"Who are you to judge him ? Who are you to make comments like this ? How fucking dare you !" Harry raised his voice , Niall and Liam quickly got up from their seats to calm Harry down and comfort Louis .
Niall took Louis' bag for him as he helped him out of his seat , while Liam put his hands on Harry's shoulders , "Leave her , let's go to the principal . Also Louis is upset , Niall is helping him out right now ." He whispered , Harry's chest heavied but he let Liam put his backpack on his shoulder before helping him out of the classroom .
Once out of the room the four made their way to the principal's office , Harry counted to ten as he took deep breaths in before speaking . "Lou ? Baby , can you come here ?"
The four stopped walking , Louis walked over to Harry and stood in front of him . "I-I'm here ." He said in a quiet voice , making Harry frown . He brought his hands up to cup his cheeks , frowning deeper when he felt the damp skin . "No , don't cry ." He brought him closer and kissed his forehead , "She's a bitch , don't listen to her ."
"I'm s-so embarrassed ." Louis shook his head , Harry brought him closer , "If anything , she's the one who needs to be embarrassed , not you . You did nothing wrong ."
Louis pressed his face to Harry's chest , letting Harry hug him . They continued walking down the halls until they reached the office , Liam knocked on the door and stepped back .
A voice from inside called them in , Liam opened the door , "Mr. Higgins ? We'd like to speak with you about something important that just happened ."
"Of course , come in ." The principal nodded , the four walked in and took seats , though there were only two . Harry sat down on one and pulled Louis into his lap , making the small boy blush .
"What's bothering you , lads ?" The principal asked , leaning back in his chair .
"Mrs. Blake is a rude bitch ." Harry said without hesitating , causing Louis to slap his chest , "Hey ."
"We don't tolerate this language at our school ." The principal scolded before sighing , "What makes you say such thing about her ?"
Harry and Liam went through the story , by the end the principal was frowning deeply . "She was never like this , not that I remember ."
"She was , others were just afraid to tell ." Niall said , "She's quite scary ."
"I will not let anyone talk to Louis like this . It was rude , completely rude of her ." Harry said sternly , the principal nodded , "Of course , I'll take care of it ."
"Thank you ." The four said and walked out of his office , Louis tucked close under Harry's arm .
They walked out of the school gates , Liam turned to them . "Do you guys need a ride home ? I'm here with a car ."
"Actually , could you drop us off at the park ?" Harry asked , making Louis look at him questioningly . Liam nodded , "Sure ."
They got into Liam's car , a few minutes later they reached the park . Louis helped Harry out of the car as they thanked Liam , Harry put his arm around his waist , "Find us a bench to sit on , somewhere private ."
"Okay ." Louis nodded with soft blush on his cheeks , leading Harry through the park as he looked around . He finally found one bench at the very end , hidden behind trees and bushes . "Found one ." He informed Harry and led him to the bench .
Harry sat down and brought Louis into his lap , arms wrapping around his waist tightly and lips pressing to his cheek . "I love you ."
Louis leaned back into him , "I love you too . Thank you for today , I couldn't even react ."
"Let's not think about it , or we'll both get upset ." Harry said softly into his cheek , pecking it again . Louis nodded and relaxed against him , his thumb caressing the back of Harry's hand that rested on his hip .
"I can feel you frowning , Lou ." Harry squeezed him into his chest , "I'll bite you again if you're still upset ."
Louis cracked a smile , "I'm good , because you're here ."
"I wish I could see you smiling ." Harry sighed , "Though your cute little giggle is a fine gem ." He tickled up his side , Louis squealed and squirmed in his arms , giggles streaming out of his lips . He stopped and repositioned him on his lap , pecking his cheek until he reached his mouth , ataching their lips together in a long kiss .
"I love you ." Harry whispered , Louis smiled and cupped his cheek , "I love you too , so so much ."
I don't know what to think about this one . Imagined it better , but oh well .
Hope you liked it x
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