Always There For You

Summary : Harry and Louis had a fight , another stupid fight , and Harry makes Louis sleep in the guest bedroom . Harry wakes up in the middle of the night when he hears something falling , and cries of pain .

Enjoy x


Harry had been in the office all day , he was stressed and angry and any small thing could set him off . He almost lost it when the traffic wasn't moving , and when he finally reached home - it was a mess .

Louis was laying on the couch , his hands cupping his sore stomach . He was at work in the morning , but was sent home due to stomach pains that distracted him . He tried making himself lunch and tidy up the house a little , but the more he moved the more painful his stomach felt .

Harry let his things drop in the entrace , breathing heavily through his nose at the sight of Louis laying on the couch half asleep and the house a mess .

"Louis , what the fuck ? You've been home all day , why couldn't you move your ass and clean around , even a little bit ?" Harry said in frustration , Louis sighed , "Hazza -"

"Don't 'Hazza' me , you were here all day while I was in the office ,  working so fucking hard ." Harry cut him off , not sparing him a glance to see that he's in pain , "I'm going to shower and sleep , you sleep in the guest room tonight ."

Louis sighed sadly as he watched Harry disappearing into their bedroom . If I could only move myself to the guest bedroom ...

He pushed himself up from the couch , letting out a cry of pain and holding his stomach . He quickly walked into the guest bedroom and sat himself on the bed , tears of pain shining in his eyes . He heard the shower running , biting his lower lip as he lied himself under the covers and tried getting some sleep .

Harry walked out of the shower , he just wanted to sleep . It's his day off tomorrow , he can clean the house tomorrow .


Harry woke up with a jolt when he heard a wail . He sat up in bed half asleep , waiting for another sound . Suddenly there was a loud thump and a loud cry of pain . He jumped out of bed and walked into the guest bedroom , frowning deeply when he saw Louis on the floor .

"Lou , are you okay ?" He asked , but got no reply , just choked breathing and whimpering . He walked closer and kneeled , "Lou ?"

"H-Haz ." Louis cried , Harry bit his lower lip , "Did you roll out of bed ? Come on , get up ."

"I can't ." Louis whispered , Harry put his arms around him and tried lifting him up , immediately regressing when Louis wailed in pain , clutching his right side . His eyes widened , his heart stopping for a second when he realized what's happening .

"Lou , I need you to listen to me ." Harry said , "You need to get to the hospital . I'm going to carry you to the car , and it's going to cause you some pain so I'm sorry in advance ."

Louis nodded , Harry counted to three before quickly scooping him up . Louis choked on a cry , his chest heavying .

"You're going to be okay , I've got you ." Harry said as he hurried out of the room to the door , unlocking it and grabbing his car keys . He placed Louis in the car , "I'll be right back , okay ? I just need to get a few things ."

Louis nodded , Harry ran into the house and collected both his and Louis' phones , a pair of shoes for him because it's illegal to drive barefoot , their IDs and a charger .

He ran back to the car and quickly started it , pulling out of the driveway . "Hang on there Lou , you'll be okay ." He sped through the almost empty roads , reaching the local hospital ten minutes later .

He scooped Louis up in his arms apologizing when Louis cried in pain . He ran inside , "Please help me , his - his appendix is about to -"

Two nurses there pulled out a stretcher , Harry placed Louis on it gently , "You'll be okay love , it'll all be over soon ." He kissed his cheek quickly before he was taken into surgery .

He sat in the waiting room for four hours , taking the time to update their families and friends . He fell asleep for two hours before he was shaken awake . "Harry Styles , right ?"

He nodded sleepily before realization hit him , making him sit up , "Is Louis okay ?"

"Yes , surgery went well ." The nurse who woke him up nodded , "You brought him in just in time , a few minutes later couldn've made things ugly ."

Harry sighed in relief . "When can I see him ?"

"Now , if you'd like . He's still asleep though ." The nurse said , Harry nodded and followed her down a long hall to Louis' room . He walked in and pouted a little at the sight of Louis looking so small on the hospital bed , an IV in his arm .

He walked closer and leaned down to kiss his cheek , then the corner of his lips . He moved the chair closer to his bed and sat on it , his hand caressing Louis' smaller one . He fell asleep again leaning his head on his elbows on the bed , he was exhausted .

He woke up a few hours later to fingers going through his hair , he looked up and smiled when he saw Louis is awake . "Hey love . How are you feeling ?"

"Much better . A little fuzzy ." Louis said , "You ?"

"I'm good if you're good ." Harry sat up , twisting a little to release the pain in his lower spine . He dragged the chair closer and leaned in to press a long kiss to Louis' cheek , under his eye . "I'm sorry for how I acted last night , I should've seen you were in pain ."

"I should've told you that my stomach hurts . I mean at first I thought it's minor and it'll pass , and I knew you're already stressed with work so I didn't want to bother you ."

Harry cupped his cheek and kissed his lips , "You never bother me . Next time please tell me if anything is wrong . Even the smallest things , like - your back itches and you can't reach it ."

Louis giggled at his silliness and nodded , "I promise ."

"I love you , I'll always be there for you ." Harry kissed him again , Louis smiled , "I love you too ."


Hope you liked it x


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