December 24 (Louis 18 going on 19, Harry 15)

Harry knows it's his lover's birthday and knows the perfect gift.


"Lou." Louis hears Harry's voice and goes to the door. "Yes Haz?" "Today's a special day." Louis looks at him innocently. "What's that?" Harry puts his hands on his boyfriend's ribs and tickles him. "H-HAZ!" "It's your birthday!" Louis continues to laugh and Harry stops tickling him. "You're mean." Harry wraps his arms around Louis and puts his mouth near his ear and he whispers.

"I got a surprise for you tonight." Louis shivers at the words. Harry lifts his head smiling and Louis looks at him. Harry sets his hands on Louis' hips and kisses his neck. "hmm Harry..." Harry smiles at Louis' little moan and licks over the spot.

"Hmm." "You like this baby?" Louis moves his neck, giving Harry more access to his neck. Harry moves to below his ear and kisses there. "OH Harry!" Harry continues sucking on Louis' spot and licks it. Harry moves away to see his work.

Two perfect hickeys on Louis' neck. Louis looks at Harry and smiles. "What'd you get me for my birthday?" Harry smiles. "Wait and see." Harry walks away and Louis whines. Louis follows Harry. "Tell me." Harry lays on the couch and watches as Louis walks over and gets on the arm of the chair.

"Lou, What are y-" Louis flops down on Harry and lays there. "tell me!" Harry sits up, picking Louis up with him. "What time is it?" Louis looks at the clock. "It's noon." Harry leans down and whispers in Louis' ear. "Meet me in the bedroom at 10." Louis shivers and looks into his eyes. "O-ok." Harry gets up and sits Louis down and goes to the bedroom. Louis sits on the couch and watches as Harry enters the room and shuts the door.

Louis doesn't know what do to and he can't cook so he decides to hang out with the lads. After he calls them he waits. Harry comes out of the room and sees Louis still on the couch. "Hey, Lou." Louis turns his head to the voice and smiles. "Hazza!"

Harry smiles at his boyfriend. "What ya doing?" "Waiting for the lads." "It's 3." Louis looks at the clock and mentally whines. Harry admires his tiny lover and bends down. "Lou." Louis turns his head. "Y-" Harry kisses Louis and pulls away. "Yeah?" "I love you."

Even though they've been boyfriends for a while, Louis still blushes. They hear a knock and Harry opens the door. "Hey, Harry." "Hey, guys." Louis and Harry haven't told the lads that they're together. "What're you doing here?" "Hanging out with Louis." They head inside and see Louis sitting on the couch. "LOUIS!"

They all go over and hug him. "Happy Birthday!" Louis smiles and looks over at Harry and watches him go into the bedroom very quietly. "Where'd Harry go?" "He's around." They play some games and watch a movie and Niall notices the hickeys on Louis' neck left by Harry not too long ago.

"Louis, what this on your neck, it looks like a hickey." Louis covers it with his hand. "Nothing, it's nothing." "Who's the lucky girl?" "It's no one you guys should know about plus, they're mine." Harry comes back and puts his jacket on. "I'll be back." Harry goes back and locks the bedroom door and then leaves. Niall questions this but continues watching the movie. Harry comes back at 8 and carries in a box and a bag. "No one goes in the kitchen." Harry walks to the kitchen and clears the island.

He takes the cake out and sets it down and puts in candles at that says 19. He sets the table with plates, forks, and napkins. Harry looks at the clock and it's 9 and goes the couch. "Guys, come to the kitchen. They go to the kitchen and see the cake and table. Louis smiles and turns to Harry. "Happy Birthday." Louis hugs Harry and Harry subtly kisses his head. Louis pulls away from the hug and looks at the clock, 9:30.

louis smiles and everyone sings happy birthday to Louis and have cake. "Bye guys!" "Bye! Happy Birthday, Louis!" Harry shuts the door and turns to Louis. "Lou..." Louis looks at Harry and smiles.

"yeah?" "It's 10." Harry leads Louis to the bedroom and Louis sees the lights dimmed and rose petals on the bed. "You did this for me?" Harry nods and pulls Louis to the bed, laying him down and climbing on top of him. "I have a gift for you." Louis looks at him questionably. "I'm giving a very....." Harry leans down to his ear and seductively whispers.

"pleasurable gift." Louis shivers and smiles at Harry. "Haz?" "Yeah?" "When we gonna tell the lads?" "After tonight." Harry kisses Louis and he kisses back. Harry starts kissing him gently but soon get rougher. Louis likes how dominate Harry is.

Harry licks Louis' bottom lip asking for entrance. Louis playfully doesn't open his mouth and Harry takes his hands and brings them down to Louis' zipper. and unzips his jeans. Louis moans and Harry sticks his tongue in. Louis and Harry's tongues fight for dominance and Harry wins. Harry pulls away and sees the rise and fall of Louis' chest. "Out of breath already?" Louis nods. "What are we gonna go when you're moaning and can't breathe?"

Louis looks at Harry and then down and sees his zipper down. "H-Haz?" "yeah?" D-did you unzip my pants?" "Yes." Harry leans down and grips the bottom of Louis' shirt and pulls it up and over his head. "I Love you so much, Lou." Harry goes down and kisses Louis' tummy, up with his chest and then his neck. "Did they ask about these?" Louis nods.

Harry starts kissing his neck hard all over and then licks each spot. When Harry pulls away admiring his work, hickeys all over Louis' neck a few across his chest. Harry takes his shirt off and Louis looks at him. "How far we going?" "All the way." Harry kisses Louis and his hands wander to Louis's jeans and he slides his hands in.

Louis pulls away and looks at Harry's hands, he sees them in his pants. "Haz?" "Yeah?" "Your hands are in my pants." "And?" "What are they doing in there?" Harry looks down and his hands begin pulling Louis' jeans down.

After Harry was his jeans off, all he's in now is his navy blue boxers. "Haz, where's my gift?" Harry gets off the bed and takes his pants off then climbs back on Louis. "This is your gift baby." Louis realizes what his gift is and blushes. "I-is it t-to h-have s-s--" Harry shakes his head. "No Lou, not sex, I'm gonna make love to you."

Louis smiles knowing that this is Harry's gift and that he doesn't just want pleasure. "Ready?" Louis nods. "Can I take these off?" Louis slightly blushes and nods. "Don't go shy on me, now I'm all alone." Harry lays on Louis but holds his weight up and sets his head on Louis' tummy. "Haz, take them off..."

Harry picks himself up. "Did you hear that?" "What?" "your voice." Louis smiles. Harry puts his hands in Louis' boxers and pulls them down. Louis covers his eyes, he knows he shouldn't be embarrassed because it's his boyfriend but he can't help but feel exposed, literally. "Don't cover your eyes, I need to see your blue eyes."

Louis uncovers his eyes and sees Harry not looking at his exposed area but his eyes. "I won't look if you don't want me to." "I-it's f-fine, you c-can look." Harry backs away and takes off his boxers then kneels on the bed. Harry leans over and opens a drawer. Louis watches as he pulls out a bottle of lube and opens it. "Ready Lou?" Louis nods shyly and Harry squirts some on his index finger and pushes Louis legs up. "Keep them just like that baby."

Louis keeps his legs bent and Harry moves closer and with his thumb traces the rim of Louis' hole. Louis lowers his hips but Harry stops him. "Be patient baby." Louis whines and he feels the cold wetness of the lube enter him. "Hmm."

Harry pumps his finger in and out. "You like this?" Louis moans at the question. "Hmmm, Yeah H-Hazza!" Harry pulls out and puts two fingers in, he curls them and scissors him. Harry pulls out and wipes his fingers on the sheets. He grabs the lube and squirts some in his hand and rubs it all over himself. "Ready?"

Louis nods and Harry lines up with his entrance and he pushes in, he feels how tight Louis is. "Relax, I won't hurt you on purpose, but this will hurt." Louis relaxes a bit but is still pretty tight. Harry pushes in and Louis feels like he's being ripped in two. Louis shifts uncontrollably and grips the sheets. "HAZ! It hurts really bad." "It'll get better, trust me." After a while of not moving Louis starts feeling pleasure and bucks his hip and that signals Harry to in and out.

Louis grips the sheets harder and wraps his legs around Harry's waist pulling him closer. "F-FASTER HAZ!" Harry goes faster and puts his hands on Louis' area and pumps him with each thrust. Louis feels the bundle of nerves loosening, "H-Haz, I-I'm c-close!" Harry thrusts one more time and Louis' spills out all over their tummies. Louis is a panting mess. Harry thrusts a few more times and he spills out into Louis.

Harry pulls out and Louis gives a slight wince. "Sorry love." Harry goes to their bathroom and gets a wet cloth and wipes Louis clean them wipes himself clean. "Ready to sleep?" Louis nods and they get under the covers. "T-that was the b-best present e-ever." Harry smiles and kisses Louis. "Get some sleep." Louis closes his eyes and lays his head on Harry's chest. 

"Hazza?" "Yeah?" "Thanks for the best gift." "It was nothing really." "Nothing?, You made love to me."

~ Morning

"Hey, Guys." "Why'd we have to be here at 10?" "We wanted to tell you guys something." "Yeah, we know, you guys are dating." "H-How?!" "Please, you and Harry are inseparable" "Plus, No girl would give you those hickeys, they line up with Harry's teeth and mouth." Louis smiles and leaned into Harry. "Hazza?" "Yeah?" "Should we tell them about my gift." "The first or second?"  "I only got one." "I had to wait." Harry reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring. "Will you, Louis Tomlinson, marry me?" Louis looks at Harry and smiles. "Of course you dork." Louis kisses Harry and Harry slips the ring on his finger. "Oh Harry, this is the best gift, after the first one."

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