Model Status

Source: me lol
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2496
Summary: where Louis despises runway model Harry Styles, that is until he meets him.


Louis pulls the hoodie over his head, giving it to the girl holding the other clothes. She takes it from him and helps him into the other jumper, zipping it up for him much to his pleads of being able to do it himself. He goes back behind the camera, posing in front of the white wall with the adidas printed all over it. He fixes up the way his jumper fits on him while someone comes forward and touches up the slight makeup on his face, emphasizing his jawline and cheekbones, and gelling up his hair back to perfection. It's his last shoot of the day, and he's kind of happy that he's finally done considering he had been up since six in the morning for this shoot. It's for the newest line of clothing for adidas.

Louis is the headline model for the well known sporting company, Adidas. For a while, because of his English decent and accent, he had pronounced it wrong. He was lucky once his American friend told him that it wasn't "adi-das" but instead it was "uh-dee-dis". Though Louis just rolled his eyes anyway.

He also works for TopMan. He specializes in more mainstream name brands like that. He didn't want to get into the runway type of modeling, especially for those fancy brands of clothing. He somehow despises those models, insisting that they think they are always better than anyone they met. He always thinks they are rude and selfish, from watching them. His experience? Pictures and videos of them walking down the runway, that's it. He has never run into one, or had a good or bad experience or conversation with them, he just doesn't like how they walk down that shiny little runway with such ease and look so "perfect" while wearing weird ugly clothing. He's fine with his comfy Adidas clothes.

Louis gets the rest of his shots for that line of clothing before being done. He sighs with a lazy smile, and thanks everyone at the shoot before going off to his small dressing room. Not that he's used to having big ones. He has always had normal sized ones, he likes it, and would go crazy if he was invited to have a large one.

Louis changes out of the jumper, shorts, and sneakers, and changes into his black skinnies and his own jumper. He pulls on his vans, and washes off any makeup left on his face. he looks around the room blindly for a minute, searching for his backpack, not seeing it hanging on the back of the door for another minute. He chuckles to himself and reaches on his tip toes to pull it down. The one thing that Adidas and TopMan do for him is make him appear not as short.

Louis walks out of his dressing room with a small skip in his step, and gives a last thank you to the photographer, his manager, and the designer of the clothes he dressed in. One girl runs up to him, one that was working on the set, with a bag of clothes. Louis takes the Adidas labeled bag from her with a smile, "Thank you, love," he nods, and turns to walk off.


Louis walks around his flat with his phone pressed to his ear, a worried look on his face. He is stressed, beyond stressed, considering he has just been scheduled to have a runway event on the same day as his best mates birthday. "No, Niall, I can't. That wouldn't be fair, I want to be there with you, you're my best mate!" he exclaims.

"Lou- Louis, stop. It's perfectly fine. This runway is with big people, Louis, what if they want to work with you?" he asks.

Louis snorts, "I don't want to get involved with runway people."

"Of course, because 'runway people are snobby and annoying' I forgot," Louis can practically hear him rolling his eyes through the phone.

"Can't I just take you with me?" he whines, then gasps, "yes! Niall you can come with me!" he exclaims, "please? Niall please please please!"

"Yes!" Niall cheers, "I've always wanted to go to one with you you famous little twit!" he laughs.

Louis is grinning, "Okay, so we have to get there at five, so you have to be at my place at three. Then when we come back we'll probably get a pint-"

"And watch the game! There's a derby game earlier tomorrow and we can watch that while we have a pint," Niall's grinning as well back at his place, "okay, this works! I'll most likely be with Jules before that and then I'll meet you here. Okay."

"Good," Louis nods, "alright, see you tomorrow then," he smiles, and waits for Niall to respond before hanging up.

"God, I'm tired," Louis groans to himself, collapsing onto his bed. He lets himself drift off for an hour, until suddenly his phone is ringing and startles him and he rolls off the edge of the bed, barely catching himself as his bum hits the floor.

He answers his phone, "Hello?" he asks.

It's his sister Lottie, "Turn on channel four," she chuckles and hangs up.

Louis shakes his head, but goes out into his living room and switches the telly on. He changes the channel to the requested one from his sibling, and sits on the arm of the couch. He instantly regrets it when seeing one of those dumb celebrity news shows.

"Theres quite the difference between the two. You either want expensive or athletic. While a lot of people have said they like Louis better a lot more have said they like Harry, maybe it's because of his money and expensive things? Look out for these girls, boys, they've got such the crush on you two models-" Louis turns the television off, huffing in annoyance. He slumps and falls back onto the couch, crossing his arms stubbornly.

"Utter bullshit," he spits. Not only has Louis always hated runway models, he's always despised a certain one in general.

Harry Styles. The tall boy with the annoying long curly hair, and pigeon toed feet. With his smize and smirk and walk on the runway and his modeling in general with the stupid fancy clothes that Louis disgustingly hates. The amount of snob he probably has drives him nuts, and the rudeness and poshness that he most likely has drives him insane.

"Stupid fucking Harry Styles," he grumbles, picking up his phone from the side table. He goes onto twitter, and goes into his mentions. Things about him, Harry, him and Harry litter his DM's and mentions and he wants to delete every single thing.

@Louis_Tomlinson Utter bullshit these celebrity news people talk about

He can't help but tweet it out, and crosses his arms as soon as he does.


Niall bounds through the door, a smile on his face as he walks into Louis' flat.

Louis can hear him come in, and wonders why he gave his best friend a key to his place anyway. But then he knows that it was because Niall is his best friend and has always been there for him, especially during the hard times of getting into the modeling business.

"I'm here!" Niall cheers.

Louis grins, "It's the birthday boy!" he laughs, pulling the blonde into a hug, "happy birthday blondie!"

Niall chuckles, "Thanks, mate. Sorry, I'm a bit late. I was with Jules and-"

"Niall, don't. It's fine. I'm really just happy that I get to spend time with you today," he smiles. He claps his hands together, "alright. I have clothes for you," he says, gesturing for Niall to follow him.

He practically slipped into his room in excitement, looking at the two pairs of clothing set out.


"This is so cool, I can meet all of your cool model friends!" Niall grins, fixing his blazer. Louis rolls his eyes with a smile, and then chuckles.

"They're not any cooler than you, and plus, just because some of them work in the modeling business, doesn't mean they're my 'model friends'. They're just friends in general," he points out, turning at the light and keeps going.

They're in the city for the show, and while Niall is excited for the show, Louis is itching with nerves. He enjoys watching shows sometimes, it's just the people in the shows that he doesn't like, for reasons that have been covered already.

Niall points to something outside, and when Louis see's the YSL store with Harry's face on it he scoffs. "He's going to be modeling tonight," Niall informs, and yeah, Niall's been sucked into the modeling world and fashion world ever since Louis started his career as a model and trying to work up to where he is now. He doesn't mind, though, as his knowledge about it often helps him out with Louis' type of crowd from work.

The two boys get to the building holding the event, and Louis' car gets escorted by a valet. Louis doesn't like that, being so lazy that you need someone else to park your car so you don't have to walk. He thinks it's another thing added to his utter bullshit list.

1. Fancy runway models
2. Snobby models that think they're better than everyone
3. Harry Styles
4. Annoying models for expensive stores
5. Valet
6. Celebrity news shows
7. Paps
8. Harry Styles

Louis does not fall on the right side of Harry Styles.

"Don't try modeling in front of the cameras. Just stay by my side and pretend they're not there. Add in a smirk or a small smile here and there," Louis informs his friend, walking up to a tall man. He turned towards the two, and grinned.

"Louis Tomlinson! Glad you could make it! Nice to see some old familiar faces here," he chuckles, shaking Louis' hand with a hug after.

"Good to see you too, Mike. This is my friend, Niall. Decided it would be a good birthday present this year to bring him along," he smiles.

Mike raises his eyebrows, shaking Niall's hand. "Nice, how old, mate?"

"Twenty-two," he pursed his lips.

"Nice, well, happy birthday to you, and have a good evening boys, Tomlinson, we've got to catch up sometime soon," he calls out to him before sauntering off to others. Mike had worked with Louis with TopMan before moving onto Louis Vuitton. He wasn't a model, more of a manager type person. Someone who managed who did what shoot for the lines.

"That's Taylor Swift," Niall mutters in Louis' ear, eyes wide. He's just noticing now that it isn't all model people, and that celebrities often go to fashion shows as well. "And Kendal Jenner," he raises his eyebrows.

Louis chuckles with a grin, "I think Liam should be here-"

"Payne?" Niall gasped, "you know Liam Payne? Photographer Liam Payne?!"

Louis chuckles. There's always a reason he doesn't share his job life with his regular life. He doesn't mix his "celebrity friends" with his "regular friends" and this was part of the reason why.

"Yeah, we might have to go see him after though, we came a bit late anyways," he says, gesturing for Niall to follow him to find their seats.

After a while, meaning two hours, the show is over, and the models are just starting to come out in their regular clothing. People greet them and congratulate them on how well they did, and Louis barely notices Niall talking to him until he nudges his elbow.

"What?" he asks.

"Harry Styles, nine o'clock," he warns, taking a sip of his drink.

Louis' eyes widen, and he contemplates on running off or not, but then Mr. Styles is joining them with a big smile on his face, and Louis can't help but be nice to the boy.

"Louis Tomlinson," Harry grins, "nice to meet you, I'm Harry Styles," he smiles, and Louis wants to smack himself for liking the boys genuine smile.

"I've heard a lot about you," Harry chuckles at the comment holding his arm with a blush.

"Well I've seen a lot of you," he says, covering his mouth right after. He giggles, "im sorry, that sounded a lot better in my head," he smiles, looking down.

"It's fine. I see your face around a lot too," Louis says right back.

Harry tilts his head, pursing his lips to hide a smile. He looks down at his feet. "Uh, this might sound weird, but I really love your shoots. The shoots you take. They're breathtaking," he shakes his head, "you also have really pretty eyelashes. I love them," he compliments.

Louis is blinded by now. He never thought that this runway model he always hated would be so pretty. "You're wonderful," he breathes out, not aware of Niall going off to talk to Liam Payne. "I-I mean, I'm sorry. I always saw runway models for really expensive things and the look on their faces make it seem like they're annoying and snobby but you're just really cute and annoyingly adorable with your dimples," he gushes out.

Harry smiles, "That's something I've never heard before, but i'll take it it."

Louis blushes, "I like your curls."

"I like your eyes," Harry giggles.

"Is this a game?" Louis grins.

"I think so," Harry shrugs with a nod.

"Okay, then I like your voice, and your face."

"I like you."

"I like you too," Louis blurts right back, mentally crossing out the X on Harry's name and replacing it with a heart, because he has never met someone so nice and genuine and cute. Especially not a celebrity model that is really cute and likes him a lot. And yeah, that's kinda love at first sight and neither of them can help but swoon over each other. Harry giggling and kissing Louis' cheek and calling him cute names and complimenting him, and Louis grinning shyly, and getting the phone number from the younger boy. And when Harry asks to take Louis out on a real date, he just beams at him and nods since Louis is just so blown away by his new crush to be able to form words. It doesn't even matter if they kiss by the end of the night when Niall goes home with Liam and Harry takes Louis home, because they plan on seeing each other the next day and probably the next and the next and every single day because they never thought that they would like the other that much until they saw each other.

"You're so pretty," Harry coos.

"You just changed my model status from single to taken by curly haired boys with green eyes," Louis just smiles, hugging the boy and cursing himself for ever saying he hates the curly haired boy in front of him.

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