Little Helper - xmas

these ages go by how old Harry is. Louis is two years older.


Harry hides behind the corner, his little hands over his mouth. He's crouching down, back against the wall and knee's pulled up to his chest. He's counting down the seconds, because he knows that the thud he had heard up in bed just had to be Santa Clause. It had to be.

He stands up slowly, keeping quiet. He can't hear anyone, so he makes a silent dash into the hallway. Except he isn't the only one with the idea of being fast, because then he's bumping heads with someone else, and falling onto the floor. The four year old sits up, his hands on his head. Tears spring quickly to his eyes, and he doesn't even question the fact that there is another little boy sitting across from him.

"No, no no no no don't cry!" the boy coo's, scurrying forward and pulling Harry up. He rubs his hand over where their heads collided, and winces. "I'm sorry! Please don't get your mum!" he pleads.

Harry has a pout on his face. He doesn't want to say anything, seeing as he doesn't know the boy. He tries to calm down, and takes deep breaths when the boy tells him to.

"I'm an elf. Santa's elf. I've been assigned to your family. I-I'm Louis. I'm six, and I came here last Christmas too!" he smiles. It doesn't last long when seeing Harry's monotonous expression. "I want to be your friend," he sighs, "you're like the same age as me, and you're cool," he shrugs. It makes Harry smile, which relieves him.

"You're an elf?" Harry asks.

Louis grins.

And the next morning when Harry tells his mum that he saw an elf named Louis at midnight, she frowns for a moment before smiling and nodding.


Harry knows when Louis gets to the his house from the jingling of his shoes. He wants to run out into the hall and meet him downstairs, but he's been told before that if he does that Louis will get in trouble. Santa has told him and the others not to interact with the people of their household.

The door swings open. That's when Harry sits up, a grin on his face. "Louis!"

The elf rushes and jumps onto Harry's bed, tackling the boy in the process, "I missed you," Louis sighs. Harry hugs him tight, then let's him go so that he can sit up. The slight light from the street lamp outside his window comes through and shines against the side of Louis' face. It intensifies his eyes in the dark light, and makes the dips and curves of his face prominent. He's fifteen now, and looks older than he had the year before. Much older than all of the boys in Harry's year, even though he's only thirteen and most of his friends haven't hit puberty yet. Harry still has such a baby face. And he doesn't know why all of these things are more noticeable now, but it makes him smiley and hot in the face.

"You look older," he mumbles.

Louis doesn't respond at first, only licks his lips. Then touches Harry's cheek lightly. "You look young," Louis says back, and when Harry giggles he snorts, "that's not what I meant. You just... you're still soft and not all hard edges and tough looking like older guys look," he starts getting a little off track, "but then again you're thirteen, n-"

"Hey, I'm turning fourteen in less than two months," Harry interrupts, "plus, I didn't mean it in a bad way that you look older. You still look attractive," he points out, then realizes what he said, "I-I mean, n-not in, uh, I just..." he cringes at himself.

Louis' expression doesn't change. He just sits across from Harry silently, then suddenly leans forward that one foot and presses his lips to Harry's.

Harry freaks out a bit, and pushes Louis' face away. Louis looks at him upset. "I-I'm sorry," he cowers. He even goes to get off of the bed thinking that he ruined something between him and Harry, but Harry grabs his arm and pulls him back on the bed.

"Wait. Uhm," he doesn't know what he wants to do or say and struggles for a moment. "I... can you do that again?" his voice is small and vulnerable, but it only makes Louis smile, "I think I looked at a guy in year nine kind of how my friends look at girls, and he called me gay. I-I don't know if... but I just want to know," Louis frowns. He can tell that Harry is scared of something. Most likely of being gay. It makes Louis sad.

He scoots closer to Harry on the bed, and gently cups his face. He kisses Harry again, this time an actual kiss instead of an awkward peck. Harry squeezes his eyes shut, and goes along with all of Louis' movements. He doesn't know how to kiss people. He's never done it before, and his mum says that he's too young, but Louis is doing this thing with his chin, tilting his head a bit, that makes Harry want to keep going.

Harry breathes through his nose, relaxing. His hands are on Louis' arms, and he moves his lips in mimic of how Louis is moving his own. He can feel his own heart beating fast and loud inside his chest.

Louis pulls away, and when he does Harry only leans for him before pulling himself back in realization that they're done. "Was that okay?" Louis asks quietly.

Harry's neck heats up, but he nods, "Yeah, that was very okay," he says.

Louis grins, "Good," he chuckles. Though then he checks the time, and frowns. "I have to go," he tells him, "I left the letter paper for you in your stocking. You know how to use it," he stands, Harry following suit, and heads for the door.

Harry tugs him close, hugging him so tight. He doesn't want Louis to leave. He never does or has, but he doesn't have a choice either.

Louis sighs, his nose tucked into Harry's curls, "Love you, okay? I'll write and see you next year."

Harry nods, "I know. Love you too," he lets Louis pull away from him. Louis takes a chance and kisses him again, a bit more than before, sucking on Harry's lip just a bit. Harry doesn't know what he does, but he can't say he doesn't like it, and just lets Louis kiss the hell out of him, as much as he can at least with both of their inexperience. And when Louis eventually leaves it leaves Harry speechless and stuck in place. Then he stays up most of the night afterwards, stressing to figure out how the fuck to tell his mum that he likes boys instead of girls.


It isn't until February, until after his birthday, that he tells his mum. He's had more than enough time to figure out what exactly he likes and dislikes and even make a plan on how to tell her. Of course when it actually comes to it he forgets everything he was going to say, but at least he gets to a point where there's no turning back.

"Mum, can I talk to you?" he asks her quietly. It's night time. She's laying in bed, watching television with her side light on.

She looks up, "Of course, what's wrong?" she notices the tense look on his face.

Harry steps further into the room, but doesn't come past her bed. He tries looking nonchalant, but doesn't quite succeed. "Nothing's wrong. Just wanted to talk about... friends," Anne furrows her eyebrows at that.

"Okay. What's up with your friends? What're they all doing?" she asks.

Harry takes a few more steps forward, and sits on the end of the bed, "They're all doing, you know... stuff. Sports. Dating. Speaking of. They're all dating. Girls. Who they like," he looks at the wall behind his mum, "I-I'm not too fond of them," he shrugs.

Anne doesn't get where any of this is going, "You don't like their girlfriends?"

Harry shrugs, his mouth fishing open and closed, "I... you know. Girls in general," he says as if it's no big deal, and as if he doesn't mean it like he's gay, which doesn't help since he's trying to prove that he is gay.

Anne notices however. She's not sure, but goes for it anyway. "You don't like girls?" Harry shrugs. She wants to sigh but refrains. "Harry, just tell me what's going on."

Harry squeezes his eyes shut, scrunching his nose, "I... I like guys," he says quietly.

Anne furrows her eyebrows, "What does... Harry wha-"

Harry sighs, "Oh my god, I'm gay Mum!" he exclaims. He catches his mum by surprise, as she sits there in silence. Harry's eyes widen, and he stands. "I-I, uh," he stumbles backwards, "d-don't."

Anne springs up from her bed once realizing why Harry is freaking out. That he thinks she isn't going to be accepting of him. She rushes to him and engulfs him in a hug. "God, Harry, don't freak out please baby. It's perfectly fine," she rubs his back. He stands still in her embrace.


Harry's waiting for Louis when he arrives. Louis, who isn't expecting him to be at the top of the stairs, runs right into him. He snorts, covering his mouth to conceal laughter, and grabs Harry by the shoulders.

The outfit that he's so used to seeing him in, is gone, and a new one replaces it. "I like this one better," Louis beams at Harry when seeing him.

Harry looks him up and down, a sly smile on his face. He's not going to say so, but Louis looks hot, and if his shirt didn't cover his bum than he wouldn't be able to take his eyes off. "It's tighter," he mumbles, smirking.

Louis' cheeks cover over in a slight blush, "Yes, it is. You change uniforms when you turn ten, sixteen, twenty, and so on. We make them ourselves, so we design our own, too," he tells me, "thought it'd be better to cover both area's, for your sake," that comes out as a low whisper, as if it's a secret.

Harry bites his lip for a second, "That was a good idea," Louis smiles hard at that.

Harry has gotten comfortable with his sexuality and being with Louis ever since the two years that they first kissed. He's only come out to his family, none of his friends yet. However he's been planning to come out to his best friend Zayn after Christmas.

Louis pulls Harry's head down to kiss him, pressing his body close. Harry wraps his arms around Louis' waist, his fingers gripping onto the material of his shirt. Then they travel underneath, resting on the dimples of his back. The heat of his body sends tingles through Harry, and god, he's scared. Because he loves Louis. He really does, and yet every year he's only sent back to the North Pole.

"Louis," he breathes, pulling away. Both boys are breathing slightly heavy. "We... I," he sighs, "what does all of this mean?" he asks, "because I love you, and I know you love me. But I'm falling in love with you. And not being able to touch you like this for a whole year sucks," he squeezes Louis' waist.

Louis looks down, "An elf's duty is done when their child either stops believing, or accepts that they don't need anything but love for the holiday. You can't control it, though. It's different for everyone, so don't feel bad if it takes longer," he looks straight into Harry's eyes.

Harry purses his lips, "Okay," he murmurs before pulling the elf in for a hug, and holds him tight. He tucks his head against Louis' and lets out a breath. "Is it bad that I like that you're short?" he asks.

Louis shrugs in the hug, "I mean, I am an elf. Not like I'm supposed to be tall."

Harry rolls his eyes, pulling away. Louis wears a smile, however, and just pulls him down forcefully for another kiss.


Louis runs up to Harry's room, the little bells on his heels jingling constantly with each step. He swings the door open, and see's Harry standing awake already, pacing back and forth. He smiles when the tall boy turns around and sighs. Harry pulls him in, his arms holding him close and lifting the small elf boy up. He's only five feet and four inches, compared to Harry's five foot eleven frame, and Harry's still growing.

"I missed you last year. Haven't seen you in two years apart from pictures and letters," Harry says to him, pressing their lips together. He kisses him like his life depends on it, full of slow moving lips and tongue and open mouthed kisses.

Louis pulls away only a tad, his forehead against Harry's. His eyes are closed and he's smiling as he cups Harry's face with his dainty hands. "Fell too ill last Christmas to come along. Felt horrible about it though... I missed you too much," Louis tells him. He drags his thumb across Harry's cheek, his head cocked. He wipes away a tear that threatens to fall from Harry's eye, and sighs before before kissing the boy. Harry sighs into the kiss, and kisses him back in such a way that makes the tips of Louis' fingers tingle with love and safety.

Harry turns, moving forward and laying Louis down onto his bed. He hovers over him, nibbling on his lip and pushing his tongue through his lips. Louis pulls Harry down more, gripping the collar of his tshirt.

"Love you," Harry says. He lets his hands roam the small boys body -those fucking red tights- and Louis tilts his head back, his eyes shut tight as the younger boy goes to work on sucking hickey's onto his neck.

"Love you too," Louis breathes, bringing Harry's head up to kiss him again. He finds the strength to flip them over, so that now he's sitting on Harry's hips. They're kissing slowly and sloppily, taking in the whole moment together.

"I don't want you to leave. I can't do this anymore," Harry mumbles as he pulls away. He thumbs at Louis' cheek, caressing the skin.

The elf pouts, "I don't wanna leave you. Been away too long. I can't put up with this and I don't know what to do," he says, biting his lip, "can't leave you this time."

Harry nods and sits up, his hands settling onto Louis' bum to prevent him falling off of his lap. "Is that allowed? For you to stay with me?" he asks.

But no one knows. No one but the big guy himself. So, Louis shrugs, getting up and pulling Harry along by the hand as well. "We're going to go ask. Right now," he states, and before Harry can protest or even say anything about it he's calling out. "Santa?" he calls into the living room where the tree is located.

Harry stops short when seeing the man in red turning around. He gapes a bit, but Louis jokingly shuts his mouth with a fond smile.

"Uhm, over the years Harry and I-"

"You're free, Louis. I'm surprised you haven't taken notice of Harry's love for you. It's evident that all he ever wants for Christmas is you. I know more than you do about your relationship," the man chuckles, looking at the two, "it's love, and love is truly a gift itself. What makes up Christmas," the man has a deep yet welcoming voice, and Harry squeezes Louis' hand with a grin.

"I-I can stay with Harry then?! Like forever and not just Christmas?!" Louis asks frantically.

"Yes," the man with the beard nods, "I will send your stuff here. Just make sure to be down here to see me next year when I get to this house. I want to see how you're doing. I've had you for a long time," he says with his eyebrows raised, showing seriousness.

"Of course," Louis nods.

Harry joins in, "And if he forgets I'll make sure of it!"

Santa gives the two a warm smile hands Louis a small bottle. Louis frowns, "What's this?"

The man gestures to it, "Harry's mother isn't going to believe that you're an elf if you don't have elf ears and your magic. She's going to just tell you to go home, not knowing that your home is the North Pole. Put those ear drops in a week after you've told Harry's family so that they believe you, then you'll have human ears," he tells him, "you'll still be short and will have some power, but at least your physical appearance won't affect the way you live."

Louis understands and nods. He hugs Santa before the busy man ducks into the fireplace. "Merry Christmas, boys!" he calls. Then he's gone.

Louis squeals, but then gasps, "What about your mum?" he asks frantically, "a-and your family. I can't live anywhere but here but your family doesn't know me. What if she doesn't let me stay," he tells him, his hands gripping Harry's tighter.

The younger boy doesn't even react to the possible problem on hand. He just smiles and kisses Louis. "It's fine," he mumbles, "my mum has never believed it but I've told her about you."

"You have?" Louis speaks softly, his hand on Harry's that's cupping his cheek.

"Yeah," he nods, "once I show her you she'll actually believe me. C'mon, let's go to my room. Sleep until morning then we can open presents," he smiles. And before Louis can protest he leans down and swoops the boy up off his feet, holding him like a kid as he scurries up the stairs.

"Have I ever told you how good you look in this outfit?" he mumbles to the elf, splaying his hands over his bum and giving a small squeeze.

Louis lets out a squeal, and laughs, "Only every Christmas," he beams at him, pulling his head down to kiss him before he's tossed onto the bed. He squeals, and giggles, cupping his hands over his mouth.


Harry laughs, sneaking a kiss to Louis, who giggles and swats his arm before pulling him in for a proper kiss. They're both having too much of a good time making up a breakfast to notice Anne walk in.

"Harry why're you always.... who is this?" she asks, her eyes wide.

Both boys turn. Louis smiles at her. "I'm Louis! I'm the elf that had been assigned and served Harry and Gemma ever since they were kids. I met Harry when he was four and we met up every Christmas when Santa and I come to your house," he tells her.

Anne doesn't know what to think. She doesn't know whether it's true or if both boys are messing with her. "What? W-Why are you here?"

Harry cuts in just in case Louis says something wrong, "Remember when I came out to you right after I turned fourteen?" Anne nods, "okay, well, it was kind of because of Louis," he cringes, and when she stays silent he continues, "I started liking him when I was thirteen and didn't quite realize, and then he kissed me the Christmas that I was thirteen and then I did realize and came out a few months later," he chuckles to lighten the situation. It doesn't help.

"You're trying to tell me that this boy is an elf, and that you two meet up every Christmas when Santa comes?" she doesn't believe it one bit.

Louis' face falls. He cowers behind Harry, who reaches behind his back and holds Louis' hand. "I'm not lying, Mum," he says, "show her, Lou. The magic," he mumbles, turning to look at him, "don't be scared," he nods.

Louis, looking uncertain, nods, and steps out from behind Harry. He moves his hands in a rotating motion, creating snow in his hands. Then, he tosses the ball of flurries up and they scatter, falling from the ceiling. They don't stop either. They keep coming down out of nowhere, and disappear when they hit the ground. Next, he points at the food that he and Harry were going to make, and it starts preparing and cooking itself out of mid air.

Harry is grinning, and lets his fingers linger on Louis' hip while he watches it all.

Anne faints.


When Anne wakes up, it's a rush of questions all shot towards Louis. Though by the end of it all, she believes both boys, so it's successful.

"Can we go out in the snow?!" Louis exclaims, "oh my god, I love it," he sighs, watching out the window.

Harry fonds at him, "If you go out in your uniform, you're sure to get some weird looks. People will think you're uncanny," he chuckles.

Louis turns his head, smiling at the younger boy, "Aren't I," he raises his eyebrows.

Harry shakes his head, "Aren't you full of sass," he tsk's, and when Louis turns back, he runs forward and lifts him from the legs and throws him over his shoulders.

"Harry!" Louis screeches, hitting his back. Despite the blood rushing to his head, he's laughing hysterically.

Harry sets him down in the doorway of his room. A smug smile is on his face. Louis narrows his eyes at him. When Harry glances up, Louis does the same, and breaks his serious face when seeing the fake mistletoe. "I love you," Louis beams.

Harry sidles up, and slides his hands to rest on Louis' waist. "I love you, too," he murmurs back. Then with nothing else, pulls Louis in by the hips and lets their lips crash.


Harry's the only one that manages to stay awake that night, after doing it for so long before. He's sitting on the couch, waiting patiently, and carding his fingers gently through Louis' hair.

He looks up when hearing the faintest noise, and a smile grows on his face when a familiar pair of boots comes down the chimney. A little girl is with him, an elf, and she runs down the halls to the bedroom. Penelope's bedroom.

"It's a lovely sight," the man says, his voice just as it was before.

Harry nods, looking down at the two that are with him on the couch. Louis laying on his back with his head in Harry's lap. The one year old sleeping soundly on his chest. It's a precious sight that Harry would pay to see any day.

"Thank you," he whispers, choked up, "he's come a long way," he speaks while the man does his job, "he's happy."

Santa Clause smiles happily at Louis with nostalgia, "I remember when he was just a boy. Now he's got a child of his own," he purses his lips, "you two are a true blessing to each other. Thank you, Harry, so much, for having faith in him," the man seems to get choked up himself, and nods, "I send you happiness and luck with yourselves and Penelope," he says. Harry can't stop smiling at his family. He slides his hand into Louis', and when he looks up, the man is gone.


I've been working on this for over a year now, and the fact that it's finally done is amazing. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. Happy Holidays. xx.

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