Assistants Benefits.

This idea was entirely my idea.

Source: me
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3385
Summary: "it's a profession where your worth is tied up with looks"

or where louis is a model, and harry's just the photographer's assistant intern who wants to make it to the big leagues, but is stuck getting people drinks and taking useless orders instead.

[lowercase intended]


harry sighs, his foot tapping away against the tile. his teeth gnawed at his bottom lip, his eyes scanning over the large area. he yearned to actually be able to do something useful. not to have to be the one to go sharpen a pencil or get a coffee or hand over something to someone. he wanted to be able to actually take action in something, since that was what it said in the pamphlet for the internship he interviewed for.

harry was only the photographer's assistant. he had been interviewed for it, showed the man his photos, his resume, his experience with camera work. which, even though it wasn't as long as some, he still had more talent than them, which meant he won. what he didn't know, was that he would be the bat boy, photographers version. only less. because he doesn't even get to touch a camera. no, he just had to get someone a drink, or clean something off, or go deliver papers and such from one person to another. which was not mentioned when he signed up.

the only thing related to photography that he did, was edit his boss's photo's. of course, his boss didn't use his photos and fixed them himself, but he had told him that it was for practice.

"when do i get to shoot?" harry would ask.

"maybe next time" lucielle would answer. loo-see-el. that's how it was said. harry first thought it was girly until he was scolded by the man. "and don't even think anything un-manly about my name because yours is horrid. harriet, is probably stands for. you could pass as her" he scoffed on the first day, which almost made harry cry, being only sixteen and more sensitive than others as well as being made fun of for a short time when he first came out to his school. so, lucielle hadn't made that any better.

"harry!" he snapped out of it, scrambling up from his chair. lucielle was standing up from where he temporarily squatted to take the photo's. he jerked his head towards the director of the shoot, ben winston.

"yes, sir?" he asked timidly. he had heard plenty of ben winston, and always had fantasized about the man calling him in to be the photographer for his shoot. but to lucielle he was only a child that didn't mean anything yet.

"can you take these to louis' dressing room? make sure to knock," the man asked. from first impressions, he already seemed nicer than his boss, and nodded, taking the bag of clothes from him. probably clothes from the shoot that he would get free. "thanks, kid," ben winston smiled, patting harry's shoulder as he walked off.

harry made his way to the hallway, and to the first room on the left, labeled louis tomlinson on a green laminated paper taped to the door. harry opened it, taking a few steps in before gasping and scurrying out. he knocked that time, and heard a laugh before a light "come in".

"im sorry," harry apologized, walking back into the room with blushed over cheeks. "he told me to knock and i-i just, sorry," he sighed, "uhm, mr. winston told me to bring this to you," he said, holding his arm holding the bag out.

louis scrunched his nose, "no!" he whined, taking the bag, "i don't have enough closet for all the shit they give me!" he exclaimed, "i swear, harry, every time they just assume i want all the stuff i model. little do they know i already have enough of their shit and barely wear it unless my adidas joggers are dirty," he sighed, tsking with a playful smirk. he chuckled.

"how do you know my name?" harry asked, "i-i mean not that i mind! you're louis tomlinson, i've dreamed about photographing you," he shook his head as he rambled about, making louis smile genuinely.

"you're wearing a name tag. harry styl, intern," louis pointed out, gesturing to the lanyard that lucielle had quickly printed out for shoots. he smiled as the boy looked down at his name tag confusedly.

"oh- uh it's styles. not styl. lucielle just uh... well, i'm his intern but he's not that fond of me for the first part," he scratched the back of his head, "sorry, i should leave you be-"

"no no! it's fine! but if i may ask, why the hell are you his intern? he's a downright dick," he scoffed, moving around the room and gathering his things.

"i-i just saw the pamphlet. i want to be a photographer-"

"don't. i mean, not by him. he doesn't teach you all anything is what i've learned."

"no," harry muttered.

louis just went on, talking as he swung his bag around his shoulder and made his way to the door. "i mean, i can even teach you better since he won't teach at all. you should photograph me, i'll help you out. you're cute, if he picked you out to fetch his coffee you must have some talent," he spoke to harry, having him follow him while he walked out of his dressing room.

"wait, what?" harry asked, "are you serious?! c-can i actually photograph you?" his eyes lit up, and he grinned when louis furrowed his eyebrows and nodded as if it was nothing.

"yea, course! i wanna see what you can do! i mean, at first i started out taking pictures and wanting to be a photographer since i didn't think i could be on the other side of the lens but things changed. they said i looked and acted good enough," he shrugged, then faced harry, "it's a profession where your worth is tied up with your looks," he sighed.

harry was about to say something, but then his phone went off. he stopped, and pulled it out of his pocket, rushing forward when seeing that louis had kept walking. "uhm, my mum is here to pick me up," he said.

louis glanced at him, and stopped, "okay. i'll get in touch with you. go get home, the day is wasting away here," he smiled, "but wait... first of all. i don't want these shirts. not my style, but they would be cute on you," he said, plucking two shirts from his bag. besides the one plain white one, he handed harry two long sleeves shirts. one was a light grey sheer shirt with a few buttons at the top, and the other one was a blue and grey long sleeved thick shirt.

"are you sure?" harry asked hesitantly.

louis nodded, "yep," he tells the boy, leaning forward to kiss both cheeks of his. the action made harry's cheeks flush pink. "one thing I've learned from French photographers is that the double kiss thing comes in handy with models. the women who aren't French love it. they think it's cool and it makes them want to work with you," he told harry, adding a wink. "now go get your ride, love," he grins, pushing harry off down the hall before re-entering the main room.

louis went over to lucielle, offering a fake smile and handshake which the man took. "do you have your interns resume present?" the older man asked.

lucielle furrowed his brows in confusion, "why? he's just a kid he can't do anything useful yet."

louis sighed, "then again you've never gave him the time of day. now may i please see it? he left something and i want to return it to him on my own to be nice. so, i need his information," he spit out a big lie, holding out his hand.

the older man grumbled something inaudible, and reached into his bag to pull out a yellow folder. harry's name was printed sloppily neat on the front with a smiley face. louis smiled at nothing. in particular, and took the folder from him, opening it up. he skipped over harry's information, only taking a second to snap a picture of his resume to refer to it later for his number and address. then he flipped to his example pictures.

"lucielle. these are amazing! and he's young, too! you've got to get him started on something important! get him some good interviews, photoshoots, those things!" louis smiled, holding the folder back in the mans face.

lucielle snatched it back, "he's too young."

"i started modeling when i was fourteen. i started our small with commercials, yes, but i started out younger than he is, or than i think he is," he pointed out, walking with the elder man who seemed disinterested in everything he said.

"i have work to do, and i presume you do as well, mr. tomlinson, so if you'd leave me alone," he groaned.

"fine," louis snapped, "but you're going to regret it. he's going to be bigger than you someday even. just wait," he crossed his arms as the man walked away, and tugged on his own hair in frustration before stomping out.

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

harry was on his bed, messing around with his best friend and practically shoving gummy bears into his mouth. although somehow seeing how many gummy bears you could stuff in without choking was a good idea to them.

harry was laughing amongst the candy when his phone rang. he didn't look at who was calling before answering with s big "hewo?"

"uh, harry? curly short photographer boy?"

harry almost choked just then, and spit all his gummy bears out onto a he pile of napkins they had set up across his bedspread. because he could recognize that voice anywhere.

"uh y-yeah, yes, that's me," he told the man, his eyes wide.

"good. it's louis! from the shoot," he informed, to which harry nodded frantically.

"no yeah of course! I remember! uh, what's up? or uh, how are you?" he asked, wincing at how nervous he sounded.

louis chuckled, "I'm fine. just chilling on my couch. sorry it took a few days to contact you. when are you free? with that talent of yours you must have a busy schedule," louis was smirking on the other line, wanting to make the other boy blush.

"I'm free now!" harry gasped, sticking his tongue out when niall flipped him off.

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

louis and harry were standing right across from each other. harry had his camera in hand, snapping pictures of louis, who wasn't even striking a pose. instead, he just stared at the younger boy, smiling softly and adoring his little dimples and the way the tip of his tongue stuck out when he was concentrated. he admired his little curls that swept to the side, and his pink lips that always were smiling around him.

it had been three weeks since the two had run into each other at louis' vogue shoot. louis had contacted the boy a couple days after, practically insisting they met up and had a practice shoot. he had been introduced to harry's mum considering the boy with the curls was only sixteen, still in school, and his little studio was in the spare room of his parents house.

"harry," he mumbled, moving forward. harry lowered the lens from his eyes, watching louis with wide innocent eyes as he took the camera and set it on the table. his eyes followed the older mans movements, all the way up to when he grabbed the boy by the cheeks and kissed him.

harry was far more than surprised. it was his first kiss. he didn't know what to do. he didn't know where to put his hands or how to move his lips. he was guessing everything. his hands settled on louis' chest, and he closed his eyes, moving his lips just a little in reaction of louis'.

and all he could think was louislouislouis and oh wow oh wow oh wow because he was kissing louis. louis was a really attractive model and louis was kissing him and he liked it. he loved it because louis initiated it and his lips were just heavenly. they were soft and thin but velvety and wet in the good way. and he was taller than harry by a lot and curved down into him and he could feel louis' stomach against his tummy and his arms were strong and thick. and his cheeks were enveloped in his hands, his warm small soft delicate hands. and wow harry thought, wowowowow because he didn't know what else to say really. he was so so so engrossed in this man that was kissing him and it was his first kiss but he was just so lost in it.

he followed louis' actions and movements, moving his lips the same way so that they slotted, sighing into it when he did. except when louis pulled apart, harry leaned in towards his lips on instinct before opening his eyes and pulling his head away sheepishly.

"oops," he whispered.

louis chuckled, "hi," he smiled softly, his thumb running over harry's cheek.

"okay," harry breathed, "i mean, hi- yeah, good," he was truly tripping over his words, and shut himself up.

louis just kept smiling though, "was that good?" he asked, earning harry's frantic nod with wide eyes.

"a lot good- very good," he stammered, "can we do it again?" he breathed.

louis smiled, because yeah he'd love to do it again and again and again until he got sick of it. which he possibly couldn't considering the fact that he was taking away harry's lip virginity and he loved it.

so the model leaned down again and kissed harry. it was chaste that time, taking up in one long kiss and various pecks on the lips. "if it's okay with you and your busy life, I'd like to take you out," louis proposed, smiling.

harry nodded, grinning, "yeah, okay," he agreed, "works with me," he said, a blush on his cheeks. but he couldn't help it. the man who was asking him out was twenty-three, and harry was only sixteen. he didn't mind. his parents might. but they've both met louis. although then he was introduced as the man who was going to show harry the ropes and help him out with his talent in photography. now it would be the as the man who was taking him out on a date.

"can i text you later for details?" louis asked. harry nodded, and louis smiled, taking a step back to continue with the couple frames he had left.

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

"mum," harry came into the kitchen.

"hi, harr. how'd it go?" she asked.

"good," he sighs, "good good. uh, look. you and dad like louis right? you think he's a good guy?" he questions, his fingers tapping nervously on the counter.

anne nods, "course. very sweet boy," she says, and harry notices her slow down with the cutting of vegetables she's doing. "wait... harry, did he do something? did something happen?" she asked him.

he turned his head away from his skeptical mother. "nothing bad, i promise. but like, would you be okay if me and him went out tomorrow?" he asked, proceeding to bite his lip, "like, on a date?"

anne sighed, setting her knife down. she turned to face her son. "you and louis? you want to ask him out on a date? isn't he in his twenties?- harry, i don't know-"

"please, mum! pretty pretty please! i really like him and he really likes me and he kissed me and he's not going to take advantage of me or hurt me or anything i promise!" he begs, his eyes wide.

but anne just continues to stand there, thought running through her head. she groans, rubbing her face. "harry, he could be ten years older than you!"

"-seven. only seven. please! it's just one date!"

"but one leads to two which leads to three and on and on. harry you're only sixteen. and to add onto it he kissed you!"

harry's fists clung to his mums shirt, a puppy dog look on his face, "please, mum," he whimpered, "i really like him."

it took a couple minutes worth of thinking it over, but eventually anne sighed. "one date. if it ends well then we'll see but for now it's just one date. not too far and i want you home by ten," she raised her eyebrows.

harry grinned, hugging her tightly with a squeal and a "thank you" before scurrying into his room to text louis.

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

louis was nervous. god, was he nervous. because he actually really liked this boy. he really liked harry and he wasn't sure if the date was going to go well or the other way around. which was why he spent two whole minutes standing outside harry's door rubbing his hands together.

he finally knocked though, and a minute later harry himself opened the door. he had told harry to dress casually, yet even then he still thought he looked breathtaking.

"hi," louis breathed.

"hi," harry smiled.

"you look lovely," louis nodded, examining harry's blue sweater that overlapped his skinnies.

"thank you," harry blushed, "you look really good, too."

louis offered his hand, and grinned when harry took it. they were about to leave when harry's mum showed through the door.

"back by eleven," she told them, directing it to louis more importantly. harry's heart almost skipped with joy over the fact that she generously gave him an hour more.

the two scurried off into louis' car and drove off, talking aimlessly about anything and everything. and soon enough they reached their destination, a place causing harry to gasp and grin at the sight outside his window. "we're at an art museum!" he exclaimed, whipping around to face louis, who was smiling at him.

"you like it, yeah?" he asks curiously.

"yes absolutely!" he leans over and pecks louis' cheek, biting his lip afterwards. "sorry, i just-"

louis cuts him off and pecks his cheek back, smiling cheekily at him before getting out of the car and rushing around to open his door for him, claiming his hand when he's out. louis hands the keys to the valet, and walks harry inside.

it's wonderful. the whole entire thing. the aura of it all. you would think it's quiet but if anything the museum is buzzing with chatter and excitement. louis doesn't get art like harry does, but damn is he willing to try.

"this one is by nickolis vanderhauft. it's two people but you can't tell if it's two boys, two girls, or a boy and a girl. can't even tell if they're children or elderly. he was bisexual, and at the time that wasn't understood by many. so he wanted to express that any relationship can be acceptable," harry explains, and looks up at louis when he wraps an arm around his waist. they've been there for about an hour already.

"not to be cheesy but I'm looking at the best artwork created," he fonds, staring right at the younger boy. harry blushes so hard, but then louis' dipping his head down and kissing him, and all thoughts before slip from his mind.

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

louis tilts his head back, and harry gets the shot, because god was it a good shot. it's louis though, so anything is a good shot or move with him.

"now turn for me. face the ocean," nineteen year old harry says to him. twenty-six louis obeys. he always obey's his photographer on set. though any other time he's the one taking care of his baby.

but when louis doesn't hear harry doing anything. he turns around. and when he finds his boyfriend of three years on his one knee with a ring in hand, his big mouth is finally speechless.

harry's smirking. louis already knows what's coming. he doesn't even have to say it. but he does. "will you marry me lo-"

"yes you idiot get up here!"

and he does.

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