Chapter 3
Well it's been a long while, I hadn't even noticed that it had been tha long since I have updated this book but I also forgot to describe Sirens Uniform. I couldn't find pictures together but I will put them below so you can know what Siren wears but other then that let's start the story
Previous Chapter- When we pulled into the Batcave on my bike with him holding on to my waist "where have you two been" we both smirked "Y/N took a while primping" I shrugged "what can I say" they looked at us weirdly but moved on we were going over the plan while Jason was eyeing me so I rolled my eyes "will you stop giving me a look over" he didn't answer so I chuckled while Dick pulled me to his chest so I wrapped my arms around his neck "I don't blame him" I smirked about to bring him in for a kiss but a voice spoke up "what is she doing here".
We all turned to see Barbara I noticed she was in her Batgirl uniform "huh" everyone turned to me "what, I should have seen that coming" she glared at me "what are you doing down here" I rolled my eyes "i'm down here to help chill out girl but"she didn't stop glaring she just moved closer "are you sure we should trust her that fast, she could still be working with the Joker".
'Now she crossed the line' "listen I know you don't like me and I haven't killed you for quite awhile but I have worked my ass off trying to get where I am now and after what the Joker did to me and Dick do you really think I would even give it a second thought to go back there" she scoffed "i'm still gonna watch you because I know there's something off with you" she walks out so I roll my eyes and turn back to the rest of them "is it just me or do you get getting hotter by the second" I shake my head looking at Jason "shut up red" he pouted.
I went back to Dick's side and he pulled me closer "sorry about her, she's never really like this" I shrug "she's only like this because she likes you and your with me and she might just be like that all together" he looks at me "how do you know she likes me" I laugh and smile at him kissing his cheek "that's adorable you always were an obvious boy" he blushed so I wrapped my arms around his neck "if you two are done flirting can we get to the mission" I roll my eyes and we both start listening as bats gives out positions and orders. Turns out Batgirl was joining us undercover, were all going to a art opening so me and Dick went back to his place to get ready while everyone else did the same. Once Dick was ready I put on some light makeup with my favorite deep red lipstick that Harley gave to me
I walked into the jewelry store and smiled at all the jewels happy that dad gave me the night off to go out and explores Gothams best places which I chuckled at knowing me meant go get into some trouble I jumped down from where I was seeing only the store owner was here so I took him out with a dart filled with something that should know him out. I made my way to the back to see the security system and turned of the sensors and everything that could alert the police, I went back out and opened the cases and took what jewls I liked smiling as I stuffed them all into my bag then making my way out satisfied at what I got.
I climbed back onto the rooftop smiling when I looked in the bag then I heard someone behind me so I turned to see the infamous girl team, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy so I grinned excited I finally get to meet them "what are you doing out so late kid" Harley grind at me looking at my bag "Red I think she just robbed something we were about to rob" Ivy looked at me a little shocked "did you really" I walked up to them and opened the bag "if you want some we can share" they both smiled at each other.
We split up the loot and had some laughs but in the end we went our different way not before they both gave me too lipsticks so I looked at them curiously until Harley spoke up "One's mine the bright red remember to where it looking dressed up" she ran off to their car so I turned to Ivy. She smiled "the black one is mine but remember to not use it on someone you care for kid" she ran off as well and they drove off so I smiled stuffing them both into my pocket.
I ran back to my dad's place and when got there he smiled at me "my child, how did it go" I showed him the bag but dropped it "but it was so cool I met Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy they gave me gifts" she smiled rubbing my head which I smiled at "glad you had fun but remember we have a long day tomorrow" I nodd yawning "go get some rest my child, sweet dreams" I giggled "but I thought it was supposed to be us bring the fear" he smiled "but for you my child sweet dreams" I smiled walking to my room to get a well needed rest.
Flashback over
I smiled slightly at the memory, I do miss them Harley, Ivy, Riddler, But I can't go back even if they were the only family I ever had for most of my life, they raised me but I love Dick and if I want to be with him and give him what he needs I need to stay away. Dick deserves to have a great life after his tragic past so I smiled finishing applying the lipstick then looking at the on Ivy gave me chuckling I walked out to see dick in a black suit with a white shirt and a bowtie so I smirked "just when I thought you couldn't get sexier".
He turned to me blushing but then his mouth dropped so I chuckled "are you going to do that everytime I come out wearing something" I walked up to him wrapping my arms around neck while he wrapped his around me pulled me closer. "I'll try not too" I giggle "your failing so far" he shrugged moving a strand of my hair behind my ear "sorry it's just you became even more gorgeous than you were when we were younger" I smiled "thanks Dick" he nodded and laid his head on my shoulder "I love you so much, never forget that" I chuckled "never".
He pulled back and pulled me in for a light kiss so I pulled him closer when he pulled away. He chuckled "we have to leave Y/N" I smirk and let go walking to the door as he follows me "fine but when we get back you owe me one hell of a make out session Grayson" he smiled at me pecking my lips as he grabbed the keys and we were out the door.
Time Skip
When we got to the art gallery it was crowded but we got inside looking around we were supposed to be looking for anything suspicious that could point to a robbery so we walked around while keeping close to the others but then I saw Barbara walk through the door so I rolled my eyes 'show off' I think Dick noticed me staring and pulled me to his chest "she's just trying to get my attention Y/N just know your the only one I want" I sigh "I know but she'd just irritating and a show off" he chuckled and tightened his grip on me making me look up at him smirking "yeah but you look way better".
I wrap my arms around his neck "thank you" he smirked "just stating the truth" we both continued going around but found nothing so I split up and just when I was finding something I heard a voice "so what he say to you" I turn to see Barbara and I rolled my eyes "when" she walked closer "just now, did he say something just to build you up while you fall more into his little deep pit" I just stared at her "why do you hate me so much, I know you want him but that can't be the only reason" she smirked and walked out so I scoffed and turned back to what I was looking at.
I found something was off, I ran my hand under the frame of the painting feeling a round button so I pressed it and the painting turned upside down revealing a riddle so I smiled 'riddler' I pressed my com "Y/N did you find something" I nodded " yes I did it's a riddle, i'm at the south corridor in the first room to the right a few minutes later they all came in "Look at me I want to play. I'll move like you in every way. Be tricky, but the result is always a draw. Why? Because i'm an expert at response and call. What am I?".
I looked at it and sighed "we should go and figure this out I walked out and then felt a hand grab mine so I turned to look back at Dick he pulled me into a hug "I told you this would be hard, I didn't want you to have to do this" I sighed and cuddle more into his chest "I know, but maybe i'm the one who can get him to come around" we pulled back and he gave me a look so I frowned "yeah I know but it might me worth a try" he sighed and smiled at me "let's go back home" we started walking "you mean back to your apartment".
He shrugged "well unless you want to move in with my brothers or get your own apartment I was thinking we could share mine" I giggled and snuggled into his side "I was hoping you would ask" he smiled and kissed my forehead as we pulled up to his apartment and he got out first then opened my door. I giggled and took his hand and he pulled me out and we went up to his floor but as soon as we walked in and he shut the door I felt my back come in contact with the wall and his lips on my neck so chuckled and wrapped my hands into his hair when he pulled back "how long have you been waiting to do that" he shrugged "ever since you put on the dress".
He went back to my neck kissing and biting his way down as far as he could before my dress cut off so I chuckled when he pouted "sorry Grayson but we said we would make our first night romantic not horny and desperate" he smiled "I know" I smiled at him and moved closer "I love you" he buried his head into my neck "I love you too".
I smirked "but we can go a little bit further" he smiled as I pulled his hand to our room and closed the door just incase his brother want to walk in again I put my hands on his chest "you can do the undressing" he blushed but put his hand on my zipper and slowly pulled it down as soon as it reach the bottom so I slowly slide it off my body and then giggled when I saw him blushing.
I pressed against him "what's wrong" he carefully brought his hand up to my hip and sighed, then he leaned into me so I smiled "it's ok we don't have, we both might get carried away and end up going all the way" he hugged my waist then pulled away. He kissed my cheek then walked away to get ready for bed probably so I did the same, I put on some shorts and a t shirt then saw Dick already in bed so I smirked and got under the covers with him I let out a yawn then laid back on him rubbing against his bare chest which he chuckled at "I love you" I smiled humming "I love you too".
The Next Morning
When I woke I smiled at the warmth around me coming from Dick so sighed happily I then decided to make breakfast so I slipped out from his grip walking out to the kitchen to see a new note sitting on the counter so I looked around then picked up the note reading it
We need to talk, meet me on top of the First National Bank.
I looked at it then looked back at the bedroom where Dick was peacefully sleeping so I looked through the kitchen draw and luckily found match's so I burned the note and as it turned to ash's I sighed 'their here'.
Ok so it's back to being cliffhangers, but a good one. So I hope you enjoyed Chapter three and again sorry it took so long but it has been a busy start to the new year but thankfully summer will be here before we know it so more writing time. Also no smut yet *evil laugh*😈😈😈 it will time.
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