Chapter 3- Alex's First Day

Can you tell I love Caw Chan's work? Seriously go check her out, she's amazing.

Monday Night (The same day Alex came home)

Angelica's POV

Once the three of us got home, I told Eliza and Pegs to meet me in my room. Once they had taken their shoes off and had gotten into something more comfortable, they walked into my room. "So what did you want to talk about, Angie?" Eliza asked me.

"It's about John. BUT! Before I tell you, you HAVE to promise me not to tell anyone else. Besides, it's just a theory. I asked asked him yet."

"We promise. Just tell us already!" Peggy was already eager to know what it was.
"Okay.... I think John likes Alexander! I mean, he was blushing the whole time we were over there. Plus, John didn't talk much, and you know he is one of the most talkative people we know."

Eliza and Peggy seemed to be in thought for a second. Slowly their faces morphed into two different emotions. Eliza had a look of confusion and concern, while Peggy had excitement and like she had discovered the best thing in the world.

"But John hasn't liked anyone for years! Since 8th grade!" Eliza spoke, concerned. Well, that's true. But still, John is never like this. "While that is true, think about how John acted!" I added. Peggy suddenly stood up. "I GOT IT!" Eliza and I shared a worried glance then looked back at Peggy. Eliza cautiously asked "You've got what?..."

Peggy paused for dramatic effect. She always does this, so neither of us are surprised. "LAMS!" She excitedly screams. Eliza facepalms while I just chuckle. "C'mon Eliza. I think i'm with Peggy on this one. For once..."

Eliza once more seemed to be in deep thought before answering. "I suppose they would be pretty cute together." She smiled. "Lams is a pretty cute ship name anyways."

Peggy started chanting Lams as she walked off, going back into her room. Probably to make fanart.... Eliza and I just chuckled. "Good Night Angie" "Night Lizzy."


Tuesday 3rd Person POV

Alex didn't just much sleep the previous night. It's nothing wrong with the bed, or his new family, or anything. It was just that Alex had really bad insomnia. After he was diagnosed with depression, he could only get about 10 hours of sleep a week. So after writing on his laptop almost the entire night, he was glad that it was finally 5 AM. He shut off his laptop, and went to get changed. Hamilton opened his closet to find new clothes the Washingtons had bought him. As he looked through the clothes, he decided on a white shirt with a dark grey jacket over it. He also just threw on some grey jeans. His put his hair into his normal low ponytail and walked out of his room. It was about 5:30 when he was done.

Once he walked down the stairs, he saw George and Martha cooking breakfast. "Ah, you're awake. Glad to see you aren't such a heavy sleeper like Laf." Martha chuckled. Alex sat down at the dining room table. "Yea, when I was at Nevis, I had to wake up early all the time." he lied.

"Would you like some breakfast? It's bacon and pancakes." George asked.

"Sure." Alex didn't eat often, but since it was his first day here, he wanted to make his new parents happy.

George placed down a plate in front of Alex, and three other plates in empty spaces. Hamilton assumed that's where everyone else will be sitting. Once George and Martha sat down, the three of them started eating. "Are you ready for your first day of school?" Martha asked. "I guess so. I mean, I have Laf and George, so I won't be too alone." Alexander answered.

It wasn't long until Laf tiredly stumbled into the kitchen. "Good morning..." He mumbled, his French accent a bit thicker from his tiredness. "Morning dear, " Martha replied, "You're breakfast is already on the table."

Lafayette sat down and started eating. Slowly, Lafayette woke up more and more. "Are you ready for school, Frère?" (Brother) Lafayette asked. "Yea. I have some classes with some of your friends, right? So, I won't be alone today. Plus I have you and George." Lafayette nodded.

Once they were done eating, Martha picked up everyone's plates and put them in the dishwasher. George started talking to Martha. While Hamilton and Laf went to grab their backpacks. The three of them walked then walked to the car. They talked for a bit until they arrived at the school. King's High School, Hamilton thought. It actually sounded pretty cool. The two brothers and their father walked into the school. They were early, as always, because since George worked at the school, he had to get things set up for the day.

Laf and Alexander hung out in their father's room until the bell rang. The both of them said their goodbyes as they parted ways. Okay, Alexander thought, my homeroom class is with Mr. Adams. Luckily, Mr. Adams' room was across from Washington's.

As Alex walked into Mr. Adams' room, he noticed that Maria, Hercules, and Peggy were chatting at a table. Peggy looked up and saw Alex, motioned for him to come over, and quickly said something to the other two.

"Hey Alex!" Hercules smiled. Now Alex didn't know, but Maria and Hercules had also been informed on Operation LAMS, as Peggy calls it. The only people who don't know are Alexander, Lafayette, John, and Theodosia. "Hey guys." Alex sat down in an empty chair.

"What are your classes that you have?" Peggy asked. "Uh," Hamilton pulled his schedule out of his pocket. "History, Financial Literacy, Writing, Art, Science, and Debate." "YAY! I have Art with you!" Peggy exclaimed. "I have Financial Literacy and History with you" Hercules added. "I have Science and History with you." Maria finished.

"I think Eliza might have Science with you, too!" Peggy said. The group chatted for a bit more until the bell rang once again. Time for Hamilton's first class! He was excited. A random thought came to his mind. I wonder if I have any classes with John...

Time Skip to Lunch (In between 3rd and 4rd classes)

After getting his lunch, John went to the table that all his friends always sat down at. Theodosia, Maria, Eliza, and Peggy, were already there. "Hey gals! What are ya talking about?" John asks as he starts to sit down. The Four girls suddenly turn around, with Peggy looking a bit panicked. "Uhhhh, nothing.. Just talkin' about our classes!" Theo quickly thinks of something to say. John raises an eyebrow, but doesn't say anything.

Only about 30 seconds later, Angelica, Laf, Herc, and Alex sit down too. "Hey guys! Anything interesting happen?" Laf asked the group. "Well, Charles Lee tried to argue with Washington today, and we all know how that went. NO ONE should ever try to disobey Washington." Angelica started.
"Oooh, what did he do anyway?"

"Well, Washington was talking about the American Revolution, and how Miranda was Jackson's right hand man. He went on to talk about how Miranda always found a way to outsmart King Groff's troops."

"Well, yea, Miranda was badass!"

"It wasn't long until Lee started going on about how 'Groff was better than anyone else' and how 'Jackson and his little possy should never had fought the British.' Then he went on to insult Washington himself, claiming that Washington was better off staying at home."

At this point Lafayette and Hamilton were fuming. No one talks about their father and gets away with it! "Je vais assassiner ce connard! Attends, je vais le combattre!" (I will murder this asshole! Just wait, I will fight him!) Lafayette muttered. "Je vais vous aider!" (I will help you!) Hamilton was about to stand up. "Wait, don't do anything! You two could get in trouble!" Eliza quickly stopped the brothers.

"Lizzy is right, you have to wait and see what happens. You don't want to get suspended, do you?" John agreed. Alex and Lafayette both hesitated, but slowly sat back down. "I guess you're right, mon ami's."

Time Skip to Alex's Debate Class

Alexander walked into Washington's room. Washington was the one who held Debate class. He looked around the room for a place to sit. There was a group on the right side of the class that caught his eye. There were three kids there. One was a tall man, who had dark skin and an afro. He wore a light shirt and dark pants. To the man's right was a shorter man, who looked similar, except he didn't have an afro. He was holding hands with the taller man. They must be soulmates, Alex thought. To the left of the tall man was a guy who was taller than the previously mentioned man, but not as tall as the first guy. He had a shaved head, and wasn't talking as much as the other two kids.

Alex sat down and waited for class to start. Soon enough, Washington walked out of his office and into the classroom. "Good afternoon, class. Now, before we start, I am required by the principle to announce that Student Government registration and elections are coming up. To sign up, just come up to me after class and grab a slip." That caught Alexander's attention. He always loved the idea of being part of student government!

"Now, onto what we are here for. We will not be debating today, only starting on our essay for our first topic, which is 'Should America provide aid to smaller countries during natural disasters?'

I know what I'm already going to say, Alexander thought.


Eh, I feel like I'm either going to fast or it's boring lol

Anyways Enjoy!

(1650 words)

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