Chapter Twenty-One

Note : Oh no, you're sick . . .


You and Max were in good terms after yours and his date a few days ago and everythings fine in the adoption center. You and Max would chit chat here and there at yours and his break.

Max has been absent after a few days. According to Mama Cry, Max has been infected by a nasty case of sore eyes that has spreading from his neighborhood.

As much as you want to visit him, you didn't want to get infected by those. You know what it feels like to have one and that thing is a hell of a pain.

So you just texted Max to get well soon.

During those days where Max is absent, rainy season has started and it's well . . . raining. . . Everyday.

For some dumb reason, you always forget putting your umbrella in your bag, you ended up getting drench on your way home.

Mama Cry insisted on walking you home so that you wouldn't get wet but you refuse, like the kind human you are who doesn't want to bother others.

This went on for a week now, Max is still absent, as usual, you went home, drench from the rain . . . Again.

You went inside the house and immediately take a warm shower. After that, you went to the couch and start reading your favorite book, like you do sometimes.

Sans went to the couch and cuddle up to you like he always does when you came from work.

Both of you ate dinner, watch a movie or two while cuddling each other before going to bed.


You wake with a headache, feeling hot and sweaty, your throat drier than the Sahara desert. You tried to stand up to get some water but your headache is getting worse every time you tried to stand up.

Your tummy is also hurting, stomach cramps are acting up and chills running around your body.

You tried to call Sans.

" S . . Sans . . . "

Your voice was raspy and kind of quiet, Sans didn't seem to hear your call.

You decided to reach your phone the nightstand, you scooted your body on the edge on the bed and reach for your phone.

Once you grab it, you text Sans to come to your room for help.

It took five minutes before Sans enter your romm, seeing the state you are in.

" oh my god! ( y/n ), what's wrong!? what happened!?  "

You mumble an 'I'm sick' your voice was raspy as ever, Sans panicked.

You would've have told Sans that it was just nothing, it would be gone in a few days but he already called Alphys.

" Y-yes? "

" Alphys! ( Y-n )'s sick! I-I'm fuckin' panicking!
I don't know what to do!!! "

" C-calm down, I'll b-be there in a f-few minutes. Give ( Y-n ) s-some water, g-get a thermometer. You k-know how to use it, right? "

" yeah. "

"Good, tell me h-her temperature when I g-get there, okay? "

" . .  okay . . . "

Sans ended the call and breath deeply, trying to calm himself, panicking wouldn't help you feel better at all.

He went to the kitchen and grab a glass, filled it with water from the faucet. He came back to your room and made you sit up, he help you drink the water that you desperately craved.

Your throat felt a little better but still felt dry, but better than earlier.

Sans set the glass on the nightstand and went back to the kitchen to look for the thermometer.

He returned a few minutes later with a thermometer in hand, he put it in your armpit to measure your temperature.

After waiting for a few minutes, he pulled it out to see your temperature, it was 38.9 degrees Celsius.

Alphys knock at the door when Sans has already red your temperature, he went to the front door and open it for the yellow dinosaur to come in.

" What's h-her temperature? "

" . 38.9 Celsius . . . "

Sans lead Alphys to your room to get you checked up, she check your heart beat and your blood count, she also took a blood sample to check in her lab when she gets there.

She ask about your symptoms and you told her everything you felt, that's when you felt like you were gonna hurl.

You stand up, ran to the bathroom and puked out whatever was left in your stomach. Sans was beside you in a second, holding your hair up and rubbing your back gently, looking at you worriedly.

After that, Sans flush the toilet and wipe your mouth, you return to your bed weakly with Sans help.

" Sans, you need t-to give her plenty of water a-and give her something light to eat. You need to change her cl-clothes too, that's something that c-cools her off. "

Alphys almost didn't stutter on how serious this situation is, she pick up her things and put them in her bag.

" A-also, you should constantly check h-her temperature, m-make sure she not o-overheating and wipe her sweat f-frequently, got it? "

" yeah, i heard ya . . . "

" I n-need to go to m-my lab now to check up o-on her blood. I'll give you t-the medicine once it's m-made. "

" okay . . "

Alphys look at Sans worriedly.

" S-she gonna be o-okay Sans. Don't worry about it.  "

Sans lead Alphys outside, she went in her car and drove to her lab to get your blood sample tested.

He went back to the house and in your room.


Sans has been taking care of you for a whole day now and he was pretty good at it.

He fed you, wipe your sweat off, help you drink water to keep you from dehydration.

He also help you change your clothes since their getting damp from all your sweat.

And changing your clothes is kinda hard for Sans since . . . well . . . you don't have the energy to stand and he has to hold . . your . . . naked . . . . body . . from falling.

Sans blushed a slightly deep blue hue as he tries not to look at your body while taking off your clothes.

He didn't know how to remove your bra tho, so you told him that the hook was in the back.

He really tried not to look but he has to get you dressed at the same time to not let you get too cold.

So he dressed you up as quickly as he could, get you to bed and cover you with a thin blanket so the heat wouldn't build up.

Sans run to his room and scream at his pillow out of shame so you wouldn't hear him.


You were given a slightly hot chicken soup in the evening so that the heat inside you would get out of your body, like sweating. Sans fed you slowly to not spill any on you.

When it was time for bed, Sans stayed in your room to keep an eye on you if you need anything.

You insisted that you didn't need anything at all and he could sleep in his room now.

But he wants to watch you over if you need anything all of the sudden, like water and other things or you might be hungry in the middle of the night.

Since you couldn't make him move to his room at all, you told him that he could sleep beside you on your bed since sleeping on a chair looks pretty uncomfortable.

As much as Sans wants to sleep and cuddle up with you, he couldn't because he might crush you in his sleep because of how weak you look like at the moment.

( He thinks your bones would break and split in two when he wakes up, lol! )

Sans just sleep on the chair, his head is on a pillow beside you. Sans held your hand till both of you fall asleep.


You woke in the middle of the night, you hear crying, you look beside you to see Sans crying in his sleep.

You tried waking him up by calling his name.

" S-sans, wake up . . it's just a d-dream . . . "

Your voice is a little raspy, it didn't work tho.

You tried shaking his shoulder gently with whatever is left with your energy, it didn't work either.

Sans just continues to shed tears in his sleep.

You pet his head instead and try to hum a little lullaby.  It seems to be working, Sans stop crying, he started smiling a little and purred in his sleep.

How cute.

You continue to pet his head till you fall asleep.


A/N : Oh look, an update >w>

If you ever wondered how I updated this shit, well . . . .  UwU

My mother has load on her phone and I just learned her new password by just looking over her <w<

I use her personal hot spot then, BAM! an update UwU

LOL! I almost got caught because of this! XD

Thank you everyone for reading, if you have any suggestions, tell me in the comments/tumblr if you want to, support me by simply sharing or voting this chapter . . .

If you think I'm having improvements or errors on my writings, you can tell me that in the comments/tumblr too. . . if you like . . .

For now boi~ ;3

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