Chapter Twelve

Note: Sans Third Person P.O.V. . .

Sans decided to escape and follows you to your home . . .

Wonder how this would end . . .


Since Sans can't make you bring him with you, guess he'll just have to find another way, Sans was thinking of a plan while the both of you are still cuddling till it was time for you to leave and go home. Mama Cry yelled that it's closing time.

" Well, I guess it's time for me to go home now. "

You say this, voice filled with sadness, you get up and hug Sans.

" okay, bye ( y-n ) . . . "

" Be safe okay, bye Sans. "

You walk through the door with Sans trailing behind but he stop once he, was at the opening of the door. When you were about to grab the door knob, Sans ask for another one last hug, making puppy eyes at you.

" can i have one last hug? p-please? "

" Oh okay, if it makes you feel better. "

You hug Sans and Sans hugged you tighter, making sure that you wouldn't see the door, while you started hugging him, his tail was holding a folded paper and jam it on the door hole, where it locks itself, it will prevent it from closing the door completely.

You sly snake . . .

Both of you let go of each other's warm embraces, you closed and lock the door, you wave at Sans as you pass by his wall glass, Sans smiles sadly and waves back.

Sans use his super hearing ability trying to pick up any sound, once he hears Mama Cry lock the door, he immediately opens his glass door and slithers out, getting anxious the longer he stayed in his pen. Pulling the folded paper out of the door's hole, throwing it inside his pen and completely locks his door from the inside of his pen.

Sans starts to slither to the door leading outside, he open it finding that it was locked on the outside which is good, guess he doesn't have to pick the lock or it would take a while.

Sans slithers out of the adoption center, locking and closing the door after he was out. He looks around, it's been a while since Sans was out, he doesn't even remember when it was, Sans doesn't seem to care at this point.

Sans flick his tongue, smelling the air, trying to pick up your scent. He was able to pick up to it on his right, it was slowly fading, he continue to flick his tongue on the scent's direction. Smelling every air of it, it was addicting to him. His eyesockets half lidded as he slithers to his right where the trail of your scent is left.

Sans was able to catch up with you, keeping a good distance between him and you, good enough to see you but far enough to not be seen by you. He hides in every tree, bush or alleyway, just in case you might hear him trailing behind and watching out for humans and monsters passing by.

I mean, how would they react if you see a very big and scary ( not really ) lamia bitty following a certain human? Yeah, we wouldn't want them freaking out and alerting you that you're being followed.

After fifteen minutes of walking . . er . . slithering, Sans hides at a nearby tree as he sees ( Y-n ) stop at a certain house and enters inside. Sans immediately slithers to your house's shady side, not being able to see him it's already dark out but he can see you by your opened window ( you have a big window, he can fit right in ) and the lights you've turned on.

so this is where she lives then, her house is nice . . .

You went to the 'bathroom', Sans' guessed, he hoped he's right. He decided to just climb and slip in the window. He was having some difficulty, he was able to slip right in few minutes, but he face planted on the floor because his hands slipped.

As he was standing up, dusting himself, he heard you coming out of your room. He immediately look for a hiding spot, he went and enter for the other door, but then he notice that this is the bathroom, he can tell with all the similar things ( despite the dark in the room ) it has like Mama Cry's bathroom.

Guess the door you enter wasn't the bathroom after all, he hide on the beside the door near the hinges are, just in case you might enter here.

Sans hears your footsteps pass by the door, he breathe out that he didn't even know he was holding despite not having lungs. He flick his tongue to have a taste of the air, your scent is everywhere, but there's another scent under your scent, it's very old but it's still there.

Sans ignores it, he'll mind it later.

oh my god . . . i smell something . .  delicious!!!

Sans smells meat and . . . something else . . something very delicious. Sans begins drool, resisting himself from bursting out of the bathroom, his stomach growls, reminding him that he hadn't ate anything since afternoon.

oh right, i left without eating anything. damn it! i was so absorb in my plan that i forgot to eat. . .

Sans whines as the smell gets stronger, he covered his mouth immediately, checking for footsteps if you heard it. Slow footsteps are heard towards Sans direction, Sans pulled his tail near him so that you wouldn't see it.

The knob was turned and the door opened, the light was turned on which causing Sans hiss at the brightness but it was a bit muffled because of his hand.

You walked in the bathroom, looking around, your back was facing Sans, he thought he was done for.

That's when you spoke up and turned.

" That's weird, I thought I heard- JESUS!!! "

Sans flinch a bit when you jumped, looking shock to see him in your . . your bathroom.

" S-sans?! What are you doing in here?! How . ? You were at the . .  at the . . . . "

Sans smiles sheepishly as he shrugs and starts sweating. You sigh and relaxed knowing that it's just him ( it could have been worse, like a thug or a kidnapper ), stretching your hand for him to take. Sans takes it without hesitation, he was pulled gently and lead him out of the bathroom, into the kitchen.

You sat Sans on a chair as you take the food out from the pan and place it on a plate, a fried beef or should i say steak, also taking out the homemade fries from the other pan.

You place them on your side of the table, making sure Sans doesn't try and eat them all ( like last time ), don't worry, you'll give his food later, you'll be eating together anyway. You sat at the opposite side of Sans, the look your giving him tells that you want Sans to spill the beans.

" Okay Sans, Wanna tell me how you got here? "


After that 'conversation' both of you were having and that meal you made ( and ate ) was just . . . heavenly, you weren't the best cook but Sans just loves the food you make.

Especially when Sans discovered ketchup ( god, he loved it so much but not as much as you ) , he chug the entire bottle when you weren't looking but you soon found that out when you were looking for it for the fries.

Right now, both of you are sitting on the couch, watching TV, Sans was curious on how it works. Like, does it work like your phone? Or do they need charging ? or . . . Maybe just watch it in peace.

Both of you are watching some random action movie but Sans isn't paying attention to the movie, instead he was staring at your pretty ( beautiful ) face, the way the TV shines at your face like he was looking at a goddess. Sans can feel his magic rise through his face as it turns a blue hue, you must have felt his eyelights bore through you and glance at Sans, Sans immediately looked away, his face turning even more blue.

" Hey Sans, is there something on my face? You've been staring at me for  minutes now. "

" n-nothing, your face looks beau- fine! . . it looks fine. . . "

Sans sometimes wonder what are these fluttery feelings on his chest, he never felt like this before, he only felt this when your near him, like he would do anything just to be near you ( I mean, he already did something he wasn't suppose to do just for you ) .

Sans slowly scoots himself closer to you while you weren't looking, you didn't seem to notice or that's what he thought.

You smile and suddenly lay your head on Sans shoulder which cause his blush to feel like it's on fire. Instead of being an idiot ( doing nothing ) and as tense as a statue, he tries to relax himself ( especially his blush, it wasn't hard since your scent is literally everywhere, it's very calming ), pulled you closer and lean himself above your head.

He likes this, being close to you. He felt like something inside him that was missing is now filled . . but what?

He doesn't know and he doesn't care, as long as your here.

Sometime through the night, both of you ended up bundle together on the couch, your head was laying on Sans chest while Sans hug you close ( almost protectively ) to himself, with his tail wrap around one of your legs, knowing that you can't leave without him noticing.

Both asleep, safe and sound.


A-N : Here's a 1500+ words chapter for you my wonderful people . . .

My narrating skills are horrible, no wonder I failed English class, Ha ha ha . . .

Well, you know the role. . .

Thank you everyone for reading, if you have any suggestions, tell me in the comments if you want to, support me by simply sharing or voting this book . . .

If you think I'm having improvements or errors on my writings, you can tell me that in the comments too. . .

For now boi~ :3

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