Chapter Thirteen

Note: Your Third Person P.O.V. . . .

Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!

But your breakfast aren't eggs . . .

Something happens . . .


. . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

. . . . .  -*ng!* *riNG!* *RING!* *RING!*

You slowly wake up from your slumber, your phone is ringing, means that someone is calling on your phone. You tried to reach it at the coffee table but something . . or someone was holding you firm.

Of course you already know who that is, replaying the events last night in your head. Sans was snuggling his face contently at the crook of your neck causing you to blush, you wanted to gush on how cute he is but you need to answer the phone call right now or you'll miss it, Sans doesn't seem to be bothered by the ringing of the phone.

You try to reach for it again, this time, you were able to get it before Sans subconsciously pulled you back into his chest again. You chuckled and rub your hand on Sans cheek causing him to lean and purr in his sleep ( fucking adorable ), creating a soft smile on his face as he purrs.

You look at the caller ID and the time before answering the phone, it's Mama Cry calling almost on Six in the morning, you should have been up minutes ago, guess the big skele-snake threw of your schedule.

" Hell- "


" Woah, calm your horses. Sans is fine, he's here with me. "

You should've called or at least texted Mama Cry last night, guess you forgot about it and now, she's freaking out.

" WHAT?! How in Asgore's beard did he get there?? "

" Don't worry about that, I'll explain it to you once I get there, Sans told me everything. Also thanks for calling me though, I wouldn't have woken up because of how Sans cuddled me up last night. "

" Ohhh~.  "

You just made horrible mistake.


You end the call before Mama Cry can even answer, flustered that she started shipping you and Sans since the day you and her were planing something for Sans.

Your sudden outburst must have disturb Sans since he groan and opened his eyelids, looking at you.

" Rise and shine sunshine, it's time to get up skeleboy~. "

Sans blush when you give him a nickname but you didn't see him blush.

You stretch a bit but before you're about to stand up, you're pulled back into Sans chest, snuggling back into the crook of your neck. You blushed when you felt his tongue flick on your neck, you tried to push of off his chest and stand up but Sans just made his grip tighter but not hurting ( even his tail is holding on you ).

" Sans! I need to GET UP! Mama Cry's expecting me to go as early as possible!!! You need to get up too you know! "

" nnggh . . . too early . . *yawn* go back to sleep . . . leave later . ."

" Sans nooo . . . "

" sans yeesss . . .~ "

" Sans! "

Sans whines but lets you go, you stand up and go to the bathroom to get ready, Sans takes a nap while you were getting ready.


You were done, you've taken a bath, have fresh clothes on but Sans is still sleeping on the couch. You ponder whether Sans needs to get ready too or not, it doesn't matter, he doesn't smell anything anyway other than old books and ketchup for some reason.

You prepare a quick breakfast, hotdogs and ham sandwiches for you and Sans. As you were cooking, you heard Sans slithers in the kitchen, the smell of breakfast must woke him up. You notice that everything in the back has quiet down after Sans entered the kitchen, you know what this means.

" Sans, don't even think about it. I'm running out of ketchup at this point. "

Sans whines, something was put down on the table, guess it was the ketchup bottle that Sans picked up. You fished up the last hotdogs from the pan and into the plate, and brought the food to the table.

You sit down and both of you started to eat, Sans' food was almost drowned in ketchup. You cringed, imagining what it tasted like.

Sometimes you wonder, how on earth was he able to chug a whole bottle of ketchup? You should've just made tomato soup instead just for him.

Yeah, he'll love that . . .

You thought as you ate the last bite of your hotdog, standing up to brush your teeth. After that, you pack up your sandwich ( for lunch ) and few books ( for entertainment ).

You're ready for work.

" Sans, Are you ready to go outside? "

Sans seems to hesitate, like he's afraid to go outside and be seen by people ( he did tell you how he got here ), guess you can see right through him. Okay, that was a bad joke on a bad time.

None the less, he nods, even if he clearly doesn't want to.

Besides, he needs this . . .

I mean, he needs to be seen by the public to see how they'll react to him.


Both of you have been walking for like what?

Five minutes?

And people are already staring at him, the majority of them are surprised ones while the rest are curious ones.

Sans seems to get more nervous as he feels more eyes around him, staring at him. He's holding both of your shoulders from behind and hiding behind your small form.

It's bit funny, the fact that Sans can't really hide behind you since Sans is taller than you, he can only hide almost half of his face on your head ( that's how tall you are compare to Sans, he's taller on few inches  ) unless he bends even more, he can hide entire on your small form as long as the person is looking at an angle Sans can't be seen and his tail is on a straight line ( instead of an 'S' trail ).

You rub Sans' hand from your shoulders, trying to ease his nerves ( if he even have them ).

The longer the two of you walk, the more Sans just wanted to pick you up and slither the hell out of here because of how tightly his holding on your shirt, like he wanted to lift you but he resisted.

Finally . . .

Fucking finally . . .

Both of you are near the adoption center, Sans decided to just pick you up bridal style and hurriedly slither the rest of the way to the adoption center.

Once both of you are in front of the door, Sans opens it immediately and closed it with his tail after both of you are inside.

Sans went at the corner part of the adoption center with you on his arms ( where people rarely go ), coiled around you, like he's trying to hide you and himself to the world.

He started shaking and hyperventilating since he entered the adoption center, you tried to calm him down by rubbing his back in circles as he hug you.

Sans whimpered, his breathing started to turn normal. Once Sans calm down completely, you move  Sans face slowly to look at you in the eyes.

" Hey, are you okay? "

You say this in a soft tone, you wanted to know what started his panic attack so that it won't happen again, for Sans' sake.

Sans hesitantly nods but shakes his head eventually.

" What happened back there? "

" i-i . . i . - "

" It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. "

Of course, you don't want to pressure Sans. He can tell you when he's ready.

" o-okay . . . "

You hear rushing footsteps at your direction, Mama Cry must have heard you both come in and was in her office when she heard the door opened. Her long ears are very convenient, Mama Cry turned to the corner and sees both of you.

" ( Y-n ), what happened? "

" . . . Sans had a panic attack. . . "

" Oh dear . . . "


Sans ended up in Mama Cry's office since you and Mama Cry don't want him to have another panic attack by putting him back to his pen.

Yeah, we don't want that. . .

You and Mama Cry discuss things as Sans continues to hug you from behind as he listens at your conversation.

Mama Cry went silent for a moment, thinking about something before she speak up.

" ( Y-n ), I forgot to tell you. Sans files are now ready, birth certificate and other things. I even enrolled him to a school. "

" Oh thank god! But . . . where would he stay? "

Your hoping that Sans would stay with you. Imagining every day waking up beside the skelesnake on your bed- uhhh . . . That was . . not your vision.

" Sans will stay with you of course. "

That made Sans nuzzle the crook of your neck happily. A thought came into your mind that turn into a question.

Which made you smile and worry at the same time

" Sans . . wouldn't start on elementary or preschool, right? "

Imagining Sans on preschool, surrounded by small hyper children just tickled your funny bone.

Ehh, ehhh! . . . Nevermind.

" Pfft- No! No, he wouldn't! If he's smart enough to pass the test on the second week, he'll immediately headstart on high school this fall. "

" Guess Sans needs to study hard  "

" Hell, he can even go straight to forth year high school if he scores ninety five percent of the test. "

" What if he gets a hundred percent? "

" . . . He instantly graduates highschool and immediately goes to college. "

" Guess Sansy here needs to study even harder then. "

" i'll study hard to graduate, so i don't have to struggle high school life. . . "

" And where did you heard that? "

You say, amuse that he knows this. You haven't told him what high school life feels like, maybe it's a good idea that he doesn't.

But then again, how would he know how interact with people?

You don't Sans to end up like you did in your high school and college life . . .

" just red it on some booklets, they just made high school life sounds bad . . . "

" Oh . . . "

This things are just the beginning of something wonderful . . .


A-N: Here's a 1600+ word chapter for y'all wonderful readers . . .

Who knows AO3?

Well, you know the role. . .

Thank you everyone for reading, if you have any suggestions, tell me in the comments if you want to, support me by simply sharing or voting this book . . .

If you think I'm having improvements or errors on my writings, you can tell me that in the comments too. . .

For now boi~ :3

( Happy New Year Everybody ;3 )

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