Chapter Sixteen

Note: It's bath time!

With a little twist . . .

( Sin alert : it's in there, somewhere . . . )


After Sans congratulations party, both of you moved to a bigger and more comfortable house.

You brought the house due to Sans size and because . . .

You wanted to, after having the job on the Adoption Center, you have large sum of money to afford one.

Sure, your older house can fit a family but it feels like the rooms are just too small to your opinion, like their all cramped up.

The new house is already furnished, whoever lived here must have been goddamn rich, there are gadgets here that are very usable and looked new.

The location of the house is nearer to the Adoption Center but sadly, it's away from the park.

At least Sans could move around now, with the big backyard outside and an acceptable spacious living room . . . if he does move.

He also love his new bigger room, with a king size bed that fits his size than his older bed, which leave some of his tail on the floor.

A bigger bed means a bigger nest, even you can fit in it even if you and him combine . . . he invited you in there once.

So yeah, you brought one . . .

Congratulations you.

Sans has finally relax after his test, he just chills, sleep or nap at you, as in literally on you.

Sometimes he naps or sleeps on your shoulder or on your thighs as you binge watch while you subconsciously pet his skull.

He even wraps his tail around your waist too, keeping you warm on cold nights.

Sometimes he watches with you too and sometimes comments about some mistakes are made or . . . he just gonna say a pun about the movie or show.

You like the company and the warmth he provided.

There was this one time where you have fallen asleep before he does.


You woke up with a weight on your chest, when you look, it was Sans' skull face planted between your boobs.

He even have a dorky ( almost drunk like ) smile on his face when he turned a bit.

This made you blush intensely, you try not to move to not embarrass the both of you any further.

You waited for Sans to wake up to remove himself and when he did you pretend to sleep.

Sans didn't exactly remove himself instead, he just rub his face to your breast even more and purred.

He even inhaled deeply to smell your scent.

That one made you blush even more if possible, you pretended to wake up and rub your eyes groggily just like that cute anime girl you watched that night.

" . . S-sans? "

Shit, you stuttered, stupid feelings, hope he didn't caught up to that.

Sans moved to place his chin between your breasts, his face was smooshed a bit with your boobs pressing his cheekbones.

" . . hmm . . ? "

" C . . can you get off? I-I need to get up . . "

" nooo . . . not yet . . "

Sans went back to bury his face between your breasts again.

This time, Sans hugged you securely so that you couldn't leave.

God, when will your suffering end . . .

" W . . why?  "

You shouldn't have asked why, he'll probably just say something sexual or something else . . .

" . . i . . it's just that . . "

Sans mumbled between your boobs, his skull turning into a shade of blue a bit.

" . . this is the most comfy spot that i ever had, and . . this round fleshes are just the best pillows i ever had too . . their so warm and soft . . . "

Now, that was down right innocent . . and adorable too . . .

You feel like your gonna faint with how strongly your blood is running through your cheeks.

You forgot that Sans doesn't know anything about being sexual but oh well . . .

At least his not perverted about your boobs though . . .


Let's go back to the present . . .

Right now, you're heading to the Adoption Center to get those mineral powders for Sans bath.

Lately, you've notice that Sans has been scratching on his arms and ribcage, the sound of bone scratching bone just made you cringed.

You called Mama Cry if Sans could take a bath and well . . . she freaked out because she forgot telling you that he needs regular hygiene.

She told you to get the powder from the Adoption Center.

That's why your heading there now.


You got the box it's slightly heavy since the packets are meant for the smaller snakes, Mama Cry told you that you need a dozen of packets to make it equal to his size.

You put the box on your doorstep to open the door, you pick it up again, enter and close the door with your foot.

You went to the kitchen to hide the rest of the packets in one of the lower cabinet.

You noticed Sans was in the kitchen, his chin is resting at the table, staring on . . . something.

" Hey Sans . . . "

You put the rest of the packets while you wait for him to answer.

Took him a minute to answer you.

" . . yeah . ? "

" What'cha staring at? "

" . . oh . . i just found this rock trapped inside the jar filled with sprinkles . . . this rock is weird, it has magic in them . . . "

Rock . . ? Oh my god! That's Sprinkles!

You stand up to check if your right and you are, it is indeed Sprinkles.

You pick them up to make sure, you can feel the soft vibration of their magic.

Yup, that's Sprinkles alright . . .

You can believe this rock actually followed you both here, you thought they were gone since Sans arrive at your home.

Maybe their just shy having another person in the house . . . or it's because the fact they are jealous of Sans.

That thought just made you laugh.

" This rock here . . is my pet rock, Sprinkles. "

You gestured to the rock while you dish out a small plate.

You put the rock on the plate then you went for the sprinkle jar and fed them.

" . . what? . . "

Sans was . . . dumbfounded, when you fed the rock with sprinkles and the sprinkles, as inspected, disappeared.

Sans tried to find where the sprinkles went but Alas! They are no where to be found.

You giggled, putting the jar back to where it belong.

" Alright Sans . . . "

You picked up the packets.

" It's time for you to take a bath! "

" . . a what? . . "


You opened the last packet and dump it's contents into the water, you also put a few drops of your now favorite scent, lavender.

Thanks to the people who use to live here because they left their huge bathtub ( it's more like a small circular swimming pool with a controller, bless their kind heart ).

The bathtub was to two meters wide.

The controller can control the water's temperature, which is nice and can also make bubbles, which is also nice.

Sans dipped his hand in the water to check the temperature.

" it's cold . . . "

You change the temperature and turn on the bubbles with the controller, now it looks like a bubbly warm bath.

" it looks like we're cooking noodles . . . "

You laugh at that mental image.

" That's because we are . . now, into the tub you go. "

Sans removed his jacket and t-shirt but he didn't move from his spot, you try not to stare at this ribcage.

" Go on already . . . "

You tried pushed him to the tub but he didn't even budge

" . . w-wait . . . "

You hummed, stopping what you were doing.

" c . . can you join me . . in the tub i mean . . "

You blushed, no, you wouldn't take advantage to this situation but goddamn, the face his looking at you with puppy eyelights, you couldn't say no to that.

" Okay fine, let me just find my swimwear and I'll be joining you. "

Sans eyelights sparkles and he nodded, you went to your room to dress up with the swimwear ( the only swimwear ) you brought a while ago.

You came back and Sans was waiting at the edge of the tub.

" Okay, I'm ready! "

Sans look at you for a minute before his skull turn into a shade of blue, you tried to cover yourself with your hands shyly.

" . . uhh . . you go first . . . "

" No, that's your bath dumdum, you go first. "

Sans slither towards you and lifted you bridal style to the tub.

" . . we'll do it together then . . "

You squeak, Sans got into the bath first before you were placed gently into the water.

The water was warm, a perfect temperature to have a nice relaxing bath.

You swim a little, the water reached your collarbone.

While to Sans, the water just reach his  upper ribcage.

The contents that are dump into the water are mostly filled with calcium for Sans bones.

It seems fine with your skin too.

Both of you felt like that you were cooked alive, with the bubbles and all that.

You laughed quietly at Sans because of how relaxed he is, he might turn into noodles later, imagining him, getting wobbly and sleepy.

Both of you soak for a while until your skin turned prickly.

Both of you rinse in the shower together before you towel dried Sans, then you went to the bathroom alone to get rid of your wet swimwear and wrap yourself with a towel.

You went to your room to dress yourself up, you forgot to close the door.

Sans was about to knock on your door when he notice it crack open, he peek inside to look and what he saw made his skull turned into a blueberry.

In there, you were standing, bared skin, putting on your panties, you didn't notice him looking since your back was facing the door.

Sans wanted to turn and look away but he couldn't, the meaty butt and your round breasts just made Sans drool unknowingly.

god, i really really wanna squeeze you and make you screa- NO! what is wrong with me?!

Sans shook his head and went straight to his room, to hide in his nest in shame.


A-N: WASSUP fellow sinners!!! XD, here's a 1600+ words chapter for you.



I know, I'm bad at making shit like this . . .

This is the first time I made sin so PLEASE bare with me XD

Well, you know the role. . .

Thank you everyone for reading, if you have any suggestions, tell me in the comments/tumblr if you want to, support me by simply sharing or voting this chapter . . .

If you think I'm having improvements or errors on my writings, you can tell me that in the comments/tumblr too. . . if you like . . .

I having tumblr, cause you know . . . for future fanart >w>

We can chat about the next chapter too in tumblr OwO  

For now boi~ :3


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