Chapter 9
Author Note: sorry for the lack of actions in this chapter! I promise the next chapters will be much better with a lot of action!
"How is he?"
Tinkerbell stood by the bedside, watching over Willem. You had made her look at his injuries, as you weren’t sure your magic worked on him.
"He passed out. He had lost a lot of blood and he was beaten up pretty badly. Did he tell you what happened to him?"
Deep down, you always knew something was off with Hannah. She was too… perfect. Too friendly, too beautiful… There was something wicked under her skin and you ignored it for a long time. But the thought of her roaming in the camp where she could hurt more people… You needed to do something against that. But now, the priority was Willem: he needed to recover.
"I need to warn Felix. Maybe they don't know he is missing." You told her seriously, trying to hide your evident anger.
"That would be a good idea but you can't go in there. I will inform him when I get to the camp today." Upon your surprised face, the former fairy continued. "Apparently they are very desperate for help: many are sick and they don't know what causes it."
"What?" Why didn't Felix mention this to you at all? Maybe you will have been able to help!
"I suspect food poisoning, from what some boys told me." She developed, glancing at Willem. "Your friend here doesn't look like he got ill, maybe… maybe he saw something he shouldn't have. That would explain a lot."
Willem needed to wake up soon. You needed answers and you needed them right away. With his evidence, maybe you could go to the camp, explain and clear up the situation before it escalates further. The last thing you wanted was everyone chasing after you again and killing everyone off.
"When you see Felix, make sure to tell him… Nevermind I will do it myself. I will use my powers to get near, and please, try to make Felix go somewhere secluded."
Waiting was the worst part. You didn’t know what Tinkerbell was doing but she was surely taking a lot of time. Then, you heard it. The annoying giggle.
Hannah was there, her arm locked with Felix's. You grew immediately irritated and what she was doing with the blond haired boy ticked you off. Then, you noticed Felix's face: he looked frustrated and displeased by what was going on. She was speaking nonsense with her oddly beautiful voice and you couldn’t do anything! That was true torture! You wished you could come out but you knew she would alert the camp, and that would possibly run down into a battle, with Feix being caught in the middle. You couldn’t let that happen.
"Come on Felix… Please…" She chanted in his ears, and her being so close to him made you want to puke. Her hands flew to his chest. "I know you want me."
"Hannah stop!"
"What's wrong? Am I not good enough for you?" She pouted, trying to sound cute and innocent. She pushed herself into him so he could sprawl on the ground, and he groaned when his head hit a trunk. And you couldn’t do anything or else the camp will be alerted. "I know you want it too…" She continued with a soft smile, and then she tried to kiss him.
The second in command violently pushed her off him and she fell harshly on the ground with a pained grunt. Felix stood up with heavy breaths, and you swore that he was ready to kill her. Maybe you wished he could… That would be one problem off your shoulders.
"I don't want it Hannah! I don't want you as well!" He yelled at her, which made you proud. Her face was hilarious too. "Stop trying to get in my pants or I will tell Pan!"
Her face morphed into anger and a dirty frown grew on her face. Something… had changed about her. She slowly stood up, her beautiful red hair tangled with some leaves.
"Oh you are making a big mistake Felix."
And her voice… She sounded so beautiful, charming, and warm… When you heard her, you had the worst shudder down your spine. Yes, something was definitely off about Hannah and you were glad she left angrily. Felix looked quite shocked as well, he was breathing heavily and seemed confused at her threat. You chose this moment to slither through the shadows, so you appeared behind him.
The tall boy was completely startled and with a scream, swung his club at you. You dodged it at the last moment. He was getting soft.
"How did you get here?!" He whispered quickly as he pushed you against the tree, possibly shielding you from prying eyes.
"Hello to you too Felix, how are you doing?"
"What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to speak to you. Not happy to see me? I thought you would have started to make out with that little shit…" You rolled your eyes, and felt furious just to think of the red haired girl.
"You saw that?" He asked, apparently embarrassed and looked down, realizing his shirt was open. He quickly closed it.
"If she was about to hurt you back there, I would have saved you." You told him seriously, and cupped his cheek lovingly. He leant immediately in your touch and you regretted not beating her ass when she was trying to sleep with him. He looked hurt. "It's okay."
"Nothing is okay." He admitted with a sad sigh. "The boys are sick, and it started a few days after you arrived." Felix recalled, staring at the camp. " I only thought it was just a coincidence but I don't think it is. The boys have been sicker and sicker, and Pan doesn't seem to care!"
"You should have told me, I would have helped." You didn't want to sound like a mother scolding her child so you tried to hug him. "I care about you all."
"I know. I am sorry but… I didn’t know what to do. Tinkerbell said that they must have been poisoned through food. But I ate it too, why am I not ill? And to add to our daily share of miseries, Willem is dead."
Willem was not dead. He was in your tree house, injured but he will survive. He was tough as nails, he survived Pan's punishment so he would survive a assassination attempt.
"He's alive." You breathed out, approaching Felix. "Someone tried to kill him. He is safe now. He said Hannah was manipulating people to do her bidding."
"Hannah?" He repeated her name, and hummed, seemingly thinking about what you revealed. "I don't want to believe it but at the same time… I wouldn't be surprised. We need to talk to Pan-"
"No! What if he hurts or kills you because you were with me?"
"A risk I am willing to take in order to kick out that viper out of our nest."
"Oh I will kill her myself." You chuckled, thinking of a billion ways to see the bitch die.
Felix laughed at your remark, and it was the most melodious sound you had ever heard. You were really smitten with him, and he gave you strength in a way. You were glad he forgave all your past mistakes and outbursts. His hand found yours and he squeezed it comfortably.
"You should leave, just in case Pan comes in to snoop… I would hate to watch you die."
"You are great at flirting with people, Felix."
Willem was feeling better now. He could sit on his own and eat without coughing or puking. You were relieved, it meant your magic worked and his wounds were healed. Tinkerbell was still back at the camp, and you believed she won't be back yet, it gave you time to speak with the albino boy.
"So… how are you feeling?"
"You want to talk about what I revealed before I passed out, you mean?"
Willem's bluntness caught you off guard. His burnt face reminded you of the day Pan punished him… because of Hannah. She was the root of every one of your problems and misfortunes. Pan was too, but not as much as the little red viper.
"I need to know exactly what happened." You insisted, and he seemed willing to speak about it.
"I was already suspecting something going on with Luke. I mean… He always had been cruel but not that much. I saw him snooping with the fish basket more than once. Then… He and Hannah were… I don't think they were fucking but they looked close to do it. I tell you, she's a witch or something…" He mumbled as he ate a piece of bread Tinkerbell had baked for him. "She was almost… singing to him. And I thought I was going to fall for that as well…"
"It shows you are stronger in mind than him…"
"Yeah but… It was so strange. I felt like… falling asleep to a promise of better tomorrow. I don't know how to explain it."
You hummed, and crossed your arms. It meant that Hannah may have magic as well, which made her a more powerful foe now. You needed to get rid of her, maybe she was manipulating Pan as well, or the two decided to wreak havoc on the island. So they will both die.
Willem eyed you, and he sensed what you planned to do. He didn’t seem frightened by the idea as well. He even offered you a small smile.
"Are you sure you aren't Odin's child?"
"Who's that?"
"One of my deities that we used to worship back in my world. He reigns over Asgard, he sees all. Or you are a valkyrie…"
"I am not...a goddess Willem. I am a plain little old me."
"No you are not, I can… I can feel it." He said, and you wondered if he had a fever or not. He sounded delusional. "You wield a magic sword, you have magic..."
"So does Pan and that doesn't make him a god." You sternly replied, cutting him off, frowning a little.
Willem shrugged and turned over, probably tired because of his wounds or frustrated over the conversation. Why was he so interested in making you a goddess? That didn’t make sense at all. This conversation didn’t make much sense, and you wondered if it was because of the blood loss. Tinkerbell mentioned that sometimes, people could be dizzy and say nonsense like this, because they miss blood and their bodies are still traumatized.
Looking out the window, you almost felt as if something important was going to happen. Your eyebrows knitted together… Not something important but rather something dangerous was lurking in the jungle. Birds suddenly flew out, chirping loudly. Yes, something was happening and you didn’t like how you felt it. Your brain was screaming at you that there was a danger ahead, and, feeling protective of the island, you jumped right out the window, used your magic to ease up the fall and rolled forwards.
On your run, you noticed a few drops of blood, some pieces of torned clothings… You recognised the color, and it belonged to one of the lost boys. Moving forwards, you investigate the scene and realized two people must have fought really dirty. You followed the trail down to a hitch and crouched, trying to take a glance down. There was indeed someone…
"Felix!" You screeched once you realized it was him.
You darted toward the blond haired boy, who was sitting against a tree, with a look of shock. His face was tainted in blood. When you reached him, you searched for any marks of injuries, only finding light wounds and bruises. He stopped your hand, breathing heavily, and he did look exhausted.
"It's not my blood." He whispered as his eyes quickly glanced to the side.
There was indeed a corpse, and Devin was standing near it, his bow still ready as if he was expecting the corpse to be alive again. Your eyebrows knitted together, trying to understand who it was and why both boys seemed scared and angry. Well, the blond haired boy was scared, agitated and fearful, his body shivering a little. He then opened his mouth, ready to speak at last.
"It's Luke. He tried to kill me." Felix explained, still not moving and in shock. "Devin saved me."
"An arrow through the neck, it always works. Like a rabbit."
"Why did he want to murder you? That really doesn't make sense." You chose not to question Devin’s words, but instead questioned the piece you were missing.
"He killed the other boys by poisoning them or helped someone do it.” The second in command replied with a heavy breath.
You could tell he was still very disturbed by what happened and you understood. You reached for your own cape so he could at least clean the fresh blood off. You let him wander to a nearby river, and instead went over Luke’s body. You turned him over with your foot and winced instantly at the arrow and the wound it made. The boy still had an open mouth, eyes full of anger and insanity. Even dead, he was frightening.
Devin quietly walked next to you, not saying a word. You both contemplated the body for a while. Luke was an asshole, you knew that. Everyone knew that. In a way, you were glad that he was dead, you remembered how mean he had been to you and Hannah. In the few moments you had shared with the brown haired boy, you had hated every single second of it. To think he even had a friend… Ben. You frowned when thinking of him, he was oddly protective of the dead lost boy. How would he react to the news?
“What should we do with the body?”
“Huh?” You snapped from your very busy mind and looked at Devin.
“Should we bury him or something…?”
“I don’t know. What do you usually do?”
“Pan throws the bodies in the ocean.” He replied, and of course that was Pan’s way. Yours was very different, but you didn’t know if Luke deserved this kind of honor. He had just tried to murder Felix and was the biggest asshole on the island, next to Pan.
“Let’s… Leave the body here. Animals will feed on him. Let’s hope his crazy personality won’t show up in them.”
Devin nodded and then climbed the ditch up to wait for you and Felix. Your eyes wandered back to the corpse. You didn’t know what to feel, was it right to be glad he was dead? You reminded yourself he tried to kill the one you loved and was the biggest asshole in the camp. You glared down at the corpse and kicked it so he could roll away. There must be a hungry animal somewhere that could change its diet.
The sound of broken twigs brought you to look at where it came from and you realized Felix had finished cleaning up. He still had blood on his clothes, and his skin was a little red. He didn’t say a word as he approached you and he quickly glanced up to Devin whose backs were facing both of you. Staring at him weirdly, you wondered what he was thinking.
Abruptly, his arms circled your body and he brought you closer to him. Immediately, you melted into his touch and warmth, and leant toward him. His head found comfort atop of yours and he sighed in relief.
“I honestly thought I would have died back there.” He muttered, not letting go. “If Devin hadn’t stopped him… I would…”
“Hey…” You shushed him, and cupped his cheek. “It’s okay, you are safe now. I won’t let anyone harm you ever again.”
“That is going to be complicated.” He gave a soft chuckle and shook his head. “But, I am not against the idea…”
You couldn’t deny it, you were clearly in love with Felix. You gave him a quick kiss and promised another one once the whole mess would be cleared. He was about to say something when you both heard yelling up the ditch. So, you both climbed up as fast as you could and found Devin trying to calm down a very panicked and anxious Max.
Like Luke, you disliked Max. He always had been rude to you and held you accountable for Willem’s punishment. But you decided not to show it as you approached him. He was speaking too fast, stumbling over his own words and stuttering. Devin was trying to calm him down but it didn’t work as Max glared at him and yelled at him to shut up.
“I told you to let me finish!”
“Then fucking talk!” Devin snapped back, clearly annoyed.
“Ben fucking died!”
You and Felix shared a look. There were too many people dying in a day. And Ben was Luke’s best friend. Max took some more deep breaths and he let himself sit on the ground. He was probably tired from screaming and running so much. Then, you realized he was shaking and crying hysterically. Something must have really shocked him.
“A few other boys died as well… And I am pretty sure Andy is too…” He sobbed, holding his face with his hands.
“What?!” You exclaimed, instantly alarmed upon hearing those news.
Felix took your hand and you were surprised he was doing it in front of Max and Devin. He then told you it was best to go back to the camp so you both could see what was going on and you agreed. Starting to run, you thought about the past events: you were certain Hannah had something to do with it. Why was she so wicked? Why would she do this? Then, your thoughts wandered to poor sweet Andy… He didn’t deserve to suffer like this. You didn’t understand what was the source of his pain… But maybe you could heal him!
“What did he eat?” You questioned as your hands hovered over Andy’s body, but you didn’t feel the warmth like you have felt with Willem.
“An apple!” Someone from the crowd spoke loudly. “It smelled funny tho. Like poison. But we didn’t know!”
Tinkerbell had taught you during your lessons on how to control your powers, the various poisons that existed on Neverland and how to mix them up to make them more powerful. Noticing a red apple close to Andy, you sent Felix to pick it. He did it carefully, using his scarf and his eyes widened.
“Looks like it is covered in dreamshade and something else…”
He brought the aliment to you so you could inspect it. Quickly taking a glimpse at it, you realized there were two other coatings: one from abrus precatorius, those little red beads coming from a plant, Tinkerbell had told you that it was dangerous to eat them, as they were toxic and you could die in a few days, and another one that seemed foreign to you… Maybe something else that was making Andy’s death quicker than the abrus precatorius. Your hands started to shake at the possibility of Andy dying from so much poisoning and you went back to concentrate, trying to feel the warmth from curing Andy.
You couldn’t heal him. It was like your magic was blocked. Maybe it was because of the intense stress and sadness and rage you were feeling. Andy was convulsing so hard, and you couldn’t do anything. Felix's hands found yours and he squeezed so hard that you would have thought your bones would break. He seemed as shocked as you, but ultimately knew that this kind of toxins couldn't be healed by magic. Léonard and Timotheos were crying, imploring you to do something but their whining stopped.
The only thing you could do was to watch the little chubby boy slowly dying in front of you, succumbing to the deadly poisons from eating a simple apple. When he finished shaking and rolling, it was like he stopped breathing and he died, his mouth opening for air, his eyes locked with yours and they were desperate. Choking on a sob, your eyes wandered somewhere else, you couldn’t watch it. You also didn’t notice the drool and the blood rolling down his chin. He had bled from his ears as well. This was disgusting. Andy was just an innocent boy.
Abruptly standing up, the lost boys shuddered at how the atmosphere tensed. They could feel your anger, and… They seemed to share it as well. No one attacked one of theirs without thinking they could walk away. Felix quickly followed, after softly asking the crowd to bury Andy cordially.
"She's gonna pay." You growled, staring off the woods, fists clenched. "I am certain Hannah did it, I don’t know for what reasons, and I will uncover them. Believe me, I will rip her head off her boney body and feed it to the alligators."
"Pan has some answers to give." He joined you. "I want them. I can’t live without knowing why he decided to let such a disaster happen. I will tell the boys to get ready for fighting… my lady."
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