Chapter 8

The sea looked beautiful at night. It was calm, small waves crashing on deadly slippery rocks. Skull Rock and the moon were providing enough light so you could be careful with each of your steps. For a moment, your eyes wandered to the weird looking little island, not far away from where you were standing. If you were a good swimmer, you would have made it there. But you sensed something dangerous lurking around, and you quickly guessed it were the allies the Shadow was speaking about. Carefully, you reached the top of the rocks and looked down. Yes, the sea was dark, but you could see ghostly scales passing by, and it was definitely not a fish or a shark.

"Who are you looking for, little earthling?" Someone spoke with a hiss.

Your eyes flickered immediately to your right, your hand flying to your sword. A marvelous creature was casually sitting on a rock next to you, their long and shiny wet hair reaching her mid back. You guessed it was a woman but it was very hard to tell: she looked more like a shark than anything. Yet, you found her endearing and charming. She gave you a wide smile, and you discovered a mouth full of fangs. You grimaced a little at the thought of being bitten by her but decided to regain your original composure.

"I am... The Shadow. It told me about you I guess."

"Are you speaking about that pesky little being that enjoys throwing riddles at us?" She groaned, glancing at the sea which became more agitated. "My sisters and brothers don't approve of it..."

"Yeah." You chuckled nervously, as you could feel more pairs of eyes staring at you. "That's the Shadow."

"What do you want then?" The black haired creature questioned, seeming to be bored and looking at you like you were her next meal.

"He talked to me about you and I becoming allies. Like I could do something for you, and in return I will... do something for you." You explained simply, and were welcomed by loud laughter.

You looked around, confused. The other creatures had emerged, head above waters, their eyes piercing through yours. Some even licked their lips, ready to eat you. You didn't even know if it was possible but your guts was telling you it could happen if you made a wrong move.

"What's so funny?" You asked, a little irritated, but keeping a hand on your hatchets in case of a fight breaking out. "I really need allies so I can overthrow Peter Pan. I am sure you have heard of him?"

"Yes... He often offers us to eat his... dead lovers." The creature continued, but with a sadder tone. "But we don't like rotten food. Luckily, we can eat anything else!"

"I am sorry to be rude but I really don't want to hear about... how you eat. Listen, I really need your help. And the Shadow seemed to know more about you, and seemed to be certain you would be able to become one of my allies. Tell me what can I do for you?"

"Fine." The siren glanced at the others. "I must discuss it first with my family. Stay here."

She dived into the water, splashing you efficiently. You groaned, and shook your wet sleeves. You definitely needed new clothes, and warmer ones. Maybe you could ask Tinkerbell to sew you new ones. They were taking too much time, and you didn't like that. They could plot anything down there and you wouldn't be able to do much against a gang of sirens. Since when have you become paranoid?

Eventually the siren appeared again, and she crawled on the rock. The way she moved was intriguing, more like a lizard. She sat down, and motioned that you should sit with her. Instead, you knelt down, not wanting to get dirtier.

"There was a traitor in our ranks. She longed to be the leader of our pack, but didn't have the power for it. So, she betrayed us. Sell out our secrets to Pan, and we found the body of our previous queen after we found out about what she had done. Bring her to us. We would love to feast on her. In exchange, we promise to serve you. In the meantime, we agree to work with you." The siren quickly ran down, sounding more and more serious. "Is that a fair deal to you?"

"That sounds indeed fair. I agree to your terms." You nodded, but decided not to shake hands, you feared her claws would injure you. "What does that siren look like?"

"That is the tricky thing, little earthling: we all look the same as a siren." She gestured to the others. "One thing for sure: she must be so ashamed of herself that she must be hiding."

"I don't suppose she is in the camp. I would have seen her." You tried to bring your memories back together. "It could be easy or hard to track her down, but you have my word that I will bring her to you, so you can do justice yourself."

"I like the way you speak, little earthling!" The siren chuckled, going back to the sea. "Be fast, we are impatient creatures."

Tinkerbell didn't approve of you making a deal with the sirens. You thought she looked like a mother scolding her daughter for sneaking off during the night, but at least, she fed you. You weren't even listening to her rambling about how sirens were dangerous creatures, far more than mermaids and that both species shouldn't be trusted. All you cared right now was the stew she had cooked, and you realised how hungry you had been.

"I have them on my side now." You grunted, playing with your meat. "I don't see how this is a bad thing, the Shadow must know what it is doing, and I should trust it."

"Listen, I think you should just... think by yourself. Are you certain this is a good idea? Sirens are known for their villainy and for being untrustworthy." Tinkerbell told you, clearly worried about the situation.

"For the last time, we have a deal! I just need to find that siren who betrayed them, bring her back so they can eat her or whatever and then, we are all friends! See, it is easy!"

"So now you are playing detective. Great." The former fairy sighed, pinching her nose.

You hummed, pleased with yourself, and put your bowl aside. You liked Tinkerbell's home, it gave you a certain and strange sense of safety. You were never really safe, and you were putting her in danger as well. What could she do against Pan? Nothing, she had no powers left. On the other hand, you could easily beat up that poor excuse of a leader.

"How do you plan on... taking Pan's place?"

The question caught you off guard, and your eyes met Tinkerbell's for a second. you sighed, and leant back into your chair, looking at the ceiling. This was something you were trying to figure out, he was not going to let you take his throne easily. He was going to fight for it, brutally. But you could do that as well. You weren't a weak little girl anymore. Studying your double bladed sword, you gave a somewhat reply to the blond haired woman:

"I am going to kill him. Or trap him somewhere, stripping him from his powers. Anyway, I need to leave. I am tired."

"I warn you: we will need to speak about that matter."

You rolled your eyes, not liking the tone she took with you, but you didn't complain. Unlike Pan, you didn't need to belittle people when they spoke that way. Taking the way back to your cabin once again, you found yourself wondering if the lost boys will obey you once you take Pan's place. Or maybe you should let Felix lead them? He was the second in command and maybe he deserved a raise. He also was a better leader, and you technically had him on your side now.

Stopping right in your tracks, you suddenly realised you weren't alone anymore. Should you pretend you didn't notice them? That wasn't going to be easy. They were very loud, stomping around and talking with booming voices. You decided to stay right on your spot, faking being interested in some kind of mushrooms growing near a tree: it was a bright orange with red spots. Your father taught you that animals with such colours were very dangerous and when it came to food, not safe to eat.


You recognised this voice instantly, and whirled around, your hand reaching for your sword. Ekon and Miguel were standing there with a few other boys you didn't remember seeing in the camp. Your eyes traveled to their hands, both boys were holding crossbows, something leaking from the tip. Dreamshade, you immediately guessed. Pan's favourite poison.

"Listen, we... I really don't want to hurt you. So, you have a choice: leave and never return, or stay here and suffer the consequences." Ekon started, shaking a little and looking back swiftly at the group.

"This is what Pan told you, isn't it?" You questioned with a hum, feeling the Shadow in your mind again, clouding your judgment. When did its voice become so loud? "You should leave, right now. You have no idea who you are messing with."

"Ekon... Let's leave." A boy whimpered in the back, probably someone new, his fragile hands shaking vigorously. It looked like he lacked training as well: the arrow wasn't well positioned on the bow, threatening to fall.

"He is right. Felix said to leave when we felt in danger." Another one spoke up, but not even lowering his bow at you, looking more ferocious and confident than the rest.

"No one shoots!" Miguel yelled at them, making them stay behind him. "Let Ekon speak and then we will see what we can do." He then spoke in a calm voice, dismissing the complaint.

"Everyone is worried sick about you, Timotheos, Max, Andy and the others. If we go back to camp, if you explain the misunderstanding you have with Pan... Then everything will be back to normal."

"I don't trust you. One second you tell me to leave and the other, you day we can clear this whole mess out?" You declared, stepping back a little, trying to concentrate. Everything was becoming too loud, you couldn't understand your own thoughts. But you needed to protect yourself. "You are here to kill me aren't you? Of course you are! You think I can't fight too?! You think I can't take all of you down?!" Something warm, that was burning lightly your right palm slowly appeared.

"Ekon look out!" Miguel tried to warn his friend but it was already too late.

The fire ball you launched at him grazed his hips and a horrid smell of burnt meat reached your nose. Ekon was screaming painfully, some parts of his clothes were on fire. You stared back at what happened, not clearly processing. You couldn't have possibly hurt him, of course not. It was Pan. He was behind this, to make you into a mad woman. That was his plan all along.

"Shoot her!" Someone yelled, and you weren't quite sure who it was. "Shoot that damn bitch!"

Your eyes focused on the new boys struggling to lift their weapons and daggers. So, they wanted a fight? With you? Very well then, you will show them what you were capable of. A second fireball appeared in your hand and you threw right in the middle of the group while Miguel was trying to help Ekon. You chuckled as some of the lost ones whimpered and shook in fear. Now, they were being good little boys. Maybe if you taught them a lesson, they will finally understand not to mess with you.

It felt incredibly good to be that fast and slick, to be able to avoid their poor little arrows and to twist their arms and legs until they break. But, somewhere in your heart, you felt it was quite wrong, felt sad and disappointed it had to come down to this. Luckily, the Shadow was there to soothe your worries about your heinous acts: they attacked you first. They were tracking you down. You didn't have a choice, and now, once they will reach that pathetic camp of theirs, everyone will see how strong and powerful you were!

When everything was over, and that you snapped out of your murderous daze, you realised you might have went a little far. At least, you checked if the boys were still alive. They seemed afraid of you now. You sighed and decided to slither through the shadows once again to return to your home.

All those urges made you exhausted. You crawled onto your bed, hugging the soft pelts close to your chest, appreciating the warmth and the sensation of safety they gave you. Sometimes, you wondered how it came down to this life. You were supposed to live a peaceful life, to be a wife maybe, to have your own garden... And you knew it wouldn't happen now. You were too far into this wretched place, broken and somewhat lonely.

A sob left your mouth as you clenched on the covers harder. You missed your family. You always had hoped on that pirate ship that they would rescue you... But you only denied their sad destinies: violently murdered. You were starting to be like this man that took everything away from you. If you won against Pan, maybe you could have a new family again?

You didn't realise that you fell asleep. It was the sun's light that woke you up. With a groan, you forced yourself out of the bed. You needed fresh air. You felt like choking, and you wondered if it was your cabin's fault: it was too small to your liking. You nearly fell off the ladder, but decided to lay on a grass patch. You smiled and closed your eyes as you brushed the tips of the grass. It was such a nice tickling sensation, and it made you giggle a little. Everything felt perfectly normal at this instant.

"You have completely lost your mind!" Felix screamed, appearing from behind a tree. "The troop that was patrolling there... You nearly killed them!"

"That was necessary." You groaned, opening your eyes with a frown, and glaring at him.

You had difficulty standing up, your body felt heavy for some reasons. Maybe you needed to eat after you used your powers too much? Tinkerbell was the only one who provided you food, and maybe you could go on a hunt? Your eyes flickered to Felix's body as he paced around: all what he was yelling about fell deaf into your ears. You didn't want to listen to him, it was too much you could handle right now.

"You say you aren't like Pan, well I agree: you are starting to become worse than him!"

"There is a difference between being a savage tyrant and being a leader who is trying to do their best." You snapped with calm, surprising yourself. But it helped to have the Shadow in your mind, soothing your emotions for once. You tilted your head at Felix. "Sacrifices need to be made in order to win a war."

"Please... Stop hurting them." He pleaded, stepping closer to you and gripping your arms a bit too roughly. "I beg you, stop."

"Why are you like this? You don't even care about them." You groaned trying to weakly push him off, after all it was the truth. He never cared about them, you knew it.

"Are you out of your mind?" He asked and glared down at you, shaking you. "I may not be good friends with them, I may hate them sometimes, but they are the Lost Boys and I must take care of them!" He pushed you down roughly and for the first time in some days, you feared what he would do to you. He looked incredibly mad and furious. "It's over. I am tired of your childish and brutal behavior. You are not yourself."

"What do you want me to do Felix? Everyone had fucked over me those last months. I am doing what I can in order to stay alive. You don't know what I have been through." You spat right at him, standing up again thanks to a tree nearby.

"I am tired of your shit!" He repeated more seriously, roaring angrily which made you cower and lower your eyes to the ground. "Everyone has been through some difficult times. You don't know half of my life. You don't know what Willem had been through... You know nothing of us, you never wanted to know how things worked there. And now, you expect us to respect you? You are so... so unlovable. Maybe I should leave you, in your own little miserable and egoistic world."

"Maybe I will have known if you told me instead of always keeping me in the shadows!"

"I was trying to protect and making sure no one would ever harm your precious little head! I loved you, that's why I did it!"

Your heart skipped a beat and your breath got stuck, making you feel like you were choking on poisonous air. That immediately broke you from your ruthless quest to the throne of Neverland. You had loved Felix, and you still did. You couldn't lose him now. The perspective of him hating you so much and being away... You couldn't stand it. But he seemed like he didn't want you anymore.

You tried to hide it, you tried to hide the screaming of the Shadow in your busy mind and gulped. You didn't regret defending yourself from the lost boys but you had to admit you provoked them as well. It was partially your fault. And you definitely didn't enjoy how Felix stared down at you, like you were some kind of monster... Actually, the more you thought about it, the more you realised that it was the same look you gave to Pan. Were you really turning into a brutal and egoistic monster like him? You couldn't become like Pan. You would never be him. So, you decided to push the Shadow aside for a long moment, trying to gather your thoughts and come out with something that will satisfy both Felix and you.

"Alright. I won't... hurt anyone unless they attack me first." You offered, feeling shy again, looking at the forest ground and finding a leaf more interesting.

"How can I trust you now?" His cold voice made you flinch.

"Give me another chance to redeem myself, please." It was your turn to plead, and you approached him. However, he took a few steps back, which hurt you more. "Felix, if I lose you... I don't know what I will become next. Please, don't leave me now, not like that. I just want us to be happy together and safe. I will go berserk if you leave me."

"Are you threatening me?" Felix asked in a soft voice, he seemed to think deeply about what you told him. He took some minutes to think and then ran his hand through his messy locks. "Fine. One last chance. I am doing this because I love you. Now, I have to go. Pan was mad that you injured the boys. I won't be able to talk to you in a long time. But I trust you."

You nodded, and expected him to at least say goodbye to you when he left a bit suddenly... or kiss you. But he didn't. You were a bit disappointed but knew he was still furious about what happened. Nothing was going in your way it seemed. It felt like this whole rebellion and overthrowing Pan were pointless, and silly ideas that you went with because you didn't want to stay on Neverland. You should have left when you had the chance.

You went back to your liveless home, and laid down heavily on the bed. You curled on yourself, trying to be warm. It was strange how now you didn't feel the cold or the warm weather. You had tried desperately to block your emotions but now you couldn't. Everything was flowing through your brain at such rapid speed that you didn't even know what you were feeling: was it sadness and doubts because Felix hated you now? Was it happiness because he gave you another chance?

"I told you to get rid of your feelings more than once already. You must listen to me or else, this whole operation will fail." The Shadow appeared, floating above you and looking particularly upset.

"Stop with your stupid riddles!" You suddenly lost it, throwing a makeshift cushion at it. "Everything you made me do, everyone that you made me meet..."

"Stop whimpering like a lamb and get a grip on yourself!"

"I want to know why this boy is so damn important!" You showed him the portrait you had found in the burnt down village.

"He is not even born yet. Be patient. He is special but I can't tell you the reasons why."

"That's the problem with you. You are not telling me anything!" You shrieked impatiently. "You always tell me some bits then leave me alone. What's the point anyway?"

It stopped talking, gawking at you. It seemed to study you for a moment. It felt awkward and unpleasant to have the Shadow observing you. Finally, it flew down to your level.

"I can take full control of your body if you aren't co-operative. But, deep down, I sense that your troubles and your lack of faith. You just need to erase those. Become the one you were always meant to be."

"But I am so drained of this situation! I want to... I want to sleep somewhere safe and warm, with Felix..." You sniffled, trying to suppress your emotions.

"That can happen in the near future. That is why you need to keep pushing."

"I will."

"Good, we are so close to eliminating your principal enemy. Many will come after, but you will be able to slay them all."

You nodded at what it said, and felt relieved when the Shadow disappeared. You didn't realise how much of a weight he was: maybe that was the reason your body and mind felt so heavy at times. Touching Vergessenheit, you wondered if you would ever see the end of your exhaustive quest. But the Shadow was right: you needed to push yourself to succeed.

Pan had to die.

That was the only option to his fate. You needed to end his story once and for all. Maybe that will open the eyes of the other faithful lost ones, and they will follow you. Hopefully. Your stomach started to growl from hunger, and you grimaced. Maybe Tinkerbell was eating as well? It must be close to her usual lunch time and she always shared her meals with you. She was such a nice soul but you sensed that she could be as sly as a fox.

Traveling through the shadows was tiresome and a bit laborious but it was the quickest way to get to her little cottage hidden by and inside a dark cave. She never invited you inside, and you understood: she needed to have her own little garden of secrets. As long as she didn't plan to backstab you, you were pretty happy with her. She must have known you would come: when you entered her home, she had two balls filled with food on the table. You smiled at her with a tired look and pulled the chair to sit down, not even caring to remove your coat and Vergessenheit. The sword's magic soothed you, more than the Shadow ever could.

"So... What happened with it?" Tinkerbell asked after some minutes of silence, poking at her food.

"Well... the Shadow told me I was close to the day I would finally put Pan in a hole. I am pretty excited." You tried to joke, but she remained serious, and you didn't know why. Maybe the Shadow spoke to her as well? She seemed concerned. "What's the matter?"

"When you mean... Putting Pan in a hole... Do you mean making him a prisoner? Or do you really want to put him down?"

You stayed silent for a few moments, gathering your thoughts. Maybe the Shadow didn't tell her everything but as you remembered your first encounter, she was more leant toward eliminating the damn green elf. Also, your conversation some time ago definitely gave her a hint on the fate of that annoying brat. You tilted your head, wondering why now she wouldn't want that. Was she considering betraying you? Maybe you should kill her? No, that was not right. The former fairy was your ally, not a foe and you decided to not murder anyone, except Pan. What would Felix think if that were to happen?

She stood up from the wooden table, taking her empty bowl with her. Yours was half filled, because you had stopped your feast when she asked about your intention with Pan. But, maybe killing him was too... extreme? Your eyebrows knitted, reminding yourself that his only fate was death, especially after everything he had done: killing girls or driving them to suicide because he was bored, the enslavement of some lost boys, how he treated Felix... The Shadow had told you he was a poor leader, and it was the truth.

"I will kill him and keep his head and heart as trophies." You decided to tell her, then went back to eating.

Tinkerbell stepped back from the makeshift sink, a little frightened by your behaviour. Her eyes were clearly judging you and you didn't give a damn. That was your decision, not hers. You were the one destined to put an end to his miserable life.

"You are not possibly thinking this?" She babbled, shaking a little. Was she afraid of you now? Or perhaps afraid of what would happen if you failed?

"Listen... I prefer to be seen as a villain and killing the root of evil rather than letting him roam freely..." You explained, taking your empty bowl with you as you stood up and met her at the sink. "I will try not to enjoy that moment... But I can't promise that." You smiled sweetly at her and let her grab your bowl.

You decided to go on a walk by yourself. Tinkerbell seemed too stunned to share a moment with you and you understood a little. You were maybe starting to become like Peter Pan. At least, you didn't want to punish anyone who went against you... And didn't kidnap girls to play with them and their feelings, only to throw them away when you were bored.

A moan abruptly caught your ears. It was not of... pleasure, but rather of pain. You turned toward the direction of the strange sound, being curious about it. Was that a newcomer that got trapped in a net set by the lost ones? Your instincts were yelling to go check and investigate what was going on. So you did. You walked swiftly, trying to not be seen by any patrol. You found a ditch, and climbed down on the other side. The painful groans were getting closer and closer. You could hear someone having some difficulty breathing.


That voice... That voice was Willem's! Your eyes traveled to a body that was barely breathing. You knelt down urgently next to him and soothed him when he attempted to speak. His condition was bad: you noticed the giant hole in the middle of his stomach: someone had cut him like he was an animal. His face was full of bruises, and he had likely a broken nose. You may not have been able to help him when Pan punished him, but now you could. You only tested your powers when you needed to fight but were you able to heal? You came back to yourself when Willem's broken hand lifted to touch your sleeve helplessly.

"I am going to help you! Don't be afraid, I promise I won't hurt you." You tried to sound as calm as possible but your voice was full of insecurity and fear.

"It's... It's her." The boy tried to speak, and closed his eyes, catching his breath, sighing of relief when you started to use your magic on his main wound. "I knew it..."

"What are you talking about?" You questioned, as the injury started to close slowly. Your hands were shaking but you tried to remain stoic for his sake. At least, your magic could heal people.

"Luke... He tried to kill me... But it's not his fault." He seemed to be in a chatty mood even if he was suffering greatly. He winced and squirmed a little, stopped talking and then went back on his discussion. "He's controlled, she... she sang to him or something."

"Who is that she?"

You were scared, because you might have an idea on who he was speaking about. You tried to continue to heal him but he stopped you, his hand touching yours softly. Willem always had been kind to you, maybe because he had some kind of silly crush, or maybe he considered you as his friend? You never really knew. He was trying to gain a steady breath, and when he did, he stared deep into your eyes. You always thought he was beautiful, even after his punishment. You even saw some likeness with Felix as well. His pale hand squeezed yours in an attempt to stay awake, and for you to come back to the present. His mouth opened many times, but he didn't seem ready yet to talk. Then, his eyes slowly closed, and he sighed.

"Hannah... Hannah is manipulating him." 

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