Chapter 6

You didn't feel like talking to anyone lately. Mainly because of the Shadow emptying the heavy silence you had imprisoned yourself in. You didn't even feel joy in eating anymore. It was not your fault, you decided. Of course it was other's. They seemed to be suspicious of you, and worried that you would snap at them. Only Pan remained normal and you guessed he must know about your own deal with the Shadow. But did he? You were so tense lately, and you just wanted one moment of peace with your own mind. At least, they could not see the Shadow lurking around the camp, not even Pan noticed it flying around, and circling you with pointless statements and questions. As you passed by a training ground, your eyes darted to Felix's figure and you stopped to watch him for a bit. His movements were slow when he was fighting with his club, but very devastating. He was pretty strong, and most people couldn't guess because of his slender body. You then thought about the argument you both had some days ago, and as you went to apologize, you were stopped by a giggling Hannah who took you by the arm and forced you out of the camp with her.

You groaned as you were being dragged somewhere bright. Your eyes, you realised, were more sensible to the bright light, like the sun. You wondered if it was a side effect for being the Shadow's minion or mistress. What were you to him? The terms of the contract were very blurry and you hadn't bothered to ask when you accepted his deal. You were snapped back to reality by Hannah babbling something about Pan and Felix.

"What did you say?" You questioned the girl, a bit rudely. "Sorry... I didn't really sleep last night..."

"It is alright, and yes, I heard you turning and murmuring in your slumber... I didn't want to wake you up, but I was a little worried about you!"

"It's fine. I am fine." You lied, rubbing your eyes to wake you up a little. "So... What were you talking about..."

"Oh yes! Well, Pan accepted to bring most of the boys in another realm! Isn't that exciting? He said he wanted to mess around with realities, which I didn't really understand, but he also seemed focused on something else... Maybe I will get him to reveal this to me! After all, he seems to have a soft spot for me as well."

You rolled your eyes at what she was insinuating. You really wondered if Pan was that dumb, or just playing around with her. Probably the latest, but she was as wicked as him. You really tried to improve your relationships with your friends, and you did include the red haired girl in them, but you could sense how rotten she was. You didn't even magically guess it, just one look at the bubbly girl and you could immediately tell she was a mean girl. You couldn't even trust her. Everything seemed so fake about her. However, you were very interested in the trip. Why would Pan do that? Was it like a reward for the boys?

"You have so many questions... and no will to get the answers." The Shadow's voice mocked you right besides your ear. "However, you are right to choose your friends wisely..." It hummed. "By the way, maybe that trip will help you understand your new powers, but keep yourself grounded."

You nodded at the last part, and knew that you should follow its advice. You didn't know the full extent of your magic, you didn't even remember what could happen if the Shadow could take over your body. Maybe you were able to destroy a town with a finger's snap. You chuckled at the idea, which sparked Hannah's attention.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing... just something I was thinking about." You told her as you started to walk again.

You felt generous today so you asked Hannah where she wanted to go for the day. You felt bad when she smiled at you, thanking you for the safety you were providing to her. To think someone with such an angelic face and sweet smile could be rotten... Or was it your mind playing tricks against? She had decided to go see the mermaids, which was not a bad idea. They never attacked you, and maybe they would do the same to Hannah. However, the red haired girl asked if she could stay a little away from the shore. You found her request strange, as mermaids couldn't handle themselves well out of the water but didn't comment on it.

When you both arrived at the shore, Pan appeared before you two, and you groaned. He was really ruining all the fun.

"Not happy to see me lady?" He mocked with a chuckle, focusing his attention on you.

"Do you want me to be honest or do you want a pretty lie to comfort your ego?" You snapped quickly, as you weren't in the mood to be messed with.

"Come on, I know you love me." He purred as he appeared beside you, leaning on your body suggestively.

"As if!"

You pushed him out of the way rather roughly and realised you must have become stronger. Hannah gulped as she was standing next to you and clearly didn't want to be the target of his wrath. You turned and told her to follow you.

"You don't seem so afraid of him anymore." Hannah pointed out curiously as she walked behind you.

"I still am." You confessed but stopped yourself from revealing your deal and Pan's threats to her. "I just... I just know I have to tough up to stand up to him and the other boys. By the way, if any of them bother you, you could just ask me to kick their asses." You grinned confidently.

"Don't be silly, you could never rival them." Hannah laughed, which hurt your feelings. "It is not... our place in a way."

You stopped right up in your tracks and the red haired girl nearly bumped into you. She cowered as you glared down at her, your nails digging into your palms as you attempted to calm yourself down and not blow at her. You didn't want a corpse in your arms right now but she definitely needed to be taught a lesson.

"Listen here, you little shit!" You growled at her, as she backed away against a tree. "If I want to kick someone's ass I will gladly do so. I don't care if it will be a girl or a boy. I will take them down." Your fist curled around her dress and you lifted her up a little to show how serious you were.

She sniffled as she nodded quickly, and you wondered if you had gone too far. She was clearly afraid of you now, and that was not the effect you were seeking in the first place. You released her and didn't spare the girl a glance as you walked back to the camp angrily.

"Quit mumbling under your breath girl." The Shadow spoke in your mind. "And destroy her with a curse."

"Quit telling me what to do!" You yelled back at the being slowly appearing in front of you. "And get out of my head!"

"Sadly I can not do that. You are not strong enough to block me, and we are permanently linked to each other. Must I remind you of our deal? You are destined to be my new leader."

"I know but I don't like how you can show up and take over my body. I command you to ask me, especially if we are in a dangerous situation."

"I will do as you told me from now on."

Doubting the Shadow's promise, you hummed and started to walk again. Having spoken to the Shadow with authority made you a bit proud of yourself: you weren't as weak as they all believed. They won't understand what's coming after them, you have decided to take Pan down. It was the easiest way to protect yourself and by extension, the others. Also, you remember the Shadow telling you about being a better ruler than Pan, and so you needed to take his place.

When you got back to the camp, you were a bit pushed by some running lost ones. Before you could snap at them to be more cautious of their surroundings, you followed them with your eyes and heard Peter talking about the next big trip. You approached, and realised most of the boys were excited and couldn't stand in place. They were shouting questions at their leader, it was an awful cacophony.

"For the people who have just joined us..." Pan declared as he winked at you. "We are going to the land without magic, and I want everyone to be on their best behaviour. I won't be able to save you all from danger... That doesn't mean we can't have fun and mess around there!"

Why would Pan go to a place without any magic? That didn't sound like him... Still, he had that awful and wicked smile on his face as he looked quickly across his lost ones. He stared at you for a few seconds and you immediately froze for no reason. Still with powers, he was frightening you. You quickly turned away and bumped into Max, the boy who got mad at you some days ago. You glared at him intensely before trying to walk but the boy gripped your arm harshly.

"You should be grateful Willem is alive, if he had died, you wouldn't be here breathing."

"What? Mad because he seemed interested in me? Are you his boyfriend or something?" You told him, raising an eyebrow with a smirk when you saw him shifting attitude.

"Dumb bitch." He let out as he left as fast as possible, looking around to see if anyone had heard what you said.

Boys were all the same: they pretended to be tough and hard, but in reality, one little comment and their world crumbled down. It was actually funny to you to do it with Max, as the asshole deserved it. You didn't know if you wanted to go on the trip with them, knowing Pan, he would make you come anyway. Speaking of the devil, the boy appeared just in front of you and you rolled her eyes. So predictable.

"So, Lady..."

"Don't call me that. I hate that stupid nickname!" You growled, despite trying not to sound rude.

"Right." He continued, undisturbed by your outburst. "As I was saying before you interrupted me, you should come with us to Germany."

"Germany?" You repeated, eyebrow furrowing. "What's that?"

"A little country in the Land without Magic... That holds a certain number of magical artefacts. I need to get one peculiar, and I know you love magic."

Crap, did he know about the deal? You swallowed nervously and nodded slowly. Better to agree quietly with him, you weren't in the mood to fight.

"You and Hannah will come with us!" He declared happily. "And I will make Felix watch after you two. We don't know what kind of freaks there are in this place."

"I'll be fine."

"No, I insist." He told you, his smile shifting to a dangerous smirk.

You shouldn't mess with him and you knew it. You were still weaker than him and you weren't sure the Shadow would help you in case of a battle. You sighed and agreed to his terms, well aware you would regret it later.

The day of the trip, you weren't feeling particularly excited. On the contrary, you were quite worried to be in a new and different land. Hannah, on the other hand, wouldn't stop talking about it: the girl was speaking and speaking, ignoring your little annoyed groans.

"How are we going to get there?" The redhead girl asked Pan. "It is not like we can fly like you..."

"Well..." He chuckled, holding out a bean in his fingers. "We are going to use this."

"A... a bean?" You said out loud, clearly perplexed, pointing with your finger to the little bean.

"Not the kind you eat, this one is magical."

"And... we are supposed to believe you?" You asked, skeptical, tilting your head as you started to follow him out of the camp.

"Of course you should believe in me." Pan snapped at you in a quick fit of anger but then smiled as he glanced at you.

He was confusing you and he was loving it. He was such a bastard, you wished you could rip off his smirk out of his face right now. But it was not the time for this. Maybe you could manage to get whatever he was seeking before him?

Standing on the beach, you quietly watched as he threw the bean into the sand. At first nothing was happening, and you refrained from telling him it didn't work. But then, the boys suddenly stepped out of the way as it started to storm. Someone grabbed you and pushed you back a bit roughly. Hannah squealed as sands hit her and you bit the inside of your mouth to avoid laughing at the poor girl.

A fogged vision appeared inside the portal and you squinted, trying to take a good look. People were walking around, and it seemed to be a very busy place with carriages and weird... carriages without horses. You half listened to Pan as he listed what the lost ones had to do in this new land and most were happy to have a bit of free time to discover.

After his little speech, Hannah went by your side and gulped nervously, her eyes darting behind the portal. You didn't understand why she seemed so afraid of water, especially that the sea was calm today. You raised a questioning eyebrow to her but the view of Felix approaching you both seemed to appease her.

You rolled your eyes, trying to hide your jealousy, as she came and took him by the arm. You walked as fast as you could into the portal, but you were a bit scared of how it would feel to go through it. To your surprise, it was like walking through a door, so nothing happened.

You were right about how that place was busy: barefoot children laughed and ran past you both, some men were screaming at each other and most of the people were just walking and hurrying to get where they wanted to go. It was incredibly gloomy as well.

"Wouldn't they doubt us if they see us in... our clothes?" You asked Pan as you joined him.

"Of course not. I put a spell on us before leaving, it will last only for a few hours. It's the time I need to go on my mission." He smirked at you. "Felix will stay with you and Hannah."

"Felix left already." An unknown lost one told him.

"Fine... Then Max will do it."

"I was serious when I said I could handle myself, Pan. I don't need someone to watch over me. Please? I swear I won't go too far!" You smiled sweetly at him, knowing how to charm him.

"If I wasn't so busy... I would have made you come with me." He replied, his eyes shining a little and you cringed, remembering his threats.

Pan had promised he would make you cry and wish you didn't say no to his advances. You smiled awkwardly at him before leaving everyone and rushing into a quieter street. You sighed in relief when you saw Pan leaving in the opposite direction after giving his orders to the boys still in place. You didn't know if you could manipulate him but you needed to learn how. Charming him with your smile and swinging your hips a little seemed to work well, but it won't last for long, especially with Hannah around. Nervously scratching your neck, you started to walk away from the main city's place.

You were right to say this place was incredibly gloomy. Everyone looked sad, tired or sick or the three at once, except some children who were playing with toys made from scraps. The buildings were half destroyed in the area, or fixed badly. You wondered how families could live in this kind of environnement. Your heart strangely ached at their miseries. Still, you continued your walk, starting to think of ways to help them while you were currently there.

Someone suddenly grabbed you by the shoulder and pushed you violently against a wall in a very narrow and dark street. You gasped as you hit the wall and blushed when Felix pressed himself against you. He didn't seem to realise what he was doing, as he kept looking around. You realised he must have stalked you from where you decided to separate yourself from the rest of the group.

"What... were you following me?"

"No, I saw you walking and I tracked you down." He replied simply, avoiding looking at you.

"I can handle myself out there. Why weren't you with Hannah by the way?" You told him, trying to shove him out of you.

"I didn't want to stay with her."

"Why not?"

"She's making me feel uncomfortable." He mumbled as he finally let go of you.

You suddenly started to grow worried for him after you heard him saying this. Did something happen with Hannah and he didn't want to tell you? He liked to hide how he was feeling, so it was definitely concerning. He frowned at something and slowly stepped into another street, you on his tail.

"What do you mean you are not feeling comfortable with her? Has she done something to you?" You questioned multiple times, and only got silence as an answer. "I am talking to you!" You growled as you gripped his arm.

"I don't want to speak right now." He told you quickly, rolling his eyes. "Now, close that mouth of yours and be quiet."

You released him and glared at the blond haired boy. You didn't appreciate the tone he was using you: so rude and condescending. You really cared about his well being and that was how he was thanking you? You groaned as you tripped yet again, your shoes slipping on the cobbled street and recent rain. You were glad you were not wearing a dress and those silly little heel shoes some women were wearing as well as Hannah. At least, you could run in case of danger, unlike her.

"What are we even doing?" You asked again, bored and tired from walking. "Felix, are you even listening to me? Oh I get it now!" You realised, scowling over the thought. "You are ignoring me, that's not very cool of you."

"Shut up!" He pushed you into another corner, his hand on your mouth.

You debated whether to bite him hard, or wait calmly for an explanation. He really was being an asshole. Then, why was your heart beating so hard and so fast? Was he hearing it too? Stupid feelings, you sometimes wished you could take your own heart out and crush it. That way, no one will ever bother you again. After several minutes, and a confused look on Felix's face, he released you. Rolling your eyes, you asked what he was doing.

"I think I saw someone... Walking into a wall." He replied, very serious, as he moved to inspect it.

"What? Felix, there is no magic there. How could someone possibly do that?"

"I have no idea, but maybe it is not magic. It could be a hidden door or something. Maybe that person has that object Pan seeks. I want to give it to him."

"This is getting ridiculous..." You murmured as people hurried past both of you, ignoring what the lost boy was doing.

"Help me instead of being a pain in my ass!" He commanded, glaring at you. "Try to push it with me."

"I am going to repeat myself but this is-..." You started, only to be cut by going through the wall with Felix.

You both fell down a couple of stone stairs with a cry. Once you were at the bottom, you attempted to stand up, only to be stopped by an invisible force. You groaned, wishing you could use your magic right now. Whose fault was that? The Shadow's. It didn't seem to care about your teachings, but loved to order you around. Felix tried to free himself from the force but didn't succeed.

"So, after all, you were right." You admitted, hating to be wrong but amused at his antics.

"Who are you two? You tried so hard to find me and to organise that meeting." A voice from the dark hissed.

"We are travellers... From England... To help poor people... After the Great War." You tried to remember the full cover story Pan had made and told you before leaving the island, smiling awkwardly.

"No, no, you are not." The woman said as she finally emerged from the shadows. "You don't belong here in this realm."

"I assume I was right: you are a witch." Felix growled besides you.

She cackled as she advanced, and you wondered if she was a foe. She looked like she wanted to tear the blond haired lost boy to shreds, and, of course, you would not watch silently. If she dared to lay a finger on him, you would unleash hell on her. You had to admit, she was quite beautiful too: a round face with very bright eyes and short golden hair... She looked young too, like she had just reached adulthood. That must be a trick because she also looked innocent and harmless.

"You are indeed right, little one. You both seem... correct for my standards. if you break something, you pay for it with your life." She warned before releasing you.

You smiled and stretched as you were finally free. Glimpsing at your companion, you noticed how he clearly had a defensive stance. You didn't want to anger the witch further, so you kindly asked him to behave normally. He grumbled something under his breath but seemed to obey you.

The witch snapped her fingers, and the room finally lightened up. It was very fancy, with giant mirrors and long and comfortable sofas. How could a room that seemed so small on the outside could be that giant on the inside?

"Magic." She replied with a smile as she went for a small trail. "Sit please."

You and Felix exchanged a look, feeling out of place. He was tapping his knees nervously together while observing the place. He seemed to be impressed too. The witch hummed a song as she started to pour something into two porcelain cups.

"My name is Hamilda. And as the gentleman guessed, yes I am a witch." She introduced herself with a sweet sickening voice, she was brewing something in her little mind. "Now, I would very much like to know what attracted you there..."

"An artefact... a magical object." You answered quickly, fascinated by her looks, and earning a glare from the lost boy. "What?" You told him, shrugging. "She asked a question and I don't think we are in the position of lying to her."

"Oh, we have a smart one..."

"Pan will find her and kill her." He blunty replied to you. "It doesn't matter what she tries to do to us, he will instantly know and come here."

"That's not fair!" You yelled and stood up, disgusted by the behaviour of Neverland's leader. "She didn't prove to us she was an enemy! Maybe for once we should listen instead of fighting!"

"That's big coming from you." Felix groaned as he stood up too, tension rising between both of you.

"Children! Quit chattering!" Hamilda hissed dangerously as she used her magic to shove you two back into the sofa. "I do not know what... who that Pan is... But he has no real power here."

The blond haired witch stared at you with a sly smile, which made you uneasy. Felix stayed silent, contemplating her as well. She pointed a finger at you:

"There's something more inside you... I can sense it." She told you, suddenly standing up which startled both of you.

"This is bullshit. We are wasting our time here. " The lost one said, turning his head to take a glimpse at you. "I am leaving. Stay here if you want... Just come back right on time. I would hate myself if we left you here alone."

"Wait Felix!" You cried, reaching for him, but it was too late.

The blond haired boy walked without turning around, which made your heart ache a little. He didn't seem to care about you, as much as you did with him. You sighed, feeling a headache coming and attempted to ease it by cracking your neck.

The witch had stayed silent during your little discussion, drinking her cup as she authorised Felix to leave. She put it back neatly on her plate and crossed her arms.

"Ah, love can be a troublesome and sickening feeling..."

"I don't like him!"

"Don't hide that to me, little one. You seem to have a lot of secrets, as well. That Pan... The way your energy shifted when you spoke and heard his name was interesting. What are you up to against him?" She questioned as she ate biscuits.

"You could say we are rivals in a way... To lead an island. I was chosen like him, and will do a better job, but he has to abdicate." You replied, unleashing your hate in your words and heat coming from your hands. "Sorry... I don't control myself well..."

"Oh no need to apologise, sweetheart." She dismissed it with her hand. "Actually... I love your little story. I want to support you. Girls must stick together, right?" She laughed with a wink. "Wait here a moment, please."

You nodded and decided to explore the room for a moment. She seemed to like red velvet furniture: it was everywhere on the carpet, sofas and chairs. Even the wall was red... When you grazed it with the tips of your fingers, you suddenly shuddered. Maybe it was not paint that coloured the wall... After touching the wall, you smelled your hand and nearly puked at the familiar scent of blood. You really shouldn't mess around with her or else you would find yourself on that bloody wall... To be fair, it did make you queasy to be here.

The witch returned some times after, not surprised by you standing up near one of the walls. She smiled then put something gently on the golden and red velvet pedestal table.

"That sword might be what your rival is trying to find. Strangely, I couldn't use it myself. He has a mind of his own..." Hamilda told you as she pushed you gently toward the weapon.

"He?" You repeated, confused and inspected it from afar.

It was a giant sword, probably bigger and heavier than you. It was also marvellous to look at: dark and silver metals entwined with runes on the blade. Strangely, you found yourself attracted to the double handed sword and had to resist picking it up right away. The pommel was a simple diamond but it was very well made. You bet that Timotheos would gawk at it: he had a talent as the blacksmith of the camp but couldn't craft that kind of weapons.

"His name is Vergessenheit." The witch informed you, standing behind your person with a small smile. "I knew he would like you."

"I don't understand... You are speaking about this sword like it's... alive." You said as you carefully touched the pommel.

"It is of course!" She sounded offended, startling you once again. "For your information, a soul is trapped inside so be respectful please."

"How can a soul be trapped in a sword?" You asked again, very curious about Vergessenheit's past.

"I have several hypotheses... But your little brain of yours wouldn't be able to understand them." She smirked, happy with her little insult. "He seems to enjoy your presence as well."

"Should... I pick it up right away or should I introduce myself?"

"Of course, introduce yourself!" The witch cried as she looked shocked, mocking you once again. "Who raised you? Where are your manners, girl?"

You rolled your eyes at her antics then gulped nervously. You felt sad that a soul was trapped into a weapon, what has he done to deserve such a fate? You slowly reached for it, thinking you wouldn't be able to pick it up. But, to your surprise, you took it with both hands and could swing it left and right naturally! It weighed the same as a feather.

"State your name now." Hamilda commanded.

"I am (Y/N)... I live in a place called Neverland. Nice to meet you?" You introduced yourself with a confused voice, not really understanding what it mattered so much.

The sword suddenly warmed in your hands, and you winced instantly but didn't want to let go of it. You were actually scared of Hamilda and the sword's reactions. The witch seemed to like what you were doing and nodded.

"I was right: he loves you. I am never wrong." She smirked confidently.

"What can he do?" You asked her, inspecting the sword again, mesmerised by it.

"It's a magical artefact, so a bunch of things here and there. Just don't offend him please. Or else he will kill you."

It was not an empty threat. The sword reacted to her words and you agreed silently to it. Some minutes passed, and she gave you the sheath that came with the weapon. Without saying anything else, she bid you goodbye then pushed you through the wall again.

Accidentally, you tripped on the way and nearly fell on the floor. Stabilising yourself, you anxiously looked around but sighed in relief when you saw no one was even standing in the alley. Looking down to the magical sword in your hands, you wondered how you were going to justify its presence on the way back to the island without anyone seeing it. It could be what Peter was searching for, and you wouldn't like to have it separated from you. An idea quickly brew in your mind.

The Shadow could bring it and hide it on Neverland, that way Pan wouldn't see that you have the artefact. You smiled to yourself, and you quickly checked if someone was there before calling out the magical being. It came almost immediately after your call and stared curiously at the wrapped sword.

"I order you to take Vergessenheit and hide it somewhere no one except me can find it."

"As you wish..." It chuckled as it took it with one hand and flew away.

Sometimes you wondered if the people could see it too. The Shadow was a being full of mysteries and a mind of its own unfortunately. You knew it would cause you problems later. Now, you only needed to get back to the others without raising any suspicion on where you were.

Running back to the main place you all agreed to meet up at the end of the day, you saw how everyone was already there and chatting happily. Well, Pan looked disappointed and a bit angry, pacing near the group, his hands behind his back. Felix was leaning against a wall, observing the street with his arms crossed. However when he saw you arriving, he offered you a small smile.

"Thought you would not make it." He admitted, as he nodded toward Pan. "He didn't find what he was looking for."

"That's... sad." You said, not caring about it. "Where's Hannah?" You asked, as your eyes scanned the group. "I don't see her."

Maybe you would all leave without her? To be fair, you would also care less about her. You were quite happy if she never returned. The second in command didn't reply, and you shut your mouth, remembering what he told you earlier. It bothered you to know that he was uncomfortable when she was present and tried to talk to him about it, but your questions were left with silence. Thinking about the events of today, and about your feelings for him, you decided to ask him one last question, and you hoped he would reply with honesty.

"Felix... What are we now?"

"We... as a thing."

You felt awkward defining your relationship with him but you realised that you both never clearly said anything about being in one. You just went with the flow and ultimately, you knew you would have this conversation with him.

"Do you still love me?" You asked again as you looked up to his face, feeling like crying if he replied negatively.

"I think so." He stopped for a moment, seeming to gather his thoughts. "But sometimes... You just really annoy me. It's not like it was at the beginning. You were so... different back then. You evolved too quickly, and in the worst way possible. In the end, just like us, you succumbed to Neverland. Right now... It's hard to reply. I have more important and complicated things to think about." He finished curtly and moved at a fast pace toward Peter Pan.

"What a jerk." You murmured to yourself, your heart shattering a little.

You walked up to your friends, and put on a fake happy smile. Luckily, they didn't see the difference and started chatting with you about what they have seen and discovered. You listened to them but couldn't help to think about how Felix viewed your relationship. Has he stopped loving you because you weren't innocent anymore? Léonard seemed to notice your current state of mind, but didn't question it in front of the group. Knowing the lost boy, he would speak to you about your feelings and would try to help you but you didn't want help. You wanted and needed a genuine reply from Felix, and yes, it could break you if he stopped loving you. On the other hand, you didn't want to live in a pretty lie.

Finally, Hannah returned very late, tugging a very tired and worn out Max. The poor boy seemed exhausted, and you could understand why: listening and hearing Hannah laughing and her crazy but incredibly stupid stories. Something about her made you irritable. She approached you with the lost boy who tried to escape from her grip. Hannah was taller than him, so she could easily take him walking. You pitied him at the moment. Andy politely smiled at her, and you saw from the corner of your eyes how Timotheos and Lénoard groaned, not wanting the girl into your close group of people.

"Hi Hannah! How was your visit?" Andy asked with a curious look.

"It was great! Except that Max ran into some trouble in order to save me." She kissed his cheek and the boy cringed at the gesture.

"What happened?" Léonard asked Max, concerned.

"Should I remind you it was your fault!" He screamed at her, pointing his finger at Hannah who froze, scared of his outburst. "She went into this shady place, and expected me to save her after she messed with too many people."

"It was not my fault!" She defended herself, as she started weeping. "Why are you so mean to me Max? What did I ever do to you?"

"Because you are a lazy bitch!"

You nearly burst out laughing but pretended it was just a cough. So, you weren't the only one to think that about her. Actually, you knew Miguel and his friends disliked her as well and they were right to do so: she was never doing anything in the camp. More of the boys gathered around your group, and you felt in danger when Pan walked to Hannah, quickly followed by Felix who seemed confused about what was happening.

"What's happening here?" Pan said sternly. "People are looking at us, you are being embarrassing." He told the lost one, expecting him to stop yelling.

"Don't scold me!" Max snapped, not caring about the consequences of his speech. "She endangered my life, as well as her own, for some stupid shit! I don't understand why you made me watch her! No one likes her, she should come back to her little world and leave us alone!"

There was silence after that. No one spoke for several minutes. You anxiously shared a look with Felix, who seemed as stressed as you were. Pan couldn't punish him in front of all those people, not in the Land Without Magic. It meant the punishment would hurt more on the island. Max was staring into Pan's eyes, defying his authority and power. After a moment, Pan's second in command approached slowly, trying not to startle the lost boys leader.

"We need to go, Pan." He said simply and calmly. "We can deal with that on Neverland."

"You're right, as always Felix." The brown haired boy sighed, as he took a magic bean from his trouser's pocket. "Let's get going."

Coming back to camp made you realise that you actually liked this place. Sure, you hated sharing your tent, but you liked the atmosphere, it made you feel safe and you were actually to be back. You had never liked going to another realm since that captain had his hands on you. You shivered at the thought, and closed your eyes, your nails sticking in your palms, trying to forget that it ever happened.

"Are you okay?" Andy asked in a worried tone, as he passed by.

"Yeah... Just a thought that made me... Nevermind." You groaned and scratched the back of your neck, not wanting to explain.

You walked up to your tent, ignoring Pan yelling at Max for what he had said about Hannah in the other world. You noticed the girl was silently crying near Pan, leaning on him and making herself look small and vulnerable. You rolled your eyes at that. And you thought you were too harsh on her...


Felix's voice made you instantly stop and you smiled foolishly at him. He approached slowly, and looked around before taking your hand, leading you into a more secluded area of the camp. You giggled, reminiscing of the first days you had spent with him on the island after your sudden arrival.

"What are we doing here?" You asked, as he shyly looked away.

"Here... it was mine." The blond haired boy told you as he presented a piece of leather shoulder plate. "It was something I had before coming to Neverland. Think of it as a... truce gift."

"Truce gift?" You chuckled as you looked at the piece a bit surprised. "Well... I accept it."

He moved quickly to fasten the armor piece where it was supposed to be. You stayed quiet while he was standing and leaning close to you, resisting the urge to kiss him. You really wanted to do it, but you needed to know his feelings and attention toward you. His eyes locked with you for a moment, and neither of you talked, comfortable in this silence, away from the screaming and mad laughters.

As Felix smiled at you warmly, he brought his hand to cup your cheek, and you felt like he had forgiven you about your outbursts. Was he realising that both of you were displaying loving habits in front of Pan and the others? At that moment, you didn't care. But it did confirm he loved you, and even if he didn't say it, you could sense it. It felt like you both were somewhere else, in a little bubble that no one could burst. Until a high screeching wail reached both of you, breaking the romantic moment.

Panicked, you two started to run into the middle of the camp and watched helplessly as Hannah stumbled into Pan's arms, blood gushing out of a wound. Some of the boys had awakened from their little naps suddenly, and most had their weapons out in case of an intruder attack, including the guards that were keeping the camp safe.

"She... she tried to kill me!" She screeched as she pointed a bloody finger at you. 

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