Chapter 3
The nights you spent training under Timotheos, Léonard and Andy started to show its fruits. Indeed, you successfully asked Pan if you could at least come with them hunting. You hoped that way you would spend more time with Felix. You haven't seen him since he brought Hannah and you craved his touch and presence. The demon boy seemed skeptical at first but after showing him your new skills, that you lied about, saying you already knew a few things before getting captured by the pirates, he agreed on letting you go hunt with the boys.
When you saw Felix leaving with a crossbow, you immediately knew he was leaving for hunting. You took a bow and some arrows and ran after him, telling Andy you were going to hunt with someone. Of course he didn't ask questions, actually, you thought you were very bad at hiding your feelings for the tall second in command. You ran after him nevertheless, excited to spend some time with him.
When he heard someone running after him, he turned and saw you with wide eyes. You hugged him tight, glad to be in his arms again. He kissed your head and you hummed, you had missed him too much.
"What are you doing here?" He questioned, not letting you go. "I thought Pan didn't want you to leave the camp..."
"Let's say I showed him I could defend myself..." You smirked.
"Really? Then I won't have any more reasons to save you when you are in distress..."
"I will always need you to save me Felix."
He chuckled at that and let go of you. Then he took your hand and started walking deeper into the thick jungle. You didn't go that far before, so you were a bit uneasy. The blond haired boy seemed to know where to look, and where the hunting traps were. He checked every one of them, and when he would find some dead animals, he would take it. You only watched him, trying to remember his gestures.
"So what do you think of her?" He suddenly asked.
"Of who?"
"That girl I saved from the mermaids."
"Oh Hannah? She's very nice and sweet." You replied, a smile on your lips. "It feels oddly nice to not be the only girl on the island anymore."
"I see." He nodded, not saying anything.
"You don't seem too happy. What is it?"
He abruptly stood up and turned to you. He looked very worried. His grey eyes couldn't hide anything to you.
"I am afraid she's bad news. I tried to convince Pan to tell him he has to be careful with her but he didn't listen to me."
"Hannah can be trusted. She's my friend. I don't like the implications of what you are saying Felix." You told him a bit angrily.
He rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed by your reaction. You were a little hurt but you needed to stand your ground, for you and for Hannah. He might have saved you many times and loved you but you had to show him you were tough and that you wouldn't back down. You didn't understand why he thought Hannah is someone that couldn't be trusted.
"You sound just like Pan." He hissed.
You gasped at that, and punched him lightly in the arms. He didn't say anything and didn't attempt to fight back. You couldn't believe he just said that. You had nothing in common with this short little pervert elf. You turned and decided to leave the second in command, too angry to deal with him. You crossed your arms like a toddler while walking away. You bet he wasn't even trying to talk you out of it.
You screamed in pain when your leg was caught in a bear trap. You fell over, already sobbing, feeling the teeth of the trap slowly closing and penetrating into your tender flesh. You started to call Felix, hoping he would come running. And surprisingly he did. He immediately crouched besides you and saw what the problem is.
"It's going to hurt." He murmured while opening the trap.
You howled in pain but successfully put your leg besides elsewhere. You were crying heavily, trying to stop the blood. You were afraid you were going to lose your legs. Pan had told you once that he had to cut limbs off from boys who were damaged. But they never survived.
"Felix I am going to die!" You whined.
"No you're not. You were lucky, it's okay now."
You just wanted to be in his arms again so you fell on him and clutched on his shirt, just like a child would do. You didn't know why you were crying that much. Felix rubbed your back and kissed your hair.
"Come on, let's take a look at this wound. It doesn't look that bad. You will just need to rest for a few days."
"Pan will definitely never allow me to leave again." You winced when Felix put his scarf around the injury. "He is going to hurt you too."
"No he won't. He would be too busy courting Hannah."
You laughed at that, remembering your friend's comment on Peter Pan. He was surely doing that, he seemed more enamoured by her than you. You shrieked when the tall boy scooped you in his arms. The walk back to the camp was completely silent, and you guessed Felix was still rumanitating on your small argument. Was he mad at you? You hoped that not.
When the blond haired boy stepped into the camp, Pan immediately appeared in front of him, clearly furious. You asked Felix to drop you and he did but still kept an arm around your body to help you stand up. Pan's eyes flew to your leg and you bit your lips.
"What happened to her?" He asked Felix, crossing his arms.
"She fell into a bear trap. It's okay, she just needs to rest."
The demon boy hummed and didn't say anything else so you figured out that he didn't think too much of your little accident. Felix brought you inside your tent and started treating your wound. Hannah came shortly after, and stared at the blond haired boy with amazement. You tried to hide your little protective nature but couldn't.
Eventually the second in command finished to wrap your injury with a bandage. The red haired girl was quiet and observed. You saw what she was staring at and it wasn't pleasurable for you.
"There." The boy said gently, looking at you. "I hope it won't hurt too much."
"No it's okay. Thank you Felix." You replied with a smile.
"Unfortunately I can't stay that much." He mumbled, clearly uncomfortable because of Hannah. "I will see you later."
You nodded and watched with sad eyes as he left your shared tent. The red haired girl giggled and laid down next to you.
"He's kind of cute. How long has it been between you two?"
"What?" You questioned, snapping out of your daydream. "What are you speaking about? Me and Felix... We aren't a thing."
She pouted like a child and turned to stare at you with a giant smile on her pale face.
"We should go exploring together some days! And spy on the boys!"
"Why would we spy on the boys?" You asked, confused.
"To know what they think of us! Come on, it will be fun. Don't you want to know?"
"I... I don't really know." You clutched the blanket between your fingers. You weren't certain about this, you didn't want her to hear about your secret training sessions with the other boys. "They.. They're not very friendly."
"Don't be such a prude!" She replied excitedly.
The next thing you knew, you were walking, well rather limping outside, the red haired girl taking your hand. You didn't have any other choice than to follow her. You tried to tell her to stop what she was doing but she didn't listen.
She giggled as you both knelt behind heavy bushes. You heard some voices and you sighed in relief when you realised it wasn't the boys you knew and considered you friends with. Actually the voices belonged to the most ruthless boys from the island: Tony, Miguel, Ekon and Willem. You bite your lips and glanced nervously at Hannah who seemed confident in her action. She winked back at you and you started to concentrate on what the boys were speaking about.
"Come on guys, we all know that he's definitely sick." Tony chuckled. "Willem, you own me your perfect dagger!"
"It's not fair!" The other boy (from what you recalled he was an albino) replied.
"Then let's make another bet! I say in two weeks, he won't control himself and we will find them all lovey dovey glued to each other." Tony settled.
Hannah was taking a glimpse of you from time to time and you could feel her burning stare on your back.
"I say one week!" Ekon spoke. "Felix won't wait until then." He added with a chuckle.
"I can't believe he could feel that one!" Miguel laughed. "Then this girl comes in and he completely changes."
"He is so bad at hiding it too. Do you think Pan notices?" Willem asked, he seemed a bit worried.
"Nah, I don't think so. He is too busy cooing at the parrot." Ekon told the group.
You frowned. The parrot? Who could that be? They were definitely speaking about you and your relationship with Felix. You needed to be more careful.
"I hate that bitch. She never does anything, only talks and flirts with everybody. At least Lady tries." Miguel mumbled.
"Lady is pretty beautiful. I wonder what she could see in that dumb horse face." Willem added. "She's too... soft. Too innocent."
"Aw look at ya, you want to corrupt that lil innocent thing?" Tony teased.
You tried not to gag at the implication. Of course they would talk about that. They were boys, stupid and dirty animals. Hannah wasn't saying besides you, her stare was focused on the ground.
"What are you still doing here?" Felix's voice boomed in the clearing, startling you. "You should be on your patrol. Hook's ship came early in the morning."
"Okay, calm down hermano." Miguel mumbled as they all left.
Everything was so silent after. Hannah wasn't talking or moving and you feared that what the boys said about her must have hurt her.
"Hannah-" You whispered, reaching to her.
She suddenly started to cry and you took the poor girl in your arms, rubbing her back softly. You didn't want to say it was her fault but she wanted to see what they would speak about them in the first place. Still, no one deserved that awful nickname.
"What are you girls doing here?"
You raised your head and saw Pan, glaring at both of you. You tried to explain but Hannah surprisingly stopped crying and looked up to him, making up a quick excuse and batted her eyelashes at him. Pan bought her lies then helped you two come back to the camp.
The next day, Hannah wasn't so talkative anymore. To be honest, you didn't miss it. Sure she was a bubbly girl but her speaking too much was annoying you and everyone. Now that your foot was fine, you could go back to training with Andy, Timotheos and Léonard. The leader of Neverland decided to put you both to work and so you were now alone with Hannah, picking up woods for the fire.
"You know... You shouldn't feel bad about what they said about you. They're stupid." You tried to comfort her.
"Why are they so mean to me?" She asked, tearfully. "I didn't do anything wrong..."
"Peter is not mean to you."
"But Felix is."
You were confused. Felix barely talked to her, he barely spoke to anyone, except you and a few lost boys. So why would she bring him in the conversation? You frowned, thinking it was maybe because of your relationship with the blond haired boy. But you didn't understand, you thought she liked Pan... Or was she? Hannah was definitely weird and hard to understand. It was like she had multiple faces and you didn't know which one was the real her.
Once your task was done, you started walking back with the red haired girl back to the camp. You laughed at one of Hannah's jokes until you heard her yelling in fright. You turned to see what was happening but you felt a hand on your mouth and someone trying to drag you away. You were quickly blindfolded and tied up and you couldn't help but start thrashing around, panicked. You weren't hearing Hannah anympre and that was what worried you the most. What did they do to her? Some minutes passed until you were dropped on something hard. You smelt the sea, which was strange.
"Captain, we got one!"
That sentence made you freeze and your heart skipped several beats. How did he find you? You thought that godforsaken captain was dead and his crew too.
"Good. At least we will have a good trap. Don't worry girl, it's nothing personal." A soothing voice told you.
You shook your head several times and tried to get away from him.
"Why is she panicking?" A voice asked.
"You dumb idiots, of course she is panicking, we just captured her!" The captain replied as he tore down the blindfold. He flashed you a smile. "Like I said, love, it's nothing personal. All I want is Pan's life."
"You... You're not him..." You stammered with wide eyes.
"I am not who?" He asked, perpexled. "Did you drop her on the way here? She speaks gibberish to me." He questioned roughly one of his crewmates. "What about the other girl?"
"She ran off once we got this one." One of the men answered.
"She will tell the boys you got me!" You growled. "They will come get me!"
"Oh I sure hope they will, love." The black haired pirate said, kneeling down. "Because if they don't... I will have the pleasure to kill you as an example of what happens to those who dare cross the fearsome captain Hook!" He turned to stare at the jungle. "Smee, put her in my quarters. And the others, be ready to fight."
You didn't know how much time passed, but it was certainly a lot. You were starting to fear for your life. The threat of the captain Hook didn't seem empty. You hoped they would notice your absence or that Hannah told them about what happened in the forest when you were getting back home.
The door opened abruptly, making you jump slightly. The captain advanced in and sighed as he dropped on a chair, placing some warm food on the table. He took a bottle from it and started drinking it. From your little dark corner, you observed him. He didn't seem as mean and as disgusting as the man who kidnapped you. FInally, he turned to glance at you and chuckled.
"You are that afraid of me?"
"Yes." You replied honestly.
"Why is that?"
"You said you would kill me if the boys didn't come and... I had a bad run with another pirate captain." You mumbled.
"I am sorry to learn that, love. Some of us are indeed terrible but I am not one of those. I threatened you so Pan would hear and come. It usually works." He explained absently. "Come eat now." He patted the chair besides him. "Can't sleep with an empty stomach."
You stood up quietly and sat down, staring at the plate. You weren't sure if you could eat it, he could have poisoned it. Sensing your distrust, the man sighed, plunged his hook into a piece of meat before eating it. Once you were certain he wasn't poisoned, you started to eat slowly.
"I wonder why Pan let two girls live on his island... The last one didn't last long. Only a few days." He told you, leaning back with his bottle.
"The boys... They mentioned that all those girls died." You whispered.
"Because Pan drove them mad." He glanced at you. "They all fell in his web, unable to save themselves or escape. He crawled around them, with his lies and fake love and watched in delight as they became crazier and crazier... I hated seeing them falling off those cliffs." He finished with a sad voice. "He didn't care at all."
"I am not like that." You bravely replied. "I didn't fall for him. I never will."
"Don't speak too fast love. A lot of them thought they could survive and not fall for his lies, but they all did. He also did it with some boys he rescued, sending his second in command to kill them for the fun of it. Poor little ones..." He sighed. "For the others... Pan made them that way. He brought up their worst and encouraged them to act like that."
So Felix murdered boys because of Pan? You thought he would have somewhat refused but knowing Pan's nature... You could understand why Felix and the others obeyed him blindly, they were driven by fear and adoration for the boy who saved them.
"Why are you telling me this?"
"At least a sensed mind is listening to me... I love my crew but some can really be idiots sometimes. Don't get me wrong: I tried to warn every girl and every boy who set foot or was brought by the SHadow but they didn't take my advice. However, you are different. I have a good feeling about you."
You stayed quiet, and ate the rest of your place in silence. Once you were done, the captain left and once again you were alone. You couldn't help but start thinking about the poor victims of Pan: he was truly a monster. He loved to kill for fun. You wondered why he let you alive, it seemed like he hated when people disobeyed him. So why were you still breathing?
Eventually, you fell asleep, curling on a beautiful and comfortable armchair. When you woke up, it was because someone was shaking you. You groaned and opened your eyes, frowning when you realised it was Willem. He grinned at you and asked if you were doing okay. When your reply was positive, he helped you get up and brought you on the deck of the ship, where no one was there. Quickly, you climbed down to a boat and you saw from afar Pan on the beach. He was standing tall and intimidating with his bunch of boys, facing the pirate captain and his crew. They didn't seem to be fighting each other, rather talking. You wanted to ask Willem about it but he walked you back to the camp and ordered that you didn't leave your tent, that you should recover after such a traumatic experience. You didn't say anything else.
When you entered the tent, you saw Hannah who was dead asleep on her bed. She looked fine. You tried to change quietly into your nightgown but unfortunately, the other girl woke up. She looked surprised to see you there.
"Oh I thought you were dead!" She exclaimed, hugging you tightly.
"Yeah I thought I would too." You chuckled, returning her hug.
"Pan didn't want to search for you immediately." She murmured. "I told him to act as fast as possible but he didn't listen to me!"
"It's alright, it's not your fault. I am relieved to be here now." You said as you slipped under your bed's covers. "Let's sleep now."
You looked up at the ceiling, Hook's speech haunting your thoughts. Why was Pan so... cruel? What did he gain from killing innocent people? You were sure Felix knew something about it and you were desperate for answers.
It was decided. Tomorrow you would confront the second in command about it and won't back down until you get those replies.
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