Chapter 11
"A siren." Felix breathed out as Hannah's smirk grew wider. It looked like she had pointy teeth and looked uglier and prettier at the same time, it was disturbing.
"We have a winner." She purred, then glared at you. "He didn't miss, your face looks horrible. But you will make a fine pair."
Your hand flew to your burnt cheek and frowned. It was still fresh, and hurting but you didn't give her the pleasure to make you look weak.
"You were with him all along." Felix continued in disbelief. "I don't understand, why...?"
"She made a deal with him. To get more power. You killed the leader of your group, sought Pan's protection and he asked for something in return." You quickly deduced, every piece of the puzzle was completed now, except for one. "But what?"
"You have no idea what it's like to be... to be so low and to have great plans for the future! Our Queen... she was pathetic, a coward! I would have made the sirens strong." She spat, and approached the two of you. "If it weren't for you, I would have killed Pan and taken his place. But you came and ruined everything!"
Her scream was so high pitched that it made you quiver and groan in agony. Felix tried to block the sounds away. She then cackled like a mad woman. What was happening reminded you of your deal with the sirens. You would bring to them the traitor who assassinated their leader...
However, you felt like she needed to be punished by your own hands. You didn't care if the sirens were going to be furious or not, your mind was set on one thing and it was revenge. You imagined a hundred ways to make her suffer. You lunged at her and your hands immediately reached for her neck. The sly creature scratched you on the cheek and threw you off her with a snarling cry.
What you didn't see coming was her running up to Felix and making him fall against the ground. You watched as he tried to struggle but then a resonant and harmonious song reached your ears. You were instantly hypnotized by this melody, and it made you focus on Hannah. It was hard to think as well, the song was ringing in your mind, muffling the Shadow's voice.
"There, there, my little wolf..." Hannah grinned and slowly turned toward you as Felix slowly stood up. "Now you can kill the little harmless lamb."
You had a feeling you were the lamb. Your eyes widened as Felix's mindlessly strutted toward your way, nearly tripping on the way. His eyes were covered by a veil, which looked like fog.
"Felix...? Felix, there's something wrong with you." You tried to talk and backed away from him. You didn't want to injure him, but he looked incredibly frightening in this state. You had quickly guessed it was Hannah's magic that turned him into this mindless puppet. What could you do to break it off? "Please, don't make me hurt you!"
He had his dagger in his hands and he was not speaking. It made you anxious and stressed. You tried to slow him down by using your powers and the control of the island. But nothing was working. You considered calling the Shadow but as you opened your mouth to do it, Felix lunged himself at you, making you tumble to the ground.
He raised his dagger high so you kicked him with your knee to roll over and escape this tough situation. You didn't count on the blond haired boy to grip you by your collar, strangling you and pulling yourself at him. Struggling against him, you crushed his foot as hard as you could and apologised for it. Then, you successfully slapped his dagger out of his hold.
A little voice inside your mind told you to kiss him. And if you were going to die, you wanted to have a taste of love for the last time.
So you grabbed his head with your two hands, and kissed him, accidentally biting his lips, but it was so good. It felt warm, down your stomach, it truly felt like fireworks. You even blushed a bit. You felt his hands moving up to your hips so you abruptly pulled away and slapped him.
"Hey! What the fuck?!" He screamed, as he held his cheek, staring at you in disbelief. "Why did you slap me?!"
"Oh, oh, it is you again." You smiled and approached him to give him a hug.
"I always am me?" He replied in a confused and concerned tone, still not understanding everything that happened. "Wait, where's Hannah?"
"No idea but she did something to you, I have no idea what. It's like she sang something and you acted on her words. It was so... weird." You shuddered, still thinking about his hollow eyes.
"So you kissed me and broke the spell." He gave you a charming grin and kissed your cheek. "You gave me a True Love kiss."
"What's that?" You didn't recall anything about this.
"Pan said a True Love kiss could break any spell. You must really like me." He said with a wink.
"Right." You huffed but couldn't help to smile at such magic. You held his hand and rubbed your thumb over his knuckles. "Hannah is still out there. I won't feel secure until I have her head on a spike outside the camp."
"Let's gather some troops, we will hunt her down." Felix told you with a short nod, then, you both started to walk back to the camp.
Your little troop consisted of Max, Devin, Felix and of course, you, as the leader. Max and Devin bickered all the way, which was greatly playing on your nerves. It didn't help that your magic made your mood worse, but you needed to get a hold of yourself before you hurt someone.
"Breaking a deal with the sirens... not even Pan would have done that." Max mumbled under his breath as your group moved toward one of the darkest places in Neverland, somewhere you believed Hannah would be.
"Pan's not here anymore." Devin chimed in, sounding happy about that.
"Stay focused." Felix hissed at them before turning his attention on you. You understood he was worried and wary about the whole situation, and that you craved revenge on Hannah. Sirens were far more dangerous than regular mermaids, their beauty could hypnotize anyone that wasn't focused and had clear thoughts. "How do you plan on... killing her?"
"I will use Vergessenheit, it is a magic sword, it has injured Pan so I guess... It would be effective against her as well."
"Incredibly deadly to magic users... I wish I could get my hands on something like that." Max said, his eyes wandering through the thick jungle.
"What should we do when we find Hannah?" Devin whispered.
"We kill her."
"I figured that, thank you!" The boy replied, rolling his eyes. "But... she is a siren. We never dealt with that. Even with your magic, do you stand a chance?"
"Of course I do! I got rid of Pan! It's not one tiny fucking siren that will resist me." Your temper got the best of you again and you apologised for snapping at Devin.
"There are tracks here, it is leading up to the mountain." Max told all of you as he crouched down. He then looked up. "Let's go."
"Right." You sighed and felt the air getting tense again.
Neverland was acting with your emotions, truly showing that the island belonged to you now. It made you afraid, if you could get angry, you may start a storm.
She was there. Unveiled, not hiding from you all, she acted like she owned the place. Without any warning, she lunged at your group, and you all scattered to different directions, attempting to avoid that raging fury. She was moving so fast, you couldn't even see her! How was this possible?! Panic froze you when you heard Max screaming in pain and falling to the ground, clutching his stomach.
Felix saw this as well, and he tried to run toward the defenseless boy. However, the siren pushed him roughly out of the way and his back hit a nearby tree with a groan. Using your sword, you tried to concentrate and slowed your breathing as you gathered enough magic to fight her. Hannah stopped her little dance, and turned to stare at you, a little frightened. But then, her smirk showed some fangs, she looked hysterical and insane.
You swing your sword several times, attempting to touch her, but it was in vain. She was too fast, and you were too slow. You needed another solution, she was trying to make you lose energy and it was working. Running out of steam, you accidentally let go of your precious sword which fell on the ground. You knelt to get it back, and the siren used this moment to kick you in the back. Unfortunately for you, she also decided to kick you in the head, and you screamed in pain, holding it, your ears ringing. You laid down, your eyes focused on what she was trying to do to the blond haired lost boy.
Hannah laughed as Felix's head hit the ground rather harshly, which made you see red. You were lacking energy to stand up and to strangle her. Your eyes widened at the sight of your small group: Devin was nowhere to be seen and Max was trying to stop his injuries from bleeding. You tried to crawl toward him, just to help him.
He seemed to understand what you were doing and shook his head, being the proud boy that he was. He was not okay, every color had drained from his face. As you reached him, and put your hands where his injuries were, you heard Hannah laughing and nearly cried when she started to approach both of you. You felt the need to protect Max above your own safety.
"You are already ditching Felix for this little shit stirrer?" She wasn't hiding her disdain toward Max, even if you didn't appreciate him, it didn't mean you shouldn't be the barrier against the siren's wrath.
"I am not ditching him, I am saving a life." You replied simply with a scowl, using your remaining strength to close the wounds. "You could have saved Peter's if you really loved him."
"I never liked him. I just pretended to... Peter was just a pawn, it was so easy to mess around with him." She smirked at you once again. "He was a man child. He was so used to being the one in command... And now that you disposed of him... I get to kill you and control the island."
"The Shadow won't let you do that." You replied with a confident voice, as you slowly used your magic to get Felix's dagger which was to Max's left. He looked like he was ready to pass out.
"I don't care what the Shadow wants, sweetheart."
The nickname made you cringe intensely, but that was hiding your happiness when you felt Felix's dagger handle in your left hand. You were hiding behind your back as you turned to face her, but that was exposing you to more deadly injuries. You just needed Hannah to advance toward you so you could jump on her and slice her throat.
She hummed as she did what you wanted. Her eyes lazily wandered upon Felix's unconscious form and then she stopped a few meters from you. You cursed internally: she was too far away and you were already tired.
"We could have been friends if you weren't fucking the tramp."
"We don't fuck." But you wished to.
"Men are only good for this." She continued, as if she didn't hear you. "I don't see why you care so much about him, he is a useless emotional baggage. He will slow you down. And he's ugly. Better take care of him now."
You didn't like her tone at all. Neither the way she strolled toward his body, lifting his head by roughly grabbing his blond hair. He groaned, and you realized he was waking up from his state, being conscious again.
His eyes were surprised at your sight but he quickly glanced at Hannah who held a knife underneath his throat. He started to struggle against her, and you used this moment to gather your strength and rush to his aid.
"What are you doing?!" Hannah yelled as you stabbed her in the stomach, not as deep as you wanted, but it was enough for her to drop Felix.
"Protecting the one that I love." You growled at her, twisting the dagger in her stomach which made her hiss in pain.
What you didn't see coming is both of you falling to your deaths into the cold sea. How did you manage to do that? You had no idea, as you were concentrating on swimming.
Guided by your instinct, you started to swim up and up until you broke through the sea with a heavy gasp. Immediately, you started coughing and spitting salt water. Turning your head, you realised you were a few meters from the shore. You couldn't die now, not after everything you went through, so you started swimming toward it.
Everything was hurting and your head was ringing, but you couldn't give up now. You had to reach the shore, that's what you kept repeating yourself until you heard shouts and yells. Your eyes wandered over the beach and you saw Ekon, Tony and Miguel waving at you.
With your remaining strength, you started waving back and smiled a little when the three boys rushed in the water to help. Your knees were scraping against the sand and you wished to stand up. Helped by the boys, you were able to walk back to the camp, with a lot of difficulties. There was a throbbing pain in your legs, and you believed they must have broken because of Hannah.
"Max and Devin...!"
"They're fine, Devin got a commotion but he is going to be okay, Max and Felix brought him there." Tony explained in a quick voice, as if he wanted to soothe your worries.
"Felix's okay?"
"Of course he is! He is a big boy, he's tough. Happy now?"
You would be when you get to hold Felix in your arms and take a nap. Your head was spinning so much, you couldn't even walk straight. Thanks to the boys, you were able to make it to the camp under the applause and the joyous shouts of the other lost boys. You didn't even care about them, too concentrated on finding Felix and a spot to sleep.
Max was the first you saw. He had been healed, and was hiding his bandages under a thick, long woolen shirt. He acknowledged your presence with a nod before strutting over, as if his injuries didn't bother him. He was acting tough, you thought, maybe to impress the other boys who didn't fight Hannah.
"Can't believe it's over. I still don't like you." Max spat when he was close to you. His other friends could still hear him but you believed they pretended not to. Still, instead of blowing his head off, you listened to him. "But I am not going to cause any troubles around here. I will follow you, like a good dog." He joked with a charming smile and you only nodded back at him.
"I hope she drowned, that nasty bitch." You mumbled tiredly, searching for Felix in the vast crowd. "Let's forget about her for once."
"There's your precious boy toy." Miguel jokingly snorted as the tall and blond boy came running. You glared at him and wanted to elbow him but Felix took you in his arms, squeezing you hard against his body. You winced but didn't want him to feel bad.
"I thought I lost you. You went crazy! You could have died!" He scolded you like a child and you just chuckled, feeling limp and safe in his arms. Max and his friends abruptly walked away, giving you privacy.
"It's fine, I am okay." You mumbled as you nuzzled your face into his clothes with a small smile. "I just want to sleep with you. Can we do that?"
"After we get you patched up, yes."
You didn't need to have your wounds treated unlike the others, but you were too exhausted to actually tell him. You let him carry you to his bed, which was larger than yours. You remembered the first time you slept there, so afraid of everyone before and unsure of the future, now you were leading them. This was such a strange feeling.
Felix laid you down a little roughly upon his bed, and you moaned painfully as your ribs probed against your skin. You looked down and poked the area, wondering if your magic could restore your broken bones. When you thought about it, your hand shone a bright light and you placed it on the skin, groaning as you felt the bones slowly coming back together. It was such a disgusting sound and feeling. Felix watched as he sat down at the edge of the bed, mesmerized by you using your powers. Then, you completely allowed yourself to lay down and closed your eyes.
"Do you want me to stay?" He whispered as he moved closer to you.
"Only if you want it, I don't want to force you." You replied, even though you longed for him. After everything you went through, you needed him, you deserved to have moments with him.
You felt his head on your shoulder and your hand immediately reached his hair, slowly playing with it. His breathing started to get steadier and steadier, little snores coming out from his mouth. How could he fall asleep so fast?
When you both woke up, it was at the sound of arguing outside the tent. Since your heads were so near each other's, you both hit yourselves. You hissed in pain, touching your forehead, and watched as Felix practically leaped off the bed. Deciding to do the same, as the arguing got louder and louder, you both exited the tent at the same time, marching toward Max and Léonard who were screaming at each other. It was hard to understand both of them as well. All your friends tried to calm down the two lost ones.
They stopped speaking when they realized you were present. Felix looked at you, waiting for instructions. The pressure of being a leader now rested upon your shoulders, you wondered if Pan ever felt that way before. Shaking your head, and hopefully those thoughts away, you took a deep breath. Under everyone's gaze, you didn't know what to do, so you asked what their quarrel was about.
"He is saying that he saw Hannah lurking somewhere in the woods!" Max claimed loudly and you heard all the lost boys whispering amongst themselves. "We all know she must be dead by now, she must have drowned or some shit! She was there!" He declared, pointing a finger at you.
"Léonard, are you certain about it?" You seriously questioned the hunter who nodded.
"Of course, I am not blind! To be honest, I had a hard time recognising her, I hid somewhere before she could see me. She was hanging near a river."
"Why did you hide?" Max huffed, probably looking to start a brawl.
"Shut up! I know what I saw!" Léonard hissed, and pushed Max, effectively starting a fight. Luckily, Felix immediately went between them and stopped them. You sighed exasperated and asked Léonard to continue. "She still had her red hair, but she looked more fish-like."
"I trust you, Léo. I will go looking around the island and see if she is indeed alive." You decided, then you glanced at Felix. "Try to keep all the boys here, I don't want anyone out until I come back, do you understand?" You instructed, lowering your voice.
"What if you don't come back?" The blond stressfully questioned, rubbing your arm.
"I will come back. Don't be worried about me Felix, if you want to be worried... Then be it for her." You finished your sentence by showing him a fireball in your hand. He nodded, but you could see he was concerned.
Walking over the last spot where Hannah had been last seen, you wondered how you could kill her this time. Perhaps you should separate her head from her body this time, instead of stabbing her. As you arrived at the river, you realized you didn't bring your sword with you, only small daggers hidden in your clothes and boots. This won't be such a big problem, you would just use your magic on her.
From what Léonard told you, she was walking or swimming down the river, toward the ocean, so you decided to follow the same directions. Maybe you could find her midway and finish her. Oh, and maybe give her dead body to the sirens, that can maybe save your alliance as well. Thinking of the sirens made you think of the mermaids, and you decided to have a talk with both species about who was in charge now. You hoped they would respect you.
You had been walking for so long now your feet were aching. You stopped to rest when you arrived at the beach. You grimaced, believing that Hannah had gotten away. Finally, maybe she left and would never come back. Your boys were safe, Felix was too. That was all that mattered. Still, you looked around at the beach quickly, not wanting to spare her more of your time.
You were strutting back to the camp, using the same way you used when you looked for Hannah and the sun was setting down. It meant you weren't really looking, you were tired and wished to be back in Felix's hold once again. You practically dreamt of it, tripping over some rocks and roots as you weren't fully concentrated.
Suddenly, you felt watched. You stopped right in your tracks and turned to look around, inspecting the area. Everything was quiet, which was odd again. The animals were usually there, barking or croaking or... or doing what animals were made for. Something was not right. You went to call the Shadow, but a hand with firm claws grabbed your ankle and dragged you into the river. You started to immediately struggle against the grasp, and started to kick the thing away from you. The current reacted to your distressed mind and you felt yourself being pushed toward the ocean again.
You successfully lifted your head above the river, you coughed up some water. Two bright emeralds glared at you. So, she indeed was alive. Léonard was right. Reaching for your small dagger hid in your makeshift bra, you whirled it in your hand, showing it to her.
"I can make you leave the island, I am being merciful toward your pitiful life." You told her as the siren appeared in front of you, she completely was another person with her light gray skin, claws and fangs. You weren't afraid of her anymore. "Or, if you decide to stay, then I will hunt you down, and feast upon you with the lost boys."
"I will eat you before that, sweetheart." She smirked as she lunged at you.
You dived back into the water underneath the siren. You stabbed her repeatedly as well, but she didn't seem to be affected by the injuries. How could you defeat her? She clearly was stronger than you under the water. Or you thought. She was stronger because she was above you, her claws attempted to scratch you. She only was tearing up your shirt. Feeling the need to breathe again, you kicked her off and stabbed her in the eye with another needle knife. She screamed and held her face as you swam and took another deep breath. You could do it.
Diving yet again into the cold and muddy water, you decided to first strangle her then tear off her head. You will use it as a trophy or put it at the camp's main entrance. Anyway, you concentrated back on the fight. You took another needle knife from your pant's pocket and swam quickly toward her, and had a lucky shot when she showed her other eye. This was so easy. She again screamed in pain and didn't see you coming when you put your hands on her precious neck.
She was almost delicate, like an expensive porcelain doll. Her mouth was opening and closing, indicating she tried to speak or say something. But you didn't care: you needed to finish this as fast as possible before you could pass out from the lack of oxygen. So you squeezed harder and harder. She struggled and attempted to hit you with her fin, but she was getting weaker and weaker. Good.
When she seemed to pass out, you decided to take her body with you above the water. You had trouble lifting her so you dragged her back on the land. She really looked dead, with her eyes being poked out, bleeding a blue color. It was a bit disgusting, but what you were about to do truly was. You forcefully opened her mouth and started to pull her fang, one by one. Small streams of blood rolled down your hand, but you continued unbothered. Finally, you wiped the sweat and water off your forehead, and put your precious trophies into a pocket.
"There you go, you bitch." You insulted the corpse before dragging her to the beach once again.
Before doing this, you made sure her head was off her body. The word was difficult and choppy, but at least she clearly was dead. She would make a fine meal for the sirens. The traitor had it coming anyway. You called the Shadow and ordered it to bring the sea creatures to you, so they could eat the one who assassinated their queen. You hoped it would be fast about it, you didn't want to stay until the sun rose.
Luckily for you, they were waiting for you. They clearly were grinning too, and they seemed in a healthier shape than Hannah, if that was her real name. What was real about her? You chased those thoughts out of your head, not wanting to let that bitch take over your feelings and your thoughts. She was dead, and she needed to stay dead in your mind. You didn't regret your horrific act and didn't feel anything when you handed the head then the body. The sirens immediately jumped on the corpse and started to eat it. That, however, was too much. So, you strutted back to the camp with your ripped shirt, blue blood everywhere.
As you arrived into the camp, you seemed to have scared off and frightened some lost boys because of your state. You didn't spare them a glance or sympathetic smile, all you cared about was to announce that Hannah was finally dead. And also, you probably needed a bath. Sure, it would be unwise to go at such an hour but you didn't care. You wanted to wipe all the blood and negativity from your body.
"You look horrible." Max commented, as he approached with Miguel, Willem and Ekon, all snorting at his comment. You offered him a smile, knowing it was kind of a compliment.
"You can all go back to sleep now. I slayed off the beast." You proudly declared, holding your chin high.
"Great, now we can all get some rest. Felix kept us awake by doing fucking chores." Ekon rolled his eyes but patted your shoulder, congratulating you. "Keep him busy so we can get a full night of sleep."
"Don't worry. You all deserve to rest." You meant it: they also had been through so much in the past few days, the only thing you could do to repay them was to let them sleep.
"I guess if you are covered in blood, you killed her off?" Felix appeared from behind you and smiled, taking in your state. "He was right: you look awful."
"Oh thank you, my love." You chuckled. "I know, I was going to leave again, to be presentable in the morning."
"I know a spot where we could take a bath." He said with a slight smirk.
"We?" You smirked when he included himself on your little trip.
"I haven't washed in ages. Let's go together." He took your hand in his, leading you outside the camp. You decided to completely trust Felix and didn't ask where you both were headed.
Luckily, the place Felix was bringing you to was very close to the camp. You also wondered how you didn't discover this lagoon yet: you had thought you walked all over the island. Perhaps you haven't. Perhaps Pan had a map as well? You needed to search through his tree house or his hideouts, knowing him, he loved to dig his secrets.
"Can't wait to wash, I feel like a pig."
"What a romantic thing to say Felix." You snorted, but knew he was right. So this is why he brought you to this calm lagoon, not far away from the camp. "I feel like I will fall asleep if I ever touch the ground."
"What are you going to do with the teeth?" He pointed out to your fist, where you were holding Hannah's precious fangs. You had taken them in your hand to avoid losing them on the way there.
"What about a necklace? I could wear it like a trophy?" You smiled as you showed him the teeth proudly.
"I could make you a tassel, with some feathers..." He smirked, gesturing to his own. "Could use the same for mine."
"So that people know we belong together? And that I own you?" You joked with a stupid smile on your face. Felix shook his head and laughed, amused by your joke.
"Let's say... I could bite there to show the world who you are with..." He said in a whisper as he approached you slowly. You blushed as he kissed your lips, and then kissed your neck. You felt arousal pooling in your stomach and your knees were ready to give out. Why was it so hot suddenly? "Wouldn't want any of the other boys to think they can have a chance with you..."
"I only have one heart and it's beating for you." You replied as you took a hold of his belt and brought closer to you, but you felt it was not enough to satisfy you, and it seemed to be the same case for the lost boy.
"I think the bath could wait." He then said with a knowing smile and sparkling eyes.
You knew what it meant, and you may have been reluctant to act on such thoughts and fantasies when Pan or Hannah were still around, but they were exiled and dead. No one could stop you. So, you nodded, consenting to the idea.
Getting out of the armor was the most difficult thing to do. The straps had been tightly bound and some were even blocked. Felix had to cut some of them, against demands not to, stating that if Timotheos was able to build it from scratch, he would be able to repair it. The heavy leather fell to the ground and Felix stopped when it came to the chest piece. You tilted your head, not sensing the problem.
"Is something wrong?" You asked impatiently.
"No." Felix said with a long pause. "no it's just... you are just wearing a shirt underneath and I don't know if..." He stopped and seemed to struggle for the right words. "Are you wearing anything else under it?"
"What kind of questions is that?" You asked perplexed, now thinking about it for the first time.
"I don't want you to feel embarrassed, that's all."
"Felix, I am covered in mud and blood and saltwater, all I care is a fucking bath." You tried to act confident but the thought of being naked in front of him... what would he think of you? "Can you... can you just hurry please?" You asked with a soft tone.
He nodded, then started by undoing the straps where your ribs were, before his eyes met yours. He unbound the ones on the shoulders without looking away. You let the chest piece fall on the ground and lightly kicked it away, so it wouldn't stand between you and Felix. The boy just stared at you for a moment, completely in awe of the sight in front of him. He was drawn towards your almost naked figure, unable to resist the urge to brush his fingers over your soft skin.
"Fuck, sorry!" He yanked his hand away, as if he woke up from trance, realizing what he just did. You really wanted to touch him now, and you wanted him to touch you as well, but you didn't know how to ask. You just hoped he would realize you desired him now, that it was okay for him to do soNo word crossed your lips, only a fleeting glance from your side.He seemed to get the cues. He cupped your cheek and started to kiss your forehead then your nose. You leaned into his touch, then slowly took his hands and gestured to your long shirt. You still had your pants on, but you didn't feel ready yet to remove it. Felix smiled, then peeled the shirt off and tossed it.
You were still wearing that makeshift bra you had sewn from scratch. You decided for once to take another step and tossed the bra on the ground. He wasn't saying anything and it was hard to read his thoughts. So you said the first thing that came to your mind.
"It's not really fair you helped me stripping off but that you remain clothed." Your mother would have slapped you on the back of the head for saying such improper things. As much as you were nervous, you were also excited, all you wanted was to be close to him, naked preferably.
Felix kicked his boots off with a smirk. You gulped, he definitely wasn't timid about his intentions, but rather gladly took that invitation. First, you removed his coats and it was the easiest part. You didn't understand why he was wearing two of those but didn't question it at the moment. You were shaking too, as you helped him remove the many layers he was wearing. Either because of the cold breeze or that tingling excitement inside your guts. It did not matter why, it felt good.
You remembered that he had scars all over his body. His skin was a sky, full of marks in any shape that could exist. You wanted to ask about each of their origins, but didn't want to ruin the mood. When you were finished with his top, he suddenly stopped you and put your hands on his chest. You could fear his heart beating, rather swiftly.
"You can touch me if you want." He whispered hesitantly.
You were so shy all of the sudden. You weren't sure about what to do, if he really meant it or simply played with you. Felix looked confident when he was kissing and touching you, but you felt clumsy and timid when you were doing it. It was so ridiculous. Why would Felix even want you after everything that happened? He seemed to sense your concerns and stopped kissing your neck.
"Something's wrong? Do you want me to stop?"
"No! I just... I never really did that."
"Can we just pretend we know what we are doing?" He asked so innocently, yet so demanding. It weakened your knees, unable to respond to that. "I could lead you, if you lead me." He breathed against your ear, pressing himself against you.
You nodded and kissed his lips softly. You felt his hands starting to move, roaming against your body delicately. Was he afraid to hurt you? He didn't have to be concerned about it. One thought was worrying you though: you didn't want him to get all dirty because of your state. Felix must have sensed how tense you were, not from his touch and his actions, but probably because of everything that happened before.
"Just lay down and relax... I am going to take real good care of you. You deserve it, after all." He purred into your ear, pressing you down onto the grass.
"You need to relax too." You whispered, but you knew it wouldn't stop him. And you didn't want him to stop touching and kissing and rocking into you still clothed against you. You moaned slightly at the friction and also blushed, feeling a little embarrassed.
"I don't care about myself, just you." He mumbled against your neck as he bit it.
Your hand reached your own waistband, as you wanted to feel closer to Felix, and you pulled your pants, successfully removing them. Seeing you doing this, the lost boy decided to follow you and you were both only left in some parts of undergarments. Feeling bold again, you also took that away and now you were completely naked for him.
He laughed slightly and went back to kissing you, however, one of his hands sneaked down your stomach, ultimately touching your vagina. You moaned as he used his fingers and made small circles around your clitoris. Allowing yourself into the pleasure, you started to rock against his own fingers. He chuckled when he realized how you were reacting to him and leant to whisper into your ear:
"Does that feel good, my queen?"
The nickname left you gasping and you definitely grew wetter at the mention of the title. Felix's smirk grew wider when he realized you enjoyed that way too much. He brought his other hand to your cheek and kissed you again, leaving you breathless. But what he was doing became less what you desired, and what you wanted and needed was him inside of you. Of course, you were a little concerned about what such activities could have as consequences, but you pushed those thoughts to the back of your head. You didn't need to worry. You needed Felix.
"Is it okay if we take it another step?" You asked in a hushed tone, as you twirled some strands of his hair with your hand.
"Only if you want it." He nodded and he seemed to get shy too, as he tried to hide his face into the crook of your neck.
"Please, I really want to experience that with you..." You whispered back.
"You don't need to tell me twice." He responded and lifted his head just to stare into your eyes with a smile.
You both kissed again, and you could swear the butterflies were back inside your stomach. It was nervousness, pleasure, arousal and excitement acting up on your body. To indicate you really wanted him, you bit down his bottom lip, not enough to injure him though. You didn't want to hurt him in such an intimate moment.
Finally getting the message of you growing impatient, Felix positioned himself between your legs, and asked you if you were ready. Nodding, you allowed yourself to be less anxious, only concentrating on your pleasure. You took deep breaths and indicated you were ready for him. The blond slowly entered you, grunting as he did so. You gasped at the uncomfortable stretch inside you, and let the lost boy rest on you for some minutes. It was such an odd feeling, it didn't feel good nor bad as well.
After this short moment of you and Felix caressing and touching each other tenderly and gently, Felix started to thrust slowly inside you. It still felt a bit disagreeable, but slowly grew to enjoy it. To add to this, you decided to touch your clitoris, and you moaned again quietly, not wanting to let Felix do all the work. Speaking of, the lost boy was grunting above you and some pearls of sweat rolled down his forehead. He was so beautiful, a true angel, even when he was acting on his sinful desires.
"I think I am getting close..." He murmured as he moved to kiss you again. "Don't worry... I will pull out."
"Good idea." You agreed as pleasure suddenly took over your body, reaching your own climax. You whimpered, delighted and entirely satisfied.
You laid down and suddenly felt something warm and sticky rolling down the interior of your thigh. Felix went limp against you, moaning and sighing, content and satiated. His breathing was slow, and he seemed more tired than you were from your little activity. You started to rub his back with the tips of your fingers for a short while.
"We should get washed." You suggested, feeling a little crushed under the weight of his body. "If that's okay with you?"
"I mean, that's why we came here, right?" He replied with a chuckle and got up, quickly followed by you. "I hid some lotions and soaps somewhere..." He mumbled as he searched through some hole in a tree half emerged by water. "There it is!" The lost boy said triumphantly as he threw you a clear bottle. "Don't break it, I stole it from Hook. It's rare to have such things on the island."
"We should steal from Hook all the time." You chuckled as you dived yet again into the water, warm this time, unlike the river's.
"I am not certain he will agree with that."
"He won't have a choice anyway." You said with a shrug as you started to rigorously scrub your skin with the lotion, trying to get the dirt off as much as you could. A grimace of disgust appeared on your face when you saw how dark the bubbles were. You really needed that bath.
After spending a long time in the warm water, you both decided to get out. You didn't have the choice to dress up as your skin was still damp, you cringed as you put your shirt on. At least, you didn't have to walk back to the camp naked. A firefly landed on your hand as you tried to find your pants. Seeing the bug made you think of Tinkerbell and your promise to her. You needed to bring her the pixie dust, and you were sure you would find it in Peter's place.
"Who is this?"
You turned your head and watched as Felix approached with your pants in one hand and a piece of parchment in the other. The firefly flew away discreetly in the night sky as you glanced at it. But you recognised that piece of paper and you stood up, wishing to finally dress up. Also, you wondered how the parchment would have survived, it looked neat and untouched, but you had fought with it under water... Magic must be the one to blame in this case.
"Apparently, he is the one who can heal and save the island. I don't know how it is possible, but Pan was looking for him as well. I bet it was a matter of time before he asked you to go look for him. I will ask the Shadow about it later, don't worry." You were quick to reassure him.
"Of course I worry!" Felix's sudden loud tone surprised you and you blinked several times at him. "Are you saying something is going on with the island?"
"Yes." You preferred to state the truth rather than hiding it from him. He deserved to know, after all. "I fear the island is... rotting, dying in a way." You didn't have all the details yourself though.
"I heard Pan arguing about that with the Shadow a long time ago... But if the island is slowly dying, then... you are too?"
It was making sense. Another reason why Pan destroyed the Indian village, maybe he was getting desperate and needed that precious savior before he would start showing symptoms or getting weaker. You sighed and finished to get dressed: you had hopped foolishly, it was truly over with problems and people to kill, but it was not the case. Also, the Shadow never mentioned this to you, sure, it talked about being a protector and ruling over Neverland, but never really to save the island. Or he did, and you thought it meant to save it from Peter Pan.
You felt Felix's hand clutching yours and squeezing it softly. He kissed your forehead as well, and you leant into his touch. As long as you had him besides you, everything was going to be okay. But you needed this boy. You didn't care about ethics, if that boy had to die in order to save Neverland and its inhabitants then so be it.
"What's this boy's name anyway?" Felix wondered as he looked again at the picture. There was only the portrait, no other sign of his whereabouts.
"He is the Truest Believer." The Shadow appeared from your own shadow and floated around you and Felix. You glared at the creature that now obeyed you fully... or at least you hoped so. "That is his title. I will give you all the information you need."
"Good. Let's start simple: go roam in every realm that you can, discreetly of course, and try to find that boy or whoever calls themselves a Truest Believer. He can't be the only one to possess such an ability." You commanded the Shadow who only nodded. "The fastest we find someone, the fastest the island is healed and we get our happily ever after." Felix kissed your knuckles at that and you giggled, pushing the worrying and concerning thoughts into the back of your mind.
You both watched as the Shadow flew away, leaving you both alone again in the small
For now, all you cared about was Felix.
And if a boy needed to die in order to protect what was yours and your loved ones, then so be it.
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