Chapter 10
"Wait! Instead of heading straight into battle, don't you want to make a plan first?" Felix yelled as he ran after you gripping your arm tightly. "He will eat you whole."
"I am more powerful than him." You replied with a scowl, glaring at the hand that was stopping you from beating the shit out of the green devil.
"Powerful maybe, but he is more adaptable than you. He will use the environment to kill or hurt you. I can’t let that happen." The hand freed you but you didn’t move an inch. Felix sighed and glanced at the boys inside the camp. He watched them remove their clothes. Then each of them would turn on the muddy soil, destroying every chance to detect them during the night. As he often experienced, the preparations would need a while. Weapons had to be sharpened and covered with poison, plans needed to be discussed, and traps had to be made- just in case. At the moment the boys started to play those repulsive drums, Felix shot his head back to you.They were getting ready in case of a fight.
You were a bit weirded out by all what was happening. You had never seen the lost boys doing this ever. They truly looked like mad dogs and ruthless killers. You observed them, leaving them to their strange protocols. You were trying to get prepared as well: Timotheos had told you immediately that he was going to forge you a good armor and you trusted him.
"Such an odd sight for someone who isn't used to it, right?" Felix asked with a slight smirk, and you noticed he wasn't participating in it.
"Yes. That's… some strange and weird customs." You admitted with a nod of your head. "Why aren't you… doing that?"
"Not yet. I washed today."
You didn’t know if you should take this as a joke or not. So, you let out a hum and you both watched the boys getting prepared. This was the first time you ever saw them being serious and grave. Perhaps they understood the gravity of the situation.
Felix's hand grazed yours and you felt him moving closer to you. A soft smile slowly appeared on your face. You enjoyed finally being able to spend time with the second in command in broad daylight. You didn’t need to hide anymore but still… You were worried about what could happen if Pan wasn't stopped.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. Sorry. I was just thinking about… everything I guess. About Pan too."
"Look… if you die… if you get hurt… I don't think I will recover." He stated out of the blue and you chuckled a little.
"Since when are you doing a sappy love declaration Felix?" You tried to joke,but you knew that he was very serious. "I will be fine."
"We have to speak about Pan anyway. About what punishment should come for him." He then said, after being silent for a little while. He averted his eyes to the ground then to yours. "What do you have in mind?"
The reply was simple and quick, because that's honestly all you could think about since he let that monster out there, since he drooled all over you in the beginning… This was all his fault. Felix's eyes widened in surprise then a frown appeared on his face.
"You can't be serious."
"I don't understand, what's the issue?"
"Have you lost your mind?" Felix took your hand and forced you to walk with him in his tent, under the gaze of very curious lost ones. "Some of the boys still like Peter. You can't just waltz in, announce a death hunt on him!"
"What's a death hunt?" You questioned him, hoping the question would distract him.
"If you displeased Pan and weren't loved enough by him and the camp, then you will be sentenced to be hunted down like a prey." He replied. "It's a bloody mess."
"I will kill him with my bare hands then. Less messy." You grinned at him, but he didn't seem to appreciate it. He shook his head and groaned. It made you feel like he was treating you like a kid instead of a leader. "Why are you so annoying about him? Why do you care so much about what will happen to him?" You asked, exasperated about his behaviour.
"He is my friend!" He protested suddenly loudly which made you jump in fright, not expecting this. He noticed it and tried to calm himself down by running his hand through his matted hair.
"He was never your friend." You spoke before he could, eyes narrowing at him. "He treated you like a dog. He deserves to die for what he did to you, to those poor girls that he massacred, to me!"
"We will see that detail another time, okay? I am tired and I have to help the boys." He closed the conversation and exited the tent. Well, more like fled the tent.
Rolling your eyes, you groaned and decided to leave as well. At the moment your hand was touching the wool of the tent, you felt a familiar buzzing in your head. You didn’t even need to turn to know who the person was.
"He is on Skull Rock. He ran away instead of confronting you. What a coward…" The Shadow floated around you, and you turned to face it. "He is losing people as well… The greatest opportunity for you to take what's yours."
"I have to help the boys." You told him, using the same pretext as Felix. "For… the war or whatever they want to call it."
"There's no way Peter can win this battle. You have to act as fast as possible… or else everything we had worked out will fail."
"Are you commanding me?" You snorted in disbelief. The Shadow suddenly moved close to your face and you stepped back in fright.
"I am only giving you some pieces of advice you should follow. Now, do what you must to prepare your army to battle and then join me on Skull Rock. You must take care of the parasite." It declared before disappearing in a dark corner.
Breathing heavily, you attempted to calm yourself down. You couldn’t walk out and be that panicked. What would the boys then think about their new leader? Sitting on Felix's bed, you started to relax. You really thought the Shadow was about to hurt you, for questioning it.
Once you believed you were serene, you knew you had to come out and be as tough as you could be. The boys won't probably accept you as their new leader right away but perhaps, they weren't that much of idiots. They must understand you were the best thing than Peter.
You walked out, and felt all their eyes burning into your skin. You didn’t let yourself be intimidated and walked in front of the large group, putting a hand on your hip to look more serious and authoritative. The hubbub stopped almost immediately as well. A smirk formed on your face: so they were not imbeciles.
"So… the plan is: we have to stop Pan from whatever madness he is brewing right now or else… I guess we all die." You declared in front of the boys, who were still naked for some, but all covered in muds and paints.
"Why should we listen to you?" Max asked rudely, his eyes glaring at you. He was not naked like the other boys, but he was wearing some kind of leather and metal armor that Timotheos must have pieced together already. He then advanced towards you. "This is not your business, and Pan didn’t do anything wrong here."
"Yeah Max's right!" You recognised the voice of the quiet Al, the one who had freed you from your chains back to the day the lost boys had swarmed the pirate ship. It was extraordinary to be able to hear his voice but it was a pain in the ass he chose to follow Max. "Why should we listen to a girl anyway?"
"Al, we need her." Felix stated, arms crossed over his chest surprising everyone in the assembly. This made everyone quiet and for some reason, you didn’t like it. A scowl replaced your glorious and confident smirk. Felix seemed to have more authority than you and that was not fair. "Pan participated in every one of our brothers deaths, so he has to pay. We should also be wary of Hannah as well."
"Yeah, I smell something fishy from her…" Léonard growled out angrily, wearing a strange costume made of armor and fur, which made him look like a tiger standing on two paws. "She has to pay for Andy's death. What's your plan (Y/N)?"
"Why are we still listening to her?"
"I can make your life better." You replied without thinking. "Pan offered you freedom, but he shaped it so it would fit his liking. What I offer you, is total freedom. No more forcing you to do something. No more death hunts."
At the mention of the lethal and mortal game, the boys shut their mouths again. You were getting their attention and approval.
"How can we know you will keep your promises?" Someone spoke up but you couldn't see who it was.
"I will, because I am not Pan. I want nothing more than true freedom and to save the island. It's our home and we have to protect it.”
This seemed to satisfy the boys, for now. You didn’t know what else to do to gain their friendships and loyalty. Perhaps you could turn to Felix for some advice? He had been Pan’s second in command, so he should know how to be good at leading. You felt bad about arguing about the green devil’s fate with him as well, and so you needed to apologize for your behaviour.
Speaking of which, you started to wonder if it changed because of the magic and the responsibilities bestowed upon you by the Shadow, and the creature was also sharing a part of your mind. You didn’t like that part. It was able to control you as well, whether you like it or not. You could become dangerous and a liability one day… You stopped breathing: what if you became like Pan? What if you became a heartless monster who enjoyed massacring innocent people?
“Are you alright?” Léonard asked as he approached you, he seemed worried about your state. “You don’t look well.”
“I am… I am tired. That’s all. Don’t mind me.” You gave back a faint smile and the other boy shook his head.
“Out of question. You are my friend and I care about you. Let’s get you back to a tent, you look like you need to lay down.. or to nap.”
Napping sounded awesome, but you didn’t have the time for this. You wouldn’t allow yourself to succumb to sleep or rest until you found a way to kill Pan. Did you want to kill him? Absolutely. But would you do it? That was a question you didn’t have the answer to yet. You felt weak, and you couldn’t use a lot of magic unlike him. Your skills were definitely low, so you needed to use a sword or a dagger when you would confront him. Léonard brought you back to reality when he gently took your arm and led you somewhere else.
He brought you to a tent like he said, he told you it was Max’s. You tried to protest against using it, but as it was the closest from where you were standing, Léonard believed it was a good choice. He helped you in removing some clothes and pushed you on the bed. You didn’t like using it. Max was going to hate you a little more.
“There. Now, try to get some rest.” The boy told you, like a order, as he untied his tiger pelt and put it over your body. “I will stay here, don’t worry.”
“Why are you insisting so much about that? I have a war to lead.” You replied rudely, but welcomed the sleepiness and the warmth anyway. Your eyes slowly closed.
"I… You are not the only ones who suffered from not being able to express feelings to each other, proudly, in front of everyone." Léonard lashed out suddenly, making you open your eyes immediately.
"What do you mean?" You questioned, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The boy took deep breaths, as if he was hyperventilating.
"I like Timotheos and he likes me back."
That was a surprise. You definitely didn’t see it coming. Léonard avoided looking at you, he seemed ashamed for revealing this. Actually, it did make sense: they were always together. Léonard was kind of like a bodyguard to Timotheos, because he couldn’t fight. They seemed to be so close, but you always regarded their relationship as being best friends or something related.
“If you… If you lose against Pan… we won’t be able to live it freely.”
That’s why he wanted you to rest. He wanted you to defeat Pan, and by sleeping, maybe you will be in a better shape. You were a bit disappointed that he cared only about himself and the life of his partner, but you understood. If you were in his shoes, you would want the person to be healthy.
“I won’t lose. I promise. I am doing this for the safety of everyone here.” You whispered sleepily, but he heard you: a large smile had replaced the sad frown.
“I know. You are a strong girl. You can do it. And we will be behind you.”
When you woke up, Léonard was sleeping on a rocking chair, snoring loudly. You giggled at his state before slipping on your boots and your cloak, eventually leaving the tent. You caught Max’s eyes as you exited, and he seemed not happy about you taking his home. You tried to talk to him but when you went into his direction, he just walked over to the blacksmith. You stood there, a bit dumbfounded but shrugged it off. You couldn’t force him to like you anyway.
You also realised a lot of boys were missing. When you asked him about it, Al grudgingly explained that they took the liberty with Felix to make small groups and to let them roam the island, searching for clues about Pan’s whereabouts. You didn’t have the heart to tell them you knew where he was and you knew he was still on Skull Rock. You thanked Al and he shrugged, not really caring about you you guessed. Then, Timotheos forced you to wear the armor he had specially built for you.
The chest piece was made of boiled leather, which, after what Timotheos informed you, should be stronger than metal or regular leather. The shocks of weapons would also be well absorbed. The shoulder pads were also in black leather, then for the wrist ones, he decided to use metal. You approved silentily of his choice as you didn’t know much about gears and weapons. Then, was the chainmail and some protective parts for your legs as well, made of a mix of metal and boiled leather again. He seemed ecstatic to explain the details, but you didn’t follow him a lot as you were bothered to put them on. Your only goal in mind was stopping Pan.
You thanked your friend greatly for what he had done for you. After finishing putting on the armor, you went to retrieve your magic sword and secured it. It will come in handy, you were sure of that. You were ready for a fight now.
"Where are you going?" Felix asked suddenly, appearing out of nowhere, and he jumped in front of you to prevent you from walking away from the camp. But, magic was on your side so you used it to go behind him. "Wait! This conversation is not done!" He yelled as he ran after you.
"Yes it is! Everyone here wants Pan's head, me being the first. You are the only one who seems to still like him!" You roared, and it must have frightened him because his face went pale and he stopped right in his tracks. "What's up with that ugh? You like him that much? Are you his lover or something-?!"
"No! It's nothing like that! Pan saved me okay! I can't… I still don't believe he is that evil…" He finished in a whisper, and you swore he was going to cry.
"He may have been kind once but he isn't the same Pan anymore." You tried to soften your voice but it came out as harsh. "Why do you care so much?" You wondered and approached him.
"I would have died without him. He saved me. He did so much for me and how do I reward him? By helping you murder him."
"Well maybe this wouldn't have happened if you guys didn't storm the ship and find me!" You didn't like Felix's behavior. It was downright annoying to you. The blond boy then glared at you, a scowl appearing on his face. Oh, so he was angry now? Well, you were mad too. "You should let him kill me, so I wouldn't pop your precious little fantasy-!"
"Shut up! Just shut up already!" He screamed and lunged at you. This time, you didn’t have the time to avoid it and Felix was on you. For the first time since you got your powers, you were scared. His eyes held such a wrathful fury you had never seen and you froze under him. Both of you stopped talking and it was better that way. You realised you had pushed Felix too far and yes, you felt sorry and like an idiot.
"I am sorry…" You whispered, squirming to get away from him. You were so stupid. Your temper was messing with you and it didn't help you could hear the Shadow as well. That damn thing… It always makes you lose control. "I didn't mean it, it's been so hard lately."
"I believe it is best if we stay away from each other for a little while. You have to tame your behaviour."
“I know. I am sorry.” You repeated, tears in your eyes. Magic and stress made you emotional and you knew he was right. Perhaps you could use that against Pan? No, he must have learnt how to control himself by now. “He is on Skull Rock.”
“Wait, who? Pan?”
“Yes. I… I want to fight him. Alone.” You didn’t want Felix to come, but he looked determined to accompany you. “Please Felix. I have to resolve this by myself. He will try to kill you and… and I don’t want to lose you!”
“I don’t want to lose you as well. You… Fuck, I care too much.” He sighed, and you knew you won this round. You approached him and hugged him tightly. You couldn’t help but think it might be the last time you were seeing your beloved love. Felix’s hand went under your chin and his lips crashed against yours. A bit surprised by the sudden kiss, you started to kiss him back. He stopped abruptly, and you whined, feeling like it lasted too short for your liking. His forehead went against yours and he clsoed his eyes. “For good luck. Princesses apparently do it to their princes.”
“So you are the princess and I am your knight in shining armour?” You joked, smirking.
“Of course.” He smiled. “You are my saviour.”
The Shadow appeared from your own. Felix took a few steps back and lowered his head slightly, probably a bit afraid of the Shadow. You were glad the creature was at your side. It flew in front of you, its hollow eyes staring into yours.
"You must hurry."
"I should go back to the camp. Help the boys. This kind of stuff." Felix stated as he glanced at you. He was afraid of the Shadow, and you understood his fear. "Good luck. Don't die."
The Shadow gripped your hand and slowly flew with you over the forest, then over the ocean. You were feeling very uneasy about what was going on. You didn’t like that you could fall at any time, so you concentrated on not letting go of the Shadow’s body. The flight was actually quick and you both reached the entrance. Turning to thank the being, you realised it was gone. With a groan, you turned to walk inside Skull Rock. It fit the name well: it actually looked like a skull! This was a marvel.
A putrid smell reached your nose and you almost threw up after entering the place. Putting your hand on the wall was also a mistake: it was sticky, coated in some kind of mixture… You didn't want to know what that is. Most of the walls were also decorated with human skulls and bones, some were a bright white some were in a more decaying state. Some even had flesh… This place was giving you the creeps, and without anyone to help you, you truly felt like Skull Rock was going to eat you.
Still you needed to move.
Reluctantly, you stepped into the dark, more toward the horrible smell. You felt like throwing up again and had to stop several times on the way there. You regretted not having a scarf to cover your nose with… You should have taken Felix’s. The road brought you deeper and deeper inside the cave… A warm golden light was shining brighter and brighter as you approached and you sighed in relief when the smell disappeared.
The walls were ornated with skulls and bones, nothing that shocked you actually. The place seemed to have been built on dead people. At the center was a giant hourglass, filled with golden sand. It was flowing down in a very slow pace, one grain after one grain. Noticing a presence, you stepped back as another person advanced. You quickly guessed it was Peter Pan who clapped with his hands, a sinister glow in his eyes.
"Well done, well done! I never thought the Shadow would lead you to me… It went against my orders. And, congratulations for making it all the way here! I didn’t think you had the guts for it. Actually, I always believed you would be dead in the first few days of your arrival. You were so… naive. So innocent." Pan smiled and tilted his head as his eyes wandered upon your body. "Neverland changed you."
"Whose fault was that?!" You snapped in anger, feeling a familiar warmth in your palms.
Pan let out a small chuckle and looked at the giant hourglass to his right. You didn’t want to admit it but you were also mesmerized by it. Something inside you urged you to protect it with your life. You guessed that the hourglass gave strength and magic to the island, and so of course, as the next ruler of Neverland, you had to defend it.
"The Shadow is using both of us (Y/N). I don't-"
"Tell me something new." You cut him and smirked. So he was dumb, you had known the Shadow was pulling strings to get what it wanted and you were fine with it as long as the Shadow didn’t ask anything like killing your loved ones. "I guessed this after I made that deal with him. Yes, your precious Shadow believes you are such an inadequate and deplorable ruler that it seeks someone else more fit for it…"
"You little whore!" He insulted, anger flashing in his green eyes, but you didn’t bulge at the insult. "Of course I knew he was using me! How dare you imply I am that idiotic, just like Felix-"
"Keep his name out of your mouth! You pretended to be his friend, just like you pretended to be in love with those girls that you massacred!" You started to approach him, ready to fight. He stepped back until he reached the hourglass but stopped and instead glared at you. He didn’t enjoy being trapped it seemed.
"Listen to me, girlie. You really believe you will make a better job at ruling this island, at leading the Lost Boys? You will end up becoming a monster and that's how you probably see me right? You will become the villain." His voice sounded desperate and stressed, but what he told you made you think for a moment. There was indeed a risk that you would become evil, but that wasn’t your nature. "How about you ditch the Shadow?" His tone indicated he was getting more and more stressed about the tough situation he was in.
Your face twisted into a frown, wondering why you were allowing him to breathe any longer. It was such an odd offer as well. What did he have to bring you other than the Shadow? Sensing your incomprehension, Pan took a deep breath and tried to put on a proud and brave smirk but you could see he was still afraid for his life.
"Together we could rule Neverland."
"Why am I still even listening to you?" You growled out, as you put yourself in an offensive position, ready to behead him if you could. "You insulted me, you threw hexes at me-"
"Wait! Let me finish, pretty girl." He winked at you. "You and I, we could rule without the help of the Shadow. You understand well that in order to save our island, we have to seek a rare heart and I believe you have the portrait of its owner."
How did he know that you had the parchment? One of your hands unconsciously tapped where it was located. You had taken it from the Shadow, thinking that after clearing this mess up you could start searching for the boy. When he saw you doing the movement, a wider smile appeared on Pan's face. The little shit. He had done it on purpose.
"We have both Neverland's best interests at heart. So... let's say you and I do this-"
"Then what?" You cut him mid sentence. "We get married and have children? Then we live here happily ever after" You joked sarcastically and this made him laugh.
"Why not love. You and I are not so different from each other. We understand what it means to start at the bottom. I had a tough life, same as you." His tone was somewhat softer, with no indication he was mocking you. He was being sincere for once but it was clear he was trying to mess with you some ways or another. "I will understand you better than Felix ever will."
"I told you to keep his name out of your mouth." You repeated your earlier threat, but this time it didn't frighten him so much. He started to pace around the hourglass with a hum.
"Felix is too cretinous and slow witted, he doesn't understand the moodswings of power. By the way, if we get rid of the Shadow together, those will disappear. The anger, the desperation, the thirst for more magic." He enumerated, sensing you were interested in this. "It hurts doesn't it?"
You didn’t reply, still wary of this off interaction with Peter Pan. He had something in mind, he always had. But why was he sounding so sincere? This was making you doubt the Shadow now.
"I will never trust you!"
"You should. Let's forget the past and focus on the future." He empathized as he made his way toward you. "Love at first sight doesn't exist love, but we can build a better relationship. And I am a better lover than Felix anyway."
You stayed on your guard. You felt his energy shift slowly, and his hands were behind his back. He was trying to manipulate you. It reminded you a bit of how Hannah was doing it as well…
"You don't want me to hurt him right?" Peter laughed with a mischievous grin. You only feared the worst, and before you could even react, Pan snapped with his fingers and in purple clouds appeared Felix being choked by a rope. Your eyes widened and your heart sank to the bottom of your core.
"Felix!" You cried out and stormed towards him, just to crash through him onto the ground.
"What in the-" Pan interrupted your chain of thoughts, and with a heavy kick he tossed you away. There was a strangled cry from Felix, and you couldn’t do anything as you watched the body slumped to the ground, Peter's boot on his back, as if it was a trophy.
That made your blood boil even more, you couldn’t contain your rage anymore.
Your hand reached for your sword, unleashing it. Strangely enough, even the sword seemed angry, screaming at you to kill the little dwarf standing in front of you. Pan had his dagger in his hands, the same idea as you it seemed.
You decided to use dark magic against him. That was the strongest one after all: you needed to feed off your hatred and sadness, throwing hexes and curses with one your hand to distract him. Then, taking the sword by both hands, you rushed toward Pan who seemed unfazed by your attacks. It was amusing to him apparently as well.
He moved so quickly, you couldn’t even touch him. Interestingly enough, he seemed to trip over his own legs and you chuckled darkly, finally injuring him, slicing him from the tip of the sword. Your head was spinning but you concentrated your magic so it could flow to your blade. That way, maybe it would work better. At least your movements were faster. From the outside eye, it seemed like you were dancing with him.
It went on like that for ages.
You slowly started to understand that he was trying to tire you out. The bastard. You didn’t see that coming. Using his dagger, he slashed deeply on your ten fingers while you were trying to raise the sword. You screeched in pain and accidentally let go of Vergessenheit. He tripped you down and kicked you in the ribs, which made you scream in agony. Trying to protect yourself, you started to curl, hands on your stomach. Tears pearled at your eyes, but you desperately tried not to cry in front of Neverland’s leader. Unfortunately, Pan had other plans in mind.
Peter kicked the double handed sword away from you, and you cried at the sight of the beautiful blade being crackled. You didn’t know how that could have happened! You had always believed the sword was indestructible… Perhaps the intensity of the fight and the use of magic against it had resulted in the sword being broken. Vergessenheit seemed in pain as well in your mind. Then, the green devil laughed at your pitiful state and stepped onto your left hand, pressing hard.
"Look at you, once almighty, now nobody… You always have been one. You aren't going to make it out alive." He caught your eyes full of fear and he chuckled. "There it is. You have the same look that all those girls have when they realise they will die… painfully and slowly. I want to have some fun with you. I wonder how you will react once I tear off your nails, one by one, or rather your teeth?"
You started to scream and struggle against him, as he knelt down. You didn’t understand why you couldn't use your magic right now on him. What was wrong with you?! That madman was ready to torture you and your magic wasn't flowing! You were being too emotional. You needed to calm down but how could you when he was making those threats?!
Pan's giggle was cut short abruptly.
You didn’t understand what was happening again, he stumbled back, hitting someone's chest. Your eyes flew to a dark red spot that spilled through his clothes. You breathed heavily as you realised who had done this, who had saved your life.
It was Felix.
He had just stabbed Pan in the back. The boy gasped in shock and in pain, turning to his former second in command with an incredulous look on his face.
"Turns out Pan does fail." The latter spat, with a voice full of hate and rage which changed from his usual monotonous tone.
The body slumped to the ground and you noticed the red spots on your armor. That wasn't what was bothering you yet. Your head was hurting from using too much magic in the previous fight and from the intense stress when Pan cornered you and your palms were a little burnt. Felix stepped over Pan's body who surprisingly wasn't still dead, and choked for air.
"Are you okay?" He asked quickly as he looked over your hands and winced. "Your veins…"
They had darkened after using dark magic. You didn’t know why though. You figured you would ask Tinkerbell after you both head back to the island.
"It's fine. I am fine." You repeated, trying to convince yourself that you were. Your body was on fire, and you felt like you were about to throw up any minute. You turned your head toward Pan, not wanting to puke on Felix. That's when you realized it.
There was something off with his body.
There was a green glow surrounding the wound, the blond haired boy stepped in front of you to protect you and then a green fog took Pan's body. You heard Felix letting out a shocked gasp and understood why: it was no boy in front of you but a grown adult. He looked as old as your father as well. The man stood up in wobbly legs with a pained grunt, a hand where his wound was.
"You… You are a man?!" Felix exclaimed angrily, figuring out Pan was actually a old man. .
"You found out my dirty little secret." He chuckled, and he tried to smile just like Peter would have. It was very disturbing. "Yes. I am an adult."
"He made a deal with me." The Shadow appeared suddenly and floated above you three. "He just needed to send his son away to gain the leadership of the island and the immortality that comes with it."
"You have a son?!"
"I would have told you Felix, in time of course. If it wasn't for this bitch that showed up!"
This… was insane. So Pan was just a grown up man in a teenager body? That was also disgusting, the things he had done and saw while being in this younger body… It made you gag. You wanted nothing but to throw up, preferably on him.
"What are you going to do now, (Y/N)?" He taunted proudly, believing you wouldn't be able to touch him or hurt him. "Are you going to murder me? Show Felix what a true monster looks like."
Felix's hand protectively reached yours and he squeezed hard. The Shadow stared down at you, awaiting your orders. You needed to weigh your options right away. In this body, Pan (if it was his real name) couldn't do anything against people. He didn’t look like he had any magic left.
"Shadow. Take him away." Your decision was final. You were kind enough to let him leave while breathing. He should be grateful. "Bring him somewhere where he won't hurt anybody."
"Why?" The man asked, confused. You didn’t spare him any reply and instead focused on Felix, putting your head on his chest. "Answer me!" The Shadow scooped him away and you heard him screaming obscenities and insults. He couldn't hurt you anymore.
“It’s over.” You breathed out, feeling like you were about to faint from exhaustion, pain, thirst and hunger. You leant against the blond haired boy and felt bad because of the way you looked.
“Let’s head back. You need to rest.”
Softly nodding, you both went through the same maze of walls and bones until you reached the exit. You wondered how Felix had come there, but your eyes spotted a small wooden boat on the shore. So he had rowed all the way there to rescue you… After all, he was your knight in shining armour. You tripped as you climbed in the boat, and fell face first inside. Felix tried not to laugh but he started to chuckle. He nudged you with his legs.
“Get up love.”
“I can’t. I won’t. I am… too fine there, in this position.” You felt hands on your hips and grinned. “What are you doing?”
“Sitting you up. Don’t worry, I will get the sword for you.”
“Be careful with it! Pan… He injured it.”
You sensed the blond haired boy was surprised at your choice of words about Vergensseit but he didn’t question it. He then went back inside, and you waited some minutes before he came back, dragging the sword behind him. Felix seemed to have some trouble pulling it inside the small wooden boat, but you decided to help him by hoisting the sword.
The ride was long and silent. You had decided to lay down, hugging the sword as if it was a stuffed animal. It was comforting in a way. You felt bad for Felix who was doing all the work but you were too drowsy. Your head was spinning a bit as well. You hummed when you felt Felix’s hand softly shaking you, pulling you from your sleepy state.
He had offered to give you a ride on his back until you both reached the camp but you refused it immediately. He had done too much for you already and you needed to be awake, and standing, when you returned triumphantly from your fight with Pan. You have done it. You were the new leader of the lost boys, the new ruler of Neverland and its protector. You could sleep easy tonight. Or perhaps celebrate the new era with the other boys.
“You okay?”
“Yeah… Just… Thinking.” You said to Felix and smiled happily at him. “I can’t believe it’s over. Everyone is finally safe from him.” You were absolutely thrilled by that fact alone.
“We still have one problem. Hannah.” He remarked, and it was true. The little bitch had slipped away from your mind, but you shook your head.
“She will probably die alone in the jungle. She didn’t look like she could act on her own. I bet Pan was influencing her from the beginning. She isn’t worth my time.”
“If you say so… my queen.” He joked with a chuckle and winked at you.
The walk back to the camp was pretty simple and nice. Life on Neverland seemed brighter and lighter. Indeed, several colorful flowers were growing out from green spots. You were delighted that the change was occurring that fast. Pan’s ascendancy and control had made the island rotten and dangerous. Every plant and animal were meant to kill. Not anymore.
Felix abruptly stopped, which stopped you as well. You turned to interrogate him on what was going on, but he brought a finger to his lips, signaling to not speak. You nodded and stayed quiet. He motioned you to follow him, and soon both of you were trying to walk slowly and discreetly. You still didn’t understand why you needed to do this, but one thing you knew was to trust Felix. If he had sensed something was off, then he was right.
He then started to climb a large tree with a few leaves. You groaned and muttered under your breath that you were tired but you forced yourself to follow him. You didn’t want anything to happen to him and you would blame yourself if he would get injured. He was crouching on a very large branch, unbothered. You tried to ease your worries about falling down, and instead knelt besides him.
Then you heard it.
Someone was singing. It was beautiful, and you instantly felt attracted to the voice. Felix’s hand snapped you from it. Deciding to look down, you suppressed a shocked gasp. You would recognise this head everywhere.
Hannah had a lost boy against her, pushing him on the ground, her hands around his neck. The lost boy's face didn't show any sign of pain, but he was smiling rather happily. Such a odd sight. You wanted to jump down to fight her and to save the poor lost one’s life, but unfortunately, you sensed it was too late already. Then, her head turned right where you and Felix were sitting, an oblivious frown over her face. Turns out she could handle herself just fine.
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