Chapter Five (Rewritten)

* * *

"A is for...?" Sage questioned, and Poppy instantly replied with 'apple sauce,' as it was one of the many foods they were provided daily. And it earned her a proud nod, "B is for...?"
"Belly!" Clementine claimed, and the little bit of laughter and chuckles on the other side of the room indicated the audience was listening in yet again.

Though it was no use, their morning routine of the lesson had been rudely interrupted by the impending ring dictating the actions of those with '2's stitched in their breast pocket. This meant the pups would be alone for the next few hours and would spend it in the company of the witches, yet this morning was different.

"No! Hera, don't go!" Poppy called out, wrapping her arms around the female's leg and going as far as to sit on her foot. "I have to. I come back."
"No...Sometimes wolves don't come back after they get sick!" Clementine argued, causing her to turn in question towards the rest of the wolves.

"That happens?" With the other she-wolves in the room completely unresponsive, a female from the opposite end of the room had come storming over. "You didn't tell her?!"
"Quiet, Isla. We don't have time for games, Hera will do fine." Yet Sage could only blink at the two going at it.

"Tell me what?" Darius hadn't taken full reign, but he certainly reminded her of what the decided course of action would remain to be. And so she huffed impatiently.
"Isla," Sage tested on her lips, having identified the first she spoke to in the bathroom. "Tell me what." She offered, though it wasn't phased as a question.

"There'll be a fake mate bond in the gym or training room. They'll expect you to—"

"Hera's stronger than that. It doesn't work half the time."
"And you didn't think her bond would hurt her as much as it did! She almost died, we all heard it!" The two leaders had found themselves at a crossroads and Sage huffed once more and pushed her arms between them both.

"No fighting. I don't mate with my male right away. I wait months before...I can take—handle it." That was all Hera offered into her private life, allowing the Witches to start withdrawing, but then gripped the likes of Maeve's t-shirt. "You don't keep secrets from me. Understood?" The other she-wolves had caught sight of the argument now that it involved two of their own kind.

Yet a measly growl stopped them in their pursuit to sort out the differences. "Hera—I didn't—"

"I don't care. What do lab coats want me to do?" She questioned, firming her grip on the issued clothing and Maeve saw no opening, nor was anyone going to help her.

"They want you to make pups with the males, and if not them, then Master will see it as a challenge." The smirk was not at all what the wolf was expecting, and neither was the look back towards the witches with an approving nod.

"What is your familiar?" Sage called out, keeping eye contact with Isla and it was surely the correct use of the term that caused the witches to straighten their backs.
"I uh...A bobcat." While it was strange and out of the blue, Sage returned back to standing in her regular position and allowed the rest to follow. Though Maeve was now wary of Hera, and nobody wanted to say it out loud or confirm how obvious the power struggle was teetering back and forth.

Knowing that Isla has a feline familiar, there was a sense of loyalty that Sage understood from the get-go. If the female had already put herself on the line to give warnings—multiple warnings. Sage would go the same length.

Although, she couldn't recall what else it meant to have a feline familiar, as she had only been introduced to the birds and the occasional fox or two. But Sage would think this through in the meantime.

As she eyed Maeve and the rest of the wolves, she returned to the designated position and waited for the bell to call them at attention. But it was clear from then on that the room knew what Hera was. The higher blood was too easy to dictate over the rest. And with Maeve's Delta blood not being enough, their minds went wild into thought as to who Hera was.

On the walk towards the training room, Sage understood what they meant by 'fake mate', and the male they issued couldn't manage to look any more sinister or cocky.

He took his time to come closer to Sage, striding towards her in a false confidence. His task was simple—Or it was in Sage's mind at least. The male needed to mate with her, and somehow the loss of Remus was now shifted into him.

She did have to wonder what kind of science made the stranger smell somewhat like Remus, but the female was much smarter than that.
Better yet, how did they figure this type of thing out?

They've had years to perfect it and handfuls of females to work with. It's the witches who are in much more trouble, hun. They're easier to impregnate and reproduce, and that's if their goal is to interbreed.

I don't like that sound. We stop that too. I'm not leaving this time without other wolves and witches.

Sounds like a plan sweet wolf, I'll be on the lookout. For now, just ignore that fellow over there and the vamp. The no-good bloodsucker that he is, find a name.

Master's real name...Does Willow know?

I'm sure she does, but she might be compelled, sweetheart. She's been here a while longer than you've been alive.

Mama mates with Master.

I know, but that's survival. She's not doing it to hurt you or anyone, especially not your father. She's doing what she can to survive—She's managed this much freedom and look, she aided your recovery.

In the midst of her conversation with Darius, the strange male finally arrived in front of her. Yet as Sage's eyes scanned him entirely, she was certain that this male wasn't one she'd met before. certainly wasn't the same as the ones she'd trained with before. Wolf or not, her inner beast decided it was the mask of the bond that made him stand out.

But she huffed in damnation, leaving the male to take the first attempt as a failure. Course, that struck the twig in the lab coat as curious, causing Sage to frown.

Maeve told me not to fight, what happens if I pretend with mate bond?

You—Sage hun, you don't want to do that.

Why not, they already know I'm different. Look at twig, he thinks I'm stronger because I am. I'll be careful, and make it look like mate bond working. Maybe that's how I get out—We get out.

Darius was silent over the link, but Sage had a feeling that he was somehow seeing through her eyes as well. She stalled on her plan, thinking that if she acted distracted by the male then it'd prompt another attempt.

It wasn't that Sage was incapable of flirting, it was simply foreign that the smile she earned was not a crooked or silly like Remus would always give her.

Nor was he Remus.

The other she-wolves started to catch Hera's trans, and once Darius had given the go-ahead, Sage found herself turning her body to face the male. The human hadn't done much in the gym other than stand by the corner and lean against the wall.

The nod he gave her, however, was a slight comfort to her battered wolf.

He's not Remus, Sage. Please remember that.

I know. Doesn't smell all like Remus.

He knew exactly what she meant, which had him concede to this plan and aid her in trying to claim the human's attention. Though mates had different standards, even human males had similar tendencies as those in the supernatural world.
Even if either side would firmly disagree.

Maeve knew that if she spoke or did anything to stop this, she'd be punished, and the watchful eye of the others made her frown. There were hardly ever that many humans in a room at once.

It was strange—More than strange, but was it because the vampire was here?

Had they gained more members to follow his sadistic ways?

The others with the stitched '2' on the side hadn't understood Hera's tactic, nor were they about to risk themselves on the event to save her from a mistake. So when the man, Rex, had come over with a bit of movement in his step for his second attempt—Hera sighed.

Her eyes lowered but still looking at him through fluttering eyes. Flirting eyes.

Rex beckoned Hera to come over, and she looked around the room for a moment before ultimately deciding that she would listen to him.

Her eyes flickered to either of his, contemplating his next action before he had the chance to really extend his arm out to touch her. What made a bubbling feeling in her stomach begin was to try and accept this bond in limitations, but Sage also had to fight equally as hard to deny it simultaneously.

Instead, she tilted her head, and the male smirked at seeing the confused nature that Sage was trying to portray—Or rightly managing to portray, considering she was still heavily confused about what sort of torture this was meant to be.

"Hey, kitten..." He greeted her, and Sage held her breath. Even the artificial feelings coursing through her veins were still making it extremely difficult to subject his voice to anything else.

Remmy?...I wish you can hear me. I miss you, I don't want to forget your voice.

Of course, her plea was left with no reply, and Hera sniffed at him once more, which she thought was mildly hilarious that he pulled his wrist up for her smell more directly, and the memory of who did it before he earned a smile.

Most family members had done this trick for her, and she certainly did it to her pups when they were being introduced to someone new.

However, Sage knew instantly to turn it around. And Darius laughed right alongside her unpleased huff as she examined the arm in front of her.
"Mate doesn't have offer." She grumbled, walking away and instantly drawing the attention of a dozen or so additional eyes and causing heavy note-taking.

If they wanted something to study, Sage would take everything she learned and then some. Having made eye contact with another female, one that had the remnant of a mate mark on her neck as well, caught the exchange.

She was ultimately causing a shift of another plan in motion, especially when it was not up to the scientists to determine what would pass as an acceptable gift in the 'wolf' world.

After the alarm in the gym had sounded off, the she-wolves lined up in a row before being escorted out. Though Sage sent a hard glare towards the fake mate, before turning off and away.

What might've been whispers to humans, were just as easy to pick up had they talked at a normal volume, and thus...Sage knew she broke their concentration and demonstrated really what they were after.


Brilliant sweetheart, get the others to help you.

Sage nodded to herself and continued back into the room, being trampled by not only Clem but Poppy as well. The pups made small pants through their nose, and by the goddess herself, it felt like she was holding her own.

Yet the peace was not over.
The she-wolf that Sage had never found herself talking to had come forward. Looking at both the calendar and the spoon, however, that wasn't the main reason for her arrival.

The female didn't allow herself to speak in front of the children and thus, Sage nudged them off and directed them to Maeve. Which took more convincing than she was readily prepared for, and instead offered a small smile to the female.

"Do—do you feel your wolf?"
Sage bobbed her for a moment but then side. "A little, not enough...But my mate gives me gifts, she-wolves want gifts." She implied, and the grin was instantly contagious.

"I'm Elena...I'm sorry I haven't come over to introduce myself properly. I just...I lost my mate too." Elena's eyes started to grow irritated with the procession of her emotions and tears, and Sage—Or Hera in this case, hadn't denied the she-wolf the comfort of a firm embrace.

A part of her knew that if her mother was here to comfort them. She would do it here and now.

"They tried to do that before. We've always just ignored them..." Elena whispered, but the feeling of a smile against her temple made it possible to think. "Then we pretend that it works...Keep strength up. I want to live, Elena. I have pups that need me."

You also have a looming war across America that you haven't told them yet, hun. I don't want to ruin your little love fest you've got yourself into. Remember what happened when Randal lost Emery?

Randal goes more crazy?

I don't know if Remus has the strength to do what Hayes did, to stay willing and waiting. Remember his promise to you, sweetheart? To the moon and back?

It was a nice promise.

He meant if you die, he'll follow you.

What?! He can't! The pups—

I'm sure he's doing everything he can to find you, but the mate bond being broken? I'm doing what I can here. It's going to take time.

We don't have time, Darius. Master is here and he could see me and know I'm not Hera.

Don't know hun, he hasn't managed yet. Stay low and keep going with this plan, he sounds like he's too old to really see the difference between she-wolves anymore. That and he has Willow.

After a while, Elena had fallen asleep beside Sage. And the two females were soon joined by two pups who were all too excited to join in on the cuddling, especially when they knew that Hera would be gone most of the day tomorrow. It really brought into perspective the growth she had with these captives, if she was going to lead an escape.

She needed them to trust her, and this was surely a start.

* * *

Much like the previous Tuesday, the recollection of Sage waking up in the morning as opposed to this time was strangely different. The comfort of the floor was much softer and warmer than anything the cement and pups could manage, so she dared to tear an eye open—Causing her eyes to waver this way and that.

A hum soon escaped her, though it did help when the electric touches on her waist prompted healing. With a responding groan, Sage turned a bit to see the same guy from yesterday.
"Hey kitten, how're you feeling?" She sucked in a breath and sighed, the torment of chasing whether or not to enjoy the warmth was creeping in.

"Okay—Tired," Sage responded, and it earned her another tug. Though this time, her thighs were greeting the room's cool air. She instantly sobered up and frowned, knowing full well where the human's erection wanted to go.

"No offer, no mate. Moon goddess kill males that don't give mate gifts." The male instantly stopped his approach, and it was a good thing too, as the scent of his arousal was still basking in the air.
Course it wasn't as strong or as appealing as her own mate's, nor was his length any at all impression to herself or her wolf.

"What do you want, kitten? I'll get it for you." She had the ultimate power to decide and she sighed. "Bring kill." Sage deemed, the idea of fresh meat caused her to drool.

Anything that wasn't processed or mush certainly would give her some strength. Wouldn't it?

"I uh...Like a deer?" Sage thought for a moment, would she be impressed with a deer? She couldn't recall if Remus aided their first kill together. Though anything he did was truthfully sweet and kind, until it wasn't.

Until something got in the way, and he'd lie.

The unimpressed look on Sage's face suggested it all, and the male nodded. His mind searched for an even bigger animal, which allowed her to have the privacy of this room—And after a quick scan, her eyes locked onto the desk at the far end of the wall.

It was the exact one she had before, the tray at the ready with an empty pitch, a cup, and a roll of toilet paper.

In being alone for the first time in a while, Sage felt like she could truly have a proper cry. As though the ache in her heart hadn't subsided, adding a pillow and blanket allowed the Luna to gain more hours of sleep.

However, the second the smell of blood flooded her nose, her attention peaked in interest. Especially when it was the male holding out a large tray, and a slab of meat just thrown onto it—Sage's heart almost stopped.

She couldn't count the number of times where she ate raw meat in skin because she didn't want to shift while pregnant, it was just too much work. So when she rose up a bit further, the male presented the plate in front of her.
Whether they told him to try and communicate through growls and pants was undetermined, but it was a bit humorous, to say the least.

It was a surprise that they actually approved of this offering, given that this meat would give her strength, and she surely needed it.

She recalled Blake's words that humans were squeamish, especially when it came to live kills like this. So when she took a pretty decently sized hunk of meat and instantly brought it to her lips to tear off her first bite, the gag she heard was not at all unexpected.
She simply hummed at the taste and decided to enjoy it.

"Fresh meat is good for making pups."
"Then I'll get as much of it as you want, kitten." She nodded, blood coating her cheek as she offered him up a small bite. And the human in him flinched, making her bite her lip to hide her smirk.

"Eat with me?"
"I uh, I already ate. That's for you." Sage had found it in herself to pout and try to look as lost as possible. Though she had to admit, him offering to feed her was charming, even if he was sentenced to father a pup.

The healing process was a sure-fire way to gain a few energy levels, and if it was any consolidation—When she returned to the large garage, the scent of meat caused her to breathe in deeply.

Apparently, those like Elena had received the rest of the meat, and from personal experience, Sage knew it was moose.
The deer-like flavor was enough for her to sleep heavily the following night and into the morning.

Perhaps this will allow everyone to gain some strength long enough to give Sage ample time to find a way out.


Date: 02/06/24

Time: 1:04 PM

Words: 3205

Author's Note:

Not much to add today, but just wishing everyone a happy Werewolf day and I hope you enjoy this extra chapter!

We're not there just yet to keep up with a two-chapter pattern, and unfortunately, my free weekend turned into me picking up extra shifts because my coworker got covid.

Anywhoooo, I'll see you all tomorrow!

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