Chapter Sixty-Eight: You Posted What: Part One
Luna's Pov
"Guys, the rupture's getting worse" Bree said to me and the guys as we were on a mission together.
"That's natural gas. We have to fix that leak or it'll explode" Chase said in worry before looking at me and Bree.
"Sweetheart, Bree, go check the rest of the pipeline for cracks" Chase said and the both of us nodded.
"On it" Bree said as she superspeeded away, and me geo-leaping away.
It took like 5 minutes before I geo-leaped back to where the guys were.
Once I got there Bree came back and she had branches on her hair and she was scratching herself.
"Checked all 200 miles --- 70 of which had poison oak" Bree said while pulling out some of the branches that were in her hair.
"All right, let's get out of here" Chase said and I nodded.
"Yeah same, I need a nap" I said.
"All right, grab on" Bree said as she turned around.
The boys were about to get on her back but they shook their heads.
"Actually, I'm going to take the bus" Chase said.
"Me too" Adam nodded.
Adam ran away as Chase grabbed my hand and we ran away, with Bree following behind us.
The Next Day
At School
It was the next day and me, the trio and Leo walked into the school together smiling and laughing.
Me and Chase held hands as we walked inside.
However, it was weird.
I say this because as soon as we walked in people immediately started looking at us, some gave us scared looks and some even ran away.
They were all looking at their tablets, phones or other devices.
We spotted Principal Perry looking at her tablet and walked over to her.
"What's everybody looking at?" Bree asked, causing Principal Perry to look at us.
"A new viral video. Guess what it's called? The World's First Bionic Humans" Principal Perry said.
All of our eyes widened in shock and fear as we just took a moment for everything she just said to sink in.
"What?!" me, Chase and Bree asked in shock.
"Wait, there are other bionic people?" Adam asked before looking at us.
"Then why are we working so hard?" Adam asked, causing all of us to glare at him in annoyance.
"She's talking about us you dumbass" I scoffed and the others nodded.
"Yeah, look" Principal Perry said as she showed us her tablet and we all looked at it as she played the video.
Our eyes widened even more when we saw that it was a video from the mission yesterday.
"That's yesterday's mission" Chase said in shock.
"Somebody filmed us" Bree said in shock just like Chase.
"Your secret's out. Everybody's gonna know you're bionic" Leo said in worry and concern.
"Fuck" I muttered under my breath as I ran my hands through my hair in annoyance yet concern.
"Never mind that. Now I can't blackmail Daddy Big Bucks anymore. My gravy train just ran right off the tracks!" Principal Perry said.
Well at least one good thing came out of our secret being out.
Principal Perry doesn't have to blackmail dad anymore.
I rolled my eyes and looked around to see everyone looking at us.
I got annoyed and gave them all my deadly glare, causing everyone to look away from me but they continue staring at Adam, Bree and Chase.
"Everyone's looking at us" Bree said while looking around.
This made the guys look around and they were a bit nervous, until Principal Perry spoke up.
"Quit your staring. Scram!" Principal Perry yelled and the students started leaving the hallway.
She then walked over to another pair of students that were still staring at us.
"So they're bionic. Get to class before they mow you down with their finger missiles" Principal Perry said.
This made the students eyes widened in fear as they quickly nodded and ran away as Principal Perry walked away.
I just rolled my eyes but silently thanking her for getting rid of the students to stop the staring.
"How could this happen? What are we gonna do?" Bree asked in worry.
"I don't know. We're in big trouble" Chase said and I nodded as I clung onto his arm as he kissed my temple.
"Wait! I know how we can fix this! We'll convince everyone the video was made with special effects. You know, like those fake videos Adam's always watching" Leo explained.
Wait, that could actually work.
"So 'Giant Baby Eats Tokyo' is fake?" Adam asked, making all of us look at him weirdly.
"I should've known. Where are they gonna get a diaper that big?" Adam said while shaking his head.
"Leo, that might actually work" Chase said and I nodded.
"Well, first, we better go tell dad" I said.
The others nodded and we were about to run out of the school but Adam stopped us.
"Wait, is 'Giant Baby Eats London' fake too? Because I just sent 50 bucks to the victim's relief fund" Adam asked.
We all just sighed and rolled our eyes at him before finally running out of the school to get home.
Back At Home
Once we made it back to the house we all ran inside the house and threw our bags on the floor.
"Mr. Davenport!" Chase yelled and dad, Tasha and Douglas ran in.
"We just heard" Dad said in worry along with Tasha and Douglas.
"What are we going to do" Tasha asked.
We all shrugged, not really knowing what to do, while Adam sighed.
"I say we sell Chase to the circus and use the money to start our new life" Adam said.
This made me and Chase glare at him as I smacked him upside the head.
"Not now" I lightly growled at him while still clutching onto Chase's arm.
"Big D, I know how we can spin this" Leo said and dad looked interested but Douglas shook his head and stopped him from continuing.
"No, No. Were way past spinning this, Leo. That's video all over the news. Experts have verified the footage wasn't manipulated" Douglas explained.
My eyes went wide along with the others.
He walked over to where the T.V was in the kitchen and we all followed him.
He then grabbed the remote and turned it on to show the video from the mission yesterday.
"People all over the world are freaking out!" Douglas said.
"Oh, of course they are. They just saw Chase in a skin-tight mission suit" Adam said, making Bree and Leo nod.
Chase glared at him while I smacked his arms and clung onto Chase's arm tighter.
Ok, I will admit that what Adam said was true.
I mean, Chase wearing his sexy mission suit is only for me to see, my eyes only and nobody else's.
"Douglas is right. This is way too big to spin" Dad said while shaking his head.
"I can't believe this. You guys are the biggest news story ever, and I got scooped!" Tasha said while crossing her arms.
This made me and the others give her 'really' looks.
"How could this happen?" Dad asked as he grabbed his tablet and started typing.
"I don't know. I did a thermal scan on the mission site. No one was there" Chase said and I nodded.
"Well, the footage from my Daven-Earth satellite says otherwise. See" Dad said as he showed us his tablet.
We all looked at it to see the footage from yesterday and when he zooms in my eyes widened when I see a teenage girl hiding behind a bush while recording us.
"Someone's standing right there" Dad said while pointing at the girl.
"What? But I scanned the site" Chase said in shock but confusion.
"Yeah, well, you missed a spot, and now the entire family is in danger" Dad sighed as he walked over to the kitchen.
I lightly glared at him as we followed him into the kitchen.
"Come on, Donny. The kid made a mistake. Could've happened to anyone" Douglas said, defending Chase.
"Yeah, not really. He's the only one who thermal scans" Adam said.
I glared at him and smacked him upside the head.
I sighed before turning to Chase and pecking him softly on the lips.
"None of this is your fault, ok" I reassured him.
He smiled softly at me and nodded as he kissed my temple and wrapped his arms around my shoulder.
"So what's our next move?" Leo asked.
"Give Tasha Davenport an exclusive interview?" Tasha suggested while smiling.
This made me and dad give her an annoyed like while she just looked slightly offended.
"Don't worry guys, I've prepared for this. I've got a safe house at a secure location, you three will hide there. It's got food, capsules, everything you'll need for a year's worth of survival" Dad explained.
This made me and the trio look at him with wide eyes.
"A year?" I asked in shock.
"Well, 343 days. After that, play rock-paper-scissors and eat the loser" Dad shrugged, thinking that it wasn't that big of deal.
The four of us looked at each other before looking back at dad with weird looks.
"In the meantime, I'm gonna hold a press conference, and prove to the world you're not dangerous. When they're ready to accept you, you'll come home" Dad said as we walked into the living room.
"Any questions?" Dad asked but we all shook our heads.
"Yeah, I finally decided to whiten my teeth" Adam smiled before shaking his head.
"Wait, that's not a question. So, yeah, no questions" Adam said, making all of us roll our eyes at him.
"Everybody get your stuff, we leave in five minutes" Dad said.
We all nodded and ran to quickly pack our stuff so we could get ready and leave.
In The Lab
I went down to the lab since some of my stuff are down there and I just want to make sure I have everything befoer we leave.
I was down here with Chase and Leo as they were packing as well.
But I can tell that Chase was still trying to figure out how he missed that girl that filmed us.
"I don't get it. I know I scanned the mission site. How did I not notice that girl?" Chase asked while crossing his arms.
"Yeah, it is weird. Usually, it's the girl who doesn't notice you" Leo said.
This made me and Chase glare at him as I smacked him upside the head.
"He literally has me as a girlfriend, he don't need anyone else to notice him but me so shut it Dooley" I growled at him.
"Alright, geez. What is with you hitting people today?" Leo asked while rubbing his head.
I just scoffed and rolled my eyes at him.
Chase chuckled and placed a gentle kiss to my forehead, making me smile.
"You know what? I'm gonna check my chip log" Chase said as he started typing on the cyberdesk.
Soon Douglas walked in while carrying a small box.
"Guys, hurry up" Douglas said as he was about to walk away but turned around.
"See, this is why I should have raised you. Then you'd know how to abandon a building" Douglas said.
Me and Leo gave him weird looks while Chase waved him off.
"Aha, look" Chase said while pointing at the screen, making all of us look at it.
It shows Chase's chip log and we see that when he was scanning the sight there was no girl in sight.
Chase was right, he did scan the sight but the girl wasn't there.
Ha, that's my boyfriend everyone.
"Chase is right. He did do a thermal scan at the mission site" Leo said and I nodded.
Chase grinned like a little that got free candy.
"Yes! I knew it! Still perfect!" Chase yelled while grinning and pointing at himself.
This made Leo and Douglas give him weird looks while I giggled and kiss his cheek.
"Hey, look. The times code match and that's the spot where the girl showed up on Big D's satellite footage, but on your chip log, she's nowhere to be found.." Leo said as he looked at us.
Wait, what?
How the hell is that possible?
"That's impossible. Something weird is going on. I'm gonna go tell Mr. Davenport" Chase said and we nodded.
"Good idea" Douglas nodded but quickly stopped him before he could leave.
"But leave out the part about being perfect. It just makes people wanna punch you in the face" Douglas said and Leo nodded.
Chase just sighed before leaving the lab to go and tell dad.
I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.
"Hey, are you ok?" Leo asked while gently placing his hand on my shoulder.
"I really don't know. I mean, our secret is out. Everyone knows we're bionic, what's going to happen now?" I asked.
"I really don't know Luna" Leo sighed.
"Don't worry. Donny is going to fix everything, but right now let's just focus on packing so we can leave" Douglas said.
The both of us nodded as we quickly returned to packing.
A few minutes passed and we heard a beeping sound from the tablet next to Leo.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"I don't know" Leo said as he quickly picked up the tablet and started typing.
"It's coming from upstairs" Leo said.
"Hurry, pull it up on the bing screen so we can see what's going on" Douglas said.
Leo quickly nodded before typing in a few things and soon the big screen turned on and we all looked at it.
My eyes widened when we saw Adam, Bree and Chase surrounded by the feds, and soon dad and Tasha were escorted downstairs as well.
I bit my lip in worry, wanting to help them so badly.
"We have to help them" Leo said and I nodded.
"We don't stand a chance against those guys" Douglas said.
"Well, then, we'll go rescue them ourself" Leo said and I nodded and we were about to leave but Douglas stopped us.
"The only way we can help them is if we don't get captured" Douglas said.
"We can't just stay here and do nothing" I said.
"Luna you can't go up there. They've already got Adam, Bree and Chase. They're looking for you too and if you go up there you're just going to get caught like them" Douglas said.
I sighed in frustration as I lightly pulled on my hair.
Soon we heard another beeping noise, Douglas pressed something on the cyberdesk and his eyes widened when he looked at the big screen.
"Look!" Douglas said as he pointed at the big screen, causing me and Leo to look at it.
Our eyes widened when we saw multiple feds inside the elevator.
"They're coming in the elevator" Leo said as we started running away to get out of the house but stopped when we heard noises coming from the tunnels.
"They're coming in the tunnel, too" I said in worry.
"We're surrounded. You want me to blow up the lab again? I'm good at it" Douglas asked while grinning.
Me and Leo looked at him weirdly before shaking our heads.
"Let's make that plan B" Leo said and I nodded.
"Well, what's plan A?" Douglas asked.
"This" I said.
I quickly grabbed onto their arms and geo-leaped us to the first place I could think of.
The school.
Once we got there we immediately ran inside and made sure to close the doors behind us.
"We'll hide here till we figure out our next move" Douglas said and we nodded.
"You know things are bad if school is my safe place" Leo scoffed and I nodded as well.
We walked around before we spotted Principal Perry going through Bree's locker.
"Principal Perry?" I asked.
She immediately placed both her hands on the lockers and spread her legs while putting her head down.
The three of us looked at her weirdly before she stood up normally and closed the locker.
"What are you doing in Bree's locker?" Leo asked.
"Certainly not stealing stuff to sell at my bionic souvenir shop" Principal Perry said, making us sigh and roll our eyes at her.
She then spotted Douglas and smiled.
"Ooh, I see you brought the one family member who doesn't disgust me" Principal Perry said as she shoved me and Leo out of the way and moved closer to Douglas.
"Hello" Principal Perry said while doing a small curtsy.
"Principal Perry, we need your help" Douglas calmly said and we nodded.
"Please, call me Terry. It's easy to remember because it rhymes with marry" Principal Perry said while showing him her finger.
I can tell Douglas was uncomfortable, so were me and Leo.
But you've gotta admit that this is fun to watch.
"Yeah. If it's okay, I'd still like to call you principal because it rhymes with...I have a girlfriend" Douglas said, trying to get himself out of this.
Leo rolled his eyes while I snorted.
"As if someone like you could get a girlfriend" I muttered under my breath while smirking.
He must've heard me because he glared at me but I didn't care.
"Special agents took over the house and have Adam, Bree, and Chase in custody" Leo said and I nodded.
"Put a sock in it! Mama's trying to get her groove back!" Principal Perry yelled at him before turning back to Douglas.
I'm this close to strangling her.
"It's true. For all we know, they're being grilled by the feds" Dogulas nodded.
This got Principal Perry's attention as her eyes widened in fear as she looked at all three of us.
"No, no, no. If the feds find out I was in on this, I'm cooked" Principal Perry sighed before nodding.
"Well, I guess there's only one thing left to do. Trade you three for my freedom" Principal Perry said as she took out her phone and walked away.
Hold up, what!
No way in hell is she doing that!
Douglas quickly stopped her by grabbing her wrist and pulling it away from her phone.
"No, no, no, no, please. You're our only friend right now" Douglas said and we all nodded.
She then looked at his hand and smiled, making me a bit creeped out.
"Well, who can say no to a man with such hairy knuckles" Principal Perry said as she rubbed her face against his hand.
Douglas cringed and immediately pulled his hand away from her.
Leo looked uncomfortable, and so did I but it didn't stop me from snorting.
I then nudged Leo who snapped out of his uncomfortable state and took out his phone and pulled up a photo of the girl that filmed us.
"We don't think the bionic video was an accident. This is the girl who did it" Leo said as he showed Principal Perry the picture.
"Have you seen her?" I asked while crossing my arms.
"No, but email me the picture and I'll run it through our student-faculty database. It's supposed to be used for transcripts, but I use it to play the ugly-face-ugly-name game" Principal Perry grinned while laughing.
We all just gave her weird looks before she turned to Douglas and smiled.
"Be back in a flash my little love troll" Principal Perry said before she literally growled at him and walked into her office.
Me and Leo gave her some weird looks while Douglas was trying to process what just happened.
"So, let's think about this" Leo said as we walked over to him and looked at his phone.
"The mission alert was for a pipeline that burst because of seismic activity at exactly...Wait" Leo started but then stopped when he stopped something.
"You alright?" I asked.
"What's wrong?" Douglas asked.
"This geological website says there was no significant seismic activity yesterday" Leo said.
My eyes widened as I looked at his phone to see that he was right.
"The fuck?" I asked in confusion and shock.
"That's weird" Douglas said and I nodded.
Soon Principal Perry walked back out while holding a piece of paper in her hand.
Then Douglas pushed Leo towards her while hiding behind me.
We both rolled our eyes at him before turning our attention to Principal Perry.
"Nothing came up on your gal. The records say she doesn't exist" Principal Perry said, making all three of us look at each other in confusion.
"But check out the horse face on this French teacher from Modesto. Bonjour, Matilda Flart" Principal Perry grinned as she showed us the picture of a really ugly dude.
"Ahh!" all three of us yelled as Principal Perry quickly threw it to the ground.
We all shook our heads to try and get that image out of our heads.
"So no seismic activity, no trace of the girl. I'm starting to think this whole mission was a setup" I said while putting the pieces together.
Douglas nodded while pointing a finger at both me and Leo.
"If we could find evidence that the pipe was sabotaged, that would prove it" Douglas said.
"Good idea" Leo said and I nodded.
"Come on, let's go check the mission site" Douglas said as the three of us nodded and got ready to run away but Principal Perry stopped us.
"Wait! There's one other thing you should know. The school board frowns on parents dating teachers, but let's be honest. You ain't no parent, and I ain't no teacher" Principal Perry smirked while winking at Douglas.
I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing as Leo and Douglas looked uncomfortable.
Of course, Douglas being the most uncomfortable then Leo.
"Come on" I said as we ran out of the school.
Once we were outside I grabbed onto Leo and Douglas and geo-leaped us to the mission site from yesterday.
Once we were there we walked over to the pipe.
Me and Douglas started looking at it, trying to find any evidence to see if it was sabotaged.
While Leo was looking around the site and behind some bushes.
It was silent for a good few minutes before I crossed my arms and looked at Douglas while smirking.
"So, you and Principal Perry?" I asked.
"I don't want to talk about it!" Douglas yelled in annoyance.
I smirked and raised my hands up in surrender while Leo snorted.
We continued looking around the site until Leo spotted something.
"Hey, check this out. That looks like a superspeed trail" Leo said while pointing at some trail.
Me and Douglas walked over to it to see that he was right.
"Yeah, you're right. That couldn't be Bree's. She went east. These clearly point south" Douglas said and I nodded.
"Yeah, and I geo-leaped instead of using my superspeed so it's not mine either" I said.
"But, if the trail isn't Bree's, then it must be hers. Could she be bionic?" Leo asked.
This made me scoff and shake my head.
"That's literally impossible" I said and Douglas nodded.
"Luna's right, that's impossible. The only other person with bionics is..." Douglas said before stopping as his eyes went wide in realization.
This made me and Leo look at him in confusion.
"Is Krane" Douglas said.
My eyes went wide along with Leo's.
Krane did this.
Are you fucking kidding me right now?
"But how could Krane be the girl? Wait, did you give him a cyber mask?" Leo asked while looking at a nervous Douglas.
"I might have" Douglas shrugged, making me and Leo look at him in annoyance.
"Great" I sarcastically said while throwing my hands up in the air.
"And I also might have given him a full body cyber cloak, too" Douglas said.
Me and Leo looked at him with wide eyes and jaw dropped.
"But he was only supposed to use it on Halloween! Last year, we went as Brad and Angelina" Douglas grinned.
"How the hell is that supposed to be any better?" I asked in annoyance while crossing my arms.
"So the girl who took the video is actually Krane. What do we do now?" Leo asked.
I just sighed and shrugged while Douglas looked around for a bit before looking back at us.
"I don't know about you, but I'm slapping on a cyber mask and selling apples by the highway" Douglas said before running away.
Me and Leo looked at each other and sighed in annoyance before following him.
Back At The School
We made it back to school to tell Principal Perry about what we think.
That Krane made himself look like the girl and filmed me, Adam, Bree and Chase and posted it online.
Maybe that's his way to take us out of the picture.
"And that's why Krane cloaked himself as the girl and posted the video. He knew the feds would take Adam, Bree, Chase and Luna out of the picture" Leo explained and I nodded.
"Quick question. At any point during your dealings with this Krane guy, did my name come up?" Principal Perry asked.
All three of us looked at each other before looking back at her.
"No" I scoffed in annoyance.
"Then get out of my school!" Principal Perry yelled as she started shoving us out.
But before she could we stopped her because we were honestly getting annnoyed at this point.
"Stop! Look, we need to tell someone about Krane" Leo said and I nodded.
"Yeah, It may not free our family, but maybe the feds can stop him" I said.
"You're right. We can't waste anymore time" Douglas said and Principal Perry nodded.
"Totally agree. Dooley, Walker, you two go back to the house, while me and Douglas hunker down in a remote cabin" Principal Perry said as she turned to face Douglas.
"Very remote, where no one will hear your screams" Principal Perry grinned.
This made Douglas uncomfortable while me and Leo looked at her in disgust.
"I'm gonna throw up" I said while fake gagging.
Soon the doors burst open as we turned around only for my eyes to widened.
It was Krane.
He found out where we are.
He turned to look at us and smirked.
"There you are. It's always the last place you look, isn't it" Krane smirked as he walked inside.
We all took a few steps back while Principal Perry walked towards him.
"If you're the new health inspector, the money's on my desk in an envelope marked, Art Supplies" Principal Perry said.
Krane looked at her weirdly while the three of us sighed.
Then Douglas nudged Leo and he walked over to her.
"That's Krane" Leo said to her and I nodded.
Her eyes widened in fear as she turned around and pushed me and Leo towards Krane.
"Please, take the defenseless child, but leave me the dreamboat of a man" Principal Perry grinned as she tried hugging Douglas but he moved away from her.
"I swear I'm going to kill that bitch" I said in annoyance as Douglas walked over to me and Leo.
"How did you know we were here?" Douglas asked.
"I've had someone keeping tabs on you. S-1!" Krane yelled towards the door.
We all turned around and my eyes widened when the same girl that filmed me, Adam, Bree and Chase walked in while wearing all black and had her hair in a ponytail.
"Wait, so that wasn't you in the cloak. There really is a girl?" Leo asked.
The girl that apparently goes by the name S-1 smirked and walked towards us.
"Sure is. Ever been beaten up by one?" S-1 asked.
This made me snort and cross my arms.
"Yes, yes he has" I smirked.
Leo glared at me before looking back at S-1.
"Do I need to answer that question?" Leo asked, making her roll her eyes at him before moving away as Krane stepped up.
"S-1's no mere girl. She's a genetically engineered super soldier" Krane said.
"She's bionic, too?" Douglas asked in shock.
"You should be proud. Your technology has come in very handy. I've also upgraded your triton app so that I can control her abilities directly from my brain" Krane explained.
We all looked over at S-1 to see her smirking at us and then her eyes flashed green for a few seconds before going back to normal.
"Wait, if she's a bionic human, how come she doesn't have a heat signature?" I asked while looking at Douglas.
"It's one of her many abilities. She can manipulate her body temperature to adapt to her surroundings" Krane explained.
"Where is this going, Krane? What's your plan?" Douglas asked.
This just made him smile evilly while laughing.
"The world will find out soon enough, but you won't" Krane said.
Then he held out his hand and soon some electricity came out of it but before he could shoot it at us Principal Perry quickly pulled the fire alarm.
"Ha! The fire department will be here any minute!" Principal Perry yelled as Douglas smirked while laughing.
But Krane didn't seem too bothered by the idea as he smirked.
"Good, then they can clean up the mess" Krane said before the same electricity appeared in his hands again.
Then he shot it at Principal Perry and Douglas who both fell to the ground and were knocked unconscious.
My eyes widened in fear along with Leo.
"No!" me and Leo yelled.
"Can I take care of the kids?" S-1 asked.
"Of course, but just the boy, leave the girl to me" Krane said.
"Run Leo, go!" I yelled at him.
Leo was quick to run away but before he could even get out of the school S-1 stopped him with some sort of force field.
"Let me go!" Leo yelled as he struggled to get free.
"Bitch! Let him go!" I yelled at I tried lunging towards her but Krane grabbed onto my arm, stopping me.
S-1 then looked up at the beam from above Leo and used her bionics to make it crack.
My eyes widened when the beam finally broke and then fell on top of Leo.
"No! Leo!" I yelled in fear as the beam literally crushed Leo.
I growled in anger as I geo-leaped out of Krane's arms and in front of S-1.
Before she could land a hit on me I punched her square in the face.
She stumbled back a bit and soon I tackled her to the ground.
I had her pinned to the ground and started punching the living daylights out of her, leaving some bruises and a bleeding lip.
But did I care?
Hell no!
She growled at me and tried aiming a punch but I grabbed onto her fist, turned it around and made her punch herself.
"Why you punching yourself, huh bitch?" I asked while smirking.
Slightly satisifed with what I've done I got off of her and turned to Krane.
To say that he was shocked was an understatement.
"Bravo Luna, I must say that I'm impressed" Krane smirked while slightly clapping.
"Don't talk asshole because you're next" I growled while glaring at him.
I then geo-leaped in front of him and punched him square in the nose, causing him to stumble back.
He held onto his now bleeding nose and picked his head up to glare at me.
"I'll admit, you're good" Krane said.
Then to my shock he superspeeded in front of me and grabbed onto my neck.
"But not good enough" Krane growled as he started choking me.
My eyes widened as I tried getting free but his grip was much stronger.
He then kneed me in the stomach and lifted me up in the air.
"I could kill you right here" Krane said while choking me tighter.
"But I still need you alive for reasons that you'll find out soon" Krane smirked.
I was starting to lose my breath and still struggled to get free no matter what I did.
"Go...go to hell" I manage to say while being choked.
He growled at me before turning around and threw me into the air.
My back slammed into the lockers really hard I fell to the ground.
I gasped to try and catch my breath while coughing really hard.
My vision was starting to get blurry and my head was killing me.
The only thing I could see was Krane helping S-1 to her feet before leaving the school.
I tried my best to get up so I could follow them, but I couldn't since my body was weak and I could barely keep my eyes open.
I slowly started closing my eyes and once they were fully close darkness came over me as I lost consciousness.
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